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  1. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"aquafire.2718" said: > > > > > > > @"Farohna.6247" said: > > > I'd settle just for a portable repair anvil that can be plunked down much like banners or food :) > > > > Yes that would make it easy but not fun, You got to think about it from a realistic perspective, a way players can get more involved with there trade and one another, this way of thinking shouldnt just be for just this trade its just the topic I have today but it should be for every trade so they can do something more that feels like they are valued instead of just sitting at a crafting station and hear a sound effect go off you know? anyways not saying that isnt a bad idea by no means just a didnt flavor i guess lol. > > So you want to make it so that, in order to repair damaged equipment, i would need to trade them to my character that has armorsmithing and/or weaponsmithing instead of simply using the anvil, or pay someone else for that? I'm sure you would find it fun to swindle money out of unsespecting beginners. At that point it would be like real life, so immersion would be guaranteed. Would be terrible for gameplay though. That had absolutely nothing to do with me, do not put words in my mouth im not trying to swindle anyone, please read better, and no you would not trade it to your character, you would ask a crafter to repair it for you and tip them.
  2. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Ugh...my character is in a map or instance, and has to leave and travel to a Crafting Station? And find someone willing to craft at that moment? > There will never be p2p trading, so.... Yes precisely, i dont see the issue here, wow you guys are so negative? like dam
  3. > @"Farohna.6247" said: > Still prefer a portable one, a la engineers from WoW. Would it be handy for a guild doing a raid to have individuals repairing, sure. But the trade window would be inconvenient, for example you die and wp. You quickly repair, run back. No need to pester someone with hey can you repair this or have to seek them out. > Also, if they implemented such a system, then tailors would be able to repair light armor, leatherworkers for medium, and equivalent for weapons....yikes exactly all trades would have a role, its a role playing game. and yes that is exactly the point to create player interaction, im really astonished nobody likes this idea, creating just an anvil for people to just repair items makes a game bland and not creative, Apparently creativity is dead smh
  4. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > So, while I wouldn’t be opposed to this being an ***option*** For people, I would be quite upset if you removed the anvil or repair canister process. I don’t want to spend time worrying about armor repair. > > Also, what if the toon you are playing doesn’t have armor smith or weapon smith.. to answer your question, the smith will offer the service for a fee like real life, simple as that.
  5. > @"Farohna.6247" said: > I'd settle just for a portable repair anvil that can be plunked down much like banners or food :) Yes that would make it easy but not fun, You got to think about it from a realistic perspective, a way players can get more involved with there trade and one another, this way of thinking shouldnt just be for just this trade its just the topic I have today but it should be for every trade so they can do something more that feels like they are valued instead of just sitting at a crafting station and hear a sound effect go off you know? anyways not saying that isnt a bad idea by no means just a didnt flavor i guess lol.
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