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Posts posted by fatihso.7258

  1. Thanks for the replies, I haven't changed any graphics settings which are still same as how I set them while were using the disabled method. Fps difference is like day and night which is making me even more miserable after what already happened.


    Anet totally got me down finally. I m out of words. 23 fps in DR while I was having nearly 60 on same spot on all 3 before. Still feel it must be something related to .dat method.


    Anyhow, people with 10-20 accounts will surely bring it on if that's the case.

  2. > @"Kezika.7692" said:

    > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

    > > The inconvenience will be countered by people giving all their accounts the same password so they never have to change it anymore when logging into different accounts.

    > > This does not improve security.


    > You literally can't, their system doesn't allow any account to have the same password as another account has or has ever used. Once a password has been set to a GW2 account it is dead for any other GW2 account forever.


    Can you tell me how I am having same password for 2 of my accounts right now?

  3. "You are encumbered" panel always pops up behind inventory panel and deposit materials option does not pick the item from it. So we have to close or move inventory panel every time to reach that encumbered panel to manually pick at item then continue. Also we are not able to continue salvaging items until encumbered panel disappears.


    However same deposit mats function is able to pick stuff from your bags are full panel. And we are still able to salvage items when that window is on screen with stuff in it to be picked.


    I would love this to be checked and rearranged again.

  4. Hello,


    I was spending time today on wardrobe for styling and I wanted to have bigger side of the shoulder to be on my left arm instead and suddenly it came to my mind it would be nice to have a flip horizontally / symmetrical swap button for each armor skins, also thinking it would not cause a lot of resources to make it happen even maybe.


    This could also fix clipping of asymmetric gear on some chars as well.


    What do you think?


    Image is for the general idea.


  5. I started to have increased FPS drops throughout the World, It happens on lowest or highest settings at the same severity. I am not sure what's the root cause of these and seeking some solution.


    -How does it happen?

    At the start of Vale Guardian Fight;

    When one goes to pull VG, my fps drops to 15 and stays there for up to 5 secs, no one is using any shiny skills or whatsoever but this still happens, I tried lowest or highest settings and it does not change the fact.


    Mad King Clock Tower;

    Right before the JP starts and Game Client zooms us to preview Clock Tower, same fps drops happen, also it's a small instance but still when I am doing JP there are a lot of FPS stuttering. Again no matter which Graphics settings.


    Game became unbearable to play for me, I thought my GPU is dying but then on other games I don't have such issues.


    What I did try to prevent this?

    Clean installed GPU driver,

    Repaired game archive

    Replaced TIM on CPU/GPU, including thermal pads.

    I ran your GW2 checkup application and it created a NetworkDiag.txt and I can share it privately.


    It does not go away.


    Thank you in advance.



  6. It took me 1 hour to record 32 seconds, problem isn't the course. It's so hard to control diving and accelerating the Griffon. I often end up kissing ground with Swoop, other times I end up stalling mid air. They should make Griffon controls easier. Jump - Press and hold 1- press V or Space (still diving) - Press and hold S to normalize angle (Bcs it's more responsive) - Fail. Someone told me just to jump - 1- v- release 1. But that's not working. I dont know whats wrong here.

  7. That day, I played about 18 hours straight, then I went in to complete story, I wanted to complete battle and save final encounter for later, but no, it immediately ported me to final battle, i was so tired and exhausted, i had to complete it otherwise a repeat would not be cool. I did it on first try. I don't know how i did it with all that tiredness.

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