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Posts posted by Runiir.6425

  1. > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > just curious between power soulbeast, dh, holo and other class which one have easier dps rotation, but also get good dps scores?.


    pSB is a more intricate rotation than using a cSB. pSB and DH also both have burst windows that is the entire focal point of your damage. Miss a burst window (such as a boss mechanic making you move/leave range) and your damage drops drastically. Though you can lessen this by being a longbow pSB which allows for more mechanic friendly burst windows...there will still come times where you are just waiting for a burst window.

    Even on incredibly mechanic heavy raids I can get highest DPS on a condi SB without once weapon swapping away from shortbow. No burst window to worry about, your skills simply add on rather than create these burst windows. The standard cSB build requires weapon swapping and some melee work but even then, no burst windows to worry about which creates a more relaxing way of dealing with mechanics. Hard to get any easier than that really.

  2. Honestly? Just get rid of the ready check entirely. Moment everyone is confirmed by the game to be loaded in, BAM game starts. No build changing at all. Go in blind like an actual arena.

    Would be an interesting experiment to force this on everyone for the next season.

  3. > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > >We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.

    > > VERY BAD idea .. why I shroud so care and get penalty if play not it very popular wvw server ?


    > Don't WvW servers rotate regularly so that this situation shifts in favor of everyone successively?


    These rotations don't help when every single time you are attached to the weakest servers. I'm from one of the lowest population servers, and we are routinely attached to OTHER weak servers. This does not help us one bit. Two weak servers doesn't equal a strong server. Weak servers are generally weak because of coverage issues. If anything the lowest pop servers should be attached to servers that are known for high WvW populations, not the lowest ones!

  4. It is about time they push the favor tot he defenders like it is supposed to be. Just auto give anyone standing on a wall stacks of stability that slowly regenerate. Wanna pull someone? Work for it. Defenders should literally be holding every advantage. As it stands, defending is an uphill battle which it really shouldn't be. A group of 10 SHOULD be able to hold off a group of 30 that isn't prepared to spend 3 supply for every 1 the defenders use.

  5. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > If in the current meta people die to thief, both dp and sd (1vs1) scenarios, it means you got outplayed, simple as that. And it is so funny to see rangers crying. People are annoyed by thief stealth, but they are okay with condi heralds who needs 5 people to take one down in the current matches?


    Condi herald is not hard to rip down. Play a healer, literally ANY healer...you will grind them into the ground. I do it plenty on my plague doctor raid build heal scourge.

    Or are you another one of those people that hate the support builds too?


    As for why you should care about the stealth given to DE rifle, thief has so many ways to gain vigor that giving a thief a free stealth on dodge is alone able to perma stealth them. I've done it, it is a boring playstyle to me...and very very easy to pick people off without any skill involved on the part of the thief.


    Thieves in general need to have some serious and honest looks at them. IMO shortbow 5 needs to lose it's teleportation status and be changed into a charge mechanic eliminating the ability to move vertically entirely. That one change would make many of the ambushes impossible for the thief to escape from. SB5 also needs to be interuptible, you take damage during the arrow's flight your movement can be interupted. This would also put it in line with most other escape mechanics.

  6. > @"Zoid.2568" said:

    > > @"Nightcore.5621" said:

    > > Pvp if you agienst mouse and keyboard players might be a problem. And raids.. I dont think that well work sorry


    > It depends on how they remake the UI for consoles.


    No, it doesn't matter how much they rework the UI. FFXIV has cross platform play with consoles and if you are in a Raid you know IMMEDIATELY who the console players are. They can't instant 180 like a mouse user can. There is also a known delay for skill usage on consoles compared to PCs. It isn't much but enough you can notice in close PvP.

    They brign that over to GW2? Oh, the complaining would be legion.

  7. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > I don't think it should be made easier either. RPG games are meant to be played were exploration is part of the story and fun. I've never jumped into a game of this genre, even as a younger person, and expected to be ready for end-game in a month. Caveat Emptor.


    > I doubt Anet would give people an outright notice to avoid boosting to 80 or play F2P version before buying the game. However, some subtle clues could be given.


    > Remember the NPC that was at the south edge of Frostgorge Sound above Wayfarer who would warn you about not going further without better preparation. I think there were others but I can't remember anymore.


    > I guess what I stopped short of saying in my original post was that there are many veterans that play new content until it is consumed and there is not much to bring them back to populate core maps. So new players experience a game that seems to be a ghost town. An empty map lacks the MMO feel of not being completely alone. After I do my dailies, I try to wander into a map where I haven't been in a while. While there I farm and participate in whatever I run into. It brings back memories for me of when every event had 10-20 people working at it.


    I do that!

    I have characters that...I jump into old maps and just go from one side of the map to the other killing anything red to me. One long endless path of carnage.

    I've explained to new players how to get the mounts and gliding. I've also used my mesmer to help people with jumping puzzles and such on Tyria maps that are just starting out. Usually I come across veterans that could use a helping hand to Skyscale areas too (and they almost always tip though I never ask for it and am just helping because I can).

    I've brought 4 new people into GW2 myself this month and they are starting the slow slogg learning things up. I help them only when they ask for it because having an 80 around completely kills the learning curve. I do explain how to build and such and encourage them to try EVERYTHING to see what works for them. One I brought in many months ago finally hit 80. I sat her down and asked her what weapons and such she liked, what utilities she liked, and I designed a build around just that... weather it was optimal or not didn't matter. I was showing her how to synergize and she has since taken it farther and worker her build on her own into a decent synergy that even forced her to use skills she originally didn't like. It leads to better prepared players when you make them level slow through Tyria and learn the basics.

  8. > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > Money Money Money.. they want money..


    They don't charge a monthly fee. How else do you think they keep the game running?

    Buy 15 bucks worth of gems every month and you realize how much you can actually buy with what a normal sub would get you.

  9. > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

    > If you have more than 10 000 hours of playing, you have 1% chance, if you just started the game, you have 90%. It seems to be the way like precursor drop.


    >.> I feel a lot luckier int he precursor drop department.

    My Girl and I have been playing since Beta. She's never seen a precursor drop. I got the precursor for Frostfang, The Juggernaut, The Predator...which I kept and made. I also got the precursor for The Bifrost and gave it to her. I have the one for The Moot in my bank, still deciding if I will make it or not.

    I never bought any of them, I got most of them to drop from the dragon events.

    Jormag - Frostfang and The Juggernaut

    Shatterer - The Bifrost

    Teq - The Moot

    WvW from a player kill loot bag - The Predator (got this one to drop as a Deadeye no less, it was a sign I had to have it)


    Random is random. I don't have more luck than others or MF...most of the time I don't even run food so no MF bonus there either heh. This was my luck, others get lucky in other ways.

  10. Guardian is likely going to get more of a sheriff style pistol/rifle using next more likely.


    Warrior? Dervish has already been split amungst other classes. You aren't getting a 1 to 1. Each elite was basically combining one class with another for the original 8. Bezerker was basically warrior/elementalist while spell breaker was warrior/mesmer. Now, each elite also adds a weapon. So what does the warrior lack? Pistols, scepters, focus, staff, short bow. Of all of those, the likely weapons will be short bow or pistol. Too me that means the warrior is going to be blended with the medium armor classes. warrior/thief style could be AMAZING...instead of bezerking...you go into a shadow state. Pistol seems more of a warrior/engineer which could have some interesting mechanics. Warrior already has banners...it could even allow the warrior to summon a siege tank or something.

  11. Those hoping for a bruiser style build...give up. They will never give a bruiser play style to something with such easy access to stealth. Daredevil is the thief bruiser, for good or ill it's as close as we're getting.


    The great sword is NOT a kitana, kitana are worn on the hip and in this game would be better served as a normal sword because of that very reason (also length of a kitana is more a single hand sword length for this game). You could never have kitana style attacks coming from most great sword skins in this game. The kitana is focus and speed over strength style of weapon, GS in this game is a giant hunk of metal you throw around like you are Guts. I would love to see a samurai style, but it is most likely to happen in the warrior as a new set of skills for the sword only while the specialization is equiped than anything else. After all, the thief lacks any meaningful way of handling a samurai duel (iajitsu) in that you are supposed to build up your focus and energy and release it all in one attack (burst skills).


    Considering Cantha is next, a Yukuza theme is most likely and my guess is it will be mace/mace or torch offhand. The Yakuza use knives and blunt objects most often. The utility skills will likely be fire based for the simple fact the Yakuza tend to light things on fire as a message to others. This would give the thief a condition damage focused elite specialization which it currently lacks. Mace/mace would also allow for a more controlling playstyle instead of a sneaking play style through daze/stun/knock/etc if they don't go the fire route. However a condition focused spec would be appreciated just for build diversity.

  12. I would have to add one thing to this however. Stealth durations would have to be limited as the offset to carrying a torch. An AOE, area control build should not be capable of being stealthed to a high degree. That should be the cost offset for a class that is focused on single target damage to gain access to massive AOE. FFor it to be a control build that also means the AOE also carries many ways to deal with break bars/hamper foes, so it would be a horrible idea to allow the heavy stealth builds to not suffer a reduction in stealth up time as it would ruin PvP... it would make WvW somewhat more amusing though.


    Suggestion? Holding a torch reduces stealth active time by 20%. Essentially making every application of stealth lose a second of up time.


    I say this as a lover of Deadeye stealth builds, which I am aware are horribly broken. Constant snipes coming from stealth is enough to infuriate people in WvW. I may snicker in comms too often >.>

  13. > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > The question and the reasoning behind this change is probably this :

    > Since we give rangers new defense tools (on block + evade) where do we cut some defense?

    > What do you guys think is a decent way to nerf greatsword and keep the auto evade?

    > Reducing the block time to 2s? 1.5s? Or something else?

    > Edit : I also think the 15 endurance is too small. Maybe add an other effect to make it worth depending on the endurance level?


    If they are going to take the evade, how about a 15% damage increase to the damage output. The GS never hit hard to begin with, it was a defensive weapon with only one actual attack that mattered, everything else was utility and defensive in nature. The LEAST they can do is make every single hit in the chain hurt if they remove the evade.


    > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > You what IS a kitten bug? The entire mirage profession.

    > > > >

    > > > > Dodge while cc'd? Sounds like a kitten bug to me. How about you remove _that_ Anet?

    > > >

    > > > exploits@arena.net

    > >

    > > Way to dumb down the game.


    > Instead of throwing a tantrum like a five year old. Make a constructive complaint and send it to ArenaNet if you don't agree with their decisions.


    > They have made *many* questionable decisions in the past year. From buffing Holo to nerfing core guard and druid. Leaving mirage cloak unchecked, and Mercy signet in the game.


    > I understand you don't want your main class nerfed, I understand how that feels.

    > But at the end of the day, this wasn't intended behavior and should never have existed in the first place.


    > And ranger GS is already very strong without it, having gap closer, evade, block, hard cc and burst all in the same weapon is a boon very few classes has access to.

    > Many classes have seen nerfs this patch, so it's only fair that ranger gets theirs



    Are you kidding me? Ranger gets nerfed constantly compared to most classes.

  14. > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > I think there are too many mounts. I already have a whole row of binds just for mounts. I'd rather they ADD additional/suitable abilities to our current mounts. The Skyscale main ability should have been a griffon mastery or something. Ground, water, sky and add addition mastery to improve their competency in their designed field. Seriously, if they add even ANOTHER mount it will feel like there are more mount hotkeys than actually abilities.


    I could see one more mount option added...a true underwater mount whenever we go after Bubbles.

  15. I don't watch Twitch simply because I rather be playing the game myself. I've found myself on twitch streams interacting with a streamer before in several games. I have nothing against them on the whole. Some of them I enjoy playing with, some of them I can't stand because they are too busy mugging for their stream and repeatedly make bad plays (had this happen in a few shooters).


    As for GW2 not being very Twitch friendly?


    The game is very action oriented and the skills create chaos. If someone is playing at a high level the camera is constantly in motion and you may only see an attack go off, get dodged, then some random effect on the ground for a few seconds. It is less interesting to watch because knowing what is going on is harder to read unless you are also a player and knowledgeable of all the classes and skills. Where as an FPS you have the guns and, typically only one or two skills you need to ever remember, making it a much easier thing to just watch. The other MMOs that are twitched more successfully aren't action oriented, they are a 'slower' game pace and that makes it easier to keep track of what is going on. FF for example has very long cooldown times on skills making it much easier to watch. WoW has a list of people that no longer play but are nostalgic enough to watch it, and the skills are once again going off slower compared to GW2 creating less visual chaos.


    GW2 is a game that streamlines a LOT of things, precisely to make it easier to do things and get around. This makes it a great game to play, but a less interesting game to just watch.

    As an aside, the streamers of GW2...aren't the most charismatic ones. If you just listen to them, they aren't nearly as interesting as MANY FPS streamers. Less surprises/reactions...and less good banter too. They talk about the game and such but it came across as rather dry when I looked into it.

  16. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > The only reason I'd really care about having a greatsword is to have access to [belinda's Greatsword skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/e6/Belinda%27s_Greatsword_Skin_wielded.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/e6/Belinda%27s_Greatsword_Skin_wielded.jpg")


    > Come on, Anet... why not give the Thief a katana/ninjato skin? Even the [kama skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fd/Dragon_Kama.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fd/Dragon_Kama.jpg") you gave us is **UPSIDE-DOWN!!!**


    > Honestly, who is making these decisions??? They aren't difficult.


    Not only that but you use Kama like you would an axe more than a dagger anyway. =/

  17. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > You can consider warrior shouts. Three of them use the ammo system now. Combine it with traited Battle Standard.

    > Zealot if power, Apoth if condi.



    It took way too long for someone to mention this build. A shout/banner warrior can heal rather well all while never stopping the damage as everything you do is either prepared beforehand (banner) or you simply do while attacking and it doesn't interupt your attack (shouts). This build is also typically rather high on the survival scale.

  18. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > @"Runiir.6425" said:

    > > I'm glad someone else noticed how useful that exploding death mark is!


    > I'm not aware of an "Exploding Death Mark" being in the game, but P/P/R - D/D/R is a to-O-fun to play!




    Ah, that's what I call it. On my phone right now. I think it is called Collateral Damage? It is in the 1st or 2nd build rows.

  19. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:


    > You and I are on the same wavelength! I love my P/P/R Deadeye Thief...I mostly use her for farming and responding to open world events. Nothing better than sitting on a rooftop blasting the mobs below...I think people get a little irritated with me, though, because I destroy the mobs before they can get to them. :D


    Oh I know I irritate people when I am perched somewhere high and exploding things rapid fire from safety while they are running back and forth trying to tag things. I mean, the whole point of being a sniper is to perch and not move much while laying down deadly and suppressing fire. It is genuinely fun and actually...relaxing! I've had people grumble in farms such as Silverwastes, my guild just laughs and asks me (in the public channel when someone grumbles) to stop being so efficient.

    Good times.


    I'm glad someone else noticed how useful that exploding death mark is!

  20. For farming purposes/open world I use Deadeye but I don't take the stealth on dodge roll, I take the exploding death mark. p/p with exploding death mark makes farming solo with large groups a complete cakewalk. Target the small squishy mobs and just explode them, by the time you run out and have to target the bigger mobs and vets they are at half health or below. In meta events I just switch to my rifle and do the same thing. Only I end up marking things far more often (usually every 3rd or 4th skill is marking something new) and the constant explosions have me tagging mobs faster than the shortbow could ever hope for.


    Just make use of what you have and shift it to what you need. Unfortunately, yes, the thief gets very spammy due to no cooldowns. I routinely swap out my p/p for d/d just to switch things up. However, I ALWAYS keep my rifle equiped, it is too useful to give up.

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