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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > > @"alchemist.6851" said:

    > > > there are guild gears! at least weapons

    > >

    > > * There are weapons with dangly cloth banners that can carry guild logos.

    > > * There are at least four back items that carry guild logos.

    > > * There are three guild-logo chest armour skins.


    > And, as the OP said repeatedly, they are all ugly beyond words.



    I'm all for more options, but 'ugly beyond words' is an opinion. I personally like the options we have now.

  2. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > Or you can just take something else. You don't have to run the set at all

    > > >

    > > > There is no alternative to the old 2 trapper 4 nightmare that doesn't come out as a loss (one the spec definitely did not need in PvE). This is not a useful response.

    > >

    > > Runes of the Afflicted works perfectly for my build.

    > >

    > > The loss of +5% poison duration is more than made up for by the new death nova effect.


    > That if you have couple of targets next to dead one, what about torment duration?


    I would have to look at the notes again for torment duration, but I will say my build doesn't have it. CondiSB, to be specific.


    I'm not able to look at my stats right now, but my memory says I'm gaining condition damage while still breaching +85% duration before buffs.

  3. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > Or you can just take something else. You don't have to run the set at all


    > There is no alternative to the old 2 trapper 4 nightmare that doesn't come out as a loss (one the spec definitely did not need in PvE). This is not a useful response.


    Runes of the Afflicted works perfectly for my build.


    The loss of +5% poison duration is more than made up for by the new death nova effect.

  4. > @"Ebonfire.8270" said:

    > The combination of Nightmare and Trapper have been a staple for condi classes, but Nightmare has been changed from general condi duration to Fear duration. Trapper has been improved, but still, the change to Nightmare, given the means to attain it, is kind of uncool.


    At least for my condition build, Runes of the Afflicted is a much better option now.

  5. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > I run ranger main and love my 2 rangers. I think the issue was the combination of LB 5 Barrage + Soulbeast elite One Wolf Pack extra damage for each strike synergizing too well and generating too much damage too quickly. I don’t know enough to be able to say the impact (if any) of piercing to that combination. It is unfortunate that core ranger takes the hit here because of an interaction with soulbeast. The same happened a while back to core engineer. I will admit this change pushed me away from using longbow. I run a soulbeast axe build I have come to love almost as much but recognize that isn’t an option for core ranger only players


    > One wolf pack only apply one extra hit of around 1k in crits every half a second to one target. It does not matter if your barrage hit 5 targets at once, OWP will onl be applied to one.


    > **Also i'd love if somebody could check it does actually apply the impact at least every half a second** as when i check the battle log i only see a couple of hits when i use RF , which has a channel of 2.5 seconds as such we should be able to see up to 10 hits from OWP .


    > The max amount of triggers i could find it's been like 2 or 3 in a RF full channel. It wouldn't be the first ranger skill which does nothing as advertised and never get fixed.



    Actually, Rapid Fire will only proc One Wolf Pack a maximum of 5 times, assuming no attack speed increase.


    Edit: Nevermind, ignore above. I thought the interval for OWP was still 1/2 second for some reason...

  6. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > Thf is underperforming due to its low hp in some game plays to where it only viable in highly novel game play. As well guardian only working when you do go all in def where it should be able to depent on its def alone to make up for its lack of hp but burst dmg is so high that no amount of dmg -% is letting them live though attks so they must build def.

    > >

    > > I don't know where you get this about Thief and Guardian needing to build for defense, because in reality they don't. They are both competitive compared to Necromancer and Warrior even though they have less health/armor, someone could argue that they are better. Neither Thief nor Guardian must build for defense to compete with the other builds I don't know what you are on about here. The only profession that must spec for defense to compete is the Elementalist.

    > >

    > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > A lot of ppl would say its broken because of the elite spec.

    > >

    > > Core Thief was nerfed with the Specialization update before the release of Heart of Thorns. That's because Acrobatics and Daredevil trait lines both focused on evasion, so they reduced the Acrobatics line to make Daredevil the new king of evasion.

    > >

    > > You are probably the only person on these forums that ever asked for Thieves to get more damage (!!!) and to get more health (!!!). It's the first time I've ever read about it in 6 years.


    > When it comes to real gw2 game play where you must deal with taking dmg and doing dmg real risk rewards pve realty not that way is where thf tends to underperform. You just cant pick like you use to there too much aoe every thing to deal with. In 1v1 thf still good but this game is not balnced for 1 v1 so.. novel.


    > Guardian needs to run full tank gear most of the time it just happens that the tank gear helps them support as well. Ele needs a way to react to the un-reactable when it comes to def OR enofe vit to not be one shot by any thing.


    > All core classes where nerf when they added in the specialization in the thing is the new spec. often over did effects due to low hp but did not get over done due to high hp. If the class was going into melee as a low hp class it got a lot of added effect to broken levels but if that class had high hp it did not loses dmg because of it from there new spec.




    I honestly have no idea where you get 'Guardian needs to run full tank gear' from. If anything, a Guardian has some of the most survivable DPS builds available when using straight Berserker's.


    To clarify, this is with respect to PvE. I do not play sPvP or WvW.

  7. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Scud.5067" said:

    > > > Interesting.

    > > >

    > > > Question: Do armour types actually do anything? For example, does heavy armour protect better than light?

    > >

    > > To a certain extent, yes. However, a light profession with two or three (?) pieces of Knight's armor gives enough toughness to equalize the defense rating between light and heavy.


    > But how much power and crit dmg do you give up for that? That the problem your asking the glass classes to give up dmg to stay alive but the tankly classes to give up nothing to do more dmg.


    > Hp is much more important then armor most of the time is there an vit version of knights that lets the low hp classes be on the high level of hp tanklyness? There too many combos missing to make the current system work. And most of them are missing because it makes the tankly dmg classes just that much more broken.


    > Its a real mess of balances and even worst as more it added in and the old is forgotten.


    I wasn't asking anyone to do anything. I merely answered the question.


    For your question: Yes. There are two vitality sets similar to Knight's gear, Marauder's and Cavalier's. Depending on your profession's ability to increase critical chance outside of precision bonuses, one may be better than the other.

  8. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

    > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > > > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

    > > > > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

    > > > >

    > > > > "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

    > > > > > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

    > > > > > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough

    > > >

    > > > And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.

    > > >

    > > > We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.

    > > >

    > > > It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.

    > >

    > > Remember when Guild Wars 2 was supposed to kill World of Warcraft? I do. I was playing Rift in-between guild runs of FoW and DoA...


    > In the same way I don't expect Ashes to kill Guild Wars 2, I didn't expect Guild Wars 2 to kill WoW. However I did expect it to provide a reasonable alternative to WoW, which it did for me. And obviously enough other people for it to be relatively successful.


    Agreed; and admittedly, my _very_ well-concealed point was: Every new game is going to kill off the successful older ones, irregardless of whether that's actually true or not.

  9. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

    > > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

    > > > >

    > > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

    > >

    > > "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

    > > > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

    > > > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

    > > >

    > >

    > > does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough


    > And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.


    > We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.


    > It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.


    Remember when Guild Wars 2 was supposed to kill World of Warcraft? I do. I was playing Rift in-between guild runs of FoW and DoA...

  10. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > I thought they were fairly disappointing. Someone said above "they're integrated into the story", but they're not really. They're just part of a collection, the way plenty other stuff is.

    > >

    > > Bit of a shame. They also have - again - way overdone glowie effects instead of looking like *actual* armor you could survive a fight with. I like GW2's art style, but mainly when it sticks to "simple" elements. Simple mail armor, simple swords, it brings along the high fantasy setting really well in those cases. Whenever the glowie gets too big, it just shows how inferior the engine is for that purpose compared to, say, FF14.


    > Dont the unupgraded armor come without the glowie effects?


    A bit less detail on the pieces, as well.

  11. > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > @"EpicName.4523" said:

    > > I wonder why everyone is out to get them.

    > It's the flashy effects.


    > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > > The medium one could be better, but it still stands out because **it is not trenchcoat-like**.

    > It is, it's just a relatively short one. To this day the Glorious Brigandine is the only piece of medium chestwear that's not "trenchcoat-like".


    Except it's not a trenchcoat, or even 'trenchcoat-like.'

  12. > @"Melanu.7425" said:

    > > @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

    > > For me personally, all class gets boring after a long period of time.

    > > The actual way to avoid it is to have multiple alts and more importantly, unlocking elite specialization which unlocks new traits and skills, and new build possibilities.

    > > If you really want to pick one, I would suggest elementalist. While having less weapon to choose from and can't weapon swap, you get 4 elements to play with.

    > > So instead of juggling through 10 skills(2 weapon set) and 5 utilities like most of the classes, you have 20 different skills and 5 utilities (which you can also pick conjure weapon for even more weapon skills).

    > > However it is the elite specs that actually change things up for every class.


    > Thats a good point, I'll give Elementalist a proper go


    A Weaver has 26 weapon skills to play with! ;)

  13. > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > > >There are no nerfs except the longbow trait. 10 less ferocity while using axes is so miniscule it's hardly worth talking about it,

    > > > 'There are no nerfs if you ignore and downplay these nerfs' Did you read what you wrote before you posted it?

    > >

    > > You can't be serious. 10 ferocity. You're complaining about about the equivalence of one stack from a sigil of cruelty. You realize "downplaying" implies 10 ferocity would've been noticeable, right?

    > >

    > > Is it more beneficial to have an extra 10 ferocity while wielding an axe, or an extra 120 ferocity when - let's say - you switch to your greatsword or longbow? In what world is this an **overall** nerf? The entire point of the patch was to make the traits less useless when not wielding the weapon. And you got that. At the cost of practicaly nothing, because you're not gonna notice 10 feroctiy slipping out of your hands when you're playing with your axes. Not even if you camp them.

    > >

    > > I'm not defending anything, I'm replying to kitten.

    > >

    > >


    > Yes, you downplaying that nerf and ignoring the other ones sure showed me that you aren't downplaying and ignoring nerfs.


    I'll be honest, even after rereading the patch notes, I only see the nerf to Lead the Wind.

  14. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > besides the shadowstepping, this sounds like something you could accomplish by taking blood magic (which already is a vampiric themed traitline) and curses as a necro.

    > > > >

    > > > > the theme makes no sense on thief, and no "they can shadowstep" doesn't mean it fits

    > > > >

    > > > > all by all i'm unconvinced

    > > >

    > > > There is a lot of precedent actually: Leeching Venoms explicitly creates lifesteal, and then you have a variety of effects that are basically "gain health when you harm others", such as Signet of Malice, Skelk Venom, Mug, and Invigorating Precision. It fits so well, in fact, that I'm not sure the proposal would be adding anything that doesn't already exist.

    > >

    > > from a purely mechanical standpoint it makes sense but from a thematic standpoint it doesn't. (i'm gonna use movie genres as a comparison) thief thematicly is more an action b movie or thriller while while necro is more a horror themed class. movies where vampires are the focus tend to be horror (or they're used as a monster) or at the very least have gothic aestetical elements associated with them.


    > I see where you're coming from there, but I'm not sure I entirely agree: you can have horror based around the lurking foe hiding in the shadows which is never where you think it is, but you know it's around and looking to catch you offguard. Thief fits for that.


    > Besides, mixing themes is one of the things that can be done with elite specialisations.


    > That said, though, 'vampire' probably should be more of a necromancer thing than a thief thing overall. Or possibly a revenant thing, if ArenaNet comes up with a legendary vampire to fuel it, although Shiro already comes close to that.


    Freddy Kruger is not a Necromancer. Just sayin'.

  15. By SB, I assume you mean Soulbeast and not Shortbow. =)


    I would recommend either Sword/Axe, Sword/Warhorn, or Greatsword over Dagger/Dagger if you're running a power build. Marksmanship (2/2/3) might also help more.


    Have you thought of using Beastmastery instead of Skirmishing? The buffs in that traitline affect you while you're in Beast Mode.

  16. Oh, praise Melandru! It's not another race threa- Wait. Kitten.


    On topic, I would love it if ANet expanded on the dwarves war against the destroyers, as well as exploring the Depths of Tyria. No playable dwarves, thank you.


    Edit: destroyers, not doors. Catnabbit spell check.

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