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Posts posted by Atticus.7194

  1. > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > Here are two core necro builds I have a lot of fun with and think will be good in many situations for PvP because of how survivable and resilient to focus they are while also having good sustained damage.




    ngl these builds are 100% cancer, they're not fun to play against and are just damage sponges exploiting the fact a feather's touch gives you full shroud so that plus signet of vamp makes you unkillable.

  2. Once again BG is brutalizing every other server put up against them cause they have 900 WvW guilds and actual 24/7 map queues. That whole fucking server needs to be broken in half, sick of the bandwagon ez-mode server being an issue for 9 years.

  3. Blobs.


    No matter what specs come and go the core of a blob is always the same; barrier, boons and stacked healing turning everything annoyingly unkillable facetanks with a backline of DPS. The scaling on all of this has always been a problem and always will be until Anet considers WvW it's own entity and not just an offshoot of PvP and tunes for it alone. Most of this is already annoying in PvP but there are counters, in WvW when you have 50+ players everything wildly scales out of control.


    The meta is stale and boring and not fun to play against or in.

  4. You don't win against them 1v1, end of story, you will never lock down good ones and it's incredibly hard to counter pressure them. Basically fight one only when you 2v1 or more vs them and even then at best you're going to drive them off.

  5. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

    > > I don't think "abandoning" is the right term since it has such a negative connotation- like their actively fleeing it. They are able to see all the metrics behind what everyone is doing and what we are participating in. I have to assume they jump from content bundle to content bundle to try new things and keep the game fresh while weighing the pros and cons of not very popular content. I suspect we are done with raids. We might be done with Strike Missions too. I suspect we will get up to 25 fractals to fit in the 25 tierd levels (so 4 more) and that will be that at least in this iteration. As a game studio I think they have to constantly try to innovate within the bounds of their budget, time and technology.

    > It's more like whenever they get to the point where adjustments of any kind to old content would be required, because they didn;t get it perfectly right from the beginning, instead of trying to fix it they decide to abandon it and start over. Sure, at some point they might even finally get it right, but that would still leave a path of ruins behind. Ruins that will only scare any potential new players.

    > Additionally, notice how they specifically _didn't_ want anything like this in GW2 originally. They wanted all the content to remain "current" forever. And yet, they keep abandoning ideas left and right. As a result, the game, instead of being a well-designed coherent whole, is more like a hodgepodge of eclectic pieces held together by a duct-tape and spit.


    > I don't personally like raids, i was against their introduction into the game, but i still think, that, since they are already there, they should _not_ be abandoned. If they cannot continue in their present form, perhaps some adjustments might be in order, but a complete abandonment of yet another part of the game is to the game's detriment.


    God, thank you nailed it, you articulated what I was going for far better than I did.

  6. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > Wait are you implying that you need to complete everything in the entire game before you can ask for content updates?

    > yes, it have logic line. So now this is is the same - that you do ONLY dungeons, not raids, no fractals, no meta, no LS, no craft legs, ... So after short time you complete all patch, but not keep eye oncollections .. And say "I need new dungion!!" Same we see here.


    I didn't understand most of this but I'm assuming you're being super hyperbolic so I will say that collections are not a viable alternative for solid new and revamped group content and they're just not at all. You may enjoy them but many of us find grinding out the same thing for days on end over and over and over to get tedious extremely fast. Hell trying to avoid those is often why people seek out GW2 vs a grindier NCsoft title like Lineage 2 or something.


    > >My guy, not everyone is a completionist like you, some people only enjoy certain parts of the game and it's not unreasonable to want updates for those regardless of your "AP" (why are you so fixated on this?)

    > I don't say that this is problem, I say that here we not have obsolete content yet, if do all parts.


    There are some parts of the game that I do not want to do and it's absurd for you to imply once again that every shred of content in this game needs to be completed before we are allowed to relevant content updates.


  7. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > if you keep described that vision, like " just want fun, accessible, relevant content that is going to inspire them to log" wihtout last AP point - you need play not only one game, and switch between projects, because no one project solo will give you so much.


    Wait are you implying that you need to complete everything in the entire game before you can ask for content updates? My guy, not everyone is a completionist like you, some people only enjoy certain parts of the game and it's not unreasonable to want updates for those regardless of your "AP" (why are you so fixated on this?)


    > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > Wow what a crazy title lol. Most or all other MMORPG games make all early areas useless to experienced players. GW2 you can still get experience in those areas because you are downgraded to the area.


    While helping people or doing random trains in low level maps can be fun I wouldn't say it's the really compelling content that keeps players logging in everyday.



  8. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > There might be something I'm missing but it seems hilariously wasteful to keep making and releasing modes and if they're not a FLAWLESS PERFECT SUCCESS right off the bat and abandoning them and moving onto create something else from scratch. Oh yea and of course this new content will of course be held to the same unrealistic standards and most likely abandoned too.

    > reason to do that?

    I assume it's because they have unrealistic expectations and don't really want to iterate.


    > >I mean with the roadmap we know strikes aren't getting any new substantive content

    > we already have enough strikes, what the point ask more? How I know most ppl who ask more strikes still not complete CW strike 50 times ..

    Uh we never have "enough" that's why raids, dungons ect and rewards are always being added into games, to keep them relevant.


    > >masteries are abandoned

    > I have enough. Don't see reason add more at this time.

    How about existing quality of life masteries something that isn't used for one episode and rendered obsolete?


    > >pvp isn't getting any

    > pvp is pvp. It not depend from "content". People is content, and this content is can't be "old".

    Uh w0t? Remember PvP tournaments, new maps, new modes, updates, major balance fixes all the things that it takes to make PvP viable and fun? Yea haven't gotten any of that in a while. Don't even get me started on WvW


    > >raids isn't

    > many people not already start it. And complite it, or once time. I am look from my side, and frined wiht 35k+ AP points. They do most boses once or only now some of them start raiding. For people who do "only raids" no point to make view, because any raid Wing will be obsolete after 8-16 weeks..


    Ever think that's because people have been farming raids for over 2 years now without a new wing? And I think you're confused by obsolete, doing the same content for 2 years without an update or addition is getting close to obsolete, clearing content isn't going to make it "obsolete" in 2-3 months. Also by that reasoning why add anything at all it's all going to be "obsolete" after 8 to 16 weeks.


    > > dungeons are of course not getting any.

    > dungeons a conts good content for new players, for gold parties, and for legendary craters. So ask make it more wide is also not good idea.

    Dungeons are dead content my friend, the amount of players that run them is extremely low and they represent a substantial amount of development resources that have just been left behind instead of repurposed and made relevant.


    > >We are however getting a random new mode that's dungeons 2.0

    > who need it? we already have CM dungion, welcome on Orr. But ho we see people not see big fun dead and return to waypoint.


    I honestly don't even know what you said so I'm not sure how to respond to this one, sorry.


    > > Take away, after 9 years it feels like core aspects are of this game are neglected as ever and have the same issues while ArenaNet is off chasing the next set of shiny keys dangling in front of them and its disheartening.

    > I am play from start in GW2, play each day. Still not have many AP, still not craft all weapon legs, most raids competed only once, still not start legendary raid ring, still not have many pvp achievements, still not have many wvw achievements, still not have so much things .. And you say "to much old content" ? We talk about same game?


    That's YOU, you're clearly a completionist however I would guess most just want fun, accessible, relevant content that is going to inspire them to log in (raids, LS, fractals, pvp, wvw ect), not an obscure hunt for the last AP point (don't get me wrong if that's your thing more power to you). I'm glad you have things left you like to do but for many people we realize there are enough modes in the game, we don't need anymore, we need new content added to the existing ones, and the older content updated to make sure it's on par with the new content.


    > And if someone do only some specific content - should understand that make only that specific content actual very strange and casual idea.

    Uh wut again?




  9. > @"blp.3489" said:

    > Do you expect "Dragon Response Missions" to be that much different from "Strike Missions"?


    A bit yea considering they're 5 man to solo content so they're way less designed for team cooperation and either whatever like dungeons or solo builds like Queens Gauntlet. Just seems a strange direction to go when what players need isn't less coordinated content it's more levels of access to it and we already have fractals.

  10. Frankly I don't see much hope when ArenaNet does not ever seem to learn from their mistakes and it's just a constant stream of disposable content while their core repeatable modes are left to decay. The fact that they refuse to iterate and learn makes me incredibly doubtful of the new expansions worth too, this game has gone from a nice thought out meal prepared with care into cheap thoughtless disposable fast food content and I'm finding it hard to stay (and I started in beta).

  11. There might be something I'm missing but it seems hilariously wasteful to keep making and releasing modes and if they're not a FLAWLESS PERFECT SUCCESS right off the bat and abandoning them and moving onto create something else from scratch which will of course be held to the same unrealistic standards and most likely abandoned too. I mean with the roadmap we know strikes aren't getting any new substantive content, existing masteries are abandoned, pvp isn't getting any, wvw isn't getting any and raids isn't getting any and dungeons are of course not getting any. We are however getting a random new mode that's dungeons 2.0 and bound to fail (it's essentially bite sized dungeons, come on) and I'm just wondering, isn't there a better way?


    This game has good bones and ArenaNet can have great ideas so why waste so many development resources making something if you're not going to take the time to keep polishing and iterating it until it really works? I mean not trying to be negative but it doesn't even seem like ArenaNet learns from their mistakes they just ping pong to random new projects and hope they work out. Just disheartening when you see the content they have has the potential to be GREAT if they would just take the time and effort to finesse it into being really functional.


    Take away, after 9 years it feels like core aspects are of this game are neglected as ever and have the same issues while ArenaNet is off chasing the next set of shiny keys dangling in front of them and its disheartening.

  12. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > Just do what most rangers do:

    > > > Longbow and Greatsword

    > > > Jacaranda

    > > > as many immobilizing utility skills as possible

    > >

    > > Spam autoattack and rapid fire in the most cancer low skill braindead spec imaginable and win like 75% of all fights.

    > >

    > > Honestly the best thing that could ever happen to ranger is longbow was nerfed hard, it stifles any and all build creativity and it's not like ranger doesn't have a ton of other great weps to fall back on.


    > I think ranger Longbow should be brought in line with Warrior's Longbow and Rifle, Guardian's Longbow and Revenant's Hammer.

    > They all aren't too great, but still useful.


    > A hard nerf into unviability wouldn't be something I'd like to see though.

    > However, I think it needs to be reduced to a maximum range of 1200, with Point-Blank Shot being a maximum of 900 (or preferably 600) range.


    That's fair in addition to a rapid fire cooldown increase

  13. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Just do what most rangers do:

    > Longbow and Greatsword

    > Jacaranda

    > as many immobilizing utility skills as possible


    Spam autoattack and rapid fire in the most cancer low skill braindead spec imaginable and win like 75% of all fights.


    Honestly the best thing that could ever happen to ranger is longbow was nerfed hard, it stifles any and all build creativity and it's not like ranger doesn't have a ton of other great weps to fall back on.

  14. > @"polter.3241" said:

    > Its so insane to link two fight servers (SFR/WSR) in WvW. A-Net dont know what they are doing in WvW. I know a lot of ppl loosing fun playing WvW last weeks. Why A-Net, why?


    Cause they're pretty god awful at figuring out server population outside of wvw vs activity in wvw

  15. I love the fact YB is a very very weak server on it's own (we do okay as a link server but that's it) then we get pushed to a core server with kaineng as a link and like 50%+ of their wvw guilds transfer off and everyone seems fine with that. Feels bad that the only real fight is which other server gets to punish us more. Just, yea you guys gotta work on your linking cause being thousands of points down every single day feels terrible and is not fun gameplay.

  16. > @"Arklite.4013" said:

    > Warrior isn't that bad. I pushed to plat basically camping far as SB all season. You just have to be really careful and abuse every advantage you get. The issue is more that other classes are really good and a lot more straightforward.


    That's a funny way of saying "warriors can reach plat if a very good player is using them but it'd be much easier on a less obtuse, less underpowered, more straight forward class" in which case welcome to the party we've been saying that for a long time now.

  17. > @"TuBrown.4510" said:

    > Suh my dudes,

    > Returning after a long time, but many things have changed (obviously)

    > Was hoping anyone had advise on a good build for large scale zerg v zerg for a warrior? I have full ascended Sentinel's atm but I should probably change that up lol


    > Went to MetaBattle but saw some conflicting debates on the comments to the builds; any advise would be appreciated, from weapons/armor to skill tree!


    Basically whatever, your job is to pop your bubble (Winds of Disenchantment) then basically stand around or shout or do something equally boring cause warriors are god awful in WvW outside of a brief moment.

  18. > @"Tere.4759" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > @"Tere.4759" said:

    > > > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Condi_DPS

    > > >

    > > > I found this build yesterday and it is really great. I love my warrior again. I use viper gear and just condition longbow. I do have sword/torch but haven't had to weapon swap. Definitely not what one would think of when thinking about a warrior but it does have survivability and dps. I love whomever made that build.

    > >

    > > While that is certainly fun and strong his reference to the Defense line CDs implies competitive play not raids or fotm. Although some people have success with condi zerkers in competitive play so ymmv.

    > >

    > > @"gmmg.9210" It will take some acclimating but everything got hit hard in Feb. not just warrior, but some things hit warrior particularly hard, like the CC damage nerf.


    > Actually, I don't PvP. I find this build very strong open world and I'm sure in fractals. If you know how to work it, why not. Raids, I could care less about.


    It's pretty terrible in fractals please don't run this, the ramp up is way too slow.

  19. > @"Valik Shin.9027" said:

    > Warrior isn't great right now but not horrible. It is however no longer a group fighter. Its really a roamer. The spellbreaker build on meta battle is what I would recommend to based off from. Your big stuns are useless anymore so having danger 3 and full counter are their replacements. You can't just tank damage you really have to move out of aoe and even LOS at times to keep yourself alive. You do however have a great match up against guardian and most boom heavy classes


    Pretty much everything you described is a huge problem since warriors were essentially built around being able to do these things, when they were taken away and nothing was added to take their place well, we end up being the worst class in PvP and WvW like we are now. Even against Guardians a warriors boon removal is dramatically outstripped by their boon application so even that niche role is questionable.

  20. > @"jokke.6239" said:

    > So I've been playing path of exile a lot lately.

    > One thing that game has that I would love to see in Guild Wars 2 is weapon effects.

    > It's a effect that is added on top of the current weapon. And I would think this would be much easier than adding a feature to dye weapons, and in my opinion a even more interresting feature, even though I would love to be able to dye weapons as well.

    > The cool thing about it is how many cool combinations you can do (by combinations I mean the current effect already on the weapon + weapon effect), and it also makes weapons with no effect much more interresting, since if it has a cool shape it can suddenly become a much more kitten looking weapon. It will also create much more variety in the weapons you see out in the world.


    > The negatives .. Some combinations will look horrible. But infusion stacking is already a thing lol


    > The example listed below is with a weapon that already has an effect. Skip to 1:10

    > [




    yea, hard no this would 100% trivialize all legendary weapons, it's a nice idea for that game but is not for this one.

  21. > @"Crazy.6029" said:

    > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > > @"Crazy.6029" said:

    > > > Didn't they remove the cripple from the shades a while back? If so, just move away. I still say just wait and see what happens, I don't think the shades will be much of big deal unless you are running glass builds then of course, its gonna hurt.

    > >

    > > when there's 20 scourges all dropping shades

    > > "just move away... from the game and you won't get hit!"

    > > brilliant


    > Ok, So , what your are saying is the balance with necros are ok, its just the fact that there will be so many of them (hypothetically, cause we haven't even seen the patch). Isn't that a player made problem? Also, from what I read and have been hearing there are gonna be more tempests back in action, just bring a few more eles to the fight for cleanses, if your saying the hypothetical 20 scourges will be to much condi?


    You don't understand at all how bad scourge spam used to be, their aoe boon removal/corruption, condi spam, damage spike, barrier application shade dropping is so good when you're dealing with clumped up blobs of players that they push everything else out of the meta because nothing is even as close to good vs and with a ton of players. And yes it is a player made problem, one that ArenaNet needs to consider since players will most often play the most effective class in a competitive situation, and right now that's already scourges and in the future will OVERWHELMINGLY be scourges.


    So no, these changes are bad and will ruin everything if they go forward as they are.




  22. > @"Crazy.6029" said:

    > Didn't they remove the cripple from the shades a while back? If so, just move away. I still say just wait and see what happens, I don't think the shades will be much of big deal unless you are running glass builds then of course, its gonna hurt.


    when there's 20 scourges all dropping shades

    "just move away... from the game and you won't get hit!"


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