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Deus Fatorum.2473

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Posts posted by Deus Fatorum.2473

  1. I am kinda torn on this,


    While I don't like overly negative and toxic players, I also don't mind trash talk to a degree of civility of course. I have had friends banned for a week + for saying gg ez after a match, while also having another friend banned for a few days for having the word autism in his name, neither were particularly abusive, distasteful sure, but I would rather players get temp banned for saying stuff like a threat or as another mentioned "go kys", over saying something like gg ez. I do think toxicity in games can be bad for the long term health of the game though.


    Then again some of my favorite conversations and laughs I have had in gw2 started off with friendly trash talking. I think you will find if instead of getting immediatly offended by every attempt at BMing(assuming not overly toxic), you just kinda went along or laughed at it, can be kind of fun/funny. For example I had a ranked game a while back where every time I pulled a player back with my spear(back when meditrapper was meta) I qouted the next line of Baby Come Back by player, I am more hesitant to BM like that now in public games though due to the increase in bans I have seen. As it was the person pm'd me after saying that they couldn't even be mad as they were laughing too hard, but had the player been more sensitive and reported me for verbal abuse that could have been very different.


    I leave you with this, It all started with a player BMing and trash talking me, but as I went along with it became quite funny, and gave us both a good laugh(did do a little censoring),



  2. > @"Namless.4028" said:

    > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:


    > > The engi I remember distinctly - I thought it might have been AED, but that doesn't allow you to drop into the downed state at all, if I read it correctly. It would be like the trait warriors have in the Berserker line, or the one that rangers get in Soulbeast (lethal damage is negated, basically). I'd downed the engi in question quite easily, and was mid-stomp when she just got up from about 10% hp remaining in downstate. I had been keeping track (as I always do) of who was alive or dead on my team, and other than someone who had been stomped before I even downed the engi, everyone was alive.


    > could it be rez with signet of mercy or signet of the undead?

    Its always fun to use rez skills above the free for all, as when you are above they count as allies, and watch as everyone below starts getting confused. Ever get bored equip illusion of life and mimic and go chrono and stand above the free for all and just rez people to watch them die...


    More on topic, I think part of the problem with cheating in any game is smurf/f2p accounts, not that nothing can be done but it in my opinion does make it harder. I remember way way back during the core game when it was buy to play, a guild-y kept talking in teamspeak about where the enemy was rotating too, very quickly we got suspicious that he may not be on the up and up, then when he bragged about how he was using a map chat.. me, my friends, and the guild quickly shunned him. We told him if he did not immediately uninstall the hack we would not hesitate to report him, we were genuinely furious as we could not account our wins when playing with him to be at all skill based. Needless to say this took him off guard, I genuinely think he thought it made him somehow "cool" and he to my knowledge never used it since.


    The point here is two fold, with the f2p model it is near impossible for anet to manage every workaround/exploit/hack, and the penalty for using a hack is lesser if you put no real money investment into the game, that said it falls not only on the game devs to limit the use of said hacks, but also on the community to not support said hacks, by either developing/ encouraging/ or using said hacks.


    Even if your motives are good, just making a video using a hack to "bring awareness to the issue" is no good as you have just set a standard that it is OK to use hacks as long as you "mean well"


    So I will say this if you think that it is OK to use a hack or exploit to get an edge either because your class is nerfed, or you want to be on the same playing field as other hackers, or you believe anet cannot balance the game so it doesn't matter.. Let me be dead clear your making excuses, you are part of the problem, you are destroying the game, and please pick another game to play or stop using hacks. There is no excuse for you to need to hack.

  3. It cannot critically hit even with 100% + critical hit chance and intelligence sigil. Video demonstrating said bug.


    Edit- While the tooltip on the skill adjusts based on your stats the blast gyro tag explosion does not, I believe this to be part of the bug. For example I can equip a condi amulet with no power and the tag says it should hit for 1.5k, but instead hits the flat 2.5k. So regardless of my power and precision and in contradiction of the tool-tip it hits for 2.5k and never crits.

  4. > @"bigo.9037" said:


    > On desert maps I just tend to run up. any way i can. up up up. then i shoot them all the way down again off an edge with Point Blank Shot. even if they dont die cus they can glide.. its still funny. There are many spots you can shoot people off from on the desert map.



    Better yet, wait til they glide and snipe them out of the air, also I sometimes like when taking the tower s of hills, waiting for someone to try gliding in to contest and ccing them right before they land in tower...


  5. So a while ago I made an origami mini llama doing the gw2 llama dance, but as I apparently hate myself I decided to make it even smaller and make an origami mini baby llama.... Keep in mind the model is not particularly simple and I may have done it with a square only about and inch and a quarter large XD.


    I used origami foil paper for each, however the second has the foil on the inside.

    Sadly my poor phone camera could hardly focus on the little one.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/0JZerFr.jpg "")


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/8uXZLLd.jpg "")



  6. My thoughts on each point.

    1- I feel there are elements of scourge that are over tuned in spvp, and potentially wvw. It is important to note the gamemode as it affects balance separately. In conquest where holding small nodes is critical, saying just range or pew pew is not a good balance choice for conquest, especially when looking at team comps as a whole, and the amount of projectile hate in the meta. Mostly I will talk toward PvP.


    2- I feel boon corrupt is integral on scourge due to the fact that it is a result of all the boons present with power creep, while I dislike how strong this makes scourge its also keeping other classes in line(except for rev its just kittened, though that is an issue slightly larger than scourge).


    3-4 To adding cast times, Necro/reaper/scourge has always been countered heavily by CC and each has a way to try to cope, core can use range to avoid some melee cc, reaper got slightly more access to stability, and scourge just got more instant casts, take away the instant casts and they could easily go from op, to hard countered by every class with stuns/cc.


    5- The amount of conditions they apply is an area where I would not mind nerfs. Many skills not only corrupt boons but convert single boons into multiple conditions, this means 1 boon can sometimes equal 3 conditions if hit by skills like ghastly breach, plus the 2 conditions ghastly breach applies regardless of boons. This means if you had stability for example(and just stability) 1 pulse of that elite can put fear, torment, slow, cripple, and burn, that is 1 pulse of 1 skill, which is in my opinion over-tuned.(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Breach)


    6- Stacks of conditions are already not so insane that I feel this is a huge issue, I would rather see the amount of different conditions nerfed before this. My main complaint is the amount of various conditions scourge applies in the time frame it applies them.


    7 (5+6)- Doing both at once may be a tad much, the only condition scourge applies in bulk is torment, and burning(depending on traits) if going to do both slightly reducing torment application may be fine, though I feel the cover conditions, and just sheer volume of different conditions is the biggest concern.


    8- Make shades grow up is an interesting idea, but will require a lot of work on anets part, and i feel would be harder to balance in that the speed at which the shades grow will have a big role on balance and will make traits affecting entering shroud useless, as when "entering shroud" the shades radius would be very very small if not 0.


    9- Making shades killable may also make another renegade/turret engi issue(post nerf) may sound good now, but again would require more balance/work on anets part, that may make shades next to useless.


    10- Some other ideas, keep the instant casts on f2-5 but add a strike delay, like how one wolf pack works, so while the skill keeps its instant cast there is a delay from when it is cast to when it goes off, then add a wind up animation so it can be dodged, also cool downs and internal cool downs could be used to help balance, passive traits like corrupt on f1(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unending_Corruption) could have an internal cool down, could also increase the cool downs of the shade abilities slightly as well.


  7. So at first thought people on enemy team were just not accepting, but after close to 15 min in queue, with queue popping and not getting matches, I thought to see if all 10 players were indeed readying up. Turns out all 10 players were readying up but it would not go to map select. Instead it would get stuck and eventually throw us back in queue.


    Also we were queuing as a four man.


    EDIT- added video of bug


  8. > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > Edit: So it's their vision to make Mesmer stay as a profession with short but high stack confusion shut down (or the player uses skills and dies), and then falls off. That's not how it works right now, the meta build's Mesmer confusion lasts for 4-6.75s with condition spec, that's without Nightmare Rune or Deadshot amulets which are available at the cost of some performance. You can build to apply any duration of confusion that you want, really. With Deadshot and Nightmare your Ineptitude lasts 9.25 seconds, Riddle of Sand 7.25 seconds, Illusionary Retribution 5.5s.


    > Confusion already has enough duration to where you're forced to cleanse it anyways. You have all the duration you need currently. No reason to build for expertise. It never just falls off if you have awareness and stop performing actions due to the re-application rate. That's the fundamental difference between Karl's vision and the current state of Mirage's confusion spike build.


    > I think of Karl's intention of confusion was accurate, every confusion skill for the Mesmer (and in the game, really.) would already have higher stacks, and be 3 seconds base, 4s with Illusions minor trait, and 5.5s with full PvP condi duration __and__ be reserved for a few key abilities with downtime, not all basic attacks/interrupts/blinds. Not suggesting that should happen, just saying: waiting for it to fall off is not a thing, it's something you must efficiently cleanse immediately just like every other condition. Confusion hits over half as hard as bleeding does if you just wait it out. When you have 22 confusion for 5s, it's like having 13 bleed, you need to do something about that. You can't stop your actions for 4 seconds every 6 seconds, you might as well not be playing the game eh?


    > IMO, it would have been better off to not recognize confusion not as an exception condi. Increasing the duration of confusion and reducing the burst potential as was done with other professions, this is because you are already living by cleansing quickly anyway.


    Ok I think I see what your getting at, mesmer and confusion in general is already not applied in big bursts, that is to say what they did to scourge(lowering stacks and increasing duration) is already baseline for mesmer confusion application, it is just they spam the re-application at an insanely high rate.


    However, I do feel mesmer is a tad overtuned in its current state. Just curious if you feel mirage should be toned down, if so how much and how?


    Would you be opposed to maybe adding some icd's on to some of mesmer's passives, or maybe limiting the speed and effectiveness of mirages ability to re-apply the confusion at such a high rate?

  9. Not sure what build you are using, but for daredevil there are many diff viable builds out there right now, there is d/p dash, s/d condi, and staff acro, note staff acro got nerfed, but is still a decent 1v1 and skirmish y build, though you sacrifice a lot of mobility, dash thief also got hit with nerfs though not as hard, however its limited in its team-fight potential. Out of all the daredevil builds I feel s/d condi is prob the least affected by nerfs, though I see very few of them around.


    If wanting to avoid deadeye playstyle, I would personally recommend d/p or core s/d (core s/d is harder to learn but very fun build and has a high skill ceiling so plenty of room to grow)


    As to fighting rangers, they did get buffed, so that match-up is gonna be harder...


    Some tips, if you close in on them and force a melee fight you will be better off than just kiting due to longbows range, if d/p utilize the blind spam and constantly run through them and behind them, if they pop there elite shout steal their boons with your steal and keep up pressure/blinds and interrupts. If s/d close the distance fast with sword 2 then try to land some larcenous strikes/autos if they swap to gs evade what you can then port back with sword and kite them a bit by porting in and out and landing as much damage where you can, if they swap back to bow be sure to get in their face to force them to swap back to melee.


    Scourges are tough for any melee class though if you bring your condi clears they are easier now do to the rework of condi. However reaper power did get some buffs...


    Some tips, necro lacks stab so utilize your cc, if reaper they get 2 sources of stab 1 is chilled to the bone. If you learn that animation, its as simple as blinding/interrupting/or dodging it the rest is keep up your cc spam and damage while avoiding as much of their cleave as possible. Reaper also gets stability in their shroud as one of their skills, you can steal this stability with your steal, or just kite their shroud as it is melee. Scourges are trickier, while they have 0 stability they also have four big aoe instant casts. If fighting a scourge play cautiously and utilize hit and run tactics, never stay on top of them for too long.


    Warriors again are a strong well rounded class like rangers, though if anything might makes right nerfs just means you will see more spell breakers, so watch the full counter, if in a 1 on 1 it is rather easy to avoid though if in unranked as a general rule of thumb expect a teammate to trigger full counter so be ready to get out of range/dodge it when it comes up. Also d/sh is a heavy CC weaponset for warrior so be sure to watch for their stun locks in that set as they can prove quite fatal for a teef.


    Guards can be tough for many thief builds, especially for d/p dash thief, though this has always been the case. However s/d does better vs guard due to its higher

    unblock-able pressure.



    While thief is not in a bad spot its also not quite what it was a few seasons back IMO, The mobility is nice in team play though it brings less to the table in terms of team fights. You can certainly stick with thief if it is what you like, but be aware it is by nature a harder class to play well. If you are eager to try other classes and liked to play thief, Mesmer is probably another class you may like, right now mirage has high mobility and can easily take up thief's rotating roll, and is in a strong place right now in the meta.

  10. Hey Ben, what is the possibility of a forfeit option for matches that are blowouts. I have had times being on both ends of a blowout match where one of the teams has entirely given up and the winning team is merely waiting for points to tick away to get their next match. Honestly being on either side of that is simply just not fun. Is there anything in the works where if this happens and everyone on one team were to /forfeit it would just decide the match early?


    Also thank you for taking the time to engage with the community in these discussions.

  11. > @Sylvyn.4750 said:

    > Yep, happened to one of my allies, too...kept porting away from me, then next thing I know he's back at spawn. He said he was having lag at the time.


    If this is truly a bug all the more reason to be able to report said player, so the devs can look at the server logs and determine whether its latency or a hack, either way it can then get fixed.

  12. Lag may account for 1 desync, and I have seen that, this guy ported about 10-15 times all the exact same range, and continued after he was double downed. While I am not gonna rule out lag is a possibility, but that is highly suspicious. Not to mention he ONLY teleported when i tried to cleave or stomp.


    EDIT: not to mention he mist formed before the porting, aka was able to use his downed ability, THEN started the porting...

  13. I ran into a hacker weaver, downed him/her at sentry north of s camp. upon downing he/she teleported about 750 range over and over and over, was able to cleave him/her double downed, but even defeated he/she continued to port all the way to his/her spawn. I tried to record it with nvidia share but the recording bugged out.


    Because said player went double downed I cannot report them, as they are no longer "target-able"


    If a dev can view the activity from about 10:00-10:20am EST - they should see the hacker, however not being able to report someone who is right in front of you cause you killed them is incredibly frustrating when they so obviously were hacking.

  14. > @JustDemons.4358 said:

    > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

    > > > have actually won 9/10 agaisnt scourges with my power reaper... i even think that scoruges are very bad roamer/duelists. i just try to dodge their opening ground effects... hit a bit with my axe... then i have a lot of conids on me that i send to them... then its reaper time... out of reaper another condi transfer if needed... done, dead scourge. (i use dagger offhand, signet of plague, staff and suffer shout... so i have 4 strong condi transfers in my build.)

    > > >

    > > > The only way i lose to a scourge is when they port out of my range when i want to condi transfer :^)

    > >

    > > So, 2 specific weapons, 2 Utilities. for a total of 12 Conditions. I remove more than that with just ONE ability. Plus, couldnt they send most of those back anyway? Seeing as how they are going to be one of the 99.9% of Necro that run Staff because its THAT strong. They will be able to get some of those condis turned into Boons, they will have access to Barrier. Much better defense (even though it sucks...) than what Reaper has access to and has traits to remove condis when they give themselves barrier.

    > >

    > > So what happens when they can counter your condi transfer?


    > How do u remove 12 codis with ONE ability?


    He is using stance trait to make bear stance last 6 sec with wilderness survival trait line, bear stance clears 2 per sec, 2*6=12, then the muddy terrain trait pops upon activation of bear stance which as this passive acts as a survival skill, when survival skills are traited he clears another 2 condis. Sooo.. 12+2 = 14 all from popping 1 ability, he can clear 14 condis, 12 from heal, 2 from trait passives.


    Hope that helps. =)

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