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Posts posted by jinxykat.6519

  1. Really refreshing to see something positive on the forums. Not that GW2 couldn't make improvements (as is the case with every game) but i've loved it since day one as well. I agree, the devs are amazing, i don't think the average player realizes how difficult it is to produce many of the facets of the game we enjoy. Best of luck to you and welcome back to Tyria!

  2. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > @"jinxykat.6519" said:

    > > Beautiful. :D

    > >


    > I think so also. I love things like this about gw2.


    As do i. To those suggesting the OP start something like this, sadly, we do not all have the time to organize events like this on a massive scale (or even a small one) but appreciate the time, energy and talent it requires when others do. By far the best gaming community out there. (that is not to say we don't have our issues, but by and large fantastic people.)

  3. My guild is new player friendly, helpful and full of really nice people. We are G-rated, however, as we have a few younger players. Feel free to whisper me in game on NA if interested, or even if you just need a hand with anything. Welcome to Tyria!

  4. Going back and doing map completion with alts on skyscale is much quicker. All those ultra high vistas and poi's in odd places are no problem and the super high view of core Tyria maps is also pretty cool. Haven't really used any other mounts since i got it.

  5. I think your idea of starting a new character is a good one. Are you on EU or NA? if you're on NA, i'll run around with you and keep you company, i level alts a lot, and it's a nice break from the end game sometimes. Feel free to contact me in game, and you'll get used to it in time! Good luck and have fun!

  6. I finally got mine and while it's taking some practice (i had no idea what i was doing even after using rentals) i'm getting better. I like the precision, as with my damaged nerves in my hands it's rather easy for to me to overshoot the mark on my griffon, with skyscale i find it much easier to land exactly where i want to land. A bit slower but that's fine by me. Still working on its masteries but love it so far.

  7. Just got mine last night. I took my time (especially grinding currencies to avoid burnout) and got one mastery done afterwards, will work on the rest today. Love it so far, trying to be mindful of other players and not shower them with dirt, now i'm playing around with dyes and waiting for another skin (the new one is pretty but a bit too delicate for my giant norn) In my opinion, worth every second of the journey.

  8. I love that Anet is trying to make the skyscale quests accessible to all. Being a player with disabilities (lupus and carpal issues as well as nerve damage in my hands) i found the hard mode ball catch extremely frustrating. To have gotten that far and to be bested by of all things, my inability to catch a ball was maddening. I did finally get it done after reading some tips and tricks but those will simply not work for others with more debilitating conditions, and it takes nothing away from me, or my experience on the journey, for them to make it easier for those players. It's like seeing a few handicapped spaces, having the entire parking lot, but being upset because those spaces are not also for you. The community of GW2 has always been largely unselfish and lovely. Please do your best to stay that way.

  9. > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

    > > @"jinxykat.6519" said:

    > > I would love to see some sort of underwater mount. And a skin(?) for a warhorse, because i have paladin type toons that need something huge and brawny. I know, almost every other game has the default horse, but something big and armored would be lovely still.


    > Sometimes they bring back skins on the TP. If you're lucky they might bring back the Dreadnought skin for the raptor, sounds like it's the sort of thing you are thinking of.


    I have seen that...you know, i never thought of it. lol! Thank you for the reminder that we do have an armored something after all. (i feel idiotic, i blame farming currencies)

  10. I understand you don't have all the time in the world to play (neither do i, and a slight reduction in currency cost would have been nice, but it didn't happen so we just have to deal with that) but what is the great rush? I started the skyscale collections pretty immediately and didn't even know at that point (and neither did anyone else) that that many currencies would be required, but i farm a bit each day and know i'll get the mount eventually. It can be relaxing if you frame it right in your head.

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