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Posts posted by Decado.9304

  1. I play a Ranger the majority of my wvw time, simply for enjoyment, but rarely ever join the zerg squad. Even running very glassy I have huge amount of survivability so I'm not needed there and would take up boons and a spot that is better given to a meta class. Rangers do not belong in a zerg generally


    Plus i'm forever disappearing to check on a keep/tower, cap a camp and havoc a bit where needed. The only times i will look to join a tag is when the squad is partial, 20/50 or so, and always watch for it filling up so i can leave when i can see that others better suited need the spot.

  2. Its a decent start however some major issues:


    1. Too few build templates for a start

    2. Should have been 3 equipment templates to match the 3 build templates, 2 & 3 makes no logical sense

    3. No option to lock templates from changes.

    4. Screws up legendaries by dropping out the sigils and infusions

    5. Character bound build templates rather than account bound

    6. No way to link armour and build templates and hotkey them

    7. Too much of a cash grab

    8. Too much of a cash grab

    9. Too much of a cash grab

    10. Too much of a cash grab


    You came up with a fairly decent system which would improve QoL and then totally kittened it into the sea by trying to gouge as much cash out of people as possible.


    A charge per account bound amour template I could understand a bit since you are getting free character storage expansion and would probably buy the odd upgrade or 2 for those character that have 3/4 sets of armour but I cannot see how you justify 3 build templates then 300gems a pop for any more. Should have been at least 10 or so to start with on each character then maybe I could see you being able to charge for extra, but thats a small maybe considering GW1 had unlimited build templates - just checked for nostalga and mine had 1345! - and although im not suggesting that amount, you should at least have had a usable number free at the start.

  3. 2 reasons,

    1. Most importantly, its fun. After *000's of hours on AH Guard, Hammer Rev, Scourge or whatever is needed and now I play what I find the most fun. I don't really give a shite about its super effectiveness although its still very strong if your doing alot of small scale fighting or for picking of the loose or poorly positioned zerg targets, though versus alot of classes the glassiness makes for a quick death in 1v1's


    2. Not a fan of Ranger GS, if i could switch Guard GS skills for Ranger GS skills my soulbeast would never drop GS. On switch is generally always Axe/WH because i find it a very good combo, though i havent been that active recently and haven't tried the new Sword skills out

  4. I main Ranger in WvW mostly because I like playing it and it suits when i drift off and roam/scot/defend. If you're a ranger and in the zerg then generally you are doing it wrong. Its fine if the squad is 20/50 because then, why not share/recieve the boons but as it fills up you should be leaving so that a proper zerg class like FB/Scourge & Rev is not without a spot. If i really want to be in teh zerg or its needed or i just want loot bags then I switch to Scourge or more preferably Rev, hammers are just so satisfying :)


    Rangers, even average players like me in full glass gear & setup, have enough survivability and boon generation that you do not need to be in the squad. You can manage just fine with good positioning and pewpewing down enemy backliners or vulnerable classes who are not close enough to their tag. You can try to pin snipe if you wish but tbh i find that a waste of time with reflects and blocks that a FB com has these days.

  5. I think most of the content is fine, specially for solo players, and we have fractals for a nice progressive dificulty mode however I would say that its time for a change to the meta events.


    I don't think these are challanging enough and are generally easily completed without much difficulty. I'd like the meta bosses to have a fractal like random fuck things up effect like higher level fractals have, just to make players think a little bit and maybve make the odd ones fail now and again

  6. Clicker mainly because I'm a very fussy leftie and I haven't been able to find a good comfortable left handed many buttoned mouse to use (currently a steelseries kana) and also i've been a game clicker for 30+ years and CHANGEISBAD ;)


    Got some keys bound but for general use i dont have alot of nearby keys to pick from with my movement keys choice


    Right ctr - Jump

    Keypad 4&6 - Left & Right

    keypad 5 - back

    Arrow key - forward

    keypad enter - elite skill

    keypad 3 - heal skill

    keypad 7/8/9 - 3 utility skills

    keypad . - mount/dismount current mount

    kepyad Ins - mount skyscale

    Mouse buttons - target, next target, nearest target etc

    Weapon skills - CLICKITYCLICK

  7. If it can't be removed then I would change its allocation. It's given to the lowest ranking server of the tier however most non-national EU servers wont play on it or just don't have the numbers so certainly don't defend it, leaving it to be karma trained by green and blue virtually guarenteeing that red drops tier again.


    I would make Desert the Green border as I think that it would give the weakest server a better chance of staying up a tier and just to mix things up a bit, or just randomize it

  8. Because I like bows, have done in every game and frankly since Anet have done their best to kill off fun zerg fights by the massive power creep, passives and scourge/fb spam I find small scale much more fun and in that realm SB is pretty strong


    Also much better for all that other crap that zergers tend to think doesn't happen like camp flipping, tower defending, scouting etc. My guard is also a perma DH/Core for the same reason and if i ever want to zerg then i can run scourge and facemash/get facemashed through 1 pushes...

  9. As a ranger main, I don't belong in the squad. More useful classes which synergise better with a zerg fight need the spot better than me and I have enought sustain and protection that if i play my class the way I should then I should need no assistance.


    Occasionally I have joined squads if a com just wants everyone no matter the class or numbers are a bit low but it's rare and usually i will let them know to give me a kick anytime if a meta class needs a spot, not a problem.



  10. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > Taste is subjective, so legendaries aren't necessarily the best-looking items in the game... however, due to the effort in obtaining one (and the subsequent status that that brings), I would rather equip a legendary skin than an item I find more aesthetically pleasing because I'm not going to spend all that valuable time and money to get something, only to not wear it. And with each expansion, classes get to equip more weapon types, which means more legendaries. Yup--this game is now about who has the most legendaries on. (And yes, I am fashion-ing for others to see how prestigious I am, not just for myself. I would never go through all the trouble of getting a legendary if I couldn't show it off to others.)


    My legendary armour and Backpack have both been reskinned to others i prefer. I got them for the changeability of stats not the look, my bow and sword on the other hand look very cool and i use them but my GS for instance uses Cobalt despite having a few legendary skins available, same with Scepter, freebie Wayward wand all the way. Its all about how it looks to me, I don't really give a kitten about what others think of my look (Cobalt fits perfect with requiem armour on my Norn DH :) )

  11. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Move to a tiered gems transfer system. Regardless of the population of the (open) server you move to:


    > 6 month rolling average:

    > First in 6 months = 1800 gems

    > Second in 6 months = 3600 gems

    > Third in 6 months = 5400 gems


    > With a successive increase of 1800 gems for each additional transfer within the rolling 6 month period.


    > Allows guilds to transfer but they pay for it. Anet gets gems, and guilds can move.


    > Monitize the system.


    Should be something like this. Double the cost each server change and reset it once per year back to the start, though a halt on transfers a week or 2 before and after a reset might be a decent starting point

  12. I don't pve that much but i do like to drop into the various metas and find they are completed far too regularly and far too simply. The challenges should be made a bit more difficult and awkward to complete as they are currently exceptionally easy.


    Or, you know, dial back the damn power creep thats kittened everything up

  13. > @"Cedric Ambidexter.9174" said:

    > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > I saw 500 and thought it wasn't much. I went on my character just to see and a transfer says 1800 so idk where the 500 comes from. I transferred back in the day when it was free like when game first came out. 500 is nothing honestly to stop band wagoners.


    > Are you sure about that?


    > It takes you 1 year to grind 100 gold.


    Paladawan gets me about 7-10G per event and takes about 20 mins if i decide to sell the Unided grear, even a pretty casual player shouldn't take more than a week to get 100g.


    And i'd agree that 500 gems isn't that much and no deterrent to bandwagoners

  14. Nothing wrong with sitting a golem in camps, it's there to delay taking the camp till you get some help. Even a single roamer can have it flipped before you can react or white swords appear.


    I do it all the time on alpine NC, never on desert tho, and seen it on virtually every other server on EU. Same with Lords room golems

  15. Doesn't need changed at all imo as 250K is a decent amount to aim for and pretty achievable for zergers.


    I'm just at 100k or so but rarely ever zerg and really only play ranger so i'm pretty happy with that. If i really wanted to get that title I'd just scourge/FB up but its not my cup of Tea :)

  16. BB are T3 because they have low-ish population during the day/prime period and big zergs through the night so they don't have the coverage to rise and stay up . Your server is also open so all you need is more coverage in the normal EU timezones and you'd climb...


    But yep, linking is absolutely terrible and we should be deleting servers instead

  17. I still play wvw mostly but my playtime is reducing as the game mode gets worse. My main reasons are the constant bandwaggoning with linked servers removing any kind of server pride, the massive power creep over the last number of years making it much more of a simple spam fest and getting stuck on red and being on the abortion of a desert map.


    WvW was a great game mode let down by lack of development, bad decisions by Anet and annoying player base server hopping

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