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Posts posted by xXMapcoXx.9614

  1. Is anet ever going to tell us anything about this? like are they still even still working on it? or are they hoping that if they don't talk about it that people will forget about it and they won't have to announce they killed off working on it years ago? It be nice to be told they are either still working on it or they are not, because this silence isnt doing anyone any favors.

  2. I'm just a tad bit confused about people praising this story when the ending is baffling. Jormag wants to ally with us but he spent the last 30 minutes sending his goons to murder you, not to mention killing almora and then comes up to you wanting to be buddy buddy? And us the player character were supposed to consider his offer? I mean that is some mental Gymnastics if ever I see any. I know you untimely rejection his offer after a very lengthy pause, but still. You can argue it was only after you stomped his minions into the ground he changes his tone, but it clear from how he addresses you that isn't the case. So anyone gonna address just how stupid it this is?

  3. I am up to the part were you have to collect different types of meet, and im stuck on the karka meat. I went to the cover and for 4 hours murdered everything freaking karka on that island from vents to the champ and still no meat. I surprised i haven't exterminated the whole damn species. SO, how long does it take to drop? whats the drop rate. cuz this rng shit is getting on my nerves. Idk how many more karak i need to murder to get this thing to drop.

  4. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

    > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > > Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective

    > >

    > > Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.


    > No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.


    so dont be sarcastic to the dick who was being sarcastic

  5. > @"Hanth.2978" said:

    > > @"Eliphas.4862" said:

    > > > @"Hanth.2978" said:

    > > > There is no way Anet will put in a fix so that these sigils can be crafted or obtained on the cheap, too many people have already spent 5g 10g or even 15g to finish these collections. For Anet to do that now would just be a slap in the face to those people who grinded that gold in order to buy them.

    > > Well, clearly those people were confortable enough to pay that price, why would they feel bad if they willingly gave their gold to the barons, even if they knew it was a rip off, they are part of the problem in the first place.


    > It's not a perfect system, cannot argue that. Let's face it this is not the first time barons manipulated the market, we've seen it before and anet's seen it before. Anet knew what was going to happen and they did it anyways, driving up the price of sigils. Anet has the data, they see people willing to spend 100's of gold for an exotic weapon, exotic precursor, a dye etc. What's done is done, I understand people are not happy about what happened but it happened. As we speak people are buying those sigils at 14g-15g and they continue to because they want the skins.


    what pisses me off is people were able to complete the collection then drive up the price so im to be punished cuz i didnt burn through the collection in a set amount of time? thats what happen here

  6. yeah all these > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

    > A few reasons:

    > 1. The dragons wreak the most damage right after they wake up, as they carve out territories for themselves. The year Kralkatorrik woke up, it did more damage than the other four active dragons put together. Mordremoth could've done the same- it was able to attack across the entire continent, and if it hadn't been stopped in the jungle, it might have burst outward with enough strength to displace the asura and destroy Rata Sum and the Grove, the same way Primordus and Jormag made refugees of the entire asura and norn races just after they woke up.

    > 2. Timing. Left alone, Mordremoth probably wouldn't have woken up for ~45 years. By that point, the Pact was probably hoping to have all the other dragons dealt with. Dealing with one when it was the only threat on the field probably seemed a lot better than dealing with the same one when there were four other active threats breathing down Tyria's neck.

    > 3. The ley line feast thing. When we fight the Mouth of Mordremoth, it's sitting in the largest concentration of magic in all of Tyria, bar none. In total it might still be less than what Primordus or Jormag have consumed, but going back to point one, those two displaced entire civilizations back when they'd eaten barely any magic. Mordremoth was going on the same sort of rampage, but with the equivalent of the Mario star amplifying it.


    > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

    > A few reasons:

    > 1. The dragons wreak the most damage right after they wake up, as they carve out territories for themselves. The year Kralkatorrik woke up, it did more damage than the other four active dragons put together. Mordremoth could've done the same- it was able to attack across the entire continent, and if it hadn't been stopped in the jungle, it might have burst outward with enough strength to displace the asura and destroy Rata Sum and the Grove, the same way Primordus and Jormag made refugees of the entire asura and norn races just after they woke up.

    > 2. Timing. Left alone, Mordremoth probably wouldn't have woken up for ~45 years. By that point, the Pact was probably hoping to have all the other dragons dealt with. Dealing with one when it was the only threat on the field probably seemed a lot better than dealing with the same one when there were four other active threats breathing down Tyria's neck.

    > 3. The ley line feast thing. When we fight the Mouth of Mordremoth, it's sitting in the largest concentration of magic in all of Tyria, bar none. In total it might still be less than what Primordus or Jormag have consumed, but going back to point one, those two displaced entire civilizations back when they'd eaten barely any magic. Mordremoth was going on the same sort of rampage, but with the equivalent of the Mario star amplifying it.


    didnt really address any of my question but i guess thx anyways

  7. So let me get this straight the day the dev say the patch is coming out is not the day i should expect to play the new content? like wtf! than tell the dev not to tell me the day they release the patch isnt the day you will be able to play the content. Like im so glad you guy are ok with being told one thing and expecting something else and if the game is broke release a statement that says the new content had to be pushed back rather than having people like me wait around for a fix that clearly will not come today i mean how some fucking perspective

  8. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > How is fishing any better than farming mastery experience? In the end its a repetitive task. If you get bored of grinding experience, go explore a zone in more detail. Find all of those little nooks and easter eggs you never noticed before. Follow event chains through to completion in core Tyria (seriously, once you finish an event, wait for a minute or two and almost always a new event will start, continuing a mini storyline that sticks to that area. Its amazing, and at the end there are cute little dialogues usually). Go finish all of your elite specs. Go for world completion. Try jumping puzzles. Collect armor/weapon skins, collect dyes. Collect minis/finishers.


    > If you are bored in this game, fishing will not help your problem. There is already so much to do in the game that you almost have to choose to be bored, and hence adding fishing will just not help you for more than a few minutes

    what you said sounds boring as fuck

  9. I didn't realize this and I have not gone back to replay the story instant were you talk to Kormir, but did she say that there are still six gods? Does that mean that someone stripped balthy of his power and replaced him? i read this from another post so can anyone clear this up for me?

  10. You sound like a butt hurt nurd, you know that right? I will agree with you that the gw2 story in a nut shell is horrible, I am talking about the entire story, not just this or that but the whole darn thing. The issue I have with you is you think gw2 should feel shackled by the story in gw1 and that if it does not follow a narrow path set by guild wars 1 than the story is trash. The story can establish its own story line that does not have to be dictated by gw1 lore the story should be allow to move past that and become its own thing. It just that its feel they have no idea what direction they want to take or they just dont care.



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