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Posts posted by xXMapcoXx.9614

  1. I've recently been leveling a necro and have been experiencing an extremely annoying amount of lag while playing the game. This was the inspiration for my idea for the next necro ele spec introducing the Lagger! An ele spec centered around the condition slow. Basically, every single skill the lagger has causing slow simulating just how bad the lag in the game is. The weapons this spec will introduce will be a hammer and the shroud will be changes into a distortion field. Obviously, this spec works better in pvp.


  2. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > I'm feeling a little anxious about the upcoming steam rollout as I really want it to do well, but there are several things that feel off to me about the core/leveling experience that I worry about affecting the traction of newer players coming in. I'll admit some of this is easier/more likely to be addressed than others, but I felt I might as well do a full brain dump:


    > **80 levels feels like far too many**. Imagine if the game had the exact same stat spread and took roughly the same amount of time to reach the cap, but that was compressed to 40 or 50 levels instead of 80 :

    > - levels feel like more significant milestones

    > - boosting characters through levels would be far less tedious

    > - it would feel less intimidating to level a new toon even if it technically takes the same amount of time

    > - your gear wouldn't get outdated so fast, freeing you up to invest more in experimenting with stats and wardrobe while leveling

    > - the distribution of hero points/leveling rewards could be much more normalized/streamlined, and would feel more actually rewarding instead of feeling highly random and kind of trite.

    > - would provide an opportunity to rebalance core as it's really become too simple/easy with all the power creep and scaling adjustments over the years.

    > - It's a little more reminiscent of GW1, which is something many players appreciate.


    > **The Hero Panel has some significant UX issues**

    > - there should be some basic organization/categorization of attributes in the equipment panel so that it's more visually intuitive. Maybe "primary" and "secondary" are outdated concepts, but organizing them into something like "offense", "defense" and "support/utility" categories (as an example) can make it much cleaner and easier to read/consume.

    > - it feels very clunky that wardrobe is combined with equipment in the equipment panel instead of being separated into its own panel (above build). It requires too many clicks from back and forth navigation. Equipment should open by default, and navigating between equipment and wardrobe should be a single click whereas it's at least two today.

    > - The build panel is mostly fine, but the training panel is a terrible, confusing mess. There isn't even so much as a summary of what each line is intended to provide and players are railroaded to an excessive degree on what and how they unlock new skills/traits. Again, it was far, far better at launch and it needs to be revisited and cleaned up.

    > - Since they gave LW5 a title ("Icebrood Saga") they should probably go back and give the former seasons story titles (potentially still prefixing them as LW2, or so forth, to indentify the difference between LW and expansion stories).


    > **Other/Miscellaneous**

    > - Using the same resource to unlock skills and traits in a single panel has always felt odd. Conceptually, this means they compete with each other rather than complementing each other as they are supposed to. Frankly, the launch system of skill points and trait manuals was much, much better. I know it was changed to accommodate elite specs, but it needs to be revisited.

    > - LW1 still not being present in the game in any significant form is a huge issue with a presumed influx of new players that will be forced to skip all the content that introduced most the major characters and so forth. It's hard for me to understand how they have not figured out a simpler way to do at least parts of it in 6 years.

    > - Core masteries could really use some additional expansion and refinement.

    > - HP acquisition is far too backloaded - unlocking new skills and traits takes too long.

    > - The PS feels extremely outdated and bland; I know they can't afford to dump a ton of time into changing it, but things like removing the awkward dialogue cutscenes could do a lot of good.

    > - Story progress should probably be account based (other than the PS) since the episodes are repeatable anyway

    > - I think tracking of NPCs should be better in game than it is. For example, having a minihud for characters that are fighting with you in instances, or a bio section for NPCs in the story journal.

    > - The POF zones need some aggro/respawn reduction since they are designed as exploration zones and not meta zones.


    > I'll update if I think of other things.


    this is cake compared to what other mmo expect of you i been playing ff14 and god that game is a slog.

  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Perhaps, the Runic Cape would be more pleasing. Easily earned in-game.

    > Or, Prince Rurik's Cape was offered at no cost in the Gem Store for Guild Wars' anniversary; it (or another) might be offered at the next anniversary.

    this has absolutely nothing to do with my post? so your answer to the guild cape you earn in game looking like ass is to just wear something else? great! literally added nothing

  4. Title says it all folks, the guild cape you earn in game looks like absolute trash! I get that this is a marketing strategy to sell better looking and more detailed capes in the gem store, but does it really have to look like they spent all of five seconds designing it? This isn't an subjective view either, its an objective one. Don't believe me? log into the game, when is the last time you seen anyone running around with the guild cape? Thats right, because it look like an absolute dumpster fire. 100 years spent waiting on capes only to have the guild cape look like your character stole a table cloth from the children table to tie around their neck!

  5. > @"Salonikios.3154" said:

    > What the title says, it was supposed to be a great adventurous voyage, yet all i saw from crafting dusk was a major gold sink that chewed up my funds and soul. Yeah it had a few small parts which were actually fun, like the collect the gloom and find the missing pieces here and there, actual fun stuff to do, then came the gold sink which was really a major failure in my eyes and failed to deliver.

    > I know it cant be modified differently at this point cause people already made their legendaries and payed the premium to do so, so it would be taking the kitten to them if any monetary change was to take place. All i want by making this thread is to first off blow some steam off, and secondly to show to all new players what we could have gotten and what we got instead.

    > Crafted price of a dusk:1000gold Buy it from the Trading Post :650g......

    > I mean, good job arena net on this one.I think that people dont talk much about it cause they are interested only in the new legendaries which are account bound, cause the old ones are a joke to try and make these days. Its actually cheaper to outright buy them from the TP and skip the whole "adventure" of crafting one.


    > PS. I should note also that RNG is really heavy in this game, as 5 years down the drain in this game i have yet to "drop" one from the billions of mobs i have killed.


    > I would like to know what do u guys think about this? Do u share my opinion on this? Am i right or wrong to be in this mind set?

    > Thanks for reading :)


    I think what people are failing to grasp because there so hung up on people thinking they want to get the legendary faster that they don't realize the biggest issue with the collection. Buying from the trading post is the same as doing the collection because you will be spending the same amount of gold and make no mistake you will be spending gold. There is no way to grind for the matts to make the legendary. if you realize on grinding the matt your being trying to make the legendary till the game ends I can count on my hand how often the material necessary for making the legendary actually drop and it is very low. so people have to buy from the trading post it is literally unavoidable if you actually want to make the legendary. Ask anyone who made the legendary how often they grinding the matts and not the gold to make it, i am 100 percent certain no one single person grinding the individual stuff to make the legendary they had no choice but to buy the stuff from the trading post which means making gold. The rng percent for the t 6 mats will make it in possible for you to grind for individual so you will have no choice but to grind gold no matter what you do. The collection did not change this it just made it were you will get a pre if you finish. The sad reality is if you buy the pre off the trading post your probably save yourself the gold. The fact is you be saving yourself some extra steps if you just grind the gold to make the pre rather than doing the collection. Your be grinding for gold regardless


  6. > @"lil muffin.1250" said:

    > I know what you are thinking. NO.

    > I get it.

    > However I think Guild wars 2 is a fantastic game but the way they have done combat has sort of elimanted "strategy"

    > We currenly have a soft trinity.

    > Some characters can tank.. however usually those characters dont seem like they should be the ones tanking.

    > Some build are better for buffing.

    > Some are great for healing.

    > --------

    > However because everyone can heal themselves, because everyone can rez, because every specialization can dps things are a bit "all over the place"

    > 1. this makes the game incrediblyl hard to balance.

    > 2. I personally believe that most people are still smashing buttons because you rarely have to strategize.

    > 3. While we do work togethr oftern in gw2 its almost too passive.

    > 4. everything is too fast and it feels a bit like a mess.


    > What would the holy trinty do for guild wars 2.


    > I love action combat its great.

    > But when i wanted to create a support character with my weaver i'm mostly healing by doing dps.

    > or some random skill is giving someone might. or i'm giving a aura because of a passive.

    > -- SO if we wanted to create a tempest spec that honored the holy trinity how would it be different.

    > 1. We would instead have a skill called " Radiant Aura" it would have a cool down and it would switch its effects based on what attunement you were in. This changes aura quite a bit from being passively applied to being purposely appllied. You would have to decide when would be the best time to place that specific attuned aura to a team mate.


    > Lets compare that to what we have now.

    > How do we apply auras... well..

    > there are like a thousand ways lol. you can get critally hit. you can use one of the shouts. you can do some dps with a flashy tornado skin.

    > applying auras is currently passive.


    > This changes a lot of other things as well.

    > Notice that in guild wars 2 there is a visual hot mess clutter of graphic effects especially when fighting big bosses. well thats becausse most people are using their skills to dps the boss in order to passivley help there team.

    > Now with these more specific choices you have to make. you are popping less auras because you have to decide who needs it when.


    > Now we have to get rid of that heal skill that we all have.

    > oof people are going to hate me for this. but as a warrior you should be tough you should be able to take hits but you shouldnt be able to provide a full heal to yourself.

    > The heal button kind of destroys class identity and class neccessity.

    > you should still be able to solo things but it should be much more easy to solo things with your buddy who enjoys support.


    > oh and pvp.. gurl the level of strategy it would bring to not just ranked.. but wvw.. gurrrrrrl.


    > gw2 is a fun game.. but it could be amazing they just need to revamp combat so people arent all doing the same thing.




    There are pro and con with any system. I can see your points as if they focus more on making specific class tailored to certain roles balancing the game would probably be a lot easier. The idea that the dev had for this game was each class would be able to full fill the role of each of the tritity witouth you having to roll a specific class or if your doing group content you wouldnt have to wait for a specific class to do it. Thy kinda shot themselfs in the foot with this idea as they introduce elite spe and the druid. It not saying that there idea isnt there but each ele spec is there to fullfill a role to specalize in only issue is you only have two ele sepc full filling thoes roles. they should of started out with each class being in the catagory of a role and using the ele spec to change up that only issue is we only get a new elete spe when the expansion comes out.

  7. > @"ShadowOme.4528" said:

    > So i decided to grind out armorsmith cause hey i actually want at least one good character all nice and decked out and iv got plans to do other professions so i can keep going so mind you im still new to the game i dont know everything


    > but me being a firebrand healer i wanted to get harriers gear so i buy the ascended recipe thing only to find out the only way to get harriers ascended gear recipes is to do map metas :| but i can buy EVERYTHING else from the vendor...


    > why? to me thats insanely stupid :|


    I can completely understand you frustration. I believe that anet needs to make some of this stuff buy able from venders, however you can sideways step getting armor with the states you need. craft the cheapest asc armor you can than use the mystic forge to change it to the stats you want, you can use an exotic harrier thing from the trading post all you need is gold

  8. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > Dear A-Net.


    > I demand to be released as Comander of this or any fighting force.

    > When i bought the game i intended to be an adventurer hunting treasures and exploring dark forests and magical places.

    > I didn't ask or would ever accept to be a leader of an army of any kind.


    > Especially when i have no deciding power at all. Today i had to witness members of my fighting force executing people openly.

    > My character was not able to voice my opinion or order it to stop. This is a game has a teen rating for kitten sakes.


    > Logan came by and i think he would be the perfect person for this kind of atrocities.


    > I wish this guild i never wanted to be in and the army i don't like best of luck and will be on my way into the next magical forest

    > to do what i really want to do. Maybe i will build a little cabin right at a lake or a creek.

    > But i will always look out for a damsel in distress like the little cute Asura in GW1 who was sad that his ears where to short to find a mate,

    > going to find some special leafs as prosthetics.


    > THIS is what i signed for.


    > Sincerely,

    > a defector (people who played the new map will understand)


    The real issue i have with this is the fact that you knew that when you sighed up for any game that whatever the story you were gonna be giving was the story you were going to play out as. Not at any point was this made unclear, pretending otherwise is retarded. If you dont like the story that is being handed to you dont play it. When at any point were you giving an opinion to decicde where the story goes you been playing this game for 7 years.

  9. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > I'm sick and tired of being called Commander. It's not a title I'm find of, I don't command anything nor issue orders. I'm an adventurer and hero. I don't see why we need the player to be the Commander personally I wouldn't mind it if it was an actual defined npc, doesn't have to be any specific race honestly.


    > The way I see it, I prefer to look at my character as an adventurer and nothing more. A hero in the pool of many others. I sincerely hope they stop pushing harder effort into making everyone that level of important in the next expansion. I would absolutely love it if the Commander seriously kicks the bucket. The concept itself just doesn't fit well, and it feels like it's could be putting more stress on ANET as a whole. It should just be heroes of Tyria not Hero of Everything.


    well, suck it up. thats like playing halo and not wanting be master chief. thats the role you signed up for when you decided to play the game. I have no idea what you hope the dev do record a random voice line so you can stop hearing commander

  10. > @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

    > Guild Wars 2 is a great game. I just have a few questions as to why anet picked dragons to be the main bad guys.


    > Why did Anet decide with going with slaying dragons as the main antagonists for the game?


    > There was a previous game that was designed in 2011 on the PS3 and X-Box 360 by Bethesda that had the player go around slaying dragons and absorbing dragon souls. I'm sure you know what game I'm hinting at. I just felt the plots were too identical.


    Cuz their bastards and bastards need to die!


    > But now, with the game developing and getting better (imo) looking back Trahearne's death feels kind of bad. Almost like the community killed him, instead of Mordremoth.

    Well, the community did kill him. We killed him both mentally ( by expressing our disdain for him in the forums) and physically in game, especially if you played through the HoT story . Your character delivers the final blow to him. So, in a matter of speaking we most certainly did kill him.




  12. I was wondering about this for a while and seeing as its been years and enough people have played through HoT's story I feel its finally time to ask this...When Eir was killed why why didn't we revive her like we do to all the other npc that die..did we (as the player character) want her to stay dead?! Now I know we can ask the same of why didn't Braham do this, but lets be honest he isn't the brightest star in the sky if you know what I mean.

  13. Ok, a little disclaimer: I know this thread will not trigger any dramatic rework, however with that said i simple just want an answer to the choices. I know this topic has been talk to death and seeing as we are no major chances have been made i seriously doubt this will amount to much. I just got to know why is revenant force to have energy cost and cool downs? I know you revy plays love this for some odd reason. It force you to completely ignore a majorty of skills on you bar because you are force to save your energy for you utilifty skills. I know one argument was the fact that revy gets access to mores skills, well so does the ele and they are not force to juggle energy cost with cd.

  14. > @"Gondolph.7201" said:

    > currently there is a increasing use of thieves in WvW. The tactics is usually the following: 3 thieves are in the (enemies) castle. We tried as a zerg to kill them, but you need approx. 20 min sometimes tro get 2 of them. The stealth disruption trap is almost useless now, since the death-eye is visible for approx. 2-3 sec now. They are almost permanent invisible anyway.

    > So if the zerg does not want to run for hours behind phantoms, the leader finally decides to ignore thieves. and go for fights then. 10 minutes later the castle is fallen. Half of the game mechanics renders obsolete, there is no point anymore in nurturing castles to higher levels, unless the full zerg remains in it.


    > that is no fun anymore.


    mmmm salt

  15. > @"Menzo.2185" said:

    > * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

    > * New WvW Maps.

    > * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

    > * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

    > * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

    > * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

    > * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

    > * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

    > * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

    > * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

    > * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

    > * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

    > * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

    > * More WvW Achivements.

    > * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

    > 1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.


    Or maybe pvp players need to stop being such dick so much toxic behavior wtf would anyone participate in that? fuck that WvW is dead im just surprise it didnt die sooner.

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