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Ok I Did It.2854

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Posts posted by Ok I Did It.2854

  1. SFR, all maps had 100+ Queues tonight, i got down to 28 and BAM server DC, had to queue again, took about 90 mins and when i get into the BL there are like 50 AFK players at spawn.


    EB tonight never went under 120 Q that i seen before i logged off.


    For the most part its going to be the Double XP week that will push queues up, when most ppl get the mount they wont come back.

  2. > • Herald of Sorrow: Equipping this trait turns Desert Shroud into Harbinger Shroud, which removes the pulsing effects of Desert Shroud and instead shifts into a single detonation after a 3-second delay. This trait deals damage, corruption, and conditions in one strike while providing barrier to allies within the vicinity.


    I can see why in WvW they would need to change scourge, but 3 seconds in WvW is a lifetime, you cast this and the enemy will have moved on long before that 3 seconds is up, esp with the AOE field that it puts down, (nothing says avoid me like a giant pulsing red circle on the ground) its so easy to avoid this skill, its far better to take shout reaper now over scourge, unless you can somehow ask the enemy to stand still for 3 seconds while the skill goes boom.

  3. • Herald of Sorrow: Equipping this trait turns Desert Shroud into Harbinger Shroud, which removes the pulsing effects of Desert Shroud and instead shifts into a single detonation after a 3-second delay. This trait deals damage, corruption, and conditions in one strike while providing barrier to allies within the vicinity."


    I understand why they want to change it, but 3 second delay, they do realize that 3 seconds in WvW is massive, you can die in 3 seconds in WvW, with enemies moving, that 3 seconds is a total waste of time, and they will have moved off the point by then, you also have that nice AOE marker on the ground, any group worth fighting wil just wait for that AOE field to detonate then move on to the fight, you would be better dropping scourge and running reaper again, sometimes they just go full ham on builds to please a few people crying about it.

  4. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

    > > I did not see that happening, so i guess Anet have decided that going forward we will be getting NO communication from them, giving that most of the info we got came from Gaile, at this point im not sure Anet have any idea what they are doing, i dont foresee us getting any information going forward, and this very well could be the beginning of the end for this game.

    > >

    > > Good Luck Gaile


    > Wrong, Gaile did not speak to us because she was such a nice person, she did because her managment told her to do so. there are PR departments for a reason. comunication will probaply be the same (lets put aside if that is positiv or negativ), but comming from another person(s).


    > sad to see someone prominent go though, even i have no personal feelings attached to her.


    I agree she was told to, as it was her job, but you didnt see any other dev showing up, the PR team for this game has been a disaster for years now, they have never got it right, and tended to do damage control after the bomb went off, point is, people know Gaile because she did communicate with us, we have been asking for years for better communication and this is what Anet decide to do instead, they are all over the place, having talked to a few friends that i game with, it is probably best not to invest any money in this game until Anet get on here and give us a clear road map of what they are planning, as right now it feels like tomorrow it will be a post stating we are closing the servers down, thanks.


    According to a post on reddit Anet let 100 devs go, so it would be nice for Mike O'Brien to come on here over the next few weeks and give us a road map of what will be happening, we needs comms from the very top on this.

  5. I honestly got to say with the list of devs that have been announced to be leaving over the last couple of days, i got to seriously ask if its worth while to continue investing in this game at all, ( gems etc ) as we have no idea what is happening going forward, they just got rid of the main point of communication to the forums etc, giving the general feeling around social media, Anet/GW2 is on a slippery slope at the moment, which is a shame.


    Anet need to massively up their game when it comes to communication with us, the wall of silence really cannot continue, i guessing that alot of things are going to be scrapped now ( future raids, JPs, Alliance system WvW, overhaul of sPvP )


    Good Luck to the devs who gave us a great game over the 14/15years

  6. Honestly if i was a new player looking for a game this would probably keep me away at the moment, even with all the stuff to do ingame, it doesnt help that we have very little communication, now in this instance Anet themselves may not actually know what is happening, which is fair enough, but look at the track record for silence we get, it really is time for Anet to start interacting with the people who play the game, and starting to work towards making it better than ever,


    We have game modes that are just in a dire state, WvW is just hanging by a thread to be honest, i know we had the mount announcement but it seems to be getting hate already and its not even ingame, that could be down to the fact WvW has been stale for along time, the current meta is just boring and ridiculous, there is no actual reward for winning, siege wars are still a thing, i could go on, but its all been pretty much listed,


    sPvP is a dead game mode, chances are if you have played it, you are seeing the same people in match up after match up, if you are unlucky enough to be stuck in the lower ranks ( think new player ) you see bots/ AFK pip farmers, it just ruins the game, not to mention the shockingly bad imbalance of classes ( think Mirage, i have never played a Mirage before and i set one up and was able to go destroy players with it and this should never happen )


    Hopefully whenever the situation at Anet clears up, they will start to hard focus on the key areas of the game that need attention, they have massive untapped potential in a few game modes that require fixing, they need to be honest with themselves, if they cant or dont want to fix these game modes its time to remove them from the game completely and focus on what you do want, they maybe should consider modes for raids, to allow players who arent as skilled or who arent as fast, to partake in them also.


    They need to find a way to allow Season 1 to be replayed, even if its in instances.


    Hopefully this will all blow over and we will continue to beable to play this great game.


    PS: fix the RNG loot boxes so people can see what there chances are.

  7. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > I want to get started in WvW but I don't have much time to devote to it ATM. As you well know, many of the activities in GW2 are on timers and I always try to do all the ones that I like....world bosses, treasure hunts in the Crystal Desert, etc.. That, plus the fact that I have to spend many hours farming mats each day, means that I have little time left over for other things. What are some good activities that I can do on my own that will help me to get exp toward my reward track? I need to be able to pop in, do the activity and pop back out again...throughout the day I usually have between 3-4 periods of 20 mins to one hour that I could do these activities. Thanks in advance, guy's!


    If you can only spend 20mins to an hour in WvW and want to play more solo, you should snipe dolyaks carrying supplies to enemy structures, and cap camps, it boggles my mind sometimes that people on chat will be shouting x is nearly T3 yet they wont decap the 2 camps feeding that structure, slowing down that upgrading of a tower/keep can be the difference in capping it, or fighting hours to try and cap it, as when something hits T3, and gets sieged up it becomes a pain,


    When im not on tag or me and a few guildies are playing, we usually spend time capping the camps and sniping the dolyaks to slow down enemy progression.


    I would recommend though if you can to follow a tag for the first few times so you can see maybe the best way to get around a map, and or to get the participation up to T6, this will allow you to gain max rewards per tick, once you get to T6 you can maintain it with sniping camps etc.

  8. If it wasn't for Gaile and Ben we wouldn't get any info on these forums at all, the stance they take with the no communication until x or y event, is hurting them more than anything, they want this to be the official forums, yet we tend to get more info from twitter/Reddit, even the twitch channel is where the WvW announcement was first brought up,


    These forums should be the first port of call for any info, or put it across all the platforms at the same time, there is a post on Reddit today about a players guild who have all quit the game because nothing is changing, people dont have anything to look forward too, i have friends who have quit this game and i cannot get them to come back no matter what i say/do,


    The PR department ( if they still have one ) really doesn't promote this game at all, i never see Ad's for this game anywhere, yet i still see them for WoW etc, maybe they want to stay on the low side and just keep plugging along, but it seems a shame that such a great game will end up fading into the background,


    I see people saying they dont say or do x / y because of push back, at the end of the day they are the Devs if they want to do something, they should do it, only they know what way they want the game to go, sure if its something completely game breaking, then they should listen to feed back, but if its the usual OMG i geared this toon up and now the armor is useless, or i made this weapon and now its not meta, that should be considered LOW on the scale of things.

  9. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > Giving an individual player the build tools to kill another player with 1 hit, or even in a few seconds with combos, is not healthy for this mode... This low TTK issue is also magnified when you have large numbers of players facing off against other large numbers of players too... So I’d like to present a few, FOR WvW AND SPVP ONLY, suggestions to increase the Time To Kill (TTK) and help make battles more hard fought, with more give and take to them. This will not screw over PvE because, as I typed, it's FOR WvW AND SPVP ONLY.


    > - Increase base Health of professions. 30k for Ele, Guard and Thief. 35k for Engi, Mes, Ranger and Rev. 40k for Necro and War.


    > - Increase numbers on personal heal skills and HP modifiers on personal heal skills.


    > - Decrease all weapon and slot skill cool-downs by 50% to help maintain the fast paced skill decision making combat.


    > - Reduce critical hit modifiers by 25%.


    > - Double the health and damage output of NPC sentries, guards and lords.


    > - Increase siege damage on players by 25%.



    Warrior already has a ridiculous level of sustain, they can run into a zerg take no damage and run back out and escape, and you want them to get more health to allow them to survive even longer, Necro also doesnt need more health ( and i play main necro in WvW ), Thief, Mesmer have crazy evade/stealth to get away, ( not to mention they can pretty much burst you from 100-0 so fast and mostly from invis, yet you want them to have more health )


    You want to reduce weapon /slot skill cool down, but that would allow some players who already do insane burst damage to do even more, does this not completely offset increasing the health, even with the reduced 25% it would be a problem,


    If anything they need to reduce siege damage on players even more, this is the leading cause of no open field fights, i have literally taken a keep that had more siege that active players trying to defend it, there is no skill to sitting on an AC and using the camera to glitch out line of sight to cheese the enemy.


    The should increase NPC health by 50-80% but they should reduce damage by siege on players by 25-40% it should be used to slow down not stop IMO, they need to reduce overall damage in WvW not increase it,


    I personally think WvW should get the sPvP treatment, in the setup of players, where you dont use the PVE armor/trinkets etc, as it just allows for this massive OP damage, when you can be burst from 100-0 in less than 1.5 seconds, this leaves no room for counter play.


  10. Glad they didnt use their official forums to announce it, and only used a media that very little people actually watch, 2019 and communication is still poor.


    Even tonight people in WvW still asking when the announcement will take place, so anyone who doesnt watch twitch and or read reddit, may not actually know its been delayed, they probably just feel Anet is ignoring them again, this needs to stop, if they want these forums to be the official forums, Anet needs to start using them to keep us updated, they seem to have no problem posting on other media.

  11. I get this from time to time when i send gifts to my g/f, its strange, if you are online at the time they are gifting you, it will not be your account name they look for, but the character name that you are playing on,


    I dont know why Anet do it like this, but have your friend try type in your character name you are playing on when online at the same time and see if your name appears to them.

  12. > @"Ronan.9518" said:

    > I assume you used the sell instantly option and did so before the tp had loaded the current buy and sell orders.

    > Afaik the tp initially uses as default the "minimum worth" thats coded for the item, and updates this to the current highest buy order once it loaded the data.

    > If you sold the items before the tp had the chance to load said data, your items are sold at the "default price" and the buyer gets the items and additionally the difference between his order and the default price back.


    > Not 100% sure on this though.



    If that is the case, i wonder are we seeing more and more of these recently due to the fact the TP has been running super slow, they are clearly having a server issue with regards the TP.

  13. > @"DanteZero.9736" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > > I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people post and ask about "AP bug" just to be told over and over that they've reached a cap and none of them bother googling what they think is a ''bug " themselves before posting.

    > > > It's about time you just put a message under the achievement number.

    > > >

    > > > Example:

    > > >

    > > > AP: 30.000

    > > > (Daily 15.000 cap achieved: you will no longer get AP from dailies)

    > > >

    > > > Edit: I KNOW this was said before, so no need to tell me. It's just that Anet doesn't seem to care to finally add a simple line.

    > >

    > > I can ask about this. I am not sure if it's been discussed or assessed for possible implementation, or whether there's a known reason we could not add it. But I'll try to find out.


    > Are there any chances you can also ask around and see if the 15k cap will ever get lifted? Not going to lie, I tend to log in just to do my daily for the AP and ever since I hit the cap, I rarely log in if at all.


    Agreed, the cap never should have been put in place, it only catered for the casuals who didnt want to log in and play everyday.

  14. Years ago i played a game that had ladder tournament matches, and they used the 2 up 1 down ranking system, and it worked great, im sure at some point in the past it was covered, but i dont know what Anet arent using the 2 up 1 down system to be honest,


    The way its setup now you could lose a match and it might take you 3 or 4 wins just to get even again, this isnt right, at least with the 2 up 1 down, if you get someone on your team who throws the match etc you at least have a chance to recover, this lose 30 gain 5 is stupid and just shows how broken the system is, this is why you see the top players on the ladder only playing the bare minimum games needed, just to protect rank, this is why ranked pvp is becoming a farm the pips afk,


    I seriously think it will take both teams to afk every match before Anet go hmmm maybe we have a problem here.


    I would love for a DEV to come and explain why someones rating can be destroyed because someone else decided to throw the match.


    So yea, ditch the current rating system, start everyone at 1000, and you gain 2 points per win, and lose 1 on a loss, the top players will still move away, and the people who throw matches etc will drop, and at least people in between wont have to play 3 games to recover from the 1 that was a blowout.

  15. How do you deal with loss streaks, do you just walk away and leave it for the day or continue to try and get back on the winning run,


    I totally get it that sometimes you are just out played by better teams/players, but


    Tonight i lost 6 matches, and the first 2 matches where close and decent games, 4 of them where total shockers, 2 thieves who wouldnt decap, 2 core guardians who just exploded the minute an enemy looked at them, i then had a match where the mesmer asked the 2 guards to go home, and they didnt, so the mesmer stood at spawn for the entire match, just calling them out non stop, they didnt partake in the match at all, so the game was a white wash.


    Now im aware that i could always get better etc, i do tend to win my 1v1's and the occasional 2v1's but there is nothing i can do from AFK players, or players who refuse to decap/cap, or players who explode before event casting a skill.


    Has PVP really just turned into PiP farming for rewards now with no effort to actually play? I swear its almost like red resign day from GW1 all over again.

  16. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Prob the best environment one was this. GW1 capturd the mood of each area so much better than GW2 does and this evokes the memories of exploring the isolated Shiverpeaks so well. It's the one piece I enjoy most hearing again when it repeats in GW2 (most recently in Thunderhead)




    This is 1 of the best OST in GW1 i remember listening to it while exploring the Shiverpeak Mountains in GW1 while it was snowing outside, even now it still bring back them memories.

  17. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > One problem p2p solves is it allows players to buy items that arnt for sale on the TP.

    > > Not everthing thats sellable is always available on the TP.

    > >


    > What items would those be? The only items I can think of would be

    > * **A limited number of infusions, but that's because the demand far exceeds the in-game supply.**

    > * Items that stopped dropping, but those have counterparts that drop, so not a real issue.

    > * Relatively new items, but those will become available


    > Regardless, I am always able to put in an offer for any item and eventually it will be fulfilled. I can't think of any example in which the obstacle was other than my being unwilling to pay more.


    They aren't on the market because Anet has put the drop rate so low that it has allowed some richer players to push the price upwards of 15-18k gold ( or items to match ) saying its a supply/ demand is misleading i feel, as if you only see 1 drop a month and 200 people want it, Anet chooses to ignore this sort of problem time after time, ive also noticed the invisible boxes sky rocketing in price, so thats something else that has been lower to near no drop rate, ( i have farmed every meta in this game many times over, with friends and guildies, and never seen an infusion or ultra rare drop yet )


    Anet are the soul purpose for the black market in this game, they drive it themselves with the unbelievably bad RNG, and when people realise they can go black market the skys the limit on pricing.




    There are offers for 10k gold on these, and 0 for sale, why would anyone sale it for 10k ( less taxes ) when they can go black market make 18k and no taxes, ( or use the trusted middle man and pay 5% )




    These have also started creeping back up in price, again this item has 3 listed on the TP, again someone could make way more going black market.


    The sad thing is there are newer players in this game who wont ever get to see items on the TP at all, because of the stupid drop rate with no chance to ever get one. The only way your getting a 10k item for 10k is if it drops for some random new player who has no idea they can get 7-8k more for it by going onto the black market.


    Anet want people to use the TP ( it is more secure, and removes % of gold which keeps things stable ) yet they do nothing to help the current situation, any meta that drops an infusion should also drop 1 ticket, if you get 250 tickets you can go buy ( an account bound ) version of that infusion from a vendor, otherwise the rich continue to get richer and control the market.

  18. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > What are you saying? Hosting for their own servers is outside their control?


    They dont host their own servers so yea,


    You would think that the TP would be top of the list of things to make sure works, even if they dont host their own servers anymore, they should be on to whoever does, given Anet push alot of content into the TP its kind of important that it works.


    This morning the delay for me on the TP was around 25-30 seconds.

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