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Posts posted by Arken.3725

  1. Hello everyone, friendly neighborhood FB here. I'll make this short. FB needs nerfs and I hope it gets them soon. I'll go into detail later but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that FB(along with Necro and condi-rev) are shutting out every other build. This may come as a shock to some of you since I'm saying this but it needs nerfs and soon.


    Anyone who cares about fairness, fun and actual skill would be calling for nerfs to their own main any day of the week to make this game better.


    Thanks for listening,



    Edit: here are some of the glaring issues. Biggest offender: symbols. Every damn weapon has one so you're essentially forced to spec into this boring and powerful mechanic.


    Second offender: even though mantra's require a charge-up, it's still essentially instant cast. I love the idea of mantra's but I'm not sure how to deal with this one.


    Third: over abundance of CC. Granted, the axe symbol has an obvious animation and a decent cast time with it having to be traited, it's still too good in combination with all the other forms of CC.


  2. I may not agree entirely with drydude but I will say that as a FB main, it needs needs(along with Necro and condi-rev). These three professions are head over heels above the rest. It's not even a joke.


    I don't give a crap if my main gets nerfed as long as it's for the betterment of this game. So I say, let the nerfs fly.

  3. Remember when we had a similar discussion back in May of '19 about weapons? Good times.


    I love that you're putting in effort toward's something like this, the passion is flowing through you. However, and this isn't mean to be rude but don't waste your breathe. You've seen the countless thread's made by myself and others that were largely ignored.


    Anyway man, appreciate the effort.



  4. Nerfs are good but I hope they look at the strength of skills/traits/weapons that are well utilized vs those that aren't. Blanket nerfs across the board may not be a good idea based on this.


    If something gets nerfed that's weak to begin with to a similar level to something that was strong before, you'll still see people using the same strong stuff as before. Just my 2 cents.

  5. I've been testing the torch and it still throws on the first attempt so it's at least working as intended, even with the addition animation.


    I'll wait until you test the GS Zealous Blade before editing it.


    Edit: Added the torch animation bug to the OP

  6. Is that in addition to the power increase? Also, just tested torch, it seems to still throw it on the first attempt but still has an additional animation throw. Seems to still work fine. I already have the symbol of punishment issue added, thank you :).


  7. Hello fellow Guardians, I have searched and haven't found a good spot where we could compile Guardian bug's so maybe the developers can have an easier time finding it. I'll do my best to list them but feel free to add any and I'll edit the OP if necessary.


    **Weapon Skills**

    -Scepter, Staff and Long Bow Auto-Attacks: All of these projectiles have some sort of tracking issue's. Scepter has the worst, followed by Staff and then finally, Long Bow has the least issue but still noticeable. If you're within range of any of these auto's the attack SHOULD hit unless you're blinded, blocked, invul'n, or out-of-range before it reaches you.


    -Symbol of Punishment: I've noticed when weapon-swapping to scepter that I cannot immediately put down this symbol, there's a pretty large delay before I can. This doesn't seem to be an issue with the other weapons I've tested.


    -Binding Blade: Just like with certain auto-attacks, this skill also has terrible tracking even if you're within range of your target.


    -Zealot's Fire: Just like with certain auto-attacks, this skill also has terrible tracking even if you're within range of your target. Also, there's an animation bug when clicking the skill really fast that looks like you're constantly trying to throw it.


    -Protector's Strike when paired with Invigorated Bulwark: This skill is bugged in a sense that it will trigger the block and grant boon's but not a 2nd time once It's off cool-down. Instead, it keeps you in the animation and blocks a maximum of 3 attacks. Without Invigorated Bulwark, it seems to work appropriately.


    -Zealot's Defense: Still feels like the tracking isn't all that great unless you're literally RIGHT on your target.


    **Utility/Slotted Skills**

    -Litany of Wrath, Signet of Resolve when paired with Lesser Smite Condition has a small delay before the trait triggers after the heal is used. This is not an issue with say Mantra of Solace to which the trait activates immediately after the heal is used.


    -Shield of the Avenger/Sanctuary: These skills do no block Missiles but absorbs them. If it did block, it would trigger Might of the Protector and Tenacious Defense which it does not.



    -Inner Fire: Doesn't seem to grant Fury when the appropriate amount of burns is applied when tested on a Golem.


    -Zealous Blade: Still grants 10% extra damage in addition to the power increase.



    -Rune of Sanctuary: This rune barely works with any Guardian trait's or skills to provide the appropriate barrier-access.


    That's it for now. If I'm missing any, please reply and I'll update the OP after I confirm it.


    Thank you,



  8. You're right, It's not mechanically powerful, look at the traits and utilities it has. It's burst has been nerfed via Smite Condition from Core Guard to the trap nerfs on DH that make them irrelevant now.


    In terms of the Virtue's, baseline they're such a joke in terms of how weak they are that if you took them away, no one would even notice.


    While I agree with symbols being an incredibly annoying and boring, it doesn't hold a candle to a lot of AoE's in this game. Unlike a lot of skills(mark's, scourge sandshades, Chaos Storm and Elemental Blast to name a few) Symbol's are front-loaded. Hell, the VAST majority of them only do physical damage with no way of keeping you in them outside of maybe Axe's since it has cripple.


    If you have specific questions, lay it on me so I may shine some light upon the confusion.

  9. Strange arguments flowing within this thread. Some seem to have merit, others, not so much. I'll state it again for those who maybe new in this thread or just need some clarity. Again, as a Guardian main I'll try my best to be as unbiased as I can.


    - As stated above in a previous post, I think daze on axe 2 and immob on 3rd charge of truth is a bit much.


    - I'd like to see people point out what an argument against this next one: Where are all the strong mechanics attached to Guardian? Where's the stealth, instant invuln's on short cd, evade on skills, condition variation compared to that of a necro or condi-mirage, incredible mobility just to name a few? It doesn't exist. This should be HEAVILY taken into account.


    Short, easy-to-read bullet points I hope helps.

  10. Of course Eura but if you, myself or anyone else can maintain a level-head and see past certain unhealthy mechanics paired to our mains and are STILL willing to see it nerfed, that's commendable. I'm always of the impression that if you bring a decent argument to why something specific about a profession that should be nerfed/buffed, I'd listen. Most of the time It's just random rants without any objective information to back it up.

  11. I don't play ranger much but it's quite refreshing to see mains (shadow and eura) actually comment on nerfs.


    These are the type of people anet should listen to when looking at adjustments. It's when those who main a particular profession that are willing to see it nerfed for the betterment of the game that you look at.

  12. Regardless of what it is Ovark, it's still an annoying/unfun static mechanic that doesn't belong and only works in spvp because It's conquest. This mechanic wouldn't fly nearly as well in a deathmatch situation where anyone with average intelligence keeps moving around. Secondly to the post above with boons, the duration of boons is insignificant with the death of Harrierbrand, variation means nothing if the duration is a joke. Thank you for your responses.

  13. Like I said, if someone can muster a compelling argument to what specifically needs to be nerfed and why, I'd listen. One of the more common complaints I hear are symbols to which, I despise this mechanic. The fact that EVERY weapon has a symbol attached to it is rather annoying. It's a static/unfun mechanic in a dynamically mobile game. If it were me, I'd redo the whole symbol thing into something completely different.


    Edit to the post above: There's plenty of counter play. Boonstrip/corruption, focus-fire, kiting. As stated above in some earlier posts and my own, FB has little-to-no chase or escapeability, no duration blocks, no stealth, no evasion on skills. It's sustain is 99% active play(1% being virtue of resolve).

  14. So I don't post too often but I'll try my best to be as unbiased as possible seeing as how I main Guardian.


    Let me just state one thing about Guardian that I will back-up to the best of my ability. It has ZERO bullshit mechanics attached to it. Meaning: no instant (short cd) invulns, durational blocks (outside of the shitty heal no one uses), stealth, evasion on skills or instant abilities that decimate your health. Just wanted to get that out of the way.


    I'm all for nerfs where needed, even on my own main if someone can back up what and why it should be nerfed. There's also a plethora of crappy traits/weapon skills and utilities. Hell, I can easily make just as many things that should be buffed but then this thread would explode.


    I get that fb is the main support but look at what it has, it's all active play. Name one strong passive it has going for it, you won't find it. Forgive me for ending this post on a negative note.



  15. Of course It's serious. Look at the photo, dude's got a sword in his left hand with another at his side. What's he gonna do, pull a Zoro from One-Piece and put it in his mouth(would be cool).

  16. Just a comment as a Guardian main(pvp mostly). The suggestions are essentially 2 nerfs, 1 adjustment and 1 buff.


    That Valor buff isn't even close to enough to consider for self-sustain, especially since Valor is SUPPOSED the Guardian Self-sustain line. Honor is not only better at self-sustain but it even does so as for its teammates! This is crazy if you really think about it. I do appreciate the changes to move away such useless(on revive/kill) traits for everyone but this is messed up.


    Protectors Impact: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Protector's Restoration".**Even though the prot on heal stays, It's still a nerf. How about looking at Ranger's on-heal trait? I'd take that one over Guardian's every day of the week.**


    Signet of Mercy: Reduced recharge to 90 seconds in all game modes. Changed passive effect from granting 180 healing power (216 when traited) to granting 120 concentration (150 when traited). **This is one of those I consider to be an adjustment, rather than a straight-up nerf. Concentration is useful even though some may argue Healing-Power is slightly better.**


    Protective Reviver: This trait no longer increases revival speed and no longer grants boons on a successful revival. Fixed skill fact to show correct 3 second duration. Fixed a bug which prevented the recharge of Lesser Shield of Absorption from being affected by Stalwart Defender. Lesser Shield of Absorption now heals nearby allies when it ends. This trait now causes all versions of Shield of Absorption to revive allies by 15% when it detonates.**Straight-up nerf. Granted the revival speed is faster, the loss of boons is too much. So much sustain lost from a successful revival. **


    Courageous Return: This trait has been reworked and it has been renamed to "Stalwart Courage". It grants the guardian Protection for 3 seconds in PvE and 1 second in PvP/WvW whenever aegis on the guardian is removed due to blocking an attack.**Good buff, dislike the change. It's better than before but as I've stated above, Valor is such a terrible self-sustain line in comparison to Honor. This miniscule adjustment won't change that.**


    Thank you very much for your consideration,



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