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Black Storm.6974

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. While the tooltip state so, it does not grants Quickness to me, it is probably a tooltip error. I hope the tooltip is not showing an upcoming nerf to Reaper Onslaught.
  2. I can’t really understand what you are experiencing, but I’d consider completely turning off the in game sound
  3. I just do not want to see ever again mobs with an absurd amount of Health like in Drizzlewood Coast North
  4. I would appreciate to see the return of these items on the Gem Store: Noble Courtier Outfit New Horizons Mount Select License Mistborn Mount Select License Curious Creatures Mount Select License Shimmerwing Skyscale Skin Ice Reaver Pauldrons
  5. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said: > > @"grave of hearts.7830" said: > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said: > > > If you use transfusion in wvw on a scourge, it continues teleporting downed bodies to you for 9s with no way to stop it. So if you cast f4 and get pulled into a bomb, you will pull every other downed person in range into that bomb with you. This usually results in a squad wipe as each of the allies you've killed rallies an enemy player. > > > > > > if you really want to play res bot for wvw on necro, play core. interrupting the channel on DS4 stops the pull effect. > > > > When was the last time you saw that happen? > > Because as far as i know that was a bug that got fixed over a year ago. > > It's not a bug, it just happened to my squad on Saturday. It's always the same thing: some pug tries to res during a push, gets pulled or separated from the group, pulls everyone else who went down in, squad wipe. It's a wonder to me that it doesn't get fixed because it's very easy to abuse. > > DS4 and RS4 are both channels that apply healing/pull on each tick, interrupting the channel interrupts the related pull. F4 on scourge isn't a channel, so there's nothing to interrupt. > > Anyone on chrono or dh is just waiting for someone to pop transfusion, that's easy bags Transfusion’s pull effect has a 4 (or 3) seconds internal cooldown. It is triggered only a single time by core and Reaper Shroud, as soon as the skill is casted.
  6. > @"Sniper.5961" said: > > @"Black Storm.6974" said: > > Agony excluded, right now for inexperienced players doing T1 Fractals, fighting the last boss of Sunqua Peak is kind of like fighting a strong T4 boss (obviously a really frustrating experience). I’m confident ArenaNet can see or at least guess the problem by watching at their metrics. > > > > The difficulty at low tiers needs to be reduced a lot to make it more in line with other low tier Fractals. > > Why? The cc requirement is a lot less than t4, everything does much less damage, and you don't get downed when failing a mechanic, you just get a bit of damage, the boss has a lot less hp, the blue tether gives you stacks so slowly the mechanic becomes irrelevant. I don't think the boss should get any more easy than this otherwise people will not even realize when they make mistakes. And its important that people realize when they fail a mechanic, in fact I think the blue tether should get buffed in t1 in a way that the stacks are applied a lot quicker but the damage you get for failing it should be minor while noticeable. It's by design a mechanic heavy boss and t1 is there to learn it. So if you want people to learn the mechanics of the boss they have to be punishing enough to make them noticeable. Because if they are not people fail to learn. Another point is that Sunqua is the last frac before entering a higher tier so you can view it as a trial for the higher tier. The only criticism I have is that there is no ingame guide. There are mini bosses that should teach you the storm phase, the meteor phase and the blue tether, but the blue tether will go unnoticed. In my opinion there should be a book before the boss that explains mechanics again. To not break the immersion it could be implemented as combat notes from prior adventures or something like that. Implementing breakbar tutorial in the fractal lobby would be helpful as well. You have to consider that inexperienced players don’t generally look for well organised party compositions and often they play with other inexperienced players. The damage they can take in Sunqua Peak is far higher than what they take in any other Fractal. If someone don’t have any problem completing Sunqua Peak T1 (in a group of similarly experienced players), then could easily go straight to try most T3 Fractals (AR requirement excluded). Could be nice having to care about what happens in a fight, but almost no other Fractal forces players to do that, especially not in T1. Also, Most players doing T1 Fractal could be inexperienced players which have yet to learn the basics of the combat system (which the game totally fail at teaching), and that often feel overwhelmed by all the things they have to learn and pay attention to. Imagine a group of inexperienced players that try Sunqua Peak T1, suffering for hours at the last boss (something common), failing or barely completing it. Most of them would barely learn anything, also they could not want to try it ever again. We are talking about the lowest Fractal tier and Fractal is the main instanced repeatable content still supported by ArenaNet and available to any player since level 80. I see no reason to give such an unpleasant experience to new players. Sure, they could just avoid that Fractal and many of them will do that.
  7. Agony excluded, right now for inexperienced players doing T1 Fractals, fighting the last boss of Sunqua Peak is kind of like fighting a strong T4 boss (obviously a really frustrating experience). I’m confident ArenaNet can see or at least guess the problem by watching at their metrics. The difficulty at low tiers needs to be reduced a lot to make it more in line with other low tier Fractals.
  8. Since the old Kill Proofs can no longer be obtained, the practice of faking Kill Proofs probably got far more popular, to the point where most people who joined those groups are faking theirs. In my experience (on EU server), people with high KP were mostly experienced CMs players, when the old KP were still obtainable.
  9. You could find another way to keep yourself interested in things (and ArenaNet to keep their players interested), one that don’t involve taking away from others what they enjoy playing. We have not any control over the balance of our characters, the “obvious” consequence is that those changes can cause a lot of frustration among people. Fortunately, ArenaNet is quite soft on balance when it comes to PvE. I no longer play PvP and WvW mostly cause of the hard balance those game modes suffer. As many others, I would stop playing the game in case something similar would happen to PvE. The soft balance, the possibility to freely take breaks from the game and coming back without feel punished or overwhelmed, are all things “promised” to us by ArenaNet. Taking away that would be an horrible move, just for the enjoyment of few people unable to be respectful of others and the balance they find in life.
  10. > @"necromaniac.7629" said: > > @"Black Storm.6974" said: > > There is no need to make different conditions less unique by making them work more similarly toward each other. The main damage from Confusion is supposed to be applied when the enemy try to attack, something situational (and situationally very strong). > On the topic of uniqueness, it would be like saying to make torment ticks affected by condition dmg only when you're moving, so I don't really see how it makes it less unique, confusion dmg when not activating skills being very low compared to other conditions just makes it more niche than unique. > It was designed to be niche. Other conditions was designed to be more consistent in applying their damage. I don’t find these differences to be bad.
  11. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said: > > @"Black Storm.6974" said: > > There is no need to make different conditions less unique by making them work more similarly toward each other. The main damage from Confusion is supposed to be applied when the enemy try to attack, something situational (and situationally very strong). > > > > If a profession, for this reason, don’t get consistently rewarded for its high condition damage, maybe ArenaNet could add more damage from a different condition to this profession. There are many ways to achieve that and that could even be somehow tied to the usage of Confusion. > > > > An example is the Reaper trait “Deathly Chill” that apply Bleeding every time Chill is applied. Chills can maintain is uniqueness and main purpose, but we have a way to use it to make more Condition damage. > > The thing is they seem to be able to split how much damage skills deal, but not split things like that bleed on chill. So changing confusion so that it ticks for more damage in PvE only seems to be something they can do, while adding bleed on confusion (or something similar) doesn't split and would impact PvP/WvW as well. > > That's sort of the problem with confusion. It's a PvP condition meant to either punish players spamming skills or apply control by forcing them not to use skills. PvE enemies don't change their behavior when confusion is applied, so half of the condition's purpose is irrelevant there. PvE enemies also tend to attack more slowly than players do, so confusion is only good against enemies which have particularly high attack speed. Thank you for being polite explaining your concerns
  12. There is no need to make different conditions less unique by making them work more similarly toward each other. The main damage from Confusion is supposed to be applied when the enemy try to attack, something situational (and situationally very strong). If a profession, for this reason, don’t get consistently rewarded for its high condition damage, maybe ArenaNet could consider to add more damage from a different condition to this profession. There are many ways to achieve that and that could even be somehow tied to the usage of Confusion. An example is the Reaper trait “Deathly Chill” that apply Bleeding every time Chill is applied. Chills can maintain is uniqueness and main purpose, but we have a way to use it to make more Condition damage.
  13. There is probably almost no content in Guild Wars 2 which is played and enjoyed by most of the “active player base”. ArenaNet specified that they are trying to develop some content for everyone, despite knowing that only a minority will enjoy playing it. They try to bring more players to enjoy it, and they try to develop new things hoping they can be more successful, but I think they know that is not realistic to make those things successful among the majority of us. We are too different from each other, we do not enjoy the same things, and they keep developing something for everyone from time to time. Since this game was, since its release (if not before), something that was supposed to not keep its players playing all the time (letting them feel free to take a break and come back at any time without feeling punished), that’s nice.
  14. > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization. I really like the idea of the tower with random enemies which get more difficult as we progress, but personally I doubt I would play it if I can’t use my abilities. I don’t really like being forced to play something which is not my Profession of choice (I can’t even play more than one Profession).
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