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Posts posted by Glacial.9516

  1. Legendaries will save bag space after the templates, just not nearly as much as multiple Ascended sets will. Any time you used different sigils, runes or infusions for different stats the unused components would take up space in your bag (though only a couple of slots at best, and now with Legendary runes even less). The Armory will hold them just as it will hold the additional set of ascended gear. It's not much, but it's something. I don't dispute that Legendaries will not benefit from the saved bag space as much as Ascended will (in part, because Legendaries have been benefiting from that all along) but the new templates will still be a QoL buff for Legendaries in other areas.


    I don't think you're wrong for feeling cheated. You made a decision to invest in something with long term benefits and a recent change will likely make it less of a benefit than it was before. It reminds me of the shared inventory slot situation in regard to players who had purchased multiple salvage-o-matics. If I recall, Anet refunded purchases that were made shortly before shared inventory slots were introduced while deciding those who had owned them for longer periods had gotten their use out of them. My preference would have been to see an NPC to trade in the extras at a reduced gem rate (maybe 1/3rd of the value?) which for the situation at hand, might be like trading in your Legendary armor for 3-4 sets of ascended? (Not a great comparison as Legendary armor is obviously more useful than a second salvage-o-matic would be!)


    Anyway that's a bit off topic. The core issue at hand seems to be the fashion QoL that multiple ascended sets can employ but this is in fact not a new feature of equipment templates, it already works that way now. By the nature of multiple ascended sets being different pieces of gear they can of course each use a different skin. Instead what likely makes this feel unfair is that Ascended is gaining the bag space benefit that legendaries have. Since I can't imagine Anet is going to expand the legendary benefits to include free transmuting, we can instead hope for Wardrobe templates sooner than later.

  2. > @"Miatela.5047" said:

    > I've responded to these arguments many times in this thread. For the sake of clarity, here is the breakdown again.


    > Legendary items remain the same.


    > Ascended items gain features - additional bag space saved compared with legendaries and skin swapping.


    > _"Punishment"_ - if a player keeps only legendary gear they pay the same for their equipment templates _but get less features_.

    From what I understand this is not true. Legendaries (which can freely remove Runes, Sigils and Infusions) are able to share those items with other templates, a QoL benefit that is not available to Ascended (ie. a benefit that applies when using the same upgrades on your legendary templates). Conversely when you are using different upgrades you save the bag space of storing them (which is admittedly less space than storing an entire set of gear lest you be using more than 6 different kinds of upgrades, but it's still a win-win for people with Legendaries in both cases; QoL when reusing upgrades, bag space when not).


    I'm not sure I would consider the cosmetic skin swapping a point against Legendaries as much as a plus for having multiple combat-ready sets of gear, whether they be Legendary, Ascended, Exotic or otherwise (realistically it is a minor point in favor of Ascended/Exotics though). If it is for non-combat purposes - use white gear for your fashion needs. I personally still have 3 different sets of white/blue gear in my inventory for these eventualities (white/blue so they maintain account-bound status and I can share/store them on alts), one of which will temporarily make its way into my gear templates to free up 6 inventory slots. In the Guild Chat video they did discuss the wardrobe issue and while it would be nice (wardrobe templates) they mentioned concerns which must first be addressed. Additionally, if they do eventually implement wardrobe templates (and I hope they do), I would truly hope they don't restrict it to Legendaries.


    > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > >

    > > Do you have source for this? It would solve the issue.


    > somewhere in their build template stream, Id have to rewatch.

    > But it was when one of them was showing different armor skins.

    From the youtube post, 41:54 through 42:40 in Guild Chat Ep 93 touches on Wardrobe templates, I'm not sure if its mentioned elsewhere.



  3. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > I have nothing wrong against people that want to join more than 5 chats groups, I do have against how fake the guild system is... game is already way to much themepark and having guild system that doesn’t meant anything doesn’t help the game.

    > Guild need something that makes one from distinguish form other, what if guilds had different tech/buffs enforcing different aspects of the game or ways to play? This would rather validate the reason of having several guilds.

    > Most of what I complain is about stuff that is pale than the pale tree, like devs ideas to improve the game, most being useless like the mount in wvw... just a way to end battles faster to avoid skills spam on downed players.....

    You say that as if guilds in other games are different. Guilds exist to be a place for like-minded individuals to group up, discuss and organize based on whatever focus the guild has (and yes this also means to chat). Some guilds have a more narrow focus (ie. WvW guilds, Raid guilds, PvP guilds) while others are generalized and do a little bit of everything. I see no problem with that. If you want better luck finding frequent WvW partners you probably want a guild designed specifically for that, but that doesn't mean you should limit the PvX guild's ability to provide WvW upgrades by forcing them to choose general PvE upgrades instead of WvW ones.



  4. Perhaps it could be explained better or expanded upon but the Ultimate edition of the expansion essentially covers this by offering 4000 gems for half the usual price. It would be difficult to bundle the living world seasons along with the expansions because many players already have chapters unlocked. This would mean the price would have to decrease for each one or more likely, you'd be reimbursed gems for each. Giving 4000 gems upfront instead offers the new player flexibility at the cost of clarity - perhaps you don't want LS2 just yet so you play through it with a friend for the story and instead use those gems to buy a fancy glider or outfit or unbreakable gathering tool. Perhaps you are a veteran with a second account and cherry pick the chapters you will find useful, or you wait for a sale and get more out of your gems. The downside of course being that you may spend them frivolously before realizing you need gems (or gold) to buy LS2, 3 and 4 to get the full story flow.

  5. While I am typically in favor of account-based things over character-based, in this case I would prefer SAB to remain as it is. This is because there is no way to remove upgrades once you have acquired them. Sometimes I don't want upgrades for extra challenge or just for fun. Sometimes I want to play with friends (esp. when they are just starting SAB for the first time) in the same situation as they are. It allows me to see which upgrades are available in each shop and how many Baubles they cost without having to rely on the wiki. I'd be all for an option to reset a character to 'starter status' and update to 'account upgrade status' at will, but I'd prefer not to be locked into every character always upgraded all the time.

  6. So far every time I've died with the popup going I've been ported back to the checkpoint after a 15 or so seconds. However it would certainly be helpful to have a /command to reset yourself to the zone entrance or to the start of the adventure. Some levels are an immense pain to backtrack and some may not even be possible. /reset /restart /adventure /gourdon /helpmegourdiwanyouremyonlyhope

  7. Blocked players probably shouldn't be able to see your location (or online status) when they friend/follow you and at the same time the Block list probably shouldn't show the locations of blocked players either.


    > @"Alphonse Constant.2394" said:

    > If you are almost finished with a fractal, but need more people, and that someone you want to avoid joins your LFG, and your party can't be bothered kicking them, or he acts all nice and friendly so they do not want to... yeeeah, you wouldn't throw out half an hour or an hour of your life, would you? You'd always leave right before getting the rewards you fought hard for? I mean where is the fun in that? Why play the game at all at that point?

    As far as I understand parties have no designated leader so it's not at all feasible for the block list to prevent you/others from joining a party (Squads can be a different matter by looking at the leader's block list but naturally not each and every member's list). What if they are on the friends list of one member and the block list of another? Should a block list trump a friends list? Or vice versa? It's messy and would be an absolute nightmare when squads of 30-50 are involved.


    Additionally if the person you dislike is 'acting nice and friendly' and you're at the end of the fractal to boot, just grin and bear it. Hope that they are turning over a new leaf and move on after you get your rewards. By throwing a fit (I'm not suggesting that you are) when the group won't kick them you'd risk getting yourself kicked instead, especially if the other party is civil. It's also worth considering that you may have caught them on a bad day when you blocked them.




  8. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but...


    For the past year or two (at least) I've been plagued by this infrequent bug that would prevent my chat box from working. The game acts as if Shift is held down (which is further suggested by the chat box working again after tapping both shift keys). Initially I presumed it was a Windows issue involving Sticky or Filter keys but that didn't appear to be the case. Plus I hadn't experienced it in any other program except Guild wars 2. I noted that it happened most frequently while typing, and shortly after experiencing it again today I had a breakthrough!


    Pressing and holding Left shift, Right shift and Enter at the same time consistently caused this 'bug' to occur and upon realizing this I searched keybinds and found 'Squad Broadcast Message' is set to "Shift+Enter" by default (I say 'bug' because I presume its actually locking focus on the squad broadcast chat which for whatever reason doesn't exist for me - Perhaps due to not having a Commander Tag?). Curious, I unbound it and LShift+RShift+Enter no longer caused the chat box to freeze up. I re-enabled, and could immediately reproduce it. Strangely enough it also occurred when I tried LShift+RShift+/ and Shifts+L, neither of which caused any problems once the command was unbound.


    So! I don't need help solving this (nor do I know if it's a problem that affects everyone), but thought I should post because I have seen posts in the past experiencing similar issues without resolution.



    Shift keys stuck preventing chat from working.

    Left Shift + Right shift + Enter simultaneously caused it to occur.

    Pressing Left and Right shift (separately) seem to fix it.

    Unbinding Squad Broadcast Message appears (so far) to prevent it from re-occurring.

  9. > @"zionophir.6845" said:


    > i already said like ~three times in the thread that i bought HoT LATE for my OTHER account so i get it that ALL the HoT LS's in that account are locked.


    > what i am saying/griping/almost suggesting is that NEW MAPS (from expansions/LS) must not be gated since expansions eventually lead to the LS to carry on with the story. yes, the LS is another way to gain profits but the gating of EXPLORABLE maps within the LS must be reconsidered.

    Would it make more sense to you if they bumped up the price of HoT and PoF by $10 and bundled LS3 and LS4 respectively with them? That would save you around $2 compared to buying the expansion and the season separately, but it also makes the expansions less accessible because the up-front cost is higher, especially for players who may not even play LS3 and LS4 (or who may prefer to buy them with gold). This also creates a nightmare when players already own parts of the LS or the season is still in progress.


  10. > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > > @"Omernon.9762" said:

    > > Because in that way you will end up in never ending cycle of buffs and that will lead to power creep, which is much more harmfull for the game than occasional nerfs.


    > Enhancement is not equivalent to numerical expansion,wouldn't it be better to increase operability?


    That's a fair point. My initial inclination is to say that I never want to see quality of life nerfs and I would invariably favor buffs over nerfs when it comes to the 'feel' of an ability. Increasing the aftercast of an overperforming ability (and thereby making it clunkier to use) sounds like a poor solution compared to a 6% nerf in damage which may see similar results. Conversely I can get behind increasing the cast time to make it more interruptible/dodgeable in place of a flat damage nerf, despite the fact that too makes it harder to use.

  11. Solo content is just as important to an MMO experience as multiplayer and mass multiplayer content. Solo content (read: Content that is playable solo, not content that MUST be done solo) provides players with the means to enjoy the game without waiting for or relying on others. Let's face it, you're not always going to have friends around nor will you always want to party with strangers. Sometimes you just want to roam around Tyria by yourself gathering from a few nodes, jumping through a few puzzles or depriving Centaurs of their ill-gotten Krytan goods. It is important that your players not require the constant presence of others to have fun and even more important that they not be hindered by them (I'm looking at you games with shared gathering nodes!).


    I'm a strong believer of encouraging but not enforcing group experiences. The content is designed for 5-10 players but you are skilled enough to complete it solo? (despite it taking significantly longer). Fantastic. Unable to progress because you arbitrarily need to step on two switches at once, which one boulder could have remedied? Frustrating.


    As a primarily solo player in MMOs I have very few gripes with GW2. It provides plenty of content that I can do solo or with a group (and even 'solo' while in a group without the need to be social or interact if I just want to put my head down and play for a bit). Could it be better? Sure. I'd love to see Fractals and Raids flexible enough to accommodate differing group sizes. ie. You can do fractals well enough with a group of 4, but if you have 6 someone is left out. Meanwhile 6 is [probably] too few for raids especially if you are new. Though I accept that this is a very difficult balancing act to achieve and likely not worth the time to implement.

  12. I think breakbars are mostly fine as is. The few problems I have with them are...


    1. Soft CC is mostly negligible. This is compounded if others are also applying soft CC since as far as I know they stack duration and not intensity.

    2. The breakbar period is sometimes very short. This means that if you don't know the boss and that the breakbar phase is coming up, you may not have time to swap to all of your CC. I find this is especially true with Elementalist (and Engi?) where you will need to swap to several attunements (or kits) and use Frost bow, which is quite slow and clunky to equip and drop in the first place.

    3. The time between breakbar phases doesn't always align with your CC skills. Sometimes you will have your hard CCs ready for one phase but then not for the next and often only by a few seconds too. Not a big deal in most cases (and adrenaline mushrooms and alacrity certainly help) but it can be if your group is struggling to CC as it is.

    4. They seem to scale terribly. I know it's probably a result of many players not using CC at all, but it's incredibly disheartening to use all of your CCs (while others are, too) and the bar barely drops to 70%. Conversely I've had times where I was slow and the boss's bar is already broken as I start to CC. It makes it very difficult to determine just how useful my own personal CCs are to the group (though this is a Zerg issue more than a breakbar one). I feel it's a much more satisfying mechanic when playing alone or in small groups which allows me to adjust my build accordingly to take more or less CC.


    That said, these are pretty minor and I greatly prefer the breakbar to defiance stacks.


    I suppose what I'd like is more feedback on how strong the enemy breakbar is and how much breakbar damage our skills are doing. Adding breakbar damage to the tooltip display may go a long way.

  13. It sounds like you already did a key run this week (Resets on Sunday night I believe). You can only obtain a key from the Lv10 PS once per week. There are also keys available from the first step of the Lv40 PS and the second step of the Lv60 PS as well as a few others. So if you want more keys per week (and don't mind leveling and/or have plenty of Tomes of Knowledge) you can get:


    3 from the PS (Lv10 Completion, Lv40 start, Lv60 Claw Island)

    1 from LS2 (Tangled Paths)

    1 from HoT (Ch3 or so - in Tangled Depths, it's too far to be worth it for just the key imo)

    0.5 from Bloodstone Fen (Chance for a key from completing the Bloodstone Fen map, which takes only a couple of minutes once you know where everything is).

  14. As much as I like the addition I am a little disappointed because it means we are very unlikely to see in-game timers for bosses and metas. And if they were to release one for meta events it would probably be separate and take up another inventory slot. Still, I am hopeful that at some point the 10 minute chat notification will be added to the game by default and allow us to track many different types of events while the portal aspect is left to the device.

  15. I'm not sure if your mouse has the functionality where the middle wheel has 'buttons' that go left/right (I believe they are forward/back by default? My G500 has it but I turned them off because I'd mistakenly activate them). But if so you could perhaps bind attunements to Mousewheel up, down, left, right? It wouldn't be the scrolling you're asking for but it should still count as one keypress, one action. Alternatively (and I don't know if it works with the mouse wheel) you could use Mouse Wheel up/down for two attunements, and the 3rd ring-finger button +up/down for the other two? IIRC the G600 is the one with the extra mouse button that acts as a modifier?

  16. I'm not entirely sure how they would implement it but I'd love to be able to see the Bounty's abilities before spawning it. Sometimes a bad combination of modifiers can turn a bounty you plan (or attempt) to solo into one where you need to ask for help, and unfortunately if you've already spawned it you'll often lose 3 or 4 minutes before players start to arrive, if any decide to come in the first place. Perhaps show it on the bounty listing on your 'quest log' when you accept it, similar to the way Fractal Instabilities are now displayed.

  17. Personally I picked Grieving and Harrier's for two of my PoF backpieces. Those are the more useful stat combinations from PoF imo and cannot be chosen on pre-PoF backpieces. I am (or will be) saving the other two in hopes that any new stats added during LS4 will be selectable (can Plague doctor be chosen? If so then I would expect them to add any future LS4 stats, otherwise not) or until I need them for another character.


    If you have LS3 (specifically, Bitterfrost frontier) then you can use that to farm a Viper's backpiece. Winterberries are a great way to earn a HoT Accessory, Ring and Backpiece because they are gathered on a per-character basis instead of account. Of course you can only use one of each Ring/Accessory, so you'll need to find the others (and Amulet) elsewhere.

  18. I'd be okay with adding a few more rewards to the PoF story.


    Offhand, HoT has:

    - Bladed armor box (Wiki says Head, but I thought one path was Head and the other Shoulders).

    - Auric weapon

    - Chak weapon (not all are available)

    - Black lion key

    - Leystone armor box

    - Viper/Minstrel/Trailblazer armor box

    - Random Exotic


    I can't recall a single reward that I would repeat the PoF story for. And checking the wiki there are zero exotics. Two instances give Lost Saddlebags which supposedly have a (very low?) chance for a named Sunspear weapon. My suggestion would be something along the lines of:


    - Box with **Exotic Sunspear weapon (not named) or ~100-250 trade contracts** at the conclusion of Ch1 (The Sacrifice).

    - Box with **Exotic Mordant weapon (not named) or ~100-250 trade contracts** at the conclusion of Ch2 (The Way Forward)

    - Armor box with **choice of one Spearmarshal, Bounty hunter or Warbeast piece or a Black lion key** at the conclusion of Ch3 (To Kill a God)


    This gives a similar number of exotics to HoT (3 vs 5 as opposed to 0 vs 5). All three are part of collections so you can slowly work toward completing them at a reduced cost through story, then as an alternate reward trade contracts or a black lion key if you don't need/want the exotics.


  19. Neat info. I'd love to see data like this for each Expansion and LS Season - esp. most and least dangerous mobs found within.


    7.3 million hours on a Raptor.

    4.3M hours on a Griffon.


    If we presume the remaining ~~three~~ four mounts are somewhere around 3.4M total (I'd imagine it's higher, but that may give us a conservative estimate and a nice even 15M hours spent on mounts) then we can assume the average mount ride is ~90 seconds long.


    15M Hours = 900M minutes / 620M Rides = ~1.45 minutes per ride.

  20. With mention of a new home instance area for Ch4 (and as Dante said above) I am hopeful that it will have a bookshelf. They could also add some kind of portable library card to access it from the field. I also really, really hope the new instance will let us display Minis in some fashion. Whether in specific locations, on a new furniture item that is designed to display minis, or roaming around the way cats would.

  21. In Aerodrome it is often activating every 3s like normal. For ease of viewing I used Regen and saw a pretty consistent Regen-Regen-Regen-Elevated repeat. Sometimes it will take 6 Regen ticks to activate. When I had another Rev and I both use Elevated compassion, both pulsing Regen (so the one with higher healing power always took precedent) both Elevated compassions were still being applied every 3s (sometimes 6s). I can't quite determine what causes the 6s ticks (or longer in the case of the OP) but I wonder if it may have to do with the ICD tick not quite aligning with the Boon pulse?

  22. With Draconic Echo I am seeing Facets consistently provide their boon a second time on consumption but not at all during the 6s afterward. Sometimes (strangely) I receive double the boons - ie. My 3s Protection extended to 9s instead of 6. And I had 3 stacks of might instead of 2. Upon further testing it appears that this doubling is just a timing issue and I only saw it with Protection and Might because of the longer cast times of their actives. ie. I'd spam Facet of Strength and upon first use it grants 1 stack of might. The 3-second tick triggers during the cast of the Active skill, granting a 2nd stack. And then the active grants the 3rd.


    While it's better to have the boons pulse afterward imo, an alternative could be to increase to two applications of each boon upon consumption since they can only pulse twice during the 6-second period anyhow.


    Edit: It works for Facet of Nature. Just tested in Aerodrome and Shiro will continue to pulse lifesteal for 6-7s after consumption. Additionally when consuming the Facet in Glint and swapping to Shiro, the next pulse of the Facet will change to Shiro and apply lifesteal.

  23. Love the new novelties tab. Thank you so much for it.


    I do hope it expands to some of the Gizmos acquired from various maps - Levvi's Device, Leyline anomaly locator thingamajig, Position Rewinder, Branded Multi-tool, Spearmarshal's gift, maybe the assorted Eaters and more. Then again, they are a bit more useful than most Novelty items so perhaps they don't quite belong there. And of course books too as mentioned above!

  24. > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > Wanderer is far from useless; an exotic set of it is a great start - it's relatively easy to get and will suffice until you decided you want to upgrade to ascended commanders, or decide the play-style is not for you and do something else. Use it as a foundation in the beginning, it will serve you very well. It is exactly what I used in the beginning for my chronomancer.


    Exactly. Wanderer isn't much different than commander. You sacrifice Precision for Vitality. It's certainly not as ideal but when you can get an exotic set for free (provided you have the leystone boxes) it's a wonderful place to start so you can get a feel for the playstyle. Auric weapons are also Wanderer's stats so if you're running the HoT story anyway you can pick up a sword or shield if you need them unlocked and have a usable exotic too. Plus you get an ascended armor box for unlocking all 18 Leystone armors, so it's a step in that direction if you haven't already unlocked them.

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