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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > The game is in a very stale state. Expansion or not, they better announce big things.

    > >

    > > What do you consider a stale state?


    > Not playing except when there's a new story episode every 3-4 months?


    By that definition, it is only a stale state for him.


    That is a personal opinion, yet it seems as if he's trying to pass it off as fact. I disagree with that.


    As to the original topic, I doubt ANet will announce another expansion after only four LW episodes.

  2. > @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

    > > @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

    > > If there were "high elves" already in existence as a non-playable race, then I would say yes, but because they would literally be foreign to this game, I say no. If the developers were to entertain the idea of adding another playable race, it would most likely be:

    > > 1. Tengu

    > > 2. Jotun

    > > 3. Hylek

    > > 4. Hirathi (Centaur archtype)

    > >

    > > At least that would be the order in which I would try to make another race.

    > >


    > What is the point to release new expansion and patches if they're not anything new? and only stick with old stuff? you might as well play some offline RPG that never gets any update..


    Expansions and LW Episodes do contain new content. New stories, new places, new weapons and armor, new elite specializations, and even new mechanics. To say otherwise simply degrades your own position when trying to convince others.


    No one has yet explained why ANet **_must_** release new races, only why they **_want_** ANet to.

  3. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > > i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

    > > > > * ppl who want to stick with what we know

    > > > > * ppl who want to explore beyond what we know

    > > > > * ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

    > > > >

    > > > > the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.

    > > > > now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.

    > > > > having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

    > > > >

    > > > > another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.

    > > > > this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.

    > > > > you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.

    > > > > looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

    > > >

    > > > I hope they don't introduce a new dwarf faction just so anet can make dwarves playable and be like "only shiverpeak dwarves are extinct but these ones aren't"

    > >

    > > what, like the humans are extinct except for the krytan ones, the ones with barely any army at all while ascalon had a grand army much bigger then today's seraph 3 times over.

    > > yeah, makes sense......


    > Ascalon didn't have any Muursat defending them, Kryta did. It's hard to kill an enemy you can't see.


    On another note, humans aren't extinct, or even driven back to a single kingdom (Kryta). The (likely almost entirely human) continent of Canthan and Kaineng City still exist; the Free City of Amnoon and the Domains of Istan, Vabbi, and Kourna; the fortress of Ebonhawke; and of course the multiracial city of Lion's Arch.


    While not yet extinct, Dwarves rendered themselves incapable of reproducing as a species, unless sizable numbers of Stone Summit still existed after the Great Rite was performed.

  4. > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > While I understand, and agree more options is never a bad thing, I don't believe Tyrian lore supports Druids being offensive magic users.

    > >

    > > Mechanically, it would better as a separate e-spec, as that would allow access to offensive weapon skills. As of LS4E2, ANet has a NPC equivalent they can easily draw on in the form of the Olmakhan.


    > That's a great point and I am going to change my opinion and agree with you now. Maybe in the next expansion another Elite spec will come that makes a Ranger into a DPS caster class with scepter/focus or something. a "Warden" or something like that.


    Suggestion: Spiritcaller


    Uses a scepter and minion skills to summon elemental spirits for a short duration. The spirits deal good damage and have an effect on command/death.


    However, how would it interact with the pet mechanic? Hmm...

  5. While I understand, and agree more options is never a bad thing, I don't believe Tyrian lore supports Druids being offensive magic users.


    Mechanically, it would better as a separate e-spec, as that would allow access to offensive weapon skills. As of LS4E2, ANet has a NPC equivalent they can easily draw on in the form of the Olmakhan.

  6. Thank you, ArenaNet, for the wonderful balance your developers have achieved. Going forward, I hope you continue to balance the game as you have.


    Right. Hyperbole aside, _game balance is not broken._


    While I disagree with the position that they don't balance with regard to performance, I will put forth that performance is not the primary factor, at least within PvE. As long as classes are capable of performing well enough relative to the content, they are balanced appropriately. Anything beyond that, anything to do with 'META', is solely the province of players.


    As for all classes performing exactly as well as the others, regardless of the players using them: I want what yer smoken'.

  7. If one is to believe the individual profession forums, even a 1% nerf to a single skill's numerics renders that given profession completely unplayable. If one is to believe the forum in general, these nerfs are done solely to marginalize any given profession simply so players are required to purchase some upcoming, fictional 10th profession simply to enjoy the game...


    If this is the case, why are people continuing to support such a fetid, evil company out to service only their own greed?


    Hyperbole is, on occasion, useful and entertaining. Hyperbole used to the extent commonly seen on these forums is a disservice to both the poster and the reader, and ultimately lessens any argument made.


    Just sayin' it, ya'll.

  8. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

    > > >

    > > > Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:

    > >

    > > The Mesmers are the ever-changing situation, though!


    > Not the one shot ones, same fight every time.


    That sounds... Utterly boring.

  9. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

    > > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

    > >

    > > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol


    > Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.


    > What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:


    > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.


    > What it is now:


    > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.


    > It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


    So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

  10. > @"Crossaber.8934" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > Even though I would love to have MH Sword as a power option for a S/D Spellbreaker build in PvE, I think it should be partially reworked to favor condition-based builds more.

    > >

    > > On another note, could someone kindly explain how Flurry is useful in either sPvP/WvW or in PvE? I tried. Truly I did, but it just gave me a headache.


    > Flurry immobilize is deadly if you managed to root somebody when your team push.


    Would that be an edge case? Hmm. _*Plots his crusade to make Flurry better.*_


    In your opinions, would shortening the duration of Flurry, and there by the root duration, be best? Instead, maybe just removing the root entirely , like Flaming Flurry?

  11. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > >

    > > > A 6 sec cooldown synergies with fast hands because fast hands reduces weapon swapping to 5 seconds. All the warrior weapon mastery traits are focused on a 20% cooldown reduction. Spellbreaker is the only trait that DOES NOT have a 20% cooldown reduction on the respective weapon because a 6 second cooldown on aura slicer implies a mastery on dagger.

    > > >

    > > > Right now, aura slicer is 8 sec cooldown and there is no way to synergise with Fast hands. For that reason, I said that anet needs to:

    > > > 1.- Revert the Aura slicer cooldown to 6 sec

    > > > OR

    > > > 2.- Make Sun and Moon Style the mastery trait for dagger that gives a 20% cooldown reduction on daggers.

    > >

    > > While I would not say no to being able to reduce Wastrel's Ruin's and Bladestorm's CDs by 20%, I see no compelling reason why ANet must implement either of your suggestions.

    > >

    > > Hmm... I seem to be falling into the trap of thinking 'Why?' instead of 'Why not?' Bah, humbug.

    > >

    > > Let me rephrase the question: Is the problem that the Dagger trait doesn't have a 20% CD reduction, or that **Aura Slicer** itself was given a 2s CD increase? If it's the latter, why is that a problem?


    > how many times do I have to repeat myself?

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands

    > 8 sec does not synergise with fast hands


    > Do you get it now or do you want me to repeat it again?



    Repeat it all you want. All that does is make me less willing to listen to your argument.


    Yes, I understand. In your opinion, Aura Slicer no longer synergizes with Fast Hands. **_You still haven't explained why that is a problem._** As far as I can see, it is not a problem, therefore it requires no solution; and rabidly demanding an entity with with little direct obligation to you do exactly as you state is, as such, ineffective. Presenting your case in a logical manner, both concise and respectful, is more likely to gather positive feeback and garner ANet's attention.


    However, since this seems to be degenerating past my point to no longer care, I will simply say: Good day.

  12. > @"Hitman.5829" said:


    > A 6 sec cooldown synergies with fast hands because fast hands reduces weapon swapping to 5 seconds. All the warrior weapon mastery traits are focused on a 20% cooldown reduction. Spellbreaker is the only trait that DOES NOT have a 20% cooldown reduction on the respective weapon because a 6 second cooldown on aura slicer implies a mastery on dagger.


    > Right now, aura slicer is 8 sec cooldown and there is no way to synergise with Fast hands. For that reason, I said that anet needs to:

    > 1.- Revert the Aura slicer cooldown to 6 sec

    > OR

    > 2.- Make Sun and Moon Style the mastery trait for dagger that gives a 20% cooldown reduction on daggers.


    While I would not say no to being able to reduce Wastrel's Ruin's and Bladestorm's CDs by 20%, I see no compelling reason why ANet must implement either of your suggestions.


    Hmm... I seem to be falling into the trap of thinking 'Why?' instead of 'Why not?' Bah, humbug.


    Let me rephrase the question: Is the problem that the Dagger trait doesn't have a 20% CD reduction, or that **Aura Slicer** itself was given a 2s CD increase? If it's the latter, why is that a problem?

  13. Even though I would love to have MH Sword as a power option for a S/D Spellbreaker build in PvE, I think it should be partially reworked to favor condition-based builds more.


    On another note, could someone kindly explain how Flurry is useful in either sPvP/WvW or in PvE? I tried. Truly I did, but it just gave me a headache.

  14. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

    > > What a kitten topic...

    > >

    > > There are tons of skills that have 8 sec or higher cooldowns (on skill #2 and #3)

    > > So all those skills should be lowered because of Fast hands?

    > >

    > >

    > > lol

    > >

    > > Edit: ow and btw.. even with 8 sec you can still use it every swap...

    > > (10sec for swapping back to dagger so yeah, this topic is stupid)

    > >


    > You are a noob that has no idea how a warrior should be played. You don't even know what synergy with fast hands is.

    > What's the point of fast hands smart boy?


    I would suggest adopting less hostile tones when trying to argue your cases, as that's more likely to convert others to one's opinion. Also, it's less likely to be infracted.


    On topic, why does Aura Slicer **need** to have a 6s CD, and how does an 8s CD not synergize with Fast Hands where a 6s CD does?

  15. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal.

    > People know me.

    > I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my guild hall smells of rich mahogany.


    Are you considered a god walking among mere mortals when you go shopping?

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