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Posts posted by Glacial.9516

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @Taelac.7036 said:

    > > Having also looked for and failed to find a way to delete draft posts,


    > Go to the gear icon at the top right nav bar, choose "my drafts". As you hover over them, a red `x` appears in the upper right near the specific draft's preview. Click it, and voila, draft deleted.


    Thank you so much. I had no idea this existed. *Runs off to click 100 or so x's*


  2. I suspect they'll add a way to target them in the future. I'm not sure why the HoT spec weapons came into this. There is no comparison between the named weapons and HoT meta events. The only comparable item would be the Reclaimed metal plates. According to the wiki the chance for reclaimed metal plates is 1% for Fine, 3% for Masterwork and 100% for Rare. I believe from other threads I read that Rare unidentified gear has a 1.5% chance to be a named exotic. Even then you only have a 6/16 chance of receiving a useful one and possibly less of receiving the one(s) you need. Perhaps they'll add an exotic unidentified gear that gives you the choice of named weapon at some point, or tokens that can be traded in for them.

    > @Itagi.4967 said:

    > I tried Metas in PoF yesterday (because of new reward) and for "Maws of Torment" event in Desolation i got Chest of Desert Specialist and i could choose one of these exotic named weapons needed for specialization collection. Im not sure if its random drop from Maws event or you always get the reward for finishing this event, probably it is random drop.

    Ooh if that's true, awesome. That should help immensely.

  3. Perhaps there should be a forge formula involving the crafted Sunspear weapon. Such as...

    - Sunspear weapon (~12g)

    - Rune of the [elite spec] (based on weapon, for classes that share a weapon both runes would work) (~2g)

    - 5 Mystic coins (~4.5g)

    - [item worth 500 trade contracts] (5g)


    Or something to that effect. (Prices based on the wiki and pile of trade contracts which sell for 1s each).

  4. I can understand why some things may need to remain soulbound (such as things pertaining to the story that aren't supposed to be shared, actually can't think of any offhand go figure) but I absolutely agree.This is needed now more than ever imo because as more Elite specs are unlocked with more options for power, condi and support, we need to able to reasonably try out and play with different builds. You won't always have a full set of ascended for classes that are not your main. And if you did go the exotics route the inventory space it takes to carry around multiple sets with you is another downside (and you can't place soulbound items on alts).


    Anyway. There's been a trend lately of account-bound exotics: Machined weapons. LS3 achievement armors. Specialization armors. Halloween Lunatic armors. I don't see the harm in expanding it.

  5. The collection is easy enough, but it is for **one** of the named exotics. That doesn't help for the other five.

    > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > So you got five drops on the first day.. lucky you.

    > I've identified hundreds and hundreds of rares since launch day and no luck so there's something terribly skewed in the drop rates.

    > Just because you got Abaddon's luck in this case doesn't mean it's normal for everyone else

    I presume she meant 5 of the Elonian rares, not named exotics as that would be an impressively lucky day.

    Either way I do think it would be nice if we had a way to target farm these items. Or to ensure that the first 6 we get will be the 6 needed for the collection.

  6. > @Ubi.4136 said:

    > Sure. But this "high heels system" must include:

    > *affects all game modes*

    > 1. wearer of high heels has a 15% chance every 5 seconds while moving to be knocked down (fall/trip equivalent) for 3 seconds

    > 2. *in combat* wearer of high heels has a 5% chance of breaking an ankle, doing so immobilizes character for the duration of combat (can not be removed)

    > 3. *mounting* wearer of high heels has a 5% chance of impaling the mount while mounting, resulting in that mount going on cooldown for a minute until it recovers from the abuse

    Might I suggest that the chance of injury be reduced proportionately to the amount of 'heeling' power you have?

  7. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > I agree with all of that, however OP seems to suggest that this would be an optional mode (2nd post).

    Ah, good point I didn't notice that sentence. Fair enough! Options are always a good thing as far as I'm concerned, whether they be easy modes, hard modes or tear your hair out and cry yourself to sleep so you can try again tomorrow modes.

  8. Not in favor of this myself. You can say that JPs aren't for everyone, but I'd say that festivals are. There are plenty of posts (and people in-game) saying they have trouble with this JP as it is. There's no reason to make it even more difficult (esp. not without it being an optional difficulty increase). If you're not getting enough challenge out of it, find ways to hinder yourself to make it more challenging. See how far you can get with Walk instead of Run. Do it in as few jumps as possible. Try alternate (possibly unintended) routes and see if you can make it. Adapt to the content rather than asking for the content to be adapted to you. Of course, the same could be said to any asking for the clocktower to be easier. One route makes the content more accessible but 'less fun', the other makes it 'more fun' and/or rewarding but less accessible (fun being subjective of course).

  9. This is pretty much what I expected would happen when I read that mounts were enabled in the labyrinth, though I was a little bit curious to see if it might not. I see it often with daily event maps, though in that case it's less about catching up and more about players using the mount attack to kill an entire wave of mobs. I haven't tried the mount skills yet in the labyrinth so I sincerely hope they don't come close to killing them. All in all, I hope players will have the decency to wait for the tail of a zerg to catch up before opening the doors. Or maybe we'll start seeing some groups labeling themselves as "no mount" specifically to cater to players without.

  10. Mkay I found the page I read it on. This was actually the first page I looked for it but I must have skimmed right by it.



    The end of the second paragraph in "Unlocking"

    >From there, the Sunspear Sanctuary is visible to the east. If the Path of Fire story is completed, this area can be reached without further lightning strikes.

    It's not exactly clear which lightning strikes it refers to but if completing the story fixes it then I'd presume it's the ones in your screenshots. If not, then I'm afraid I haven't a clue.

  11. Who's to say Anet made a conscious decision about the pairings of this particular heart? They may have added a number of seekers and a number of love interests, then set each seeker to randomly choose one of the remaining interests when you speak with them. Either way, I see no reason to specifically target nor avoid same gender pairings. If it makes sense then do it and just let whatever happens happen. *shrugs*

  12. If the cap were to be increased, I'd like to see it increased to 1 AP per day that GW2 has existed (perhaps 15k + 1 per day if it's retroactive). That way every day it will continually increase by 1, but anyone who is not at the cap will still receive 10 AP per completion. Once you reach the cap you can continue to do dailies every day for 1 AP at a time, or you could do one every10 days, or leave for 6 months and then catch up in 3 weeks after you return.


    Anyway, I'm opposed to just removing the cap because I do think it helps new players to... not fall further and further behind, and because it's nice for veterans to have the luxury of taking days off without feeling like they're missing irretrievable achievement points.


    On the point of PoF not giving enough AP, I thought it was fine at first (and really I still do) but since it was pointed out, if they were to increase the amount of AP from permanent existing AP sources it may devalue the large amount of Season 1 and unobtainable AP. That or they could combine historical and seasonal AP into one grouping with a cap so every time you do Halloween, Wintersday, SAB, Dragon festival, etc. they slowly chip away at any missing historical AP.

  13. I don't think it's a major problem. I presume Anet releases Gloves/Helmets/Shoulders/Boots because they are the easiest pieces to create in every weight. Some (perhaps most or all?) of the individual armor pieces unlock all 3 weights while the armor sets are only one. I'd like to have more chest/pants pieces myself but that's because they are the bulk of any outfit (not outfit outfit, but wardrobe outfit!) and I'd like more dressy outfits for Heavy and less coats for Medium.

  14. This certainly can be frustrating design and it happens everywhere that mobs spawn too close to 'safe zones' (typically WPs, but sometimes camps with NPCs in them). I know these aren't technically safe zones, but I think it's a fair enough assumption that you shouldn't be engaged by mobs upon entering a zone and upon WPing, or if you're close enough to interact with (most) NPCs . Personally, I'd like for mobs to reset properly if there are no other players on their aggro list when the primary target strays too far. I know it's not intentional (I'd never blame a player for it unless they do it repeatedly) and I'm sure I've done it to people too without realizing but it's frustrating from both sides when it happens. I don't want to die/be placed into combat because of someone else's carelessness, and I wouldn't want another to be inconvenienced because of mine.


    I do notice this more often in PoF. Not necessarily **because** of mounts but more likely due to mob aggro and attack range. I would speculate that mounts may even reduce errant aggroing because you'll be out of range faster and the mob will disengage sooner (though mounts may also discourage players from dismounting to assist when it does happen). In particular I see it happen very often at the Skimmer heart WP. There is a set of 2 or 3 mobs that spawn a short distance away and if anyone strays too close (just a bit west from the WP) they will move into range and attack everyone at the WP.

  15. I like to use Tomes to skip to 20 or 45 (or to jump closer to 71 when I'm close) for the trait line unlocks. Some classes are just insufferable without traits. That said, I don't like using tomes for Lv1-10 because those tend to be a lot quicker than later levels. And... I didn't know this until just now looking it up but according to the Wiki Lv1-15 rewards exp at an increased rate (Lv2 = 200%, Lv5 = 165%, Lv10 = 127%, Lv15 = 104%, chart at the bottom).


    It's also worth noting that if you plan to mix tomes with leveling you should use Tomes directly after you level so you don't waste exp. Tomes will give you the exact amount needed for your current level. This means if you used it at Lv20 w/ 99% (10899 / 10900) you'd go to 10899 / 11400 (95.6%) then to 10899 / 12100 (90%) and so on. While you technically don't lose exp in a numerical sense, you do in relative terms had you used the tomes at 0/10900 and then gained 99% of a level.

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