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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you for your reaction. I guess when I reach the latest content and have my professions in order, it will become easier to make gold to get gems in order to play all the chapters. I completely agree with what you said about the progression. There are many forms of progression and one doesn't make any more sense then the other. It's just a different take on progression. All I know is progression in the form of better gear and stats to take on more difficult bosses and raids. I guess it will also become more clear when I reach the content of the PoF part and the Icebrood saga. Now, when I go from story to story and from map to map I see so much different currency flying at me that it's a lot to take in. What currency is worth my time and effort and what can I skip etc. But I guess it will become more calm when done it all. All the gear I get from those chests in HoT for example have lots of gear. But I have Berserker set so what do I need it for? Now I just throw the yellow and orangy like gear in the forge. I'll continue with the story and try to lvl my professions and see where things go and how much becomes more clear :)
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