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Posts posted by bobsort.4097

  1. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > You can change it in the keybinds to only focus the closest enemy


    Yes you can and in that case it selects the nearest mob behind you and even behind a wall that you can in no way hit them. If I need to select a mob, I need to select the one that is in front of me, closer to me and ALSO hitting me! I'm not trying to collect every mob in scene. this is specially second annoying thing when you are on a ranger with bow!

  2. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > If you notice, when you go to the map when you're in the Mistlock Observatory, you have 4 levels. It always pops up on the top level, but you can select the other 3 as well, and they all show the entire world map. I have never tried to use a WP link from inside the Observatory, but I do know it is possible to go to any WP while you're in the Observatory if you select any but the top level of the map. So there's no need to first exit the Observatory to go to your previous point and then WP to another part of the world map. You can do that from inside Mistlock.


    Please read OP's message. If you have mistlock ob... try and click on **chat link!** It won't work!

    If you open map you don't see the chat link!


    I asked for this improvement months ago and usual no repsonse.

  3. I read all answers from Devs in past 51 pages and didn't see answer to my few questions.

    While browsing and ignoring all posts that attached images or videos to get more popularity, I saw some strange suggestions too which still doesn't answer my question.


    ![](https://imgur.com/1uFZPf9m.png "")


    So referring to above nameless diagram, I'm gonna assume the biggest line is Black gate and the smallest is Anvil Rock. And devs are trying to fix the issue that BG, JQ and TC, FA are always occupying the first top few and then people who are tired of seeing their pie size is thinner than paper in WvW UI, transferring to higher tiers.


    I'm from Anvil rock (the last one in list) so low that even gw2stats doesn't bother to collect the data for it anymore. and I don't have any complain about this. I am not "participating" in WvW and for that reason the reward track that I selected two Octobers before is still half way to complete. this is for one obvious reason,. I'm not WvW player and I only get into WvW for guaranteed loots at the end of each reward track which if seems to be impossible to gain in PVE, even after months of participating in those events and still not getting a single one. example? "Fossilized insect". More examples? "HoT mastery points" which if you read every other thread about it, people suggest "WvW becuz it is izi to do!", by current server linking every 2 months I might get lucky and get linked to 1st or 2nd server in tier and get some progress in reward track. Other times I'm seeing below stats for next 8weeks (2 months). in this case I rather avoid going to WvW because nobody likes to be sniped by a mesmer or thief as soon as you put my feet out of base.


    ![](https://imgur.com/ngXfgYPm.jpg "")


    And here are my questions:


    1. Black gate will be dissolved in new system. but what will stop them from creating guilds and alliances with same people who kept the BG on top for past 5 years and do the same thing in this new concept? if they managed to play in all time zones and keep their sever on top can't they do the same thing in any system devs design again and again?

    2. I'm right now at the bottom of WvW with this new implementation I'm still at the bottom of the list, so what is the change that is going to happen here?

    3. Lets say generally speaking, I did play WvW 2 octobers ago and never played since, I'll be dropping to the bottom of tiers just like what happens now if you stop at a vendor or TP to empty your bags for 5 minutes and you are already back to tier 3 participation. How long would you think it will take for me to go back to top? do you think I even consider going back to WvW and be the meat infront of cannon for another god knows how many months to reach tier 4?

    4. Lets say I managed to get into a top notch high end WvW guild in Tier 1, What stops them from kicking me out or demanding to pay them gold to be in that guild? how long would it take for a guild, isn't this called pay to win?


    And one little reminder, you devs are a few people which I assume you are all geniuses. but don't forget your game, your code is played by millions of players and there will always be a few smart people to figure it out and exploit your system and bring it back to what currently is, or should I say changing name of question to make it temporarily go away?

  4. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > In the meantime, yes, there is a valid workaround: **either free up a shared inventory slot** or move the item you wish to equip to your inventory and equip the item from there.



    (O.o) 700gem for each shared inventory slot is a lot to keep it empty, don't you think? I'm gonna go with the free shared inventory slot. oh btw, it is about 2916 pixels on my screen which is not a few. if you give me a free "shared inventory slot" I'll promise to keep it empty


    Aside from jokes, this is happening in regular bags too. I think if an item can be swapped, it shouldn't fall into bag full category. and same happens when you are trying to swap a leather bag for example with mithril bag of same size and both of them are full. it raises the flag of bag is full, which I think it shouldn't



  5. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > Actually a player can get better in 20 minutes...if they take the time to just pay attention to the mechanics and listen to the NPC's and/or Dragon Watch members there, they will give you hints on what you need to do to defeat most bosses in story instances.


    This was the most annoying comment that I keep seeing over and over. How do you beat an AOE damage which from appearing damage circle until it hits takes 500ms and brings your health to %5 and happens every 10 second and its on a ping of 500MS? I find story instances really really annoying.

  6. > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

    > Whereas everytime if the player dies then he gains a stacking buff that gives +5% to all stats instead?

    They already did give you this. in fact everytime you die, one piece your armor breaks and you get -%5 buff to every stat you have, until your armor totally breaks and become red and you are permanently stuck in that story instance.

  7. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I think the OP did mean hiding, just as the Raid Mastery Track is hidden. (As the title states.)

    I didn't know it was hidden, I could see it from release of HoT, may be because I had my first and last raid mastery set from start?


    > Regardless, I'm not sure what the attraction is to Spirit Shards. I, and most players, collect several just doing content in-game. Certainly more than the one completing the XP bar affords, in the time it takes to gain that much XP. Now, if there was something else offered as the reward, I might be more interested.

    You could open Mystic Forge attendant's inventory and in its first page there are a few items that you could buy with shards and they are not cheap either.

    Also I'm don't know any other way to gain shards other than some very rare drops from mobs. I appreciate if you could mention them too.

    I'm almost certain that I earned about 1500 shard in past month only from XP doing events.


    Anyway, back to main topic, I still think it is great if we can have this changed so XP goes to Mastery tracks if we activated one of them, otherwise it earn shards as usual.

    I was playing in desert after last LS4 until I suddenly realized I'm not earning XP and no shards for awhile. and it was because the mastery track wasn't active and the XP bar was just sitting there empty.



  8. > @"Gabriel of Engels.2673" said:

    > I just thought it would be fun to open a discussion to see people's thoughts on this... given recent event's in POF - should the humans of Tyria destroy things pertaining to the God Balthazar and rename areas currently bearing his name to something else? This happens all the time in the real world when governments/ideologies/theologies change - what are you thoughts?


    That only happens in US that wiping history by removing status of civil war or may be in Afghanistan which destroyed two historical status of Buddha because they are Muslims and don't believe in Buddhism

  9. I'm just concerned that people who never rode horse, dolyak or even a pony or dog or kitten, how they suddenly learn riding raptor with just entering the PoF is a kind of pooof or magic or something? You wouldn't like to see someone driving monster truck in new york streets, a cab or bike would be more appropriate. same for tyria, a horse is less polluting the Role playing aspect of Core

  10. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Hiding Legendary Crafting Mastery Track(s) seems no more sensible (because one doesn't care for it) than hiding Fractals Mastery Track(s) (as some players don't like Fractals). Same with any other Mastery Track, whether in Core, HoT or PoF.


    OP doesn't mean really hiding. what he meant is as long as you didn't put a point in it, it won't lock you from earning shards. which I think should be the case for every single mastery not only track.


    If I haven't selected any mastery to queue XP in it, it shouldn't stop me from using my XP to earn shards. I haven't been able to earn shards in HoT maps until recently because it wasn't completed and I didn't have enough points to complete them.

  11. > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

    > > ditto on the nerfing stuff. im a solo player and no i don't have to "faceroll" it but would like to solo it. or make the hero points scale to the group size. with all of the negative feedback you guys have received about HOT maps. just do something positive in that area. no, i dont need to hear "ive soloed everything in hot on a level one toon bullcrap" either.


    > Its not bullcrap though.


    > Check out some informative videos on youtube




    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIL74CRV-UE




    > et cetera.


    if somone comes here once in while and leave a message, means he tried, failed and waited and it didn't happen. most players rather play the game than coming to forum and leaving comments, they only come to forum to seek help. if someone's play style is different from "you" (not only Cerioth.7062) you can't ask them to play like "you" or follow your rules, he has a suggestion and you have a suggestion. "you" are not employee of anet, and you are not dictating what they do, and so as them. if you don't like their idea doesn't mean they are not allowed to talk.


    I want the same thing as OP, and I have my own reasons. I don't like raid so instead I play map complete and I enjoy it. if 4 of them are gated in DS and I can't reach them because of so many reasons for weeks, don't make me enjoy the game. For just doing Pile of "kitten" in VB I'm not gonna sit there for hours AFK until I get lucky and a group form up for HP and do it with them, I rather go other places and do other stuff on my limited play time.


    If you only have one toon or don't have map complete in any of your toons or only have it on one toon, this doesn't concern you. come back when you are interested in doing those HPs on all 9 classes of all races. if you can solo stuff, good for you, I can't. Yes, I have seen these videos. but one thing is he didn't do is solo in 9 classes in exotic gear and specially on 500MS latency (PING) when before you can even move second crazy hit already landed on you. Not every player is sitting next door to anet servers. I remember US ping increased from 5ms to 15ms and everyone going crazy about it like it is end of world. We in SEA area are lucky if we get 400MS ping.


    Also not every player is playing same class. If you can solo champs on your necro, good for you. I have 15 toons and 6 map complete. did most of HoT map complete with groups. and others are waiting for those gated HPs or an HP train.


    I suggest all the guys to do a proper research, there are so many reasons players want to be able to solo the HPs. Map complete , legendary, elite skills and daily rewards are just few of them.


    Also having them done in WvW only works if your server is not the one with smallest pie

    ![](https://imgur.com/f9ol1jTl.jpg "")



  12. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"bobsort.4097" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > Regardless of what currency you gather in an MMO, you have to expect that you'll eventually get to a point where excess currency is worth a fraction of its earlier worth. To a regular raider or t4 fractal player the ascended equipment drops eventually become "worthless" (as in, worth a lot less than they were when they started that content). To somebody who loves running the Dragon Stand meta, crystalline ore will eventually be in excess to the point where they can't trade it for anything they find useful anymore.

    > > >

    > > regardless of what currency your salary is, you have to expect that you'll eventually get to a point where excess currency is worth a fraction of its earlier worth. for examp if you have a $100 bill it only worth 65penny!

    > Apples and oranges. Real world work is a totally different beast from gaming rewards. There's just no way game developers can keep "rewarding" players in a way that feels as rewarding as it did at first. Real world salary on the other hand will keep a comparative "reward" level for a long time since the range of stuff you can spend it on is much greater and on-going (you need food and water every day in the real world vs. just grabbing most of your everyday needs in a game while playing).


    Well games teach kids skills to use when they grow up (hopefully) I'm sure you don't want them to learn that way and pay your retirement salary that way!

    Yes you are absolutely right. In real world I never eat one tray of something every half an hour! your example is out of place, reward from chest and mob and other stuff is already nerfing everyday. but something called currency is a currency and its own exchange value shouldn't be changed. if $1 is 100 cent then it should stay same, If $1 could buy 2 helmet last year, but this year can buy only one, it doesn't matter. but it still should buy me back 100 cents.

  13. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > There are enough soloable HP’s in HoT to max all skill lines.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I’m not sure what legendary weapons have to do with hero challenges.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just off the top of my head, map completion? For those legendaries?

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"bladezero.9470" said:

    > > > > > Nobody cares that you tried to make interesting and challenging content. The jungle was a failure. Just nerf it already.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Either that or give us better pathways to finish legendaries.

    > > > >

    > > > > The easiest way would be to just get tokens from WvW. Or wait for a train.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > In order to do those legendaries, you have to do other group content. I don’t see the point in singling out the HP’s because you need them for map completion towards legendaries when you have to do other group content anyway for them.

    > >

    > > But you still need them :p and this fella isn't wrong though.

    > > **Map completion should never be tied behind a meta**, for solo or time restrained players


    > Why not?


    Why yes?

  14. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > Regardless of what currency you gather in an MMO, you have to expect that you'll eventually get to a point where excess currency is worth a fraction of its earlier worth. To a regular raider or t4 fractal player the ascended equipment drops eventually become "worthless" (as in, worth a lot less than they were when they started that content). To somebody who loves running the Dragon Stand meta, crystalline ore will eventually be in excess to the point where they can't trade it for anything they find useful anymore.


    regardless of what currency your salary is, you have to expect that you'll eventually get to a point where excess currency is worth a fraction of its earlier worth. for examp if you have a $100 bill it only worth 65penny!

  15. > @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

    > > @"bobsort.4097" said:

    > > > @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

    > > > I'd like the ability to right-click an item and have the option to "mark as junk" or "unmark as junk". Then items I've added to my junk list would sell in one click at the merchant when I click the Sell Junk button.

    > >

    > > We actually don't need that for ruins and sigils, they are already junk! I suggested salvage a few months back, nobody cared, they are still there, filling yours and my inventory.


    > Not quite. If you click the "Sell Junk" button at a merchant right now, minor/major runes and sigils don't sell. What I meant is it would be nice to have a way to build a custom list that defines what is junk. I'd add minor/major runes and sigils to my "junk list" so that when I click the "Sell Junk" button at the merchant, those items would instantly sell. I'd like it to be a custom list per account so each player can define their own list. Some people may have longer junk lists than others.


    I know that, pun intended!

  16. > @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

    > I'd like the ability to right-click an item and have the option to "mark as junk" or "unmark as junk". Then items I've added to my junk list would sell in one click at the merchant when I click the Sell Junk button.


    We actually don't need that for ruins and sigils, they are already junk! I suggested salvage a few months back, nobody cared, they are still there, filling yours and my inventory.

  17. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > Gotta love some of the drama: I'm done with that section of the game, so just remove it, we don't need new players anyway. I'm not sure about other new players, but they do sell to a vendor, and every rune/sigil I can sell to a vendor allows me to raise my funds just a little bit more. The better solution is to make it where you can assign them as junk as you pull 'em, and then they'll sell when you hit the "Sell Junk" button. I just hope that, if this happens, we don't get some of the same people coming to the forums complaining that they can now accidentally sell runes/sigils they wanted to keep, and need to have their monetary value removed... /hide


    I leveled my crafting by crafting them, but these days they don't even sell for 1/10 of the price of material used to create them in first place.

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