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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. As a fan of Lightning Rod, I wouldn't mind Staff Air auto to have a disabling effect. ;)


    In seriousness, though, I feel the different attunements on Staff should be situational. Fire is good for AoE damage and burning, Air is good for single target damage and control, Earth is good for conditions and group defenses, and Water just makes everyone unkillable... Or just good at healing.


    Unfortunately, that would probably require more than just retooling the autoattacks. I do agree that Air, Earth, and Water need better autoattacks.

  2. > @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > I don't know if making both aspects of Remorseless baseline would be balanced, but folding the +25% damage into the Grandmaster minor would be wonderful. That way, Remorseless could then be used to generate fury. This would also work well with the Skirmishing Grandmaster Vicious Quarry.

    > >

    > > Example: Remorseless

    > > Regain Opening Strike whenever you gain fury. You have a chance to gain fury on hit.

    > > Chance on Hit: 33%

    > > Fury (3s): 20% Critical Chance

    > > Internal Cooldown: 10s


    > Eh, I don't know about that. It's a mix of half of Remorseless and half of Two-Handed Training as one GM trait. Plus, I'm not a fan of RNG or ICDs. They have their place, but when there's a trait that amplifies the damage of Opening Strike and the entire class has bursts that can be counted on one hand, it's best not to leave the fury gain to RNG - only to have it wasted on an auto attack or otherwise.


    I don't mind the RNG, and ICDs have their place in balance; but I see your point.


    Maybe if we add 'Attacks of Opportunity grant 4 seconds of fury' or 'Disabling a foe for grants 2 seconds of fury'?' To be honest, I mostly see Opening Strike and Remorseless as traits designed for Greatsword, with it's single hit skills.

  3. > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > Running Beastmastery and a Deadly pet, Beastmode gives +280 Power, +80 Precision, +250 Ferocity, +10% Damage ^ 90% HP, and either +5% Damage or +250 Ferocity. You also have a somewhat-limited ability to stack Might, and a Regeneration effect.


    > Curious, how do you get all of that? Dont you mean Ferocious as the deadly one gives Condition damage? Now, lets take out all the other traits from other lines. So you lose the regeneration effect right away, you also then get even less stats from merging. Losing the damage modifiers as well. In my opinion, You shouldnt be NEEDING to take over trait lines to make Beastmode passable and thats all it is, even with the taken traits. Others get traits that improve theirs sure, but theirs would still be useful and good without taking specific traits. Like Deadeye would still be doing insane damage, Spellbreakers and Firebrands would still be very strong. Beastmode however goes from useless to passable.


    Ah, yes. Ferocious, not Deadly. However, every modifier and stat bonus I listed is from Beastmastery. Some are mutually exclusive, so I will clarify.


    Pet Buff:

    *Ferocious:* +200 Power, +100 Ferocity


    *Pack Alpha:* +80 Power, +80 Precision, +80 Toughness, +80 Vitality

    *Potent Ally:* Gain Might on critical hits.


    *Loud Whistle:* Deal +10% Damage while health is above 90%.

    *Two-handed Training:*:+5% Damage with Greatsword --or-- *Natural Healing:* Gain Health every 3 seconds.


    *Pet's Prowess:* +150 Ferocity, +25% Movement Speed

    *Honed Axes:* +250 Ferocity with main- or off-hand Axe.


    > @Skuzz.6580 said:


    > - Loud Whistle does not affect the player while in beastmode



    Edit: After testing, I can confirm Loud Whistle doesn't work.


    > @Skuzz.6580 said:

    > - Actually the only thing Beastmaster gives is +80 all stats when merged, +30% movement speed (which is trivial since you have mounts) and a small heal every 3 seconds. The +250 ferocity from Honed Axe's is rarely active because most builds don't even use axes.

    > - Both Marksmanship and Skirmishing will give more overall damage than Beastmastery.



    I don't set the meta builds, but I personally use Sword/Axe for my melee set. Given the fact that Greatsword or Sword/Axe are the available power weapons, in PvE at least, I argue Axes are used more than just 'rarely.' I also run the damage modifiers in Marksmanship with 80% Critical Chance (60% Base + Fury)


    **On Topic!**


    I will not say 'no' to ANet buffing Beastmode or Soulbeast traits, and fixing bugged skills so they work properly is always a good thing. ArmageddonAsh's suggestions do look interesting to me. However, I think a small refinement of buffs gained from the specific pets and an adjustment of skill coefficients is more than enough for power builds. Say, an additional +40/+20 to stats and an increase of 0.1/0.2 to Power modifiers. Condition builds are perfectly fine.


    My point is that Soulbeast and Beastmode have the potential to give us quite a lot. Realistically, you have to look at the whole picture when changing something like Beastmode. That is why I listed what you're capable of getting from Beastmastery.

  4. Full Berserker's for Power Druid works in Fractals, as far as I know. Raids will most likely be harder to get into.


    Healing Druids are always welcome. Having a second set for healing would only be beneficial, especially if you enjoy that playstyle.

  5. > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > I'm still camping beastmode, anyways. 'Cause BEASTMASTERY, YEAH!


    > and losing out on like 30% of potential damage. The pathetic stat buff you get and few decent Soul Beast skills dont make up for that. Beastmode without a doubt needs some love and attention.




    30% of potential damage from what, the pet? The pet hasn't been 30% of a Ranger's damage in a long time. This is, of course, assuming the Ranger is attempting to maximise her damage. In which case, I would argue the stat buffs actually help more than the pet.


    Running Beastmastery and a Deadly pet, Beastmode gives +280 Power, +80 Precision, +250 Ferocity, +10% Damage ^ 90% HP, and either +5% Damage or +250 Ferocity. You also have a somewhat-limited ability to stack Might, and a Regeneration effect.


    Obviously, in PvE, buffs are only ever a good thing, but I don't believe camping Beastmode to be worse than having the pet out.

  6. > @Durzlla.6295 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > > > SB is so underwhelming as an elite spec, I don't expect them to go through gigantic design iterations and nerfs like with druid. I haven't seen a **single** complaint in or out of game about SB being too good at anything other than the rock gazelle. I think it exists solely to give people who wanted a petless ranger something to do.

    > >

    > > I don't know about it being too good, but I really do like it. It provides good damage bonuses and survivability, even when I don't use beastmode. My only complaint is the lack of a Adept trait for those who don't want to use beastmode, and a Master trait for power damage.


    > A SB not using beast mode is like a Druid not using the avatar state, it's something that's so core to the spec that you should just consider using it


    It's not really the be-all end-all, though. There are plenty of times and situations where having the pet would be more beneficial than having the additional stats, especially with our crappy power coefficients.


    Yes, one could simply play core Ranger, then; but the Soulbeast traits are very good, for the most part.


    I'm still camping beastmode, anyways. 'Cause BEASTMASTERY, YEAH!

  7. > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > SB is so underwhelming as an elite spec, I don't expect them to go through gigantic design iterations and nerfs like with druid. I haven't seen a **single** complaint in or out of game about SB being too good at anything other than the rock gazelle. I think it exists solely to give people who wanted a petless ranger something to do.


    I don't know about it being too good, but I really do like it. It provides good damage bonuses and survivability, even when I don't use beastmode. My only complaint is the lack of a Adept trait for those who don't want to use beastmode, and a Master trait for power damage.

  8. I don't know if making both aspects of Remorseless baseline would be balanced, but folding the +25% damage into the Grandmaster minor would be wonderful. That way, Remorseless could then be used to generate fury. This would also work well with the Skirmishing Grandmaster Vicious Quarry.


    Example: Remorseless

    Regain Opening Strike whenever you gain fury. You have a chance to gain fury on hit.

    Chance on Hit: 33%

    Fury (3s): 20% Critical Chance

    Internal Cooldown: 10s

  9. > @Quarktastic.1027 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @Vacant.4159 said:

    > > > If you want to go d/d, you can. It's up to you. You just have to accept that it's going to take more effort on your part to find groups and put up acceptable dps.

    > > >

    > > > For an easier time finding groups and completing content without ever having to explain yourself, follow the meta.

    > >

    > > Because 24k DPS is unacceptable. Oh, the horrors of being casual!

    > >

    > > On topic: Off-hand dagger and torch deal remarkably similar DPS without the use of Quickdraw. Light on Your Feet is a good trait if you're running Shortbow, even if as a secondary weapon when melee is too dangerous.

    > >

    > > If you manage your evades and ranges well, Ranger's natural survivability more than makes up for the full glass Viper's gear.


    > The quicker you kill stuff the less chance it has to kill you.


    > That said, I've been playing power soulbeast, and the lack of AoE/sustain really hurts, especially in the desert. I've been thinking about switching to a viper/condi build, bit I dunno if it will make a huge impact on my survival. Maybe with that life siphoning poison trait.


    How were you building Power Soulbeast? I found WS/BM/SB to do pretty well at sustain if you use Wilderness Knowledge and Survival skills.


    As for sustain on a Viper's build; between the AA, Dagger #2, Dagger #4, and Viper's Nest, Predator's Cunning does wonders keeping me healthy.

  10. > @Vacant.4159 said:

    > If you want to go d/d, you can. It's up to you. You just have to accept that it's going to take more effort on your part to find groups and put up acceptable dps.


    > For an easier time finding groups and completing content without ever having to explain yourself, follow the meta.


    Because 24k DPS is unacceptable. Oh, the horrors of being casual!


    On topic: Off-hand dagger and torch deal remarkably similar DPS without the use of Quickdraw. Light on Your Feet is a good trait if you're running Shortbow, even if as a secondary weapon when melee is too dangerous.


    If you manage your evades and ranges well, Ranger's natural survivability more than makes up for the full glass Viper's gear.

  11. The new Branded Wings/Glider combo is different than the Holographic Shattered Dragon Wings. Many have had the latter for four years now, so I see no need for compensation.


    A better complaint would've been comparing the Holographic Shattered Dragon Wings with the Crystalline Dragon Wings/Glider combo.




  12. Can anyone tell me if the Beastmastery minor trait Loud Whistle works as described while in Beast mode? From what I've observed, I believe it does, but I would like second opinions.


    Also, could someone better than I test a Marksmanship/Beastmastery/Soulbeast build for DPS? ;) With all the damage modifiers, it seems like it would do very well.

  13. Sword/x on Weaver actually looks to do better with conditions or hybrid damage, and Staff Weaver is very, very good at power damage.


    I'm looking at a second build that uses Seraph's gear, mixing Fire/Earth for conditions and might stacking. Sword also gives you a water field with Water #2, which you can blast for AoE healing.


    The Fire, Earth, and Arcane trait lines are good for conditions, specifically burning and bleeding. Earth and Arcane can also provide good survivability, in my opinion.

  14. > @lLobo.7960 said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > 2: Skill Placement. While I fully understand it being an Air/Earth skill, the staff skills for those attunements don't help it, in my opinion.

    > >

    > Both attunements have CC skills (knockback, stun field, wall, immob) to help set up for the shot. Its actually quite nice as you can have a CC setup for it be in air/earth or earth/air.



    For perspective: I'm running a Lightning Rod PvE build, and my concern is with the #4 & #5 skills.


    Static Field and Unsteady Ground require the target to move through them, though. If they had an initial disable, or Gale was moved to #2 or #4, I could see it.


    Shockwave is a ground projectile, and seems to have pathing issues. I'm certain there's use for it, but combined with it's low damage and narrow AoE, I see no reason to use it.

  15. > @Razor.6392 said:

    > 3. Staff's Air + Earth (Pile Driver). Skill is a self root. No reason why it should be like this when Lightning Surge is identical except it allows you to move.


    I actually like the root on Pile Driver. Thematically, it fits, though the animation could be better. I do have some problems with the skill, though.


    1: Damage. It's a freaking railgun! Why does it deal less damage than skills like Fire Grab or Churning Earth?


    2: Skill Placement. While I fully understand it being an Air/Earth skill, the staff skills for those attunements don't help it, in my opinion.


  16. > @MrRay.3027 said:

    > You could use Marauder instead of zerker (at least for armor) if you don't care about min maxing. It will improve your sustain with not much loss in dps.


    I have enough survivability, though. Just trying to work out a better rotation for damage.

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