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  1. It would lose all the fun if it was permanent content.
  2. I did this on my 4th try with one hand, using wasd and space. You get more than enough time to turn with the keyboard on the slowest path, I wasnt even at half health once. I dont see any reason why someone with only 1 hand would be unable to complete it. I dont think it needs changing. There are plenty of rewards that not everyone will be able to achieve due to time, skill or disabilities and thats fine. Everyone doesnt need everything. If we remove or give alternatives to every single reward that could be considered challenging, then we remove almost all incentive to actually do the challenging content which is terrible for a game. I do find it ridiculous that some people here have compared not being able to get a cosmetic in a video game to an accessibility issue. That just completely makes a joke of the real accessibility issues some disabled people face and is pretty insulting imo. If this is eventually changed, then I feel the right to complain that there are PVP rewards I cant gain due to my own issues left 'inacessible' to me.
  3. Sanctuary pulses knockback for its duration which does a huge amount of the breakbar. Since both the boss and the sorrows have big breakbars, it lowers the risk of pug groups not being coordinated enough to break them.
  4. Well there is a market for selling raids so people will offer services if it makes them money. Raids being the hardest content to complete in PVE do have a fair few people willing to buy. Dont get me wrong I dont like raid selling either but its not against TOS and can just be ignored so its not really an issue outside of devaluing some titles. If it bothers you seeing them that much you can type -sell or -[ into the search bar at the top. You are not going to find many real lfg in super off hours on EU. Middle of the night being one of them. Raid lfg population is not big enough anymore to sustain that and will keep shrinking the longer raids go without any new content. If you look at lfg in prime time hours or on reset day however, there are many raid pug groups. Its not a good idea to get into raiding through pugging anyway. It requires more time than any random group can commit to to properly learn each boss. Finding a guild will be a much better experience.
  5. 1. Tengu playable race 2. Completion of SAB 3. Return of TA fw-up Doubtful any of these will happen but I can hope.
  6. They are unlikely to commit any resources to a mode that most players would only experience once. You would need to find a way to make the content repayable to make it worthwhile. Particularly now when resources are stretched so thin they cant even produce living world content at the standard they used to. Most of the story in raids is told through lore books anyway, which you don't need to fight any bosses for.
  7. > @"finkle.9513" said: > OHH I love you all thanks for the great work, fantastic job,forget all the trolls you are fantastic!! Its fine if you like them but labelling everyone who doesn't as trolls really doesn't help. DRM have many issues that should be addressed.
  8. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said: > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said: > > > > No, enough human female bosses. More monsters or other tyrian races please. > > > > > > That is a ghost tho we dont have alot of female there. > > > > Human female or human female with a ghostly aura, still pretty similar to me. Of the last 4 fractals we had released; all 4 of them had human bosses and 3 have been human females. I would prefer some variety. > > There's a lot of monster types in Fractal already, i'd say it's pretty diverse. Along with other races. > Disco Charr, Crazy Asura, "ley anomalies" type of bosses, Golems, Molten bosses Charrs, Grawl, Harpies, a Rabbit... > There's humans too, yeah, but not too many i think. > > What's really underutilised are Norn and Sylvari bosses maybe. How many of those are in the Fractals? > One (annoying) Norn and i don't think there's a Sylvari boss at all. 8/21 bosses are human. Thats more than 1/3 and too many in my opinion. Only 1 fractal has a norn boss and 1 a charr, unless you count berserker in molten boss as a charr. Both could use another fractal with their race as a boss. Sylvari have none and if I had to pick the next boss type it would definitely be a sylvari. There are a decent range of monsters but each is unique and interesting, so I would prefer those to yet another human, like I said in my first post. I wouldnt be against a 'witch in the woods' style fractal, it sounds like a fun concenpt actually, just not with bria as the boss.
  9. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said: > > No, enough human female bosses. More monsters or other tyrian races please. > > That is a ghost tho we dont have alot of female there. Human female or human female with a ghostly aura, still pretty similar to me. Of the last 4 fractals we had released; all 4 of them had human bosses and 3 have been human females. I would prefer some variety.
  10. No, enough human female bosses. More monsters or other tyrian races please.
  11. From the trailer I was hoping for a dungeon style instance with long term replayability. I guess it is sort of like that but I dont feel it delivered on what I hoped for. My main criticisms: - Uses personal story instance structure. No excuse for this imo. Having instance holder dc and everyone getting kicked is the worst feeling. We have had functional 5 man instances for 7 years now and not making use of them is pure incompetence or cutting corners. - LFG bugged on release. Just shows how poor quality control this release has that the lfg uses squad groups and the instance uses parties. - Masteries are locked to the response missions - All 3 responses are carbon copies of each other. I feel like I am playing the same instance with a different skin each time. - Bosses lack interesting mechanics, instance is too long and has forced wait after the first event. I would have preferred if the instance was much shorter, with each mini boss adding a new mechanic to learn and a larger end boss with multiple mechanics to do, similar to a fractal boss. Approximatly 10 minutes would be an ideal instance length to do daily IMO.
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