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Posts posted by Eagelseye.6312

  1. The developers won't understand if having 2 seperate Qs of Solo/Duo and a Full premade queues plus leaderboards will have more or less players etc. Giving this logic that the playerbase is less makes no sense for anything. PvP is a team game like Raids are and should be played as a team rather than solo players dueling giving a shit about the their team. Unless Anet brings back teamQ, the PvP here is boring and makes no sense at all. Also the reward system is crap and needs to be changed.

  2. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:


    > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

    > >

    > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.



    Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?

  3. > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

    > Playing against premade five man teams isn't fun when you're soloqueuing. Additionally, it would only make the win trading situation we saw last season even worse, as it would be even easier to do.


    Some people just dont read or understand the written facts. I never said mix solo and teamQ but requested two different Qs. Please read my post above.


    Anet can you please share your views if you can even think of two different Qs for Solo, Duo and Trio and a different for premade team Q.

  4. Anet PvP team please understand that your aim should be to increase the PvP player base and add to the company's effort to increase game purchase. Like the PvE team did with an interesting release of new story and mounts, there should be concrete steps from your end as well. In my opinion, you may go ahead with the following steps:


    1. Make two separate Qs one for Solo, Duo and Trio Q and another with full team 5 player Q. Both should have separate leaderboards

    2. Make rewards like PvP Armor or Weapon Skins where only winning games and reaching rating will give you the rewards (a player dont need PvE crafting etc for the rewards), titles etc. for both the leaderboards

    3. Make Guild titles for teams having all members from specific guild reaching particular team rating, or specific number of individuals from a guild reaching particular rating during the season. This can generate enormous interest and actually bring into existence PvP guilds, even PvX guilds will encourage players/teams to go for the same

    4. May be implement that a player can't change class once entering the game so that they can't abuse the current class matching game system as such


    This approach will only benefit in increasing your player base and overall revenue. Of course PvP will become more competitive and interesting

  5. > Anet why not just reintroduce 5 man ques in PvP? I really don't understand why you are discouraging teams in a gamemode that is supposed to be played in teams.


    > You essentially don't allow friends to play with each other.


    > The whole thing about how 5 mans have an advantage over solo que players applies in every other competitive game as well. Look at Smite for example. 5 man teams will always have an advantage if they are fighting groups that aren't as uncoordinated. The hopes being that those solo players will form groups as well is what helps improve the gamemode as a whole.


    > Friends keep people coming back. If you continue to make it so that people can only play on their own, they are going to get bored and leave.


    This is what I have been requesting and pleading for a long time. Anet please think, can u make solo or duoQ for Raids? Nope! It needs a team to overcome a Boss challenge. Same goes for PvP.


    PvP is a team game!! It is crazy to do Solo or DuoQ, where luck prevails more over skills. You can be a great 1v1 player and win a node as a Warrior or camp it as a Druid but you can't control the other four or three who would just play as they want and not care about the team as a whole!


    Our question is simple, why can't we have two different Qs, one Solo and/Duo/TrioQ and other full team 5 player Q? People can choose and play as per their wish and comfort. Once you do, you will only see an increase in interest of players and much more interesting competition. Even if the PvP player base is low, making two different Qs and leaderboard is only going to help the cause..


    Please understand and implement this...

  6. For me the state of PvP is bad because Anet PvP Devs are hardly doing anything to encourage PvPers and increase the player base. PvP is a team game as Raids are, it is not a Solo Open World roaming and farming concept. But at the same time people who are not comfortable to play in a team and wish to play solo shouldn't be forced to enjoy the part of the game by being in a team. So what is the solution?


    The solution is quite simple:


    1. Step1: Make two different Qs. The current Unraked can be changed to Premade Ranked with a separate leaderboard and tough prizes and achievements. May be PvP specific titles and skins.

    2. Step2: The current Ranked cap should be increased to three persons per team. This will only improve more teamplay whereas at the same time solo players would enjoy what they have. This can then have a different leaderboard and prizes/achievements, skins etc.


    This will only result in generating more interest and add to the existing player base...


    Also as the game is called Guild Wars....where are Guilds having wars? Bringing the above concept would probably result in Guilds making teams for option1 and guildies playing together in option2. All in all a win win situation for everyone with Anet only gaining from new players joining and purchasing the game...

  7. > @xDudisx.5914 said:

    > Anet will delete your post because you posted the players name.


    Thanks for the advise. I have edited the post and deleted the name. My motivation is not to humuliate or corner a singe individual, but just to bring up such an issue to Anet

  8. I am not sure where to put this up. This is not the correct place to bring such a sensitive topic but as it happened during a PvP match yesterday, I am putting it up here. The player who was in the party which I joined randomly, asked me from where I am, and upon saying that I am from India, started racially abusing me for no reason!


    I initially ignored him, but then he just kept crossing the limits, only for me to answer back in the best way possible and subsequently blocking him. Since the release of HoT, when I started playing the game, this is the very first instance where I faced such racial discrimination. It is really sad. Most of the players I met are really nice and I take this player as an exception. However, the words used were so hurtful, I had to bring this up to the Developers here. Hopefully some action would be taken.


    Thanks and Regards


  9. I am decent PvP player with proper map rotation and presence of mind. I play PvP mostly and have played 2k+ games (our of which 1.5k are Ranked games), and in search of a PvP team for tournaments/PvP guild. I can play DP Thief, Scourge and Ranger SB. Previously used to play, DH Trap guard but haven't used Guard for a long time now


    Please send me an ingame email if there is a spot in your team or if you are recruiting in a PvP guild where members can play and form their own teams.

  10. SoloQ mode which is currently existing, is only for elites like Sindrenerr. They dont need other players and are self dependent being able to change the outcome of every game they play. However above average players like myself, might play to their best, we can't control four other players who don't care about others! Like many a times I meet players who constantly keep running far and die, or just keep running mid alone to act as feeders!


    It is a sincere request to Anet that although the tournaments are great but then again it is for the elites. Please bring back teamQ, at least make a separate 5menQ besides increasing the cap in the present mode to three playerQ so that we have one less independent "I don't care" random person.


    Thanks and Regards


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