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Posts posted by Decado.9304

  1. I'd probably say Hammer Rev, it's not frontline so gives you a bit more visibility in watching the positioning of a zerg and seeing/learning where you should be, good survivability and nice damage. Once you start getting positioning and zerg commands then you can move onto a more critical class like Firebrand/SB or Scourge.


    Plus its pretty cheap and simple to tool up with zerk gear compared to some other armour stat combos

  2. I don't really have an issue with locking down the zergs a bit to TS players and mostly meta classes FB/Scourge/Rev/SB/Ele and the odd holo/teef/rangers/mesmers who know what they're doing or can provide veils/portals etc when asked for. If its a full squad the subpar classes and those not on TS don't really have a place if you want to win fights against better servers/groups. Against trash then fine, run a TSless BYOB cloud and prolly win but doesn't help you get better as a player/server.


    I play ranger these days (rev/guard and scourge mostly gathering dust) because i roam/scout/havok and change maps the majority of the time but when i find myself with the zerg i normally will not join squad and when i do i tend to watch the numbers and leave when its filling up. I don't need to be there especially if i'm using up a spot needed for a meta class.


    Join TS, check server builds and run whats (roughly) meta and/or best suited to your role...and don't whine when a com doesn't want 18thiefs and 13pewpewers when facing a vabbi fuckyouup zerg

  3. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > Or you can get good and not die while topping the meters.


    > The solution to this thread. In fractals (not pugging raids), I have seen so many people who must have played some defensive lol build, since they did a lot less damage then a proper build just autoattacking, and still went down over and over again. The most annoying thing about those wannabe tanky people: not only do they make fights last longer, they also make them more difficult for people who play properly. So the solution is not going more tanky, it's three letters: l2p.


    ^This, I'm pretty new to PvE and playing through it with Warrior (also new to) and to begin with i was just using my guards Marauder/Durability setup and fights took a while because I got stuck on the whole not dying pish and my DPS was poor. A week later I changed to a better more offensive build and full zerk/spellbreaker gear and I die a whole shitload less, fights are quicker and more importantly i'm learning about how to play the class properly. So yeah its more of a L2p issue. My deeps is still well below benchmarks but hey, i'm getting better and big numbers are nice :)

  4. 1. Gear system is pretty great

    2. No loot battles at the end of the fight

    3. Mounts and Gliding - was glad when they announced them but dubious about how good they'd be - result Fantastic implementation

    4. Graphically very nice

    5. WvW - Although this needs some serious love to use it to its full potential (or even return it to previous levels)

  5. Well I'm impressed :)


    I only managed 8-9k autos but im average so was running with Eternal bond instead of OS and Skirmishing instead of beastmastery (lb/lb) since my pet management is less than stellar.

  6. I really enjoyed the event though due to shifts i only played reset night and a few hours before reset and was zerging instead of my usual roaming/scouting but still managed 40 odd levels which was nice.


    I think some version of the no downed state needs to be permanently implemented, even if its with the mega update for alliances to give them time to rework many ress based skills/traits and runes.


    I am basing this solely on zerg play though my reasoning would apply to roaming aswell. What I found running with the zerg and my normal (although admittedly changed to a fully non defensive dps setup) pewpew ranger allowed me to punish so many bad players - looking especially at you scourges - who basically run at the enemy spamming aoe with the impression they are invulnerable or those who aren't tight to tag or just so far out of position they should be sent back to spawn (to clarify i am not a super player, probably about average)


    The power creep coupled various factor like the lack of updates and balance over the last few years has resulted in a much lower skilled game mode and having the no downed state punished the poor play and i'd like that to come back in some form.


    I'm not advocating the pure no downed state being permanently implemented (but wouldnt cry about it if it was) however i think rallying needs to be reworked even if it only gives some kind of debuff like a counter which for x minutes which does not allow you to rally again - and reworking skills that became useless, like engi gyro, to let them cleanse the debuff


    tl:dr Rallying promotes poorer less skillful play, rework it to limit that

  7. > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > You do realise that is why they are made in the first place right? They are made so small high burst players can chip of the zerg a bit. Only now it's more useful because they do not get instarezzed by the zerg. I only see the good thing in this.



    ^This, I played my ranger and went full(ish) deeps with minimal health and lost track of the number of terrible players, especially necros, who seem to think you could run towards a group just spamming aoe's, tagging shit, and surviving/rallying like they normally do with the condi blob coming behind them.


    Might make people think about playstyle and skill a bit instead of this cancerous meta we have now. Plus of course the ridiculously fast wvw leveling to be had

  8. I enjoyed the reset, much better than normal.


    Prolly not something i would change permanent but i do think it would be good to incorporate it into every match each week, maybe have x hours/scirmishes/days out of the week with no downed state and a massive PPK/WXP bonus for every kill. Don't imagine it would change the scope of a match but could make it just a bit more interesting.

  9. > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > Kinda want people to know that Aragorn, as a Ranger of the North, knew how to use Swords, Bows and Spears, so saying "but Aragorn" is no excuse.


    Totally :)


    To be honest, the only sword I remember Aragorn having wielded was Narsil, after it was reforged. Prior to that he had it for 67? years broken and unusable however no other real mention of his weapon choices during this time protecting the north were ever stated that i can find/remember.


    Also going that he spent all his time in the wild and needed to eat and protect himself, I'd assume he was at least proficient with a bow given that he was brought up in Rivendell with elves, who kinda specialised in bows, and who would have been his teacher in all things martial.

  10. > @"Continium.3854" said:


    > If you're running with 10 ranger, 10 scourges, 10 revs, 5 guardians, 2 spellbreakers, 8 holosmiths and Idk 5 dragonhunters vs 20 scourges, 15 revs, 10 firebrands, 5 eles, 5 spellbreakers, the first squad is 9/10 times going to get stomped over and over and over again. The second squad has so much more ranged pressure, bubbles, stability, healing, aoe damage.


    > Why would I want 10 rangers, 8 holosmiths and 5 dragonhunters in my squad when the enemy has a much better composition? I wouldn't. I want to win. I want to play with the classes that will give me and my players the highest chance to win. 2 or 3 Rangers? Sure why not. 1 or 2 holos for some cheeky stomps? Why not.

    > In reality, every class is useful, if you can play it the way it's needed to be played, but there are classes that just offer MUCH more in respects to the SQUAD.

    > WvW is about teamplay. It's about playing the most optimal builds and classes to beat the other team.


    As a Ranger I have to agree with this (mostly).


    There are a number classes that aren't really needed in a squad but you're always going to have them in the map, specially roaming classes like ranger/thief who probably spend a fair amount of time doing spadework like checking contested towers/dolly running/camp capping etc. If they are running with the zerg then they should prolly be in their own range squad and not clogging up the com group.


    The only disagreement I have with the whole situation is the occasional com - as happened on Deso/WSR last week - who kicked what he considered non zerg classes when the squad was 21/50 on a non full map. That shit is just stupid....get them all in squad, get them in Ts and then weed them off as the squad fills.


  11. There's no organised double teaming happening in WvW but to be fair DL and various other national servers are terrible to play against. Stop porting whenever you see 8 people and fight a bit more.


    Frankly whenever there is 2 EU servers and a national in a MU we should automatically be double teaming the national server to push them back down, least it would increase the odds of getting someone who likes to play rather than port or sit in keeps behind a maginot line of AC's/Trebs and shield gens

  12. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > - Introduce a DAoC-like new map/raid/dungeon only accessible to the server that is winning that makes it more difficult for that server to hold onto territory by pulling away population.


    No thanks, we need less PvE in WvW as a matter off principal and should never be adding more


    > - Reset objectives back to T1 at start of every skirmish. May need to increase the rate at which objectives upgrade to under two hours. Possibly keep tactics/improvements in place though.


    Too harsh, takes a lot of work to upgrade to T3 to knock it back to paper. I would imagine maps would just become T1 flipping karmatrains too often. I could however see a -1 tier penalty (for all non-garrison structures) at the end of each skirmish as a way to encourage more fighting


    > - Players with outnumbered buff do not show as revealed from Watchtower or Sentries (or players on winning server are always revealed).


    Okay with this, people should be checking on contested structures anyway



  13. Not a major issue but my PoF Axe Expurgation had its stats reset however i had already stat changed it in the MF to something more useful. I don't mind having to re-do that - it was my choice to change the stats - however i think it would be more sensible if the inscriptions and sigils were removed and stuck in the inventory whenever you do this.

  14. I'm new to warrior, played it before, didn't end well but I'm really enjoying Spellbreaker and currently using




    I've a bit more defensive than it could be but I seem to have had decent results so far, certainly staying alive pretty easily and the damage seems fairly good . I do switch to GS on occasion but i'm not the greatest fan of it.

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