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Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

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Posts posted by Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

  1. @"Veprovina.4876" Yeah, I noticed that later, but I was too lazy to change it. xD


    But anywho, it's my opinion, (and from years of watching these forums, the opinion of many others including other thief mains) that that unparalleled stealth and the initiative system, are holding the thief back. It's true, Mesmer has received more crippling nerfs, but I'm still salty as hell about how they gutted Acrobatics, re-packaged it as Daredevil, and then never fixed Acrobatics. But I digress.


    Any class that plays "mind games" of any sort, always finds itself at the top of people's chopping block for the simple reason that victory isn't as easy as HULK SMASH. Unfortunately, ANet listened to those people and now we have Mesmer in this pitiful state (pity since I've loved Mesmer since GW1), with people _still_ demanding more nerfs. What they're really after, without outright saying it, is for devs to just delete everything they don't like.


    Today it's Thief and Mesmer. Whose next, tomorrow? Necromancer? Warrior?

  2. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:


    > I wouldn't be all that happy as a thief main tbh. Its definitely better off than Mesmer, but its not in a good place either. IMO this meta is only fun for people who main Holosmith, Revenant, or Necromancer. The sociopaths who enjoy support specs might also get a kick out of it.


    I main both Thief and Mesmer, and from what I can see, both classes are in the same boat. They're constantly getting nerfed because they require more than 2 brain cells to counter/play against. Thieves and Mesmers require their opponents to _think_. God forbid one should have to actually think. Why do that when a lobotomized pigeon can play Holosmith, or Renegade (for example) well just by crapping randomly over the keyboard.

  3. > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

    > basically everything has been nerfed on thief already at least once. why? because most of the stuff is abuseable. i remember when thief was played with double s/d for a short while. jesus christ was that an abomination of a build. not long after that they nerfed flanking strike and ini gain on weapon swap.


    > i can't tell you what thief is supposed to be in this game but i can tell you what it was in gw1. some builds were heavy melee pressure. other builds ported in, knocked you down and beat the kitten out of you and ported out again.


    > but then again, i guess that's why it was called assassin. thief is called thief because it only steals your caps /s



    Ah yes, those were the days. The GW1 Assassin was far superior to the Thief in _literally every single way_ as a Rogue class (ignoring Shadow Form which was stupidly overpowered and should never have existed in the first place). It didn't need stealth to fuck up someone's day, but it still had plenty of counters as well. I'd hoped for a bit of that in the Thief, but..._good lord_ was I disappointed. To clarify, I wasn't expecting _The Assassin_, but the current state of the thief, is kind of a joke. And not a funny one. Smfh.

  4. > @"Exitus.3297" said:

    > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > > @"Exitus.3297" said:

    > > > When my friend told me about the nerfs, I seriously thought he was trolling.

    > > >

    > > > Then I looked at them and not only did they nerf Infiltrator's Arrow, gutting its mobility, they did it in the most uncreative way possible. On top of that, instead of giving Thieves something to work with in terms of defense to compensate for said nerf in mobility, they nerfed their defense. These nerfs were completely out of the blue. If I had to guess where they were gunna nerf the Thief next, I would said it would have been Shadow Arts due to how much some of the traits that contribute to perma-stealthing are used as a crutch.

    > > >

    > > > It isn't even just about these nerfs (or how out of the blue they are). Remember back on the February Patch when they basically annihilated the Acrobatics traitline, giving the only decent traits 300 seconds? Remember back when everyone was saying that they are just going to be "placeholders" until they can find something better to do with them? They're still there, untouched, virtually unusable in any PvP scenario. Meanwhile, in the land of Deadeye, their PvP rotation literally consists of spamming Skirmisher's Shot over and over until they hit 7 Malice with Maleficent 7, get off a stealth attack, and rinse and repeat ad nauseam. It has been this way since February and it has yet to be touched. The sad part is that the only reason Deadeyes do this is because it is the only realistic way they can do significant damage. I could go on

    > > >

    > > > Then the OP mentioned that there are no Devs that play Thief. I have no idea how true this is, but at this point I don't doubt it. No Dev in their right mind who even plays Thief would even let this slide.

    > > >

    > > > I thought for awhile about what other alternatives I could take, and to be quite honest. I'm a Thief main, and I primarily play this game for the PvP. I want the game to work. I want Thieves to be in a good spot, but not overpowered. I was willing to give this balance team a chance, but I think I'm just done with this game now. It's obvious based on the balance team's trend that ongoing balance issues are going to get ignored, while pumping out changes that don't make any sense.

    > > >

    > > > (P.S, to the OP, Most of the people I know who swapped out of Thief went to Power Rev or Holosmith, mostly the former)

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > For what it's worth; I've never seen an Anet dev play thief. N-E-V-E-R. I knew about the upcoming Consume Plasma nerf, but I had no idea they'd also be nerfing Sap Essence (one of the few remaining actually hard-hitting thief skills). I'm confused as to why, if Signet of Agility was _such an issue_ , they couldn't just up the cooldown by 5-10 seconds? Then again, considering how limited its use is with its current cooldown as things stand... And people are actually out there talking about it as this 'superb condi cleanse', when it literally only does that while granting an added (now half a ) dodge. It's not like it's a stun break.

    > >

    > > I really am not much of a fan of deadeye's gameplay pattern. But that's the road Anet's pigeonholing me onto.


    > Pretty much.


    > The most frustrating to me personally isn't even the nerfs in and of themselves. That's dumbfounding, but what's frustrating to me personally are the non-thief players that just seem to think this change is warranted on sole basis that Thieves needed a nerf. They don't realize what the consequence of this change is going to be.


    > Either Thieves are going to keep using Shortbow and find a way around the cost, or they won't use Shortbow and find another means of Mobility. I know some Deadeyes that got really good with Death's Retreat that are probably going to be fine. As for the Thieves that will keep using Shortbow, I can almost guarantee they are all going to do the same thing. It now takes 8 seconds instead of 6 seconds to regen the initiative to cast Shortbow (assuming there are no other sources of Ini regen). Guess which trait happens to restore 1 Initiative every 3 seconds? **Shadow's Rejuvenation.** When before it was an optional trait that was just really strong (and imho was a crutch, but that's just me) will now be borderline mandatory to make up the difference. That means Thieves are going to spending a lot more time in stealth to get that bonus.


    > What's super ironic is that the same players that are saying the nerf is justified are the same ones that are complaining about the stealth uptime, not realizing what they've just done.


    What these players are really after, is the deletion of the Thief class entirely. "There's a playstyle I don't like? Oh we can't have that! Nerf it Devs!" Selfish players thinking only of themselves to the detriment of everyone around them, and the game itself. Once they achieve this, which class will next be on their chopping block, I wonder? Certainly not their own, of this you can be sure!

  5. Can't say I'm entirely surprised. Just glad I bailed on WvW and PvP ages ago. Those game modes used to be a lot of fun, but they've slowly turned into a dumpster fire over the years. This balance team is terrible. The literal worst Balance Team I've ever seen in any game ever. Ban me, don't even care any more; I'm just calling it like I see it.

  6. Yes, this, please, 1,000 times this! Heavy and Light armors, I find, have so much variety, but medium armor is _all the same!_ I hate PvP, but I actually did PvP _just_ to get Glorious Armor for my thief so I could have _something_ that wasn't a damn trenchcoat! Why do only Scholars and Soldiers get variety? Why do they get a wide array of different styles, while adventurers have nothing but coats, coats, and more coats?!


    Please Anet, give Adventurer classes some _actual options_! Y'know, options that aren't _strictly_ gem store crap.


    Edit: Final thought; Anet, if you're _really_ listening to your players, then why have you been ignoring this, that we've all been asking for, for _literal years_? Each patch that adds new armor is always a massive disappointment when it comes to medium armor. Some creativity in your design choices for medium armor would be appreciated.

  7. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Except 1 week after those nerfs ppl will QQ about warrior and it will be nerfed again. People can't handle proper functioning warriors.


    PvPers can't handle anything that functions as long as it's capable of beating them.

  8. It's a common theme in literally every game with some kind of rogue or illusion type class. Illusion and Rogue classes are tricky, play dirty, and require the opponent to actually think. Where other classes are more straight forward, Rogues and Illusion Mages are much more subtle, deceitful and tricky. But as with every game that has these classes, the playerbase has no interest in thinking, and countering, and putting in the mental effort to fight them. So they whine and cry until the Devs inevitably respond by bringing the nerf hammer down. And this will continue to happen as long as the nerf criers realize they can continually get their way by complaining, instead of learning and adapting.


    My suggestion with the current trend of nerfing Mesmer and Thief is that they may as well just delete all of our Mesmer and Thief characters' avatars and replace them with a loot bag, since that seems to be the end goal for anti-thieves and anti-mesmers. And ArenaNet will undoubtedly appease them.


    It's a shame to see my two favorite classes get continually hammered with the nerf bat. But It's also not surprising, since that's what I've seen in pretty much every game that has these two class types. If you enjoy trickery and deceit, if you enjoy playing mind games with your opponent, well too bad for you. That's the mentality of the modern MMO gamer these days.

  9. Oh wow, I completely forgot about this thread, lmao. My spirit animal is Dory. xD


    I'm on NA, but I completed that bit of the story already. Means I'll have to re-do the whole chapter. >_> Idk why we can't choose which part of a chapter, but that should be a thing. It would make hunting story achievements immeasurably less boring.

  10. Hello all. I'm looking for a bit of help w/ this achievement. It's the Laser Trap achievement in "Be My Guest" on the LWS 4 chapter "Long Live The Lich". I have an Asura Engineer at that part, and I've tried to do it on my own, on and off for the last three hours. It's the curse of being a perfectionist I guess, lol.


    Anywho, if anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've already tried asking all of my guilds, Map Chat, and LFG, but I can't find a soul to help. I thought of using a Thief or a Mesmer, but I also really don't want to have to repeat the entire chapter all over again. (Utterly stupid design choice btw. Thanks Anet.)

  11. I mean, let's be honest. For anyone that has been playing Guild Wars since 2005, it certainly doesn't come as any surprise. They've been making questionable balance and design choices for 15 years. Who here remembers the Guild Wars 1 skill "Smiter's Boon (PvP)"? Not to say they're not capable of making great balance and design choices, but it seems to me, their "fixes" are often worse than what they're trying to "fix". It's why I stopped doing WvW over three years ago, and from what I've seen lately, I'm glad I did. Every "fix" has made the mode worse, and worse. It's kind of hilarious.


    ArenaNet has "Smiter's Boon'd" WvW.

  12. So I've been trying to submit a ticket about the game. I've been trying to patch it for the last half hour, but it's stuck at 0%. So I went to support to get some help, where I ran into this issue; I went to submit a ticket, but it told me to log in. I did. I then went to submit a ticket again, only for it to tell me to log in again. This turned into an endless loop, so I attempted to submit an anonymous ticket. Upon filling out the form, the "submit ticket" button didn't work. I tried this on three different browsers, and got the same thing on all three. Update: The captcha wouldn't load which resulted in being unable to submit a ticket. It seems to be working on Firefox now though. But the endless login loop for support is still present.

  13. I've really enjoyed the new Season so far, especially as aGW1 player! But I gotta say, the amount of CC during the Wyvern fight in the first instance is just completely and utterly ridiculous. There was no need for that amount of CC. Anet, you seriously need to tone it down with the CC on boss encounters, because the Wyvern fight was the most unfun, frustrating boss fight I've ever had in the entire game. It wasn't hard, but it was seriously annoying. Almost every single one of its attacks had a knock back or launch attached to it, along with environmental CC. Seriously, stop it.

  14. > @Zintrothen.1056 said:

    > Anet doesn't like you because you're OP. Pretty simple really. **Thieves are OP.** OP mechanics get nerfs. However, Anet is terrible at balance, so they usually choose nerfs that make balance worse in the end.


  15. > @Alga.6498 said:

    > I hope we'll have some real Dragon action, not just "_we need to leave them alone, put them to sleep all over again cuz Taimi said so_" urggh, shut her up and let's kill some dragons!!! :naughty:


    Actually, it wasn't just Taimi that said so. The Forgotten said so too, in the quest "The Way Forward".


  16. It's just more of the same from every MMO with a rogue type class. Baddies cry because they got ganked, so they demand nerfs because god forbid someone has the audacity to be better than them. This is a L2P issue. The DE has to spec for maximum damage, meaning they have to give up Trickery and Shadow Arts to deal this kind of damage. You know what that means? The Deadeye has almost 0 defenses and has to use up EVERYTHING they have and pray to god their target is dumber than a sack of rocks, to pull this off. They're building for raw damage, which means a mere glance in their general direction = dead thief.


    But let's just cry for nerfs because we're bad at the game and just want optimal rewards for minimal effort.

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