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Posts posted by NaiveBayes.2587

  1. > @Razor.6392 said:

    > God forbid there's one power class that holo can't mindlessly phaceroll to death. Get it? I mixed photon and faceroll. Hahaha.


    I always see you post in any thread related to holosmith either outright demanding it be nerfed or insinuating it's super op. Who hurt you?


    but back to the op. I don't think sb is that strong anymore. Sb vs holo is a pretty even fight (if you're using explosives and not tools), the winner is usually determined by which player is more skilled or who went in with less skills on cd. Try and predict when they will pop fc (usually after balanced stance and endure pain), even create some distance and bait fc with prime light beam. You can simply stow this when it procs or dodge and still do damage if they don't bite and attack you instead. prime lightbeam is unblockable so it's handy to try this when they use their shield stance.

  2. > @otto.5684 said:

    > I would say guardian. Tends to be neither Over powered or underpowered in most metas. Most of guardian weapons are usable in both PvP and PvE. And not only has strong builds for both its elites, it also has a strong core builds. In additional, it has builds varying from bunker to glass cannon.


    > It has issues, but is the most versatile class. This is sure sign of through development.



    Because I don't think the devs actually have a favourite, I answered this as "Which profession has ArenaNet done the best job with over time" and I think it is pretty clear that Guardian answers this question for the above reasons. It's just viable everywhere with a variety of builds to boot, It's the closest profession to achieving that "any profession can fit any role" dream ArenaNet had.

  3. > @Sorem.9157 said:

    > I'm really upset that this expansion's legend wasn't balthie :( It was right there asking for it. Legendary Warrior ftw.


    Why would we be channelling balthazar... to kill balthazar?

    All this wishing for balthazar to be a legend needs to stop. Same goes for **(spoilers ahead)** others like: Trahaerne, Eir, Tyblat, Sieran and Forgal. **(spoilers end)** any elder dragon. It makes so little sense! Legends should be characters from the lore that bridges the gaps between GW1 and GW2 or from GW1 but not in GW2 so there are no lore + current story conflicts, I think that is the path they're following anyway thank goodness. The entire profession's existence is already a huge plot-hole in lore.

  4. > @narcx.3570 said:

    > The last really important adjustment to make is to ALWAYS use Unyielding Anguish against fights with multiple mobs. While it's damage output isn't as great as just pulsing Embrace the Darkness, it's waaaaaay worth the energy for it's AoE chill.


    Going 2-2-2 on corruption:

    Demonic Defiance (resistance when using Mallyx skills) + Abyssal chill (chill on torment) + Maniacal persistence (torment when you gain resistance)

    makes unyielding anguish insane, It's pretty satisfying to watch things just melt after it.



  5. The other two heavy professions already have greatsword so I want something different, a greatsword would just make the revenant aesthetically too cliche "black knight" for me. If it is a greatsword then give us a Norn legend please.


    I chose scepter because I'm still hoping that that the renegade warband summons weren't the final nail in the coffin for a ritualisty spec... I would also like the idea of a pistol/pistol + Cobiah Marriner legend, that actually sounds awesome - I wish I picked pistols!

  6. The Engineer is without a doubt the one profession I can never get bored of because of its wide variety of skills. Even from the very early levels there was great variety with the pistol I had a variety of conditions I could apply, a blind on demand, immobilise with glue shot and the awesome blowtorch skill &animation. With the engineer I could go into areas where the mobs were from 5 to 10 levels higher than me but with the variety of skills I could keep them all at bay while dealing damage and feeling like an absolute boss B). I can still remember some great moments I had while levelling.


    I think what I really really love about the engineer game-play wise is how you have to use your wide variety of skills to achieve your goals and how easy it is to chain several skills together (because you have so many of them on demand) for a specific purpose, furthermore thematically they remind me of Mandalorians and the whole profession reminds me of bounty hunters; the not having some other worldly powers or abilities just some tools and gadgets that anyone could pick up but your character has perfected their use to be on par with and in cases stronger than those inherently more powerful by luck of the draw.

  7. Can we move on past this already, this discussion is getting quite tedious with the same points being made over and over.


    **Something something...Pyre something... Fierceshot something:**

    Yes Pyre was important in sparking the rebellion but it wasn't until Kalla came that the rebellion was actually successful, her tactics (use of female Charr) helped the rebellion grow (females acted as spies) and unite. I would prefer Pyre over Kalla too and Turai Ossa over both of them but we're not getting them and it shouldn't be so much of an outrageous notion that we have Kalla instead.


    tl;dr: **Please get over it.**


    **Kalla isn't legendary/memorable/important enough:**

    Kalla is a very important figure in regards to modern Charr culture.

    Without Kalla female Charr (what we could assume is half the Charr fighting force) would still not be on the battlefield, she trained many in secret for years so they could eventually take up arms when the time was right. Her ideas were the nail in the coffin for the Flame Legion's supremacy. She even has 2 air ships named after her.


    tl;dr: **She might not be as significant to actual players because we do not get to interact with her but in the Guild Wars 2 universe and lore she is definitely significant enough to be "legendary".**


    **Kalla had a greatsword:**The statue of Kalla has a greatsword, we don't know anything about how Kalla fought besides her battle with the Iron legion imperator Ironside where she bled him to submission (That is probably the reason for the focus on bleeds weapon wise and trait wise) and as a result gained his trust, aid and the recognition of female Charrs as equals. If she was a ranger like her grand sire then why wouldn't she also use a shortbow as well as a greatsword? Where was written that the weapon for the elite had to be one used by the legend?


    tl;dr: **The statue had a greatsword, crazy idea but she could have used both?**


    **Muuh equality:** The simple addition of a female legend isn't some part of a huge pc conspiracy to brainwash you. This extends outside of Guild Wars - If your first response to important characters in stories/games not being male/straight/white is "muuh pc culture, muuh equalty" then you need to readdress your thought patterns.

    tl;dr: **read it**.

  8. I'm male and I have 6 female characters and 4 male characters, one for each sex/race option except male Asura because I can't think of a male Asura name that hasn't been taken yet (I have an extra character slot for when that eureka moment hits me). I have 2 sylvari females though.


    Preference reasons: The character model options, voice acting, stance (while not moving), run animation and combat animations are things that I took into account while playing each one and I find that my main is my female sylvari revenant because it has the best voice, best models/styles and a funny/bouncy running animation (I really like the Asura as well), I've even created another female sylvari to be my secondary engineer because the male human voice of my main engineer has gotten quite annoying.


    Play time wise: I've spent most of my time between my main and the aforementioned male human but outside of these two - most of my time has been spent on my female characters. I only have 2 males at level 80 (Charr male and human male) while all but 2 of my females (the new sylvari and human female) is level 80.


    In other games: My main and all my characters were always male with one or two exceptions but now my main is usually female with a balanced stable of sex/race options for the rest.

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