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Everything posted by volpenvieh.3201

  1. Trying to get verified on ts while running across home bl towards hills to catch up with the commander. I was SOOO nervous because I really hated talking to strangers back in the day. Then the ts supporter asked me to port back to citadel or something (in confusing WvW terms) to confirm that I'm on the server but a kitten pve mob got me infight... I think in the end I just had to write something in map chat. Somehow I survived without having a heart attack. My next memory is scouting Anza for the very first time (our commander used to have us do 15min scout shifts back in the day) and calling out every single enemy that walked by. WvW seemed so huge and confusing back then.
  2. Sorry for your horrible experience. Maybe mentioning which server you play on might help giving a more specific answer as to what went wrong in your case. In general, most servers will use voice com (either teamspeak or discord) for the biggest part of their communication. Additional to that, some people will call enemy movement in either map chat (only visible on the map that you're currently on) or team chat (visible over all borderlands + ebg + obsi + edge of the mists) but especially if a squad is running around, it's better to call important things on voice as you can add information if needed and react faster. Some commanders will make use of invisible tags and only invite people who are on voice, so maybe there are squads running around that you just aren't aware of. A lot of servers also have community guilds that you can just join without having to do anything in return, which might also be useful for communication and seeing how many people are online/ playing WvW at the moment. A major factor that affects your WvW experience can be the time that you choose to play this game mode. While linked servers and a lot of people spending more time at home due to the pandemic have resulted in a lot of servers being active throughout most of the day, the major action will still be going on during "prime time" which can differ according to whichever server you are on (e.g. for most german servers prime time will start in the evening but one hour earlier than international servers and spanish might "wake up" even another hour later). Usually, evenings are better if you are looking for large scale zerg fights, whereas you might have a hard time finding a decent squad between noon and early evening. So another reason you aren't seeing any tags might be because you simply are playing at the wrong time. If all you're looking for is completing the reward track as fast as possible, your best bet will be to join a tag and stay close. Additionally to that you might want to complete as many WvW dailies as possible and use the potions that you get out of them. Once you have completed the reward track, maybe drop back into WvW once in a while and stock up some of those daily potions and keep them for later uses ;-) I personally love playing WvW, not because of the game mode itself (it has become rather stale after all those years), but because of the community. So I really hope you will give it another chance and find people that you enjoy playing with - even if it's only for the occasional visit. > @"Lenti.3189" said: > i was expecting to fight some players for camps and so on, but no, we form a group, we capture a camp while the other team is waiting close by and they retake it seconds later Every objective is buffed for 5 minutes after being taken (lord/supervisor becomes invulnerable and the objective can't be captured meanwhile) so you might be exaggerating a bit ;)
  3. Boring...? I personally find firebrand to be very stressful. You always have to keep an eye on your whole party, pop stability at the right time and time your tomes right because if you don't you're either stuck in them for a while or end up wasting a lot of pages on high cooldown. Also your whole party relies on you and if something goes wrong you're most likely the first person to be blamed whereas you will rarely be praised if you do your job well. Firebrand is probably the most important class in wvw zerging and forms the backbone of every squad. Sure, some fights might go well without firebrands, especially in lower tiers, but in the long run everything will be much easier with a decent squad composition. Maybe shuff a reflect in those rangers' faces... :P I play a lot of different classes in WvW but firebrand is one of my least favourite - not because it's boring but because I always feel like I could've done much better. Whoever says firebrand is boring either is a genius or hasn't even gotten past the surface of the firebrand. (might contain exaggeration)
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