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Posts posted by Saraneth.6021

  1. > @Cerby.1069 said:

    > 10 hours of pure love.



    > Unfortunately I don't have a system that can capture gw2 in 1080p....which is the minimum you will need to make a gw2 video actually viewable....hard to seee anything otherwise.




    Pure love indeed. All good if you can't make videos. My PC can't either.


    Instead do you have any tips for playing this build? If not all good. I will give it ago once I unlocked enough HP for berserker. Just finished unlocking spellbreaker.

  2. Hye guys. Just wondering what you all think is easier for Open World? I have just made a new warrior and been playing around with Spellbreaker. So far sems pretty good but I never have tried Berserker before.


    I am thinking about going to do the HoT story and maps again (Started this warrior with pof) to get enough HPs to fully unlock berserkers and try that out for a while.


    So really what I'm asking is if you think it's worth it. Is berserker worth it? Let me know what you think. Thanks :)


    P.S. I'm only looking at power builds. Only have berserker and marauder gear available.

  3. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > > @Saraneth.6021 said:

    > > > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > > > For what I know, in the policy of the game: To ask for money - even as a "tip" - for activities like porting up a JP, gathering nodes in home instance or equivalent is scam and can lead to be banned. I must say honestly that I have not know and heard first about it in old forum, when reading a thread about a player who had been banned for asking "tips" for gathering at his home instance. Following that, an answer has included all details to clarify the rule. Unfortunately, I can no more find it. Maybe someone know where to look for that?

    > >

    > > Most of time time they don't ASK for tips. I see them saying "tips welcome". That should be perfectly fine imo. I don't see why/how that would be a bannable offense. Crazy.


    > Hum... Not sure if it is fine. You are playing with words. At the end, this is a way to ask for money. Anyhow, sorry, this is not my point. As said, it is only that I recall about this from previous forum and would be glad if someone could put again here the complete answer. Should have marked it. I would like to know the official text about that.


    Not really playing with words. A single word or punctuation can change the meaning entirely.


    Like: "Wife not getting any better, come home soon," vs, "Wife not getting any, better come home soon."

  4. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > For what I know, in the policy of the game: To ask for money - even as a "tip" - for activities like porting up a JP, gathering nodes in home instance or equivalent is scam and can lead to be banned. I must say honestly that I have not know and heard first about it in old forum, when reading a thread about a player who had been banned for asking "tips" for gathering at his home instance. Following that, an answer has included all details to clarify the rule. Unfortunately, I can no more find it. Maybe someone know where to look for that?


    Most of time time they don't ASK for tips. I see them saying "tips welcome". That should be perfectly fine imo. I don't see why/how that would be a bannable offense. Crazy.

  5. > @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

    > > @Saraneth.6021 said:

    > > Devs, can you please gift me a pair too? I would be eternally grateful. Thanks.


    > I have dealt with personal tragedy recently as well, can I have free stuff? I didn't post about it though


    Neither. Wasn't even going to mention my personal tragedy because it shouldn't matter. I still wont. I bet a lot of the GW2 community has had recent personal tragedies and you don't see them using it for their own personal gain. Playing the sympathy card is kinda sad and the fact it worked is even worse and not fair to the rest of the community.

  6. They are asking for tips because they are using their own time to help you. They are not demanding you pay them. Can easily use them then leave. This is not scam.


    It's the same as mesmers who ask for tips for JPs. You don't have to pay them, but if you feel like they did help you then you can tip.


    Like the Ember Bay JP. I have tipped mesmers who helped with that because it is bloody hard and annoying as certain spots and they are taking their time to help for free and just ask for tips if you can afford it and feel like they earned it.

  7. This is why I have never and probably will never make it to the top. The long wait times just ruins all the fun of practicing.


    This from someone who spent weeks in the Super Adventure box learning everything when it first came out. No wait time when you failed at something stopped it from feeling like a waste of time which is what is happening in the clock tower. If you are not good at it you spend most of your time waiting with nothing to do. Waste of time.

  8. > @BlaqkDeath.6702 said:

    > This is my current build I constantly have 25 stacks of might and so do my allies I built a spell breaker to play phalanx support. I was a healer on my revenant before for my raid group

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJUQNAoeRnk6CVeg9dA2eA0hgFjAL5H0Dae474i8S2IA0AyZA-jBCBQBVS9nP8EAyjGmas/QZU+BgTBgh0HQSlgBAOAc+5nf+5n31nf+5nf+5nf+5nXKgR1aB-e


    Don't you have a bit too many pieces of assassins gear? With fury only, you are over 100% crit chance.

  9. Yeah, after playing for several days with the Engi I have found it isn't for me. Luckily I had enough tomes to get another character to 80, so I boosted a Warrior. I am loving it so much right now. It is much more forgiving when you make mistakes which in turn is making it a lot mroe fun to play for me. I was ready to give up on the game before I decided to give it one last go with a warrior. I am pleased I did.

  10. The whole heat thing is crap. Photon Forge doesn't even bring our DPS up to par with other classes and it's only temporary. While on cooldown the DPS is even worse. Like W.T.F? Unless it gets some major buffs Photon Forge needs to last forever. None of this over heating crap.

  11. > @Rennie.6750 said:

    > What performance issues? There might be some minimal skill lag when the server is having a bad day, then again, unless you're spamming keys it's not such a big deal as this is often largely covered by the casting time animations. Look, I play WvW every day for about 2h, and I've had one case of some moderately annoying skill lag once last month and it lasted for about half an hour. I don't know what you're doing, but you may want to look for a better ISP if you're having so many lag issues.


    Just because you are having issues doesn't mean that no one is. Quite ignorant of you to think that.> @Rennie.6750 said:

    > > @Saraneth.6021 said:

    > > > @Rennie.6750 said:

    > > > What performance issues? There might be some minimal skill lag when the server is having a bad day, then again, unless you're spamming keys it's not such a big deal as this is often largely covered by the casting time animations. Look, I play WvW every day for about 2h, and I've had one case of some moderately annoying skill lag once last month and it lasted for about half an hour. I don't know what you're doing, but you may want to look for a better ISP if you're having so many lag issues.

    > >

    > > Just because you aren't having issues doesn't mean that no one is. Quite ignorant of you to think that.


    > It's not ignorance, it's simple logic. Everybody has a fair share of server power and bandwidth. If someone on your server isn't lagging but you are, it's 100% not the server, even if it's just one player out of 50 not having any issue. If it's not the server then ANet can't do anything about it, but you can.


    Would you go up to someone dying of cancer and say "I don't have cancer, so you shouldn't either!"? Ignorant.

  12. Too late guys. Already boosted a engi :)


    Looks like it is going to take quite a bit of practice after playing thief. More buttons to worry about. I am enjoying it though.


    Thanks for all the help.

  13. > @Yakubyogami.7586 said:

    > I really, really like Holosmith... for about 10 minutes, then I take all my Ascended armor and give it back to my Thief. DE and DD are much better survivability and you do 0 DPS when dead. My guildmates love Holo as well until they die (not if, when).


    > It's like playing a glass cannon in an active volcano.


    Haha, I have taken all my ascended gear from my thief and given it to my holo :)

  14. > @Tzozef.9841 said:

    > Holosmith.



    > My gut feeling I think you will like Holosmith. Pretty much Majority Marauders armor/trinks with Durability Runes.


    Been looking into it and it does seem like something I would like. Not to mention I just spent all my gold crafting Marauders armor for my thief so that works out well.


    Time to boost then spend the next few weeks trying to learn how to play it lol.


    Thanks :)



  15. Looking for a class to play in WvW.


    Currently have a thief and mesmer at 80 but I find myself not enjoying that type of gameplay. I love them in PvE, but in wvw they just aren't meshing with my play-style.


    I have my 80 boost from PoF and figured I'd use it on a new character that will be predominantly for WvW. There are a few conditions that need to be met though.

    1: The play-style I am looking for is "blatant right up in your face. I aint running or hiding, just gonna smash you." Like the Hulk. (I try with with the thief and it's really not made for that). More small group (1-10) roaming.


    2: A class that has a good build that can work with cheap gear. By cheap gear I mean exotic (so TP or easily craftable). I will in time, if I find myself loving it a lot, invest and craft some ascended but at first I wont have that.


    Please let me know if you know what it is I might be after here. Thanks



  16. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The closest we can get to an objective statement about whether something is overpriced is whether it didn't sell well, and that's something for which we'll never have reliable data.


    Well we can kind of tell. If something sells well we will see similar things over and over. If it sells bad we wont or future similar items will be lower in price.

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