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Posts posted by Lazze.9870

  1. > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > @Lome.8239 said:

    > > The cooldown on Beastmode should stay.

    > >

    > > You Soulbeast players should be allowed to pet swap during Beastmode, though.


    > Care to explain your reasoning?


    Because it's clunky. Because dozen of pet swap traits aren't working in beastmode. The concept of "dancing" in and out of beastmode in its current state is a gimmick.


    The matter of fact is, this elite spec would have been better if it was permamerged with the ability to "pet swap" between your two selected pets. Yes, even at cost of never having a pet and their F2s, it would perform better that way. And I'm saying that after hours of gameplay in both pvp and wvw where I just end up swapping back to even a full core build because the synergy and the fluidity of the builds are way better and the traitlines offer more utility. If this was a permamerged spec, you would keep the synergy. You'd just have a more offensive oriented build, which is what soulbeast is all about anyway.


    The only place where this spec currently has a "solid" spot, is for raids where you stay merged all the time.

  2. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > @Durzlla.6295 said:

    > > Well for starters rangers aren't called rangers due to being ranged, they're called rangers because they range the land.

    > >

    > > That being said, Soulbeast is very clearly meant to be dancing in and out of the beast mode, and mauling the enemy to death with their pet, the elite spec as a whole lends itself to being a melee centric spec. That's just kinda how it's focused/designed.

    > >

    > > However, you can totally use ranged weapons as a Soulbeast, I just wouldn't make it the focus of the build. I currently run with a LB and Dagger/WH and been having fun with it, running with a Flamingo (versatile Moa) and a fernhound (heal pet) and have been using the LB mainly to soften up people for the kill/to attack runners/to stay out of places I don't want to die.

    > >

    > > however if I were going to make a ranged focused Soulbeast I'd recommend using a devourer and spider to help you stay away.


    > You don't swap out of merging. You stay merged because the merged skills are a DPS boost for condi builds. And greatsword is garbage and has been for 5 years with no sign of buffs.


    They have buffed it several times already.

    The only thing they haven't buffed are the autos. Which is also the only thing holding it back.


    And yes, you do swap in and out of merge. If you're doing anything else than pve.


    As for OP, Soulbeast crosschecked a lot that the core ranger should have had from the get go. Merging and a mainhand dagger, mainly.

  3. > @Durzlla.6295 said:

    > Loud Whistle appears to reduce the CDs if that's the trait I'm thinking of, but it's a cold day in hell when I drop beast mastery, so I'm not positive that they're not just naturally that low...


    > And idk about the dps of marks/BM/Soulbeast in PvP, but it certainly has a lot of burst potential in PvP, and is quite fun there.


    Doesn't reduce beastmode skills. It obviously _should_.

    Haven't tested the damage modifier. But it should obviously do that _aswell_.

  4. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > > @psizone.8437 said:

    > >

    > > > * Spiritual Reprieve is harder to replace as pets don't grant Resistance but Shake it off (Brown Bear) and Regenerate (Fern Hound) would likely fill this role well. Smoke Cloud would somewhat work as it makes the Smokescale immune to conditions.

    > >

    > > So you would want to replace a heal that can heal for what like 5-6k with minimal healing power + 3seconds resistance for 2 condis removed and a heal + regen that is worth like half the heal of Spiritual reprieve? seems like a bad swap imo...

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > That 5-6k heal is all you get from it anyways, on a humongous 40 sec cd. Might as well go druid and get the same healing on a much more frequent basis with stealth and super speed on top.


    And lose damage while at it.

    No, you can't "just aswell" go druid if you're running a soulbeast build. Ruins the point. That skill is huge for a spec otherwise limited on sustain. Even with the humongous CD.

  5. > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > You should have played a Shout Guardian if you like Leader of Pack that much.

    > Basically they do the same thing, group cleanse, group stability, group protection, etc, except Soulbeast need to waste a Grandmaster slot for it to work on party.


    Guardian shouts don't give you additonal effects. Traited dolyak stance is better than a guardian's stand your ground untraited.

    But granted I have read you say this very thing more than once before, I guess it's not worth mentioning.


    My opinion on the trait: Remove the reduced effect duration of allies, keep it in pvp with adjustments if necessary (I doubt it). This is Anet kneejerking at its best, and they are specially good at it with ranger. Handbrake on before we get to try it.

  6. > @Hya.5168 said:

    > What probably annoys me more is that I simply lose my pet after merging (which is logical), but why I cannot have the other pet on the battlefield during that? The fact I lose a tanking pet in PvE simply discourage me to use Soulbeast merge and although I am using it for the traits, I rarely (if ever) use the main functionality. Although I agree with the proposals in OP, the option to have another pet while merged on top of that will make it perfect. ;)


    And you would end up with 8 different "F" skills.

    Ye, no. Isn't happening.

  7. > @Warlyx.6732 said:

    > Uhm , to be fair the actual boost is a joke , 200 power or 200 condi is nothing when your pet is doing 1/3 of your dmg , 3 skills that u need to cast with huge CDs ...


    > SB gives a meatshield , tons of DMG for a tiny boost and 3 skills, oh and the option to use another trait line ( druid included) is worth it?


    > Just with a few pets and just for burst or utility


    > Don't get me started on dagger as weapon





    The pet never did 1/3 of your damage. And I wonder how anyone can actively play the game, pay attention to what they are doing on the screen, and still claim that their pet does that much damage.


    As to OPs question. Raise the power coefficients of the ranger's power damage on most if not all weapons. They barely made sense back when pets did a bigger proportion of the total damage, it's not even close at this point. It's about time Anet realizes it.

  8. > @Adenin.5973 said:

    > **Dagger:**

    > Also, the ranger simply isn't a meele class. In most PvE content (as a ranger) you will get far better results in hectic fights with ranged weapons because in meele you simply eat too much dmg and can't sustain your dmg/health. The dagger doesn't provide any more meele sustain and the new stances don't help either with that.


    You don't, and you never did. This is oversimplifying at its best.


    And as one ranger to another, I wonder how you haven't figured out to abuse your pet to tank the damage where that "tanking" is even relevant. It isnt' relevant in group content, so what gives.


    I've run two builds in wvw roaming the last few months. Full zerk yolo longbow build (both core and druid variations), and a full melee build (mostly druid, but core works, soulbeast works better than core even with its flaws). To say the ranger isn't a capable melee class is bullshit.

  9. > @Chrolo.8536 said:

    > * The use of on-pet-swap-activation-traits feels clunky: Partly this is an issue that will decrease when I get more used to the spec. But after about 20 hours of gameplay it still feels very clunky how this interaction works (to name a few: Clarion bond, Spirited arrival, Poison master, Zephyr's Speed). If you want to proc one of this traits on purpose you have to unmerge and then swap. This also means that you lose access to the souldbeast skills of this pet (unless you run a second pet with the same skills). Possible solution: I think this skills should activate when you merge and unmerge with you pet. If nececessry ad a short ICD on each skill OR make pet swap possible while in Beastmode.


    Pet swap in beastmode. Solved. That and making sure all traits and skill that affect pets normaly works in beastmode, and the spec is fine. From a functional standpoint, anyway.


    I didn't like the maul change they did AT ALL, especially how they double dipped and nerfed it in two ways. But just to try and balance my feedback a bit; I'm still having fun with soulbeast. Aside from the interaction with pet traits and pet skills, my problems are mostly due to core ranger weapons.

  10. It easily competes with core ranger for pve group content, and it's fun enough in open pve aswell. So even with the flaws, it serves a purpose. It's a straight up upgrade from the condi ranger. Boring as that may be. And if it ends up just being a pve spec, I can live with it. All future elite specs can't all excell in all game modes.


    That being said, they are way too harsh on effects normaly applying pets in beastmode (and with the Maul nerf, it seems like Anet is pulling it further in that direction (funny thing is, it harms power ranger the most, something that ranger is far from viable of running in pve, and it also harms the potential of a pvp GS build)), the stances are mostly lackluster, petswap in beastmode should be a thing, all the beastmode F1s that don't have an additional effect to damage are worthless in any situation. The list goes on.


    They addressed just about none of its problem people gave feedback on aside from dagger tweaks.

  11. > @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

    > Wait...i just realized this was a wholesale nerf on the merged version of maul.


    > A NERF!


    > What the...seriously??? So no word on the loss of damage to pet condi damage after a merge, no word on fixing of the stances that were broken, and a "buff" to a bad weapon AND a nerf to one of the only skills that worked out well during the beta.


    > Just remove ranger class from the game at this point. Obviously no one at Anet likes or plays them on the reg.




    They definitely don't play it, that's for sure. Not even golem smashing. If they did, they would know that there is no reason for the low GS and sword auto damage at this point, and that there was no reason for the soulbeast Maul nerf.

  12. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > @Lazze.9870 said:

    > > I hope that's the case, but tweaking effects differently because they feel some pet effects are too strong to work as they do outside beastmode wouldn't surprise me at all. And ye, the nerf wasn't needed anyway. Unless another Maul buff is a part of the core ranger changes. Wouldn't mind that along with buffed GS autoattacks. No way that's happening, though.


    > It could be that they left sic em alone and this was what they felt was a decent trade off but it could also be that sic em is part of the "ranger changes" and we got Wonka'ed. ("You get nothing!")


    > This clearly isn't everything and I'm afraid we've got more bad news coming.


    Ya, I was kinda surprised sic em didn't get the nerf, then I realized they might just do a complete rework of the skill outside beastmode, which would then change the beastmode version..

  13. > > @Lazze.9870 said:

    > > Boring and almost expected dagger changes and a frickin' Maul nerf on top of it.

    > >

    > > Ugh.

    > >

    > > Edit: _next attack_? So yo're telling me you not only cut the modifier in half, but now the modifier applies to any of our not-worth-a-kitten other GS skills?

    > >

    > > Double ugh.


    > I think he just awkwardly worded his statement since that's how the skill reads already. It just applies to the maul itself because the buff is activated when the skill activates and ends up applying to the next skill impact which will naturally be the maul unless you use the skill to prime the effect beforehand.


    > Or, it really could be after the skill resolves, in which case, the effect is basically useless.


    > It didn't need a nerf either way though.


    I hope that's the case, but them tweaking effects to work differently aside from just pure numbers because they feel some pet effects are too strong to work as they do outside beastmode wouldn't surprise me at all. And ye, the nerf wasn't needed anyway. Unless another Maul buff is a part of the core ranger changes. Wouldn't mind that along with buffed GS autoattacks. No way that's happening, though.

  14. > @OGDeadHead.8326 said:

    > > @Lazze.9870 said:

    > > The root is fine. Give it stability and protection alongside the retaliation (and boom, you got rugged growth and second skin synergy too). People shouldn't be incentivised to stand next to or attack a ranger using it. They should be punished for it.


    > Correction - the root _would_ be fine if the skill also granted stability. It's not fine now.


    Well, I would think it obvious I meant it is fine _assuming_ those buffs. I mean, I obviously don't think the skill is fine as is when I suggest buffs for it. But being rooted isn't a problem in itself if you gain something back. Currently you don't gain enough.


    But ye, sure. The root would be fine, assuming the buffs I suggested. In my opinion.

  15. > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

    > Inproved dagger and fix GS. Something atleast. If the petswap while merged is not possible, no CD on beastmode should be and it should be castable even when CCed Its just necessary if you need a stunbreak from your other pet.


    Fixed? They didn't "fix" GS, they nerfed it. Every single effect applied by ranger weapons to pet have always been applied on activation, not on hit. That carried over to beastmode Maul, but is now removed. We're now stuck with an unuseable damage modifier for our next attack after Maul. A buffed Swoop is the best thing you're gonna reliably get out of it. Woop-di-do.


    I can already see they doing tweaks like this to pet effects applied to beastmode all over the place. I mean, they already did with the stats from beastmastery, assumingly as a kneejerk reaction before even testing it up against other professions.


    Here is hoping the core ranger changes are buffs to weapons. Sword and GS autoattacks, mainly.

  16. The autos need to cleave 3 targets on all attacks and do some proper damage. It's been 5 years, and you keep doing it with the soulbeast dagger: every single auto ranger chain deals pathetic direct damage. One would think that Anet at least did some golem testing and realized that even with pets, just autoing on a golem deals way less damage than other classes. Greatsword needs the same auto treatment for that matter.


    Hornet Sting needs a faster activation, similar to the evade on daredevil's staff. The flip skill needs to stay longer and not immidetaly flip back so that we could actually get some use out of it. Some additional CC to the cripple wouldn't hurt...


    Serpen't Strike needs to.. well, first of all hit the target. Wouldn't hurt to buff its damage too. It is horrible compared to other classes' evade skill.


    The "new" auto animation is kinda meh, but functionality over looks, so I don't care.


    Will they ever do any of these changes? No. Of course they won't.

  17. > @BadSanta.6527 said:


    > stance kitten right now period no matter what you going to say look at the top rangers who did some "good" soulbeast videos no one use stance for reason only bear stance and that came from mercy.



    Dolyak Stance was bugged, you doofus. If not it would have been used.



  18. My main problem with Soulbeast is the hybrid state it is in. And after playing around with it, power builds syngergizes better and are by far the most fun playstyle with the soulbeast mechanic. Hence, my first problem: the dagger isn't just weak as people have already mentioned, it should have been a power weapon. A decently hard hitting one with an autoattacks that actually puts pressure on people _and_ doesn't hit like a nuddle for pve purposes, something we lack. Stop being afraid of giving the ranger some direct damage.


    Traits aren't as bad as people make them sound, and there are definetely syngery with other traitlines (albeit, again, that synergy would have been a lot better if it was a pure power spec). Damage modifier with fury is great, rangers always got fury, soulbeast is damage oriented. All fine, if it wasn't for the fact that we're dealing with a hybrid spec. Again, either make the spec pure power or add condi damage to the trait. The grandmaster minor however is pathetic. As if the trait itself isn't boring enough as is, they give us 5%? A 5 % damage modifier with limited procs? For a grandmaster? Come on.


    As for the major traits, I'd say the top line is boring, but allright. We got enough protection to make use Second Skin, and the grandmaster adds to that. Although I'd prefer something else than death proc grandmaster in the first place. Fresh Reinforcement should have been a part of the first minor trait. The middle line is my least favorite. While sharing stances might give ranger a spot in wvw trains, the entire of idea of sharing stances is 1) not very interesting as a trait and 2) means our stances are balanced with sharing in mind. Which sucks, as stances are generaly useful pvp utilities that shouldn't be gimped. Essence of speed is bad. Live fast is okay (if they make it work with "beast skills" when the pet is unmerged aswell). Bottom line is okay-ish. Unstoppable union is a good pvp trait. Predator's Cunning should just have been a straight up dagger trait (it's obvliously meant to be used with the dagger autos anyway), with a damage modifier to please the pve'ers. Oppressive Superiority is another ranger trait where Anet gives us power damage and condi duration in one trait, which I generally hate but at least it makes some sense with this spec. If Soulbeast was a pure power spec, this could just have been a straight up 15 %, left as is and it would be perfectly fine. The other two grandmaster are in more need of changes.


    Stances? Bear and Dolyak is fine, good even, the others are meh. The fact they don't affect pets outside beastmode is again pathethic, but it wouldn't be the first time Anet made such an obvious oversight with our pets.


    Pet swap NEEDS to be available in beastmode. This is currently my biggest complaint with the spec along with the weapon. Other than that, and I dunno if this was due to bugs or more oversights, but there are some traits that doesn't work with beastmode. Loud Whistle comes to mind. This should just be a straight up scholar rune bonus in beastmode. Pack Alpha should also reduce beastmode skills along with the extra stats. Etc. Etc. Etc.


    Beastmode skills are generaly undertuned as far as pure damage numbers go. Again, this should be a damage spec, not just an utility spec. DPS ranger should be an acceptable role to play, more than it is today.

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