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Nol Fran Shee.1285

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Posts posted by Nol Fran Shee.1285

  1. I think I have three.

    1. On first play through I was Sylvari and it looked like absolutely EVERYTHING was tailored just for my personal choices.

    2. This is an A+B one. When Magister Sieran died saving us and then when I was reminded of that after beating Zhaitan when Fear Not This Night played.

    3. When I walked up to Gwen's grave and heard that flute... (it won't mean a thing to you unless you helped a little girl play at adventuring in Guild Wars 1 just outside the verdant Ascalon City)


    > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > the karka event when the karka attacked Lion's Arch was pretty amazing in concept. The servers couldn't handle it so the event failed. but i thought it was awesome to have monsters attacking a major city and we had to defend it. I wish anet would try that event again, in a better way that won't cause servers a to crash.


    I'd like to see that and the taking of Southsun Cove - perhaps as Fractals?

  2. Why not let a member higher level (or for equal levels, has more buffs) guild claim a place when talking to the Quartermaster. Maybe allow a guild to have the ability to "lock" a claim but that costs guild resources.

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