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Posts posted by Plautze.6290

  1. I used to think that GoB would be a nightmare to grind out. How wrong I was. At first I tried to get it by only doing easy dailies like vet creature, take a ruin or spend badges. But halfway there, my impatience kicked in, I popped one of those XP boosters (the one increasing reward progress) and got into it. When there was no blob, I gathered small groups of players and flipped camps, ruins, even some towers. But reward progress wise, nothing can beat the blob, thus I too did some of that. And I had indeed so much fun, that I missed the point where I had enough progress + reward potions to get my GoB and kept on playing for hours. That's how great it was.


    Of course, your results may vary, but what I'm trying to say is that you never know if something's a nightmare unless you tried it. Perhaps, you are even in for a surprise.

    Nowadays, the biggest horror when thinking about crafting a legy is the tons of T5 mats I need to acquire. Don't want to buy it all, but it takes ages to gather that much!

    Still, nothing that's gonna stop me from merrily producing further legies!


    On the GoE: Seriously, guys? With core Tyria being what it is, you're asking for an even easier way to get a good portion of your legy? It's practically for free!

  2. > @"Magek.4718" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > Gimme that quaggan warrior, doing that eviscerate with those chubby, stumpy legs and arms, fooooooing all the time!


    > Ayy, I see you are a man of culture


    As are you, judging by your avatar ;)

    Quaggan master race!

  3. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > When I came back to the game I ALMOST deleted my very first character... the other 4 got axed and I still regret that decision immensely


    Yeah, I started 3 years ago, after GW2 got F2P.

    I was like 'Might give it a try.' and still regret that I didn't start earlier as imo, GW2 did everything better than GW1.

    But that's just my experience... surely I sucked big time at GW1.

  4. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > What about a Glyph that gives you Gem store gems when mining?

    > > > It would be the most useful of them all.

    > >

    > > Or a glyph that gives you gemstore items when mining? Or BLC keys!

    > > I'd sure buy that!

    > >

    > > What? One can dream, right?


    > We sure can. Or it can mine bitcoins.


    Nah, those sprockets are more stable than Bitcoins!

  5. The community is part of what keeps me coming back. Be it simple things like being ressed or people randomly asking in map chat how everybody is doing or more dedicated deeds like mesmers JP-porting others for hours, mentors spending their free time teaching other players to do meta or world events and doing that day after day after day.


    Sure, there are players that just leave you lying on the floor or rush past you while you're fighting mobs at your last shred of health bar, but from my experience, that's more the exception than the rule. You can always ask for advice or even assistance and with minimal patience, you will receive your help.


    One of the best things I encountered, was when I was waiting for Warden Jabari to launch, propagating my endeavor in map chat to gather some man-power. After a short wait, somebody approached me and asked me in-character ('Ahai, outlander. Do you happen to travel south, to the Bone Wall?'), whether they might accompany me. Just in that very moment, the Awakened came and took the Foreman's wife, Emara, leading to the actual Warden Jabari event. While we waited for the Foreman to get ready, other players joined, all speaking in-character, asking what was going on and if they could help slay the fiend. Together, we marched towards the Joko Gate and finished the oppressor. After we had fought, we returned to the village and continued to chat for an hour. Where we came from, where we were headed etc. As one of the PCs was clearly Elonian, they told us about some lore of Elona, while asking about Kryta (also referring to GW1 plot).


    While I'm mostly playing this game on my own and I'm not really into RP, that encounter was just awesome!

    So, in my book, that equates to a really great community.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > As an alternative, let us mark items as 'Marked for Salvage' and right-click on the Salvage Item for 'Salvage all marked'.


    > That wouldn't be any good to me because I'd still have to hunt through all the drops in my inventory to identify the items I want to mark for salvage. My goal here is to add salvage items to the things I can clear out very quickly when I first open my inventory, so it's easier to sort through the remaining stuff which I don't always do the same thing with.


    Okay, I see.


    > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > As an alternative, let us mark items as 'Marked for Salvage' and right-click on the Salvage Item for 'Salvage all marked'.


    > How would this work? Take a specific heavy chest piece for example, like a chain coat. The same item can have a wide variety of names, levels, stats, and runes. "Mighty chain coat," "Malign chain coat," etc. Wouldn't you have to mark each "version" as salvageable? Or are you only proposing certain items can be marked salvageable?


    I propose that we have to mark the items as salvageable in our inventory, then right-click our copper-fed to select 'Salvage all marked'. But somehow, that wouldn't fit the inventory's mouse-only mentality. Then again, in the same time it takes me to mark items for salvage, I could as well salvage them right away. Okay, salvage my idea =)

  7. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"Berserk Steve.1530" said:

    > > - Add a tab to the vendor that converts experience writs into tomes that sells a level 80 scroll for 80 tomes which bypasses the clicking, like a level 80 boost but without all the benefits. Just more alt freindly.


    > 78 tomes for this. You start at level 1 and get to level 2 when you finish the starter instance, so you only have 78 levels left to gain. Or are you saying that the price of the convenience is 2 tomes per character?


    > EDIT: an alternative would be to have a "consume all" button on the right-click menu. Construct a stack of 78 and "Consume All".


    I'd even spend 80 tomes to get "only" 78 levels ;)

  8. > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

    > 60 mins of a legendary diarrhea buff, you leave a toxic trail after yourself that deals damage both to your friends and to your enemies. The perfect tool for endgame content.


    Man, sales are gonna skyrocket!


    > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Hold up. Aurene’s increased aggression could simply be dragon teenage years kicking in as speculated by the rest of Dragon’s Watch.


    As long as she doesn't start listening to emo music and gets herself a tramp stamp, I'm cool with Pubertal Aurene.

    They grow up so fast *sniff*

  9. > @"Castigator.3470" said:

    > The way I see it, Joko committed suicide by dragon. Maybe the Lich was so bored, that he just had enough?

    > So his last act was to giver Aurene magical diarrhea, so maybe we'll spend the next episode dealing with the fallout of Joko's demise, both the political fallout and the nasty dragon related kind.


    Dragon Guano Chef Recipes confirmed.

    There goes our request for legendary foods, finally!

    What could be more legendary than Dragon Guano Muffins?!




  10. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > Do you think the discount on the vouchers is going to be permanent?


    > I doubt that. If these are parmanent additions, nobody in their right mind would buy any old outfits, gliders, etc. since it’s significantly cheaper to buy the vouchers. This would effectively mean Anet can only sell new items not obtainable with vouchers (like the Timekeeper stuff).


    I had the same train of thought.

    But on the other hand, cutting those discounted voucher-available outfits from the gem store would free space on the virtual shelves.


    Anyway, any solution to always wanting an outfit that is not on the gem store at that very moment is welcome =)

    Noble count outfit, here I come, hehehe!

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