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  1. Ok thank you. I'll try the Synaptics... I'd already fiddled with the trackpad settings, but nothing really seemed to affect the game so I assumed the thing that was missing was that setting. Thank you for explaining why it would be a lot of work for them too. I'm not very good with technical stuff so I had no idea how much work that would be for them.
  2. > @"DeanBB.4268" said: > Have you looked for some external/Windows program that emulates this (whatever "this" is)? I have, but haven't been able to find anything. If anyone knows of one that does please link it because it would help me a lot.
  3. I need the portability that comes of only needing the laptop and charging cord. A mouse needs a desk, and adds extra cords, and that's not manageable for me... Thanks for the suggestion though.
  4. So basically, what the touchpad does right now is when I scroll up or down it zooms in and out. And scrolling to either side does nothing. What I want it to do, and what it did with the setting on Mac is when I scroll up the camera looks up, and when I scroll down the camera looks down (or maybe it was the other way around.) And when I scroll left and right I want the camera to look left and right... It doesn't do any of this so it's a pain to play now.
  5. Not sure if this is the right spot for this, but as a former Mac user I'm having a hard time changing over to Windows because the trackpad doesn't work the same... The setting for the gesture controls was a Mac only setting, and it made the game much easier to play. Hoping the devs see this. Even if they can't add this feature I would like to know why...
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