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Posts posted by Kondor.2904

  1. I feel like timegates basically exist to serve three purposes:



First one is to forcefully keep in line those players who are able to invest a lot of hours of farming in a single go with those who have a more limited amount of time each day, so that progression-wise the latter don’t slack too far behind.



Second one is to artificially extend the lifetime of the map/meta/event, so that it doesn’t get abandoned shortly after release, which will also help softening the feel of content drought inbetween the releases.


    And the final one is an illusion(?) of a long-term progression where it doesn’t come from naturally arising obstacles but from a simple timegate where the progression does not take form of getting better at something but rather investing enough time into something, which may or may not correlate with each other.

  2. > @"Jables.4659" said:


    > > @"Salt Mode.3780" said:


    > > Prior to the one dodge nerf mirage was no longer at it's "prime" so I don't know where you are getting into.


    > You falsely claimed that Mirage was never brokenly overpowered prior to the one dodge Nerf. Path of Fire launch up until Feb. 2020 all took place prior to the one-dodge Nerf and I gave you two examples of it being brokenly overpowered during that time. Now it appears you are backpedaling and adding a new qualifier to your previous statement. I am exhaustively aware that pretty much every Mesmer build in existence was drastically toned down throughout 2019 and early 2020. It gives me even more disdain for IH cMirage as this one problematic build resulted in a host of skill based Mesmer builds being butchered.




    You gave 1 example of a vague cMirage and a power mirage build which was mostly affected by overtuned phantasm rework and quickly overshadowed by its chrono variation. cMirage had a bunch of unhealthy builds thanks to IH basically giving you dmg for free while traiting full defensive build, but saying it was dominating meta is laughable, there were just as many strong and unhealthy builds of other classes to even things out. I also think shaving off sustain from chaos was the right idea, with or without mirage, it actually should have stayed in the dump it used be in during HoT times. Defensive traitlines should be a crutch while person gets a hang of the class and learns how to use its active defenses properly, not what it evolved into. Even right now chaos and inspiration are the most disgusting traitlines we've ever had imo.

  3. I'm not sure about things like Vistas or POI's, but imo they should definitely make it so hearts progression is shared between those in party with appropriate party size scaling. It feels really weird that the only way for you to help someone finish them quicker is by targetting the same mobs and pray you don't 1shot them with crit beofre your friend tags them. And that is IF you need to kill stuff to fill the heart bar.


    Considering the amount of achievement items locked behind the hearts, as well as numerous timegates, I think it would incentivise random party ups and communication with nearby players pursuing the same achievements.

    It feels really unintuitive that you have no kind of shared progress with your party members whatsoever, but random tagging and negligible event contributions promoting close to afk behaviour and artificial event scaling is totally cool and encouraged.


    Also, not sure how exactly that would affect the game but they could introduce a mount mastery similar to the wvw mount, where your party members are moving at the same base speed as your mount making it easier for f2p players or those who are yet to unlock their first mount to catch up with events.

  4. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > Necroing this thread because I was going to make my own post but there’s no need. The 20 tournament wins are proving to be even more painful than trying to get into raids for armor (which is still also a massive pain, mind you). Never come so close to actually uninstalling the game as I have in trying to get those wins. And like OP mentioned, it makes no sense! Not just on its own, but when you compare it to the wvw one too. It’s a thinly veiled, terrible attempt for FORCE EVERYONE into a tiny, niche, toxic spot in the game and I’ve only seen others reflect my opinion. I have yet to encounter a single person who’s told me this has helped and they enjoy tournaments now. Why couldn’t it have been 100 player kills? If it’s ok in wvw, why not here? Actually, it makes MORE sense to require kills in PvP than WvW. PvP is all about close combat and slaughtering people to win, but WvW has a large pve aspect to it, as well as long term strategy. If anything, having one of the achievements be getting kills fits better in PvP. It can of course be something more demanding than 100, I think 500 kills would go nicely with 120 ranked wins

    > >

    > > How did Anet forced you ?

    > >

    > > I wanted the raid ring as well but I can't stand doing raids so I just don't do it and keep playing for fun.

    > >

    > > I've found very easy to get the pvp legendary just like the raid ring is easier for someone who already does raids regularly.

    > >

    > >

    > >



    > They force you in the sense that there is no alternative legendary amulet. If there was, I’d gladly shut up and go get that one. And yes, I know you can make the version without visuals without tournament wins. But visuals are the main point of legendaries! Originally, they were meant to be the only reason someone would get a legendary, they were supposed to be high end cosmetic choices that would not give a gameplay advantage. So before you tell me “just make the slumbering version”, remember it was anets own vision that teaches us legendaries are most valued for their visual appearance. And in this way, ArenaNet has **not** provided an alternative to date, nor given us any reason to believe one is inbound.


    PvP players do not have an alternative to PvE trinkets either. No one whines. You either invest time to get a legendary from a specific game mode and get it, or you don't. And like you've already been told, you are not required to have any legendary items to play the game, therefore, you are not being forced into anything. With current swiss system it's more than possible to score wins with the team of any skill level, but you might wanna participate in the AT's during prime time to have better chances.

  5. I'd also add that it's helpful to put additional info in your map chat/lfg message, like "bounty required for this or that achievement/collection/item/mastery/title/etc". I tend to notice more people usually respond to that kind of announcement rather than plain "need help with x bounty", maybe some will check their achievements tab and realize they actually need it as well.

  6. > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > > > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!!

    > > > > > Why would anyone choose any other combination?

    > > > >

    > > > > You think it would be too OP? Or the new meta?

    > > >

    > > > Yes (body is too short)

    > >

    > > Why would any power class sacrifice its main stats for the stat it can barely benefit from ?


    > Because we have traits like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leg_Specialist). Of course it won't be an issue if you're doing some group content, there is always people maintaining all these conditions' uptime, but if you're all on your own, wouldn't it be helpful to have longer uptime of a certain condition? I don't think it is necessary to go as far as full gear for the 78% condition duration though, but being able to mix in a few trinkets with this stat would be interesting.


    Full viper's will give you 40%+ of duration without food, sigils, traits or runes. I'm fully aware of such traits, but even on chrono, who benefits a lot from slow, the dmg increase with the slightly increased condi uptime will be too low to compensate for the lost stats. That's gonna be another rune of ogre in a world of eagle and scholar. Almost like mixing in some sinister's in hopes your slightly buffed power skills will outweigh uncapped condi duration on a condi build.


    But then again, it's only speculation, maybe some traits will be something completely rebalanced, stat distribution will be so perfect for some sleeper-builds it will make sense for such combination to exist. But currently i really don't see anything beating yolo stat compositions. Also it only applies to pve, might actually become aids in some hybrid builds in wvw idk.

  7. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!!

    > > > > Why would anyone choose any other combination?

    > > >

    > > > You think it would be too OP? Or the new meta?

    > >

    > > Yes (body is too short)


    > Would that be a bad thing though?

    > Also, i don't think anything will ever beat how OP Berserker's is... I mean, we have Marauder stats that's basically just as good as Berserker's with extra vitality, yet no one considers that meta. All because you sacrifice like 2% of the DPS by having Marauder...

    > Nothing will ever beat Berserker's. But maybe something should, to switch the meta a bit...


    You lose more than 2% dps, full mara gives you 10% less power and 20% less crit dmg for additional crit chance which will be overcapped in proper group settings, resulting in wasted stats. Additional vitality will either be irrelevant, since you'll have a healer anyway, you'll get 1shot by mechanics if you don't dodge, or you'll simply yeet through mechanics so quickly, you won't have time to get hit. That's why it's not meta.

  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!!

    > > > Why would anyone choose any other combination?

    > >

    > > You think it would be too OP? Or the new meta?


    > Yes (body is too short)


    Why would any power class sacrifice its main stats for the stat it can barely benefit from ?

  9. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > If you don't have the Crystal Champion mastery all done I suggest you start the skyscale first, it's the poor people's choice because it's cheaper in gold then the Griffon but it's more grindy. The Griffon can be faster than a Skyscale in some situations and it can dive at an incredibly fast speed and you can mount on a Griffon while falling from a cliff or while gliding but it takes longer than a Skyscale to master.


    > Why does that matter for the Griffon? I have 2/4 of that mastery trained.


    > And thank you all for your input. I will consider getting skyscale as well.

    > But, since the griffon only requires gold and a collection (no gathering), i can probably work on both simultaniously. Cause skyscale will take way more time to get than griffon, and as i do griffon collections, i can do some skyscale gathering as well. Still need to get to that story part to unlock the collection for skyscale in the first place. So griffon might be done sooner.


    I would say those masteries affect griffon to much lesser degree than skyscale. But imo the vigor one and the leap masteries are essential for skyscale, it's a completely different experience when you are not able to use 4 dashes, instantly regain altitude or use the dash-boosted leap to quickly mount off. Griffon is pretty much the same experience with or without them (being a bit more pleasant with, of course), but skyscale is not skyscale without them. I actually suspect that might be the reason some people dislike skyscale, they don't have those masteries or don't use them.

  10. I'd rather see them changing how energy consumption works when grabbing the wall and jumping upwards, so you are able to use ANY amount of leftover endurance, not just the full endurance bar. It's quite annoying when your bar is 97% filled and you have to hover around and wait for it to be 100%, and go through all the grabbing animations again. Or when you've almost reached the platform, but you're too low to actually climb it and you have like 15 endurance which will would be enough to jump up, but you can't use it, so you have to make another detour or use bond of faith if it's not on cooldown.

  11. Your typical role as chrono will either be dps or 5 man quickness. For dps you use a mix of berserker's + assassin's to reach the crit cap. For the quickness role you either use the exact same stats if you are able to maintain permanent quickness with 0 boon duration or you add boon duration food / mix in some diviner's to reach comfortable amounts of boon duration that will allow you to keep up 100% quickness uptime (meta build suggests 10% boon duration). As you get more experienced with rotation and boss mechanics, your aim is to lower the boon duration as low as you can, so you can maximize your dps while still providing perma quickness to your subgroup. There are some niche setups in raids which incorporate alacrity distribution, as well as tanking, but if you focus on strikes, there's no need to dive into that just yet.

  12. > @"TheThief.8475" said:

    > What if DRM are actually instanced story chapters that you play in party? Everyone says they suck because lack of rewards, maybe they are not meant to be repeated, if not for achivements.


    > I completed all DRM yesterday, and I a have to say I enjoyed em a lot (**except the metrica and caledon**).


    > Imo they are a GREAT way to play the instanced story chapter that you used to play alone. They are not repeatable content (or even end game content), they are just great if you play each of them one time to advance the story. I would like to see some instanced story chapter in this format in EoD.


    > I've played gw2 for a very long time, and this is the first time i have really enjoyed the instanced story, wich were much more boring even in HoT and PoF with no exception for living world season 3 and 4.


    > But yes, there is no content added in the game in the "champions" releases, no one can deny it (no maps, no strikes, no meta events ecc).

    > But no, DRM are not as bad as everyone says, they are just a fun way to push instanced story (imo). Not a repeatable content, but not bad content.


    > What do you think?


    That's exactly how I treated them. And imo the story narrative is more dynamic this way, sometimes a bit too dynamic (i missed some dialogues when i joined them the first time, cuz i felt feel like we were tight on time), I did enjoy them in terms of story interaction and progression, I think overall it's better than stealing candy from a baby-boss 1v1 in the solo story instances.


    And while the end bosses themselves can be fought repeatedly for certain rewards in CM, I think the initial preparation missions are too tedious to do them over and over again. If they want to make them into something more or less repeatable, they should get rid of the excessive dialogues and initial quests after the 1rst "story mode" completion (with some kind of option to repeat it if you want to hear that all again), so you can proceed straight to the escort/boss.

  13. > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

    > In a real fight, the fight mechanics dictate how well you are free to stack up. You can never count on staff. It can also miss if things move, lul, uber slow projectile. I wanted to like staff so bad man it's my favorite weapon for looks and i really really wanted to make it worthwhile in tried many speccs it always just.. its meh.


    > Scepter on the other hand is amazing. It has quite good dps on the ambush, it also spawns tons of clones which serve as shatters and tank for you. Also it has a very low cooldown block that spawns 2 extra clones and does an enormous dot when an enemy hits you. You learn to use that block offensively. In practice this weapon gives you huge survival and covers up problems with clone generation. It's such good weapon for general use, the only thing it doesn't have is aoe, but then you can swap to axe/torch for heavy aoe. It fills so many roles, and makes it so easy to cover up from mistakes or when something bad happens. Scepter alone means you can be pushing out shatters like crazy over time. It also gets 20% attack speed from talents. I can't imagine playing a condi mirage witout a scepter and without illusions for shatter torment.


    > Staff is like do almost no dps but have long range and more protection like stuff and a little teleport back. It's only real use is when you are trying to push the limits of what is literally possible to do, kitten how long it takes. It generally also needs signet of illusions just to be somewhat semi-decent.


    > I have tried so many mesmer builds i wanted this class to be my one, but i retired it because it's so nerfed on so many fronts out of people fearing and jealousy about it's coolness. You can just log on a scourge and press a few buttons and do far more aoe dps in a total no brain way, or work your kitten off on mirage spamming tons of clones shattering, abiltying whatnot and still not clear that fast. Now i just use it for what it does best - world content. I love it there, and the GS/GS power mirage is my go to event build it's just so good at it i feel while the tormenting rune condi mesmer with clones to help tank is so so good for tough things.


    Again, that's not true at all about the staff. First of all, ideally you don't use within a 1200 range, you try to stack your staff clones as tightly as possible and close to the mob (as well as ultimately position yourself in a way ambush projectiles go though multiple enemies if present), so that all the aa bounces will be quick, ambush projectile travel time will be reduced to minimum, and you will stack yourself up with loads of might. Might stacks play a really important role. If you run around the mobs on a 1200 range, carelessly positioning clones and stuff, yeah sure, staff will be worse, I guess. But you don't do that, nor you camp it.


    I will try using scepter against trash mobs (but again I don't really think you need anything besides axe for that (scepter is too slow for trash mobs imo)), however, shortly after I left a response here, I did try soloing a bounty on scepter/axe and it was much less dps and much more unpleasant experience overall. Scepter ambush is also actually slower than staff ambush, even if you take Malicious Sorcery, and if we're talking about ambushes, in OW scepter ideally needs quite a bit of precision to stack bleeds with those 25 hit ambushes to maximize its efficiency, which doesn't really work with trailblazers. Everything to one's own taste, I guess, but saying staff is useless most of the time and does 0 dps is not true.


    And this all only applies to solo ow, you use neither of those weapons in a non-ow or non-solo situations, just wanted to mention that, since you talked about mechanics(?) a bit.

  14. > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > @"Bristingr.5034" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > Then it would not be a challenge anymore.

    > >

    > > Snowden Drifts is practically impossible right now to the point even Raid-geared teams are struggling.


    > I did it with a minute spare time. I suggest not going for mindless raid dps rotations but actually thinking about your strategies a bit better.


    What strategy exactly does it require, besides dodging circles ? And how successfully accomplishing mindless dps rotations will not result in a quicker kill ?

  15. > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

    > **For easy content/many small mobs/event tagging:**

    > Berserker | Vampirism Runes | mirage - GS/GS - stamina + energy sigil in both | infinite ambushes facerolling | extremely underrated - it's best build

    > _Dueling (1/1/3) + Domination (1/2/3) + Mirage (1/2/1)_


    > **For toughcontent:**

    > Trailblazer | Tormenting Runes | mirage or chrono | one corruption sigil good choice | Scepter is the king | Scepter/Pistol + Axe(or Scepter)/Torch

    > _Dueling (3/{1 or 2}/{2 or 3}) + Illusions ({1 or 3}/3/3) + Mirage (1/{3 or 2}/3) OR Chronos ({1 or 3}/2/3)_


    > With builds now in game you can easy swap in and out, and stay in GS/GS except when facing tough content. You will never need other, maybe except staff for zero damage but even more hard to kill.



    I'm not sure about scepter (it's golem dps is quite low and ambush feels painful w/o quickness, but maybe confusion makes up for it in an actual fight), but staff actually boosts your axe dps if you line up yourself properly to get might stacks (that's the reason hizen's staff/staff build actually deals decent dmg in 1v1 scenario), so it's not just a kite weapon.

  16. > @"Sparkly.9258" said:

    > Yeah, it's definitely not an out-of-combat thing for me. This happens when I'm in combat. Does anyone know if this is a more recent bug or something that's been going on for a while now? I might change to different sigils if it's a bug that's been around a while and unlikely to get fixed any time soon.


    It's been for a while now, but I mostly notice it when I play builds which revolve around ambush spamming and usually involve the deceptive evasion trait. Never really seen it happen when I play regular meta mirage build in pve or non-IH mirage builds in wvw. But if we're talking pve, I'm not sure which sigils even come close to the efficiency of energy sigils on mirage even when taking the bug into account.

  17. But you don't have to play hizen's rabid staff/staff mirage unless you're only soloing bosses that are not supposed to be done solo. You can just play regular axe mirage with tormenting runes which will give you tons of resustain potential, occasionally switching to staff as secondary weapon for might stacks/kite potential when you fight 1 champion or something.


    For most open world you can use viper's or (if you don't plan on doing anything like 100 fractal or raid bosses requiring cdps) you can use grieving's to help you cleave trash mobs quicker, if that's you concern (you'll still achieve like 60% torment duration thanks to the runes and sigils). You might also be switching between chaos/illusions traitlines, depending on the amount of passive dmg reduction you need, since even tho confusion lacks in efficiency against regular mobs, I still find that it speeds up the killing process if you time your confusion bursts and do not break target/go invis, so mobs keep attacking you. With all that kills really don't take 10 seconds. And i believe that any condi build (which allows you to be more flexible around kiting, avoiding prolonged aoes, doing mechanics) will still be more dps than any mesmer power build made to be sustained rather than glass canon (but don't quote me on that, I don't have the dps meter to actually test that).

  18. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Sibila.5463" said:

    > > More closed instances are needed: strikes, dungeons, fractal, raids and prizes worth striving for.

    > > This game is 8 years old and the skins you can collect are few for a product that's been on the market for so many years.

    > > I've been helping a friend for the last 3 months and we've finished everything in this game


    > Dang all legendaries in 3 months?


    Legendaries barely provide any value tho D: unless you like the skins or attempt some real tryhard min/maxing, considering most meta builds revolve around 2 stats for dps and 2 stats for support builds.

  19. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > > No, it's not the in-combat problem. I sometimes too notice that I don't get a dodge when swapping which is a quite annoying bug. Also you can't swap too quickly, since the weapon swap cd is 10s and icd of the swap sigils is 9s, it should be ready every single time you swap, even if you do it off cooldown.


    > Dont alacrity work on weapon swap cd?


    Nope, it does not.

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