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Posts posted by Plautze.6290

  1. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > What this (and in game discussions) boil down to is:


    > Remove downstate: mostly people running cheese buids, playing thief, ranger, mesmer. Claim to be good because they can gank others out of stealth and without the fear of any danger at all.


    > Keep downstate: everybody else.


    I'm for removing downstate permanently (or adapting it by removing rally, in-combat rezzing and downed skills), but play none of your mentioned classes. Play Warrior instead, and not even a good build at that. Hell, I get whipped quite a lot right now in WvW.

    But when I kill someone, it is the result of me actively outplaying the opponent and doesn't end in Scrap Wars while we are both prone, tossing shoes and rocks at each other.

    Plus, somebody mentioned it already: Get killed? No problem, just try again.


    > I am fine with removing downstate under the following conditions:


    > Eles get +10k hp

    > Thief, mesmer, ranger damage gets nerfed by 60%. Maximum stealth: 1s. No blinks.

    > Holos are removed from the game.


    > Simple stuff. Really.


    Lol, you do realize that this sounds like "I'm rock, so nerf paper. Scissors are fine."?

  2. > @"Tom.5914" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > As a player who actually loses as many fights as he wins in WvW, I would prefer Downed State to stay removed.

    > > Imho, there is nothing less epic than lying in the dirt and tossing scrap at your opponent. Maybe it's just my Dark Souls mindset, but if I mess up, it's fine for me to start over.

    > >

    > > Perhaps, someone can start a poll on this? I'd be quite interested in the results.


    > The result will be that the majority of glass canon tryhards want downstate to stay, because they rely on being rezzed all the time


    I'm a glass canon tryhard myself who more often than not benefits from Rally and Rez.

    However, I tend to challenge myself and sometimes even feel the urge to... git gud.

    Ofc I can only speak for myself, so everybody is invited to disagree :wink:


    > @"Tom.5914" said:

    > Downstate supports bad players and outnumbering !


    Agreed. Furthermore, it removes any incentive to actually improve. Why should they? Mates will keep on rezzing them / kill their target so they can rally.

    As it is, they can screw up countless times as there are people to save their behinds. As you pointed out, the bigger crowd will mostly be victorious, almost regardless of skill involved. I wonder if that was originally intended?

  3. As a player who actually loses as many fights as he wins in WvW, I would prefer Downed State to stay removed.

    Imho, there is nothing less epic than lying in the dirt and tossing scrap at your opponent. Maybe it's just my Dark Souls mindset, but if I mess up, it's fine for me to start over.


    Perhaps, someone can start a poll on this? I'd be quite interested in the results.

  4. The Lion King reference in crystal Oasis.


    When I asked in map chat for support and someone greeted me with 'Ahai, outlander' and we started RPing for some time.


    When we had fought Xolotl in Caledon Forest and another player was still in crab-mode, I wrote 'Hm, delicious crab. Just you wait!' and he/she started to run away screaming until the magic wore off and he/she wrote 'Being eaten by a salad, oh the irony!' and I said 'Revenge for centuries of vegetarian savagery!'. Needless to say, i was leveling my sylvari ele. Should've named him magic stick, now that I think of it :lol:

  5. Hey all,


    I am quite annoyed right now, as the game won't let me create another character. At a random point during creation, the game just totally freezes while the music keeps on playing. The only solution right now is to press win and restart my pc. Until now I have tried lowering the specs to potato (no good) and just rushing through the creation process (also no good). On another note, I don't see the reason behind rushing character creation so in the end, I have to waste a complete makeover kit to make the character actually look like I want it to.


    Has anyone else experienced this and knows a solution?


    As it stands, I don't see any point in supporting a game that won't let me create characters to actually play it.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > They should just put the outfit in the Gemstore for zero gems. That would be a nice gesture to all the players who were shut out because they were on the wrong side of invisible lines on the ground.


    > It's not just invisible lines on the ground. Most of us are across water too. Big water, ocean water! It's really tough to get out there you know.


    > > @"Kong.3280" said:

    > > Potential problem...

    > >

    > > I installed the KFT app when the promotion started and was not lucky enough to get a code for the emblem outfit.

    > >

    > > Promotion resumes, I log into the app, see promotion, and got email. Not only for the outfit but also Heroic Edition.

    > >

    > > I read to find out why I got both and learn it is now for US only... I'm in Canada.

    > >

    > > If I use the codes will I get my account suspended?


    > You can use codes from anywhere in the world, the restriction is (supposed to be) on getting the codes through the app. Anet have actually encouraged people who get codes they don't need to give them to those who can't get them so you'll be fine using a code you got yourself.


    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > Oh man, if there was just a way to get this outfit as non-US player.

    > > I mean, if there was something like a _GW2 KFT workaround_... ah well!

    > > Seems like I'm badly out of luck here.

    > > *dramatic sigh*


    > If there was something like that I'm sure we would have _read it_ by now, maybe via _Google_.


    Yeah, one may still dream, right?

  7. Lol, some guys really know how to mess up situations.


    Just to put this straight: I'm not good enough to receive a lousy T-Shirt, but still good enough so they can take my money? Interesting.

    Maybe it's time to make this level of appreciation mutual.


    Nice Bait and Switch, btw.


    Edit: This one is disappointed, to say the least.

  8. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > When I was an adolescent of about 14 years on, I played my first (J)RPG in English. There was barely internet (it was the nineties) and I had a dictionary next to me. If I had problem to understand I picked it up and translated it. I mean that is dedication. Learn English, it's the door to internationality, to the world, to everything. I really don't get all these stubborn, hard headed cruise control people who want all in their language. Your country is not the center of the world. If you would all learn the internationally most important language the world would be a better place...


    Same story here. Went nowhere without my dictionary =)

  9. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > Am I the only one who thinks that adding all the glow effects take nice armor and turns it to garbage?


    Count me in! Spending hours after hours to design some detailed, awesome armor and then subsequently ruining it by covering all the details and awesomeness with useless glowy effects seems really dumb to me. But hey, tastes differ, amiright?

  10. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > The last legendary warhorn was the size of a tuba

    > The last legendary rifle was the size of a pig

    > The player contest winning torch was the size of a small tree

    > The upcoming scepter is the size of a staff...


    > I am wondering about the size of the next longbow and greatswords. We will probably need 2 screens to be able to see them as a whole.


    When that's the case, that will just be another Legendary I'll never even consider making.

    Can't sell it.

    Cant' stand to look at it.

    Better make another Gen1 to sell.

  11. The lazy man's solution is to buy the Copper-Fed-Salvage-o-Matic to salvage everything up to rare.

    For exotics, I still use BL kits when IWN's rules apply.


    Of course, the Copper-Fed costs 800 gems, but when I think about the thousands of items I already salvaged, it's a priceless convenience item to me.

    The only upgrade components worth recovering come from exotics, which is why I don't even bother going for the Silver-Fed as BL kits come for free with some luck. I most seldom gamble with BL chests (those few keys you get from map completion), yet I have 6 BL kits sitting in my bank.

  12. > @"Thedenofsin.7340" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > I have not asked, but I say: zwee-KWAT-l

    > >

    > > ~trots off to ask Narrative if they have an official answer~


    > I'm sure that's how zee Germans say it! Ya?


    > Und now, ve make zee new zepter. Zay guten tag to zwee-kwat-l!


    Dat 'Genglish' skill made my day!

    And it's not just a cliche, some Germans do indeed speak English like that ... I witnessed it first hand and my toes curled.


    'Nao zis is vat ve ah looking foa. Zank yu verry mutsh.' *shudders*


    I'd also pronounce it Chee-KWAT-L. Don't ask me why.

  13. While I don't say 'kitten' irl as I'm German and that would make me even more awkward, I do write 'kitten' instead of foul language when writing up something on this forum =) Why leave all the fun to the kitten-ator?


    Just for the laughs:

    'What the kitten?' would translate to 'Was zum Kätzchen?' ... maybe I'll give it a try. Some day. When nobody hears it.

  14. > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

    > you guys are happy now


    > just wait


    > the final form of the new armors will have quintuple flaming butt curtains, fedoras, spikes, and shoulderpads the size of an xbox.


    'Haha! After collecting enough mats to craft all the legendaries, fully upgrade my guild hall and spending more gold than 24/7ing Istan for 3 months could give me, I now shall see the final form of the upgradeable medium armor! Behold!'

    *Armor with quintuple flaming butt curtains, fedoras, spikes, and shoulderpads the size of an xbox appears*


    *The noise of a head falling onto a desktop can be heard. Repeatedly.*

  15. > @"Razi.6031" said:

    > Quite disappointed the light armour isn't the medium armour. It's got a perfect rouge/bard/robin hood vibe going on.. would look perfect for thief or ranger.. especially the body piece.


    > Sigh... the medium armour.. a helmet?? Seriously??




    What a wonderful feature that we can hide helmets or just transmute to something we like ;)


    I really like those new armor sets! Hopefully, they are not epically expensive.

  16. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > On a serious note, despite the issues with this promotion, I enjoy the game very much and would like to thank the designers, artists and coders for their efforts. They don't deserve any blame for this mess or the decisions of the PR department or whoever is running this promotion, and I hope they know how appreciated they are.


    > Indeed.

    > Just shows how easy it is for "public relations" gimmick to backfire, for reasons outside the control of most of the organizations involved.


    Backfire. Backfire?! BACKFIRE??!! This is _le_ understatement of the year.

    This is more like trying to make a bowl of cereals and accidentally setting of a nuke right next to your face. :p


    In the meantime, I'm really tired of this mess refusing to be solved. Let's just hope ANet never ever tries a cross promotion with KFT again.

    If they do, my Norn Rev will be dancing in LA in a pink tutu all day.

    The very moment my eyes fall upon the 'Another great, awesome, mind-blowing GW2xKFT promotion coming soon' in the launcher, I'll delete my account, uninstall GW2, destroy my gaming machine, burn my house and do the afroninja flip to end my misery.

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