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Andy Pritch.2075

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  1. These are getting lost in more recent posts but it's still an issue so commenting on them to bring them back into visibility.
  2. These are getting lost in more recent posts but it's still an issue so commenting on them to bring them back into visibility.
  3. These are getting lost in more recent posts but it's still an issue so commenting on them to bring them back into visibility.
  4. There''s an earlier comment that states it might be account related as one of theirs is affected and another isn't.
  5. Still an issue as of 15/12 post wintersday patch. x15 attempts in home instance with Glyph of the scavenger on Choya harvesting tool, 0 bonus materials. Swapped glyph onto mining tool - x21 attempts , 7 bonus materials exactly in line with 33% chance. To validate above post also, glyph of forester does seem to work on harvesting tool though.
  6. Still an issue as of 15/12 post wintersday patch. x15 attempts in home instance with Glyph of the scavenger on Choya harvesting tool, 0 bonus materials. Swapped glyph onto mining tool - x21 attempts , 7 bonus materials exactly in line with 33% chance. To validate other posts, glyph of forester does work on harvesting tool though.
  7. I've done that also, prior to submitting a support ticket and posting on here. You don't get feedback/info on those either.
  8. I've also been sent here (forums) via a support ticket. Posted in another ticket also (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119673/bug-glyph-of-the-scavenger-not-working?) but I suspect these are related. First response in the support ticket was stating it was down to % odds, but I've done well over 50 harvests so far, since I've been monitoring more closely, and not a single instance of bonus yield. At 50 attempts this is a 0.00000020125% chance of it occurring I think? As soon as I swap the glyph to logging or mining - it works fine. Only seems to be occurring during harvesting. Various nodes used, both home instance and in the open world. Currently have the Choya harvesting tool equipped with the Glyph of the Scavenger.
  9. I've been asked to post here (forums) via a support ticket I've raised. Wasn't told anything other than I need to post here, no information regarding whether it was being investigated already etc. It was a bit disappointing for an official response to be directing people to a forum for developers to take note of, rather than raising an internal ticket. Is there even a point of submitting a bug report if this is the stance? First response was that it was just due to % chance, however I've done well over 50 harvests since then, which I've been taking note of across various nodes, both in the world and home instance and not a single bonus harvest. Definitely thing there is something wrong here. I think this may be related to the other thread too: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119478/volatile-magic-harvesting-sickle-not-working I'll be posting in that one also. Bonus yield from harvesting tools in general? For some accounts at least.
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