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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. While I won't say no to making Survival skills remove conditions inherently, I would point out that core Ranger has access to condition removal without Wilderness Knowledge.


    Healing Spring (Heal Skill) removes up to five conditions on the ranger and allies while standing in it.


    Evasive Purity (Nature Magic Master trait) removes a damaging and non-damaging condition when the ranger dodges, with an ICD on ten seconds.

  2. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

    > > > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

    > > >

    > > > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.

    > >

    > > A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.


    > Its true, hamner guard has very begginer friendly playstyle and brovides safer clears compared to speed once + it can teach you stuff like cc.


    > It is similar to herald. They work great for begginer parties and generaly lower tier fractals because tgey bring cc, protection and ither boons your party may lack but once you get to higher fractals, party members tend to kniw what to fo and your ultility will not be relevant.


    > Xou.can zhen swap to condi renegade/ power dragonhunter but you would have to learn from begining



    ...The OP was asking for a support build for lower tier Fractals.


    I also fail to see how a Berserker's Hammer Guardian is irrelevant in higher tier Fractals, but ok. Whatever you say.


    Edit: I truely must ask, though: Do you abide by the Dictate of Erebos while making Grave Pacts?

  3. > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

    > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).


    > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.


    A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.

    > >

    > > Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.


    > In lower level fractals I have never seen anyone care about gear or builds since they were implemented and I only do t1/t2


    I've seen it in upper T2 several times, but I haven't PUGed Fractals in a long time. My memory probably chased after a Dodo bird.

  5. Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.


    Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.

  6. If you're focusing on one condition, such as bleeding or poison, and using the relevant runes, such as Krait or Thorns, I would actually recommend running a majority of Sinister gear.


    For those who don't know, it's Condition Damage/Precision/Power set from the LS2 map Silverwastes. The ascended trinkets do require one to complete all the story achievements, but the weapons and armor recipes are fairly easy to get.

  7. > @Nemesis.7896 said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > > > Actually, this game is more melee wars because the ranged weapons always get screwed with the reflects/blocks players and mobs have. Not to mention the damage ranged weapons do is pitiful. Hell, even the rifle for Deadeye which was promised to do a lot of damage does jack kitten in PvE when it's supposed to do 33k on the golem. If someone even mentions nerfing some melee weapons, it's like the end of the world.

    > >

    > > One of the reasons I would welcome a Ranged Wars 2. Range weapons gets the short end of the stick so many times.

    > > And in this expansion how many ranged weapons did we get? Just 2 if I recall. Renegade's bow and Deadeye's rifle.

    > > Mirage got "some" range but it's pretty much mostly melee. And everything else is flat out melee. We even got multiple classes that got the same melee weapon in the expansion...

    > >

    > > Guardian/Mesmer: Axe (pretty much melee)

    > > Warior/Ranger: Dagger (flat out melee)

    > > Engineer/Elementalist: Sword (flat out melee again)

    > > Couldn't give someone a pistol or longbow or anything, Arenanet?

    > >

    > >


    > -Rangers dont use daggers, they still use longbows.

    > -Guardians heals and buff, bad example.

    > -Engineer are ranged. Cut the crap.

    > -Elementalists still use staff, exept when they teleport aoe one shot a team with off hand daggers.

    > -Mesmer are still ranged. They use melee weapons that attack with range.

    > -Warriors got nerfed to death because the ranged cried they could not cc/kite/easy kill them like they were used to.


    This made me laugh. It really did.

  8. As a thought exercise while at work, I was thinking of ways to both buff power Necromancer and increase it's viability in organized high-level content. As such, I came up with this idea for a Necromancer version of Phalanx Strength. In addition to the ability to stack Might, I'm also including an increase to Vampiric Aura to give Necromancers a better unique DPS/Sustain group buff.


    Vampiric Strength

    Grant Might to nearby allies whenever you siphon health. Increase the effectiveness of Vampiric Aura per stack of Might.

    On Siphon: Might (6s)

    Radius: 600

    Effectiveness per Stack: +10% Damage and Healing


    If this were to be implemented, which Grandmaster Trait would you prefer to replace with it?

  9. > @Ouija.1684 said:

    > I’m just a casual, part-time player who pretty much sticks to solo PvE content. I’ve decided to use my level 80 boost on my ranger. I don’t have access to ascended or crafted gear at the moment. What I really need help with is:


    > * Build suggestion with specific trait lines for basic ranger (no hero points yet)

    > * Build suggestion with specific trait lines for druid and soulbeast — also, which one is better for solo PvE?

    > * Gear & runes

    > * Weapons & sigils

    > * Best skills for solo PvE survivability


    > Thanks in advance for any and all information. It's much appreciated.


    I recommend you sit down and look through all of the traits and skills, and read what each of them do. Having the wiki up while doing this would also be helpful, as that can explain traits and skills in greater detail. I also recommend you spend time doing map completion, switching up your build every so often. Try different combinations of weapons, skills, and traits.


    Until you find your preferred setup, I would recommend Celestial gear with Traveler's runes. You get a little bit of everything, with a very nice speed boost.

  10. Reading through this thread, I come to the impression at the core of this topic is a matter of privacy. That it is about a fundamental difference in what people consider to be private.




    Why is this data considered private? Why is it considered public? Where is that line drawn?


    Also, I would appreciate it if someone, preferably it's creator, would give a technical explanation as to how ARCdps measures others' DPS.


    Edit: I believe more choices are never a bad thing. So I ask: What would be the detriment to having an additional LFG filter for DPS meters?


    I think it would require an official DPS meter be added into the game. I believe that DPS meter to likely be more accurate and more stable than a third-party tool.

  11. I'm a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.


    I understand their value, and I appreciate the information they can provide. I like knowing that I'm capable of a certain level of effectiveness, or if that's not true, that I can do better with some changes. I also understand their ability to warp perception. DPS meters seem to increase the level of toxicity of this 'Burn! Burn! Burn!' mentality, where only specific builds doing a specific amount of damage are considered to be even playable.


    What does it matter if two players are doing 40,000 dps, two are doing 30,000 dps, and one is doing 20,000 dps on a boss when 10,000 or 15,000 dps across all five would clear it in a reasonable time?


    Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a correct answer, or that some outliers on both sides of the argument can even understand the opposing viewpoint. As such, I'll simply repeat my opinion.


    I am a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

  12. > @Terimac.5871 said:



    > > @Lome.8239 said:


    > >

    > > It does with Vicious Quarry my friend, especially with Nature Magic.

    > >

    > > Longbow is too reliant on Quick Draw, which is not as good for Power as it used to be. As Aomine said it doesnt provide the Fury uptime when soloing and it is only competitive at max range, which is too far away for Spotter in groups.


    > Would axe still be better than LB if you dont use vicious Quarry but honed axes insteed? I use Beastmastery/wilderness survival/soulbeast




    I imagine Axe would be best combining Vicious Quarry and Honed Axes. On it's own, however, I don't believe Vicious Quarry is worth losing Hunter's Gaze, Steady Focus, and either Lead the Wind or Predator's Onslaught.

  13. > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > I view weapons in open world as conveniences, and lb is very convenient. It let's you tag things that would have died before you got there, it speeds up deaths as you approach melee (talking ex pacs where it doesn't just instagib things like in core), and it gives you a safe option to do just about anything.


    > We're lucky that every weapon we have is good enough to be nearly optimal, ignoring power versus condi.


    It also makes a satisfying 'thunk' or 'squish' on impact, no? ;) Besides, I don't believe Axe/Warhorn has access to a disable effect. Which was the point of this thread, really.

  14. > @Bloodelfcragy.4028 said:

    > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > > @Bloodelfcragy.4028 said:

    > > > im not talking about a ranger with a gratesword im talking about and ranger with a longbow i need the marksmenship abilliy for the bow i need the Naturers magic for survivability and then the Soulbeast abillity is really underwelming. also i looked at the beastmoad abillity tree and +7 power, +7 Condition damage, +19 Ferocity isnt going to change squat never is 200 damage when im loseing atleat 500-700 damage from the pet

    > >

    > > As i mentioned, i can hit 5k+ auto attacks with long bow, Rapid Fire can down Zerk light armor classes from full health to downed, and Thieves as well. You dont need Marksmanship what so ever for a good bow. I can hit like a truck with it and i dont use that at all.

    > >

    > > which soulbeast ability are you talking about? what pets do you run? these kinda things we would need to know so we can actually help you. Post your build with gear, pets, utilities and everything and maybe we can help.


    > i use almost all ascended gear except legs and boots they are +precision +power +ferocity i run the superior runes of the ranger also i use air and accuracy sigils

    > Specilizations

    > Marksmanship 1-2-1-2-1-3

    > Natures magic 1-3-1-1-1-2

    > SoulBeast 1-1-1-1-1-1


    Which pets are you running while in Beastmode? What utility skills are you running?


    From your posts, it seems you're attempting to convert a Druid to Soulbeast. Soulbeast and Druid work differently, so simply switching one trait line out for a another won't work. Nor will Runes of the Ranger work while in Beastmode. My recommendation would be to change certain parts of your gear, and run Wilderness Survival rather than Nature Magic.


    With Wilderness Survival 1/2/2 and using Survival skills for utilities, you have very good survivability through evades and condition cleanse. Troll Unguent, in particular, is likely to be our best healing skill when traited and used properly. You will have good personal generation of Fury, which enables Soulbeast's +7% damage modifier. You'll gain Protection on dodge, and you'll regenerate health while under the effects of Protection. I would also run Live Fast, Predator's Cunning, and Oppressive Superiority in Soulbeast (Soulbeast 2/3/3), as that will increase your damage substantially and your survivability by a modest amount.


    As for gear, switch Runes of the Ranger for Runes of Rage. That will give a similar damage buff, and increase the duration of the Fury you generate. That Fury will give you ~90% Critical Chance without the runes and Sigil of Accuracy. I would replace the Sigil of Accuracy with a Sigil of Force.


    Here's a link to the build I'm suggesting: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQFATjEqQLLWyCWsAVLWyDsmaww7IsEAKArt8379t/Oi0A-jxRBQBA4BAMSlgkR5Xh0BUk9HewFAQUq/AA-e

  15. > @Bloodelfcragy.4028 said:

    > > @Shinzan.2908 said:

    > > Merging with your pet gives you a stat boost depending on the pet, get a ferocious one (smokescale's been doing good for me) and you'll get your damage boost. And with the beastmastery line you get a permanent move speed increase while merged too.


    > without the Natures magic abillity i would die too fast to be viable and without the markmenship abillity i would be awfull at useing a longbow


    Beastmastery has a regeneration trait that applies to you while in Beastmode, and you do get minor buffs to toughness and vitality. I don't know what build and gear you're running, so I can't say if that would be enough.


    For increased movement speed, there's also Signet of the Hunt. The relevant trait is a Master in Marksmanship if you want to try a signet-based build.

  16. Lately, I've been having fun in open world PvE on A Longbow Soulbeast. With MS/BM/SB, I've been able to hit 20k Rapid Fires, thanks in small part to the trait Twice as Vicious.


    With that in mind, I must apologize to those I annoy... But I can not be stopped! :p


    As a point of discussion for the Rangers: Would you prefer a knockdown vs the current knockback?

  17. Soulbeast is awesome. /thread


    Seriously, though, Soulbeast is actually pretty good. I prefer open world PvE, and I don't min-max, but I don't believe it's terrible.


    Pet selection is variable enough, yet simple enough to keep balancing reasonable. The buff and F3 skills are nice, and the traits you gain while in Beastmode are powerful. That said, I wish some traits like Loud Whistle worked in Beastmode.


    As for it being underwhelming, that's subjective. I find some specs, such as Deadeye, to be underwhelming; and some, like Weaver, to be overly complicated.


    On to your specific comparison: Holo Leap vs Worldly Impact. Worldly Impact actually does more damage, with a skill coefficient of 2.21 vs Holo Leap's 1.8. Worldly Impact hits 5 targets in a 240u radius, where as Holo Leap hits 3 in a 130u radius. Holo Leap also generates heat, which if it overheats, will deal upwards of 25% total HP to the Holosmith.


    Also, comparing just Worldly Impact to the entirety of Photo Forge is disingenuous. A better comparison would be Beastmode as a whole, and we get far more than just one skill.

  18. > @tnhalbertsma.7682 said:

    > > @juno.1840 said:

    > > The lightning auto could use some serious love. If it becomes single-target then it's not really much different than the current earth auto-attack, unless the damage is significantly higher.

    > >

    > > If it's kept as multi-target then it would be nice if it could hit all the targets simultaneously, or at least faster than the current, slow moving lightning bolt.


    > How about ... Shooting a Lightning Bolt, instantly damaging the targets? Better than a projectile thingy moving at a snail's pace. Probably easier to balance too if there's no travel time, only cast time.


    Let's make it even more unique! You call down a lightning bolt, instead of shooting one. It does a reasonable amount of damage, maybe 0.8, and does even more damage if the target is near other foes, say an additional 0.4. The other foes take minor damage, 0.3 to a maximum of 2 targets.


    Chain Lightning is reborn! Mu-hahahahaha! *Cough*

  19. > @"Ace Woodlink.1863" said:

    > I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you want to "stay alive and do damage", Weaver may not be the class for you. Either you're running a glass cannon build to do amazing damage, or you're running a bunker build that...well...doesn't deal great damage.


    > On a related note, if anyone's managed to create a bunker or bunker-lite build on Weaver that can dish out decent damage while using a sword, please let me know. I _really_ don't want to abandon this class.


    I don't know about bunker or bunker-lite, but I have a Sword+Scepter/Dagger build running Air/Water/Weaver that works pretty well. You use Air and Earth to apply CCs which trigger Lightning Rod, and Sword Water #2 has a water field you can blast for healing.

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