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  1. The february patch and the reworks leading up to it were still the worst things Anet has ever done to this game. This thread and the "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97262/why-increasing-cooldowns-does-not-reduce-spam-and-can-even-make-spam-worse#latest" one are both really good.
  2. > @"Bojjang.1052" said: > **I started Warrior because I wanted to hit like a Truck** and not to be hit like a Truck. Use what this guy's using. I was on demo amulet lol ![](https://i.imgur.com/sTa25vl.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/OVC8mJm.jpg "")
  3. > @"Ohimi.4107" said: > > @"shadowpass.4236" said: > > Makes it harder for hackers and bots to ruin the gamemode. > > I'm not gonna lie to you , This was VERY VERY VERY stupid. I'd love to ask for your reasoning behind this but i know nothing good can come from it It's a suggestion. Anet can do whatever they want do deal with the hackers and bots except for what they're doing now because they just keep making new F2P accounts so it doesn't even matter if they get banned. It doesn't affect me much because I don't play this game anymore unless someone asks me to but the rare matches I do play I end up running into the same hackers I've reported months ago with different numbers after their name. I record these matches when they happen and submit them to Anet in a ticket but simply banning the account doesn't work because they can come back so easily. So yeah it might hurt some players that didn't purchase the game but restricting these F2P accounts to unranked means that the people hacking or botting won't be able to influence ranked matches where rating is at stake unless they spend money on the game repeatedly after getting banned. Also, F2P accounts shouldn't have access to ATs and MATs cause clearly the dude hacking in the semifinals of the MAT was pretty embarrassing + the full bot multiboxing teams farming gold in the ATs. There have been plenty of people that have gotten permabanned and just make an account the next day. ~~The current system is really bad like everything else in this game LOL~~ [3 bot high plat ranked game](https://clips.twitch.tv/TawdryMotionlessPterodactylNotATK)
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