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Posts posted by DutchRiders.2871

  1. > @"tinyasian.8941" said:

    > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > 1 Qfb also can be replaced by a offheal hfb

    > > Anyways the common combo is

    > > 1 druid

    > > 1 tank chrono

    > > 1 Qfb

    > > 1 Hfb

    > > 1 BS

    > > 1 Alac rene

    > > 4 Dps


    > > @"Antioche.7034" said:

    > > The most common composition running in pugs will probably be as follows

    > > Sub 1 : Healbrand + 3 DPS + Alacrigade

    > > Sub 2 : Chronotank + Druid + 2 DPS + BS

    > > Healbrand and Chronotank are each providing quickness to their own subgroups, Healbrand and Druid are providing healing, Alacrigade is providing 10-man alacrity.

    > > For buffs, Druid is providing spirits buff and spotter, BS is bringing banners, Alacrigade is providing Assassin's Presence (AP).

    > > Therefore DPS who needs spotter are placed in the druid sub, and power DPS that do not need spotter are in Sub 1 to get AP.

    > >

    > > If you wish to be solohealing (Rarely in pugs), you replace your healbrand by quickbrand, if the boss requires two tanks you replace the alacrigade by another chronotank and you can replace the healbrand by any offhealer (Tempest, Scrapper, Healbrand, Alacheal, ...) or by a DPS if you soloheal.



    > Can I still run two chronos?

    > However I see that most LFG dont look for 2 chronos anymore.


    If you want easy boons run chrono and alac rev + qfb. Certain fights still favor double chrono or alac rev + boon thief.

  2. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > It should simply be that, a mount that helps players move faster. I just got cuddled by warclaw stomp especially since acs were gutted. It's a step in the right direction agianst siege

    > > >

    > > > Let me guess: you are on a high population server and / or have proper link. All this gets way less fun if you constantly find yourself outnumbered. We have few and ever fewer mechanisms to help combat size imbalances. This makes it harder and harder to get fair fights in WvW.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > 1 Mounts and siege should not have this much impact on the game. There is already a huge defenders advantage. Twenty to thirty peeps can definitely hold a T2/3 for a significant amount of time.

    > >

    > > 2 if you are fighting in off hours or a dead server just transfer.

    > >

    > >


    > Actually if u have that many has the defenders have(at least the same amount of very close to it), the defenders are in disadvantege.........


    A map blob has like 70

  3. > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > It should simply be that, a mount that helps players move faster. I just got cuddled by warclaw stomp especially since acs were gutted. It's a step in the right direction agianst siege


    > Let me guess: you are on a high population server and / or have proper link. All this gets way less fun if you constantly find yourself outnumbered. We have few and ever fewer mechanisms to help combat size imbalances. This makes it harder and harder to get fair fights in WvW.




    1 Mounts and siege should not have this much impact on the game. There is already a huge defenders advantage. Twenty to thirty peeps can definitely hold a T2/3 for a significant amount of time.


    2 if you are fighting in off hours or a dead server just transfer.



  4. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Euclid.2517" said:

    > > Power weaver is not bursty. It is intended to have better sustained dps. Soulbeast/DH/Holo is intended to be bursty.


    > You dont play fractals do you? Weaver constantly outbursts slb in there if he knows how to play.


    You were talking about how raid weaver is bursty, which is true but its not nearly as bursty as Soulbeast/DH. Which probably is a good thing cause burst windows are longer anyways in raids.


    The daily 5 minute pre stack ritual, pre summoning LH/FGS, Meteor shower, tempest defense and the stance skip utility thingie is irrelevant here.

  5. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > I wanna play with people that raid hence I ask for LI.

    > >

    > > If strikes go non existent I dont care, they are not that interesting. If they get more easy, that means more easy loot.

    > >

    > >


    > If raids go non-existent I wouldn't care, they are not interested and are just a way for the "Elite" to kitten the E-kitten. The loot is garbo, the encounters are garbo and frankly Id rather them use the resources elsewhere for better content. Like a WvW overhaul or maybe like I don't know class balance? Stop wasting resources on an extremely niche game mode, and as seen strikes seem way more readily accessed by the community than raids do. But then.... that just might be because of the people within that section of the community? Who knows. If you want quality raiding WoW exists and that is ALL that game has been about and has been built from the ground up over the years to be master at raid encounters, Guild wars 2? Was never designed for such and shoe-horning it in was a mistake, one that continues to be wanked about even today as its population dwindles and continues to sink.


    > Sorry, but its a waste of precious developer time.


    I dont care about gw2 raids in particular though ? The game is supposed to be easy. For quality raiding and tbh quality pve you join ffxiv.


    I would sign up for deleting all pve support and reworking wvw and pvp.


    This opinion doesn't change the fact that I rather play with raiders in strikes, cause they approach pve in a fashion that resembles my own approach to raids/strikes and bosses.


    The community you like plays a difficulty of gaming where it's impossible to lose. Ofcourse they are gonna be happy and all inclusive. When stuff gets real and they can lose precious loot they get toxic and form communities (wurms/old chak/champ trains/marrionet/Halloween maze/sw).


    Last week I made an all strikes everyone welcome, I did a few of those actually. People cannot even talk and say hi, if you like to play that way that's fine.

  6. > @"Alex.9106" said:

    > Infusions increase your dps by rougly ~1k, everything else is a rotation issue


    On the golem it can get a bit wonky cause of the 80% number. If that 1k allows you to reach that 80% just after your burst it inflates the number. On arc it should be around 1k dps.


    But yeah to the starter just practice your rotation and keep in mind some rotations are grinded by the best gw2 players (not all are grinded).

  7. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > I wanna play with people that raid hence I ask for LI.

    > >

    > > If strikes go non existent I dont care, they are not that interesting. If they get more easy, that means more easy loot.

    > >

    > >


    > "I only want to play with the cool kids" is why raids were abandoned by the developers.


    I never said I wanna play with cool kids, I said I wanna play with raiders when I lfg.


    And I dont care about raids being abandoned. Gw2 is supposed to be easy.

  8. 1heal druid ( boons/buffs/healing)


    2 heal renegade (boons/buffs/healing and ventari dome)


    3 heal tempest ( wide healing and aoe boons + a nice ress)


    heal scourge is the best defensive carry though.


    Number 1 and 2 are taken for their boons and unique buffs in general. Ten man alac rev and might druid typically cannot really do dps so you dont lose much by letting them heal. Additionally rev heals are some of the best in game.


    Tempest does shitloads of aoe healing and buffing. Hence in groups that spread around tempest is a must.


    Scourge lots of CC, corrupts, barrier and the ressing make this one of the best builds in general.


    Heal fire brand is an overrated build, you can get much of its benefits in a dps firebrand.

  9. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > Are we not forgetting something really important ? Raids were fine at the start of HOT, when ya know they got updated etc. But 10 months for 2-4 easy bosses is not okey.

    > It was an illusion created by two factors - first was the fact it was a fresh, completely new content, and so many people wanted to try it out. Second was, obviously, legendary armor, that got many people interested, who otherwise would have stayed away from the content. Those both factors had a shortterm impact only, however. Most of the former players gave up very fast, either when newness wore out, or after they've seen this content is not what they're really interested in. The latter raided a bit more, but once they've got what they wanted, they left as well, as they never really cared about _raids_ in the first place. Those things were never going to last, and they only obscured the real raid popularity.


    > > We should stop caring about the type of player that spends alot of time at this game but has a very low skill lvl and yet still feel entitled. The real casuals dont give a kitten about balance and content, they wont post on any forums.

    > And yet those very players you want the devs to not care about are those whose (un) happiness can decide the success of GW2. The real hardcores simply _can't_ keep this game afloat. There were never enough of them in the first place.




    Its the real casuals that are the majority. By your logic we should make content for them. Not for players that spend 5hours + per week and post on forums.






  10. Are we not forgetting something really important ? Raids were fine at the start of HOT, when ya know they got updated etc. But 10 months for 2-4 easy bosses is not okey.


    We should stop caring about the type of player that spends alot of time at this game but has a very low skill lvl and yet still feel entitled. The real casuals dont give a crap about balance and content, they wont post on any forums.



  11. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > > > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > > > > I would be interested in seeing the number of concurrent players, similar to how Steam measures for games on that platform.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I still enjoy GW2 a lot - and try to buy gems on a semi regular basis, but it is very easy to see (imo) why the game is suffering.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * Lack of direction. This is the single biggest one - and probably feeds into the other points here. Marketing 101 teaches that, even if you cant be the top company overall, you define your niche and OWN it - a category that is all your own and that you can take a leadership role in. For GW2, that is large scale open world content (both PVE with living world and pvp with WVW) and story. While dungeons and sPvP were a thing at launch, it was obvious that the core of the game was about large scale populations (100+) coming together to enjoy a fantasy world. Across the years, they have watered that approach down to the point where nothing they do really stands out from the competition.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * Lost connection with players. Around the time HOT came out, we saw a shift away from current players and toward prospective players. The expansion itself, raids, the inclusion of more focused trinity (tank, heal, dps) roles - these took center stage, while - at the same time - more community focused content (such as guild missions) were left to the wayside. It didn't matter that they didn't have the resources to keep the new audiences happy (the case with raids) - all that mattered was that they get them into the game. The result today is a population with needs/expectations all over the spectrum - and a company that will never be able to appeal to them all.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * Lack of follow through. Historically, Anet has been an ideas company. The problem has always been they never seem to want to follow up on those innovations. Guild missions is the single biggest example of this - a great idea that they just let die on the side of the road as they reached for the next "innovation" - only to likely abandon it months later as well. World changing dynamic events, guild missions, mini-games (that one barely made it out the beta weekends), even the story about the asura and pet moa on the website - all of these things (which fit well with their original model) died somewhere after inception.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The earning numbers are discouraging - and I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see another - smaller - round of layoffs as a result.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That said, I think they can still right the ship and put it back on the right course, but it's going to require some pretty painful amputations.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They need to focus on their core differentiators - open world, story and WvW. Anything that doesn't feed into those game modes needs to be put on hold indefinitely - including sPvP, raids, strike missions, etc. Focus all of those resources in the same area and make it as good as it can possibly be. Stop trying to compete for raiders from WoW or pvpers from LoL and make the parts of the game that offer something unique better and more fun.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Keep in mind that I am not talking about those areas as they are now - but more in line with the vision they had when they launched. That means better integration of difficulty content into those areas.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * Use guild event triggers/missions to inject eye-bleeding (optional) difficulty into open world. Imagine a Shadow Behemoth with actual difficult mechanics led by guilds offering at least a baseline of coordination (encouraged by guild mission rewards).

    > > > > > * Replace raids and strike missions with hard (very hard single, 5 man and 10 man) mode versions of the story chapters from living world (and make these more difficult versions repeatable).

    > > > > > * Add new obstacles and even maps (there is no reason we have to be limited to 3 BLs+EBG) to WvW based on actual strategic examples from history. Maybe a map dedicated to naval combat - or a map where all mounts and gliding everywhere is enabled (with map features designed around them) - or, maybe, airship combat. Map scenarios that involve escorting strategic resources, etc. With more dedicated resources, the sky would be the limit (possibly literally) - and more map variety would make the game mode much more fun for everyone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The game isn't dead, but it is definitely struggling. It is time to get back to the basics - focus on what makes the game unique in the market.

    > > > >

    > > > > They have been hard focussing on open world for a long time. Have you ever considered that open world and story content are free and bad ?

    > > > >

    > > > > We get lane events cause maps cannot handle alot of players together, complicated maps are already a huge struggle on mid budget devices.

    > > > >

    > > > > Gw2 is done for. Check the ffxiv update notes, now realise they get it multiple times a year. Mmo players are waiting for new world and currently playing FF14. Gw2 marketed itself against wow without ever realizing their own strengths. Here we are in 2020 where they still have not figured it out but in the mean time they killed fractals, dungeons, raid communities, server identities with the merges, wvw, boss and meta event communities, guild missions and pvp.

    > > > >

    > > > > Guess what those people are disappointed and wont come back. Wanna attract new customers ? Gl with that since any content creator and community will tell you gw2 is a casual fiesta without any progression or competition.

    > > > >

    > > > > Even worse no modern gamer will accept the horrible and predatory gemstore.

    > > >

    > > > The game definitely isn't dead yet. I saw 20+ people last night for guild missions, even though we have done them every week since they came out - and I consistently see 20-40 people for our wvw nights. Even our guild open world PVE night brings in a decent sized crowd. Im not saying the content has us enthralled - even though we usually manage to find something we enjoy doing together. The community/other guildees keep up logging on - but that does keep us playing, and I see no sign of that slowing down.

    > > >

    > > > We just need to see Anet start supporting those communities again. Forget instanced raids/spvp/etc and focus on the things that bring a community together in large groups and guild-focused activity. That set GW2 apart at launch. They made a huge mistake when they started watering that down - they basically lost their competitive identity.

    > > >

    > > > The important things to realize is that there still isn't another MMO that gets the open world model right - so GW2 still has the chance to regain that title. They just need to refocus and enhance those areas - which, given their current resource situation, means they will have to make some pretty drastic cuts in other areas of the game (those areas where their competition DOES outshine them).

    > >

    > > They have been focussing on open world all the time, if you think they focussed on raids/pvp/etc you are dead wrong. The game is struggling with players as it is and here you are advocating killing off every community that is not yours. Cause an open world / story update every 2 months aint enuff to satisfy your needs.

    > >

    > > How about we turn those tables around for a year? See what happens.


    > If they only made content for Openworld/PVP/WVW, instead of Open World/WVW/Raids/Strikes/Fractals/PVP they could focus more people on those three areas of gameplay instead of being spread out so much. If they focused on Raids and other hardcore modes fully im not sure the game would survive. Would ANET lose players by only focusing on the three things they had at launch? Yes, but maybe thats not a bad thing, perhaps it is, but i dunno im not anet.


    > He is right though, anet shifted from keeping the playerbase they had to trying to get -ALL- the kinds of playerbases and it spread them out far far to much.


    The game at launch was never meant to be brain dead easy. Hence we have a complicated build system and a strong combat system. Alot of the old developers were pvp focused, I kid you not. The hyper focus on cookie cutter press F open world content is why many are quitting.




    I play FF14, it's a terrible game compared to gw2 but they have good content and an interesting story. FF14 is the king of casual mmos. It's almost criminal that gw2 doesn't utilise any of its strong points.


    We would do perfectly fine with less focus on open world and an audience that's actually interested in the game.

  12. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > > I would be interested in seeing the number of concurrent players, similar to how Steam measures for games on that platform.

    > > >

    > > > I still enjoy GW2 a lot - and try to buy gems on a semi regular basis, but it is very easy to see (imo) why the game is suffering.

    > > >

    > > > * Lack of direction. This is the single biggest one - and probably feeds into the other points here. Marketing 101 teaches that, even if you cant be the top company overall, you define your niche and OWN it - a category that is all your own and that you can take a leadership role in. For GW2, that is large scale open world content (both PVE with living world and pvp with WVW) and story. While dungeons and sPvP were a thing at launch, it was obvious that the core of the game was about large scale populations (100+) coming together to enjoy a fantasy world. Across the years, they have watered that approach down to the point where nothing they do really stands out from the competition.

    > > >

    > > > * Lost connection with players. Around the time HOT came out, we saw a shift away from current players and toward prospective players. The expansion itself, raids, the inclusion of more focused trinity (tank, heal, dps) roles - these took center stage, while - at the same time - more community focused content (such as guild missions) were left to the wayside. It didn't matter that they didn't have the resources to keep the new audiences happy (the case with raids) - all that mattered was that they get them into the game. The result today is a population with needs/expectations all over the spectrum - and a company that will never be able to appeal to them all.

    > > >

    > > > * Lack of follow through. Historically, Anet has been an ideas company. The problem has always been they never seem to want to follow up on those innovations. Guild missions is the single biggest example of this - a great idea that they just let die on the side of the road as they reached for the next "innovation" - only to likely abandon it months later as well. World changing dynamic events, guild missions, mini-games (that one barely made it out the beta weekends), even the story about the asura and pet moa on the website - all of these things (which fit well with their original model) died somewhere after inception.

    > > >

    > > > The earning numbers are discouraging - and I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see another - smaller - round of layoffs as a result.

    > > >

    > > > That said, I think they can still right the ship and put it back on the right course, but it's going to require some pretty painful amputations.

    > > >

    > > > They need to focus on their core differentiators - open world, story and WvW. Anything that doesn't feed into those game modes needs to be put on hold indefinitely - including sPvP, raids, strike missions, etc. Focus all of those resources in the same area and make it as good as it can possibly be. Stop trying to compete for raiders from WoW or pvpers from LoL and make the parts of the game that offer something unique better and more fun.

    > > >

    > > > Keep in mind that I am not talking about those areas as they are now - but more in line with the vision they had when they launched. That means better integration of difficulty content into those areas.

    > > >

    > > > * Use guild event triggers/missions to inject eye-bleeding (optional) difficulty into open world. Imagine a Shadow Behemoth with actual difficult mechanics led by guilds offering at least a baseline of coordination (encouraged by guild mission rewards).

    > > > * Replace raids and strike missions with hard (very hard single, 5 man and 10 man) mode versions of the story chapters from living world (and make these more difficult versions repeatable).

    > > > * Add new obstacles and even maps (there is no reason we have to be limited to 3 BLs+EBG) to WvW based on actual strategic examples from history. Maybe a map dedicated to naval combat - or a map where all mounts and gliding everywhere is enabled (with map features designed around them) - or, maybe, airship combat. Map scenarios that involve escorting strategic resources, etc. With more dedicated resources, the sky would be the limit (possibly literally) - and more map variety would make the game mode much more fun for everyone.

    > > >

    > > > The game isn't dead, but it is definitely struggling. It is time to get back to the basics - focus on what makes the game unique in the market.

    > >

    > > They have been hard focussing on open world for a long time. Have you ever considered that open world and story content are free and bad ?

    > >

    > > We get lane events cause maps cannot handle alot of players together, complicated maps are already a huge struggle on mid budget devices.

    > >

    > > Gw2 is done for. Check the ffxiv update notes, now realise they get it multiple times a year. Mmo players are waiting for new world and currently playing FF14. Gw2 marketed itself against wow without ever realizing their own strengths. Here we are in 2020 where they still have not figured it out but in the mean time they killed fractals, dungeons, raid communities, server identities with the merges, wvw, boss and meta event communities, guild missions and pvp.

    > >

    > > Guess what those people are disappointed and wont come back. Wanna attract new customers ? Gl with that since any content creator and community will tell you gw2 is a casual fiesta without any progression or competition.

    > >

    > > Even worse no modern gamer will accept the horrible and predatory gemstore.


    > The game definitely isn't dead yet. I saw 20+ people last night for guild missions, even though we have done them every week since they came out - and I consistently see 20-40 people for our wvw nights. Even our guild open world PVE night brings in a decent sized crowd. Im not saying the content has us enthralled - even though we usually manage to find something we enjoy doing together. The community/other guildees keep up logging on - but that does keep us playing, and I see no sign of that slowing down.


    > We just need to see Anet start supporting those communities again. Forget instanced raids/spvp/etc and focus on the things that bring a community together in large groups and guild-focused activity. That set GW2 apart at launch. They made a huge mistake when they started watering that down - they basically lost their competitive identity.


    > The important things to realize is that there still isn't another MMO that gets the open world model right - so GW2 still has the chance to regain that title. They just need to refocus and enhance those areas - which, given their current resource situation, means they will have to make some pretty drastic cuts in other areas of the game (those areas where their competition DOES outshine them).


    They have been focussing on open world all the time, if you think they focussed on raids/pvp/etc you are dead wrong. The game is struggling with players as it is and here you are advocating killing off every community that is not yours. Cause an open world / story update every 2 months aint enuff to satisfy your needs.


    How about we turn those tables around for a year? See what happens.

  13. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > I would be interested in seeing the number of concurrent players, similar to how Steam measures for games on that platform.


    > I still enjoy GW2 a lot - and try to buy gems on a semi regular basis, but it is very easy to see (imo) why the game is suffering.


    > * Lack of direction. This is the single biggest one - and probably feeds into the other points here. Marketing 101 teaches that, even if you cant be the top company overall, you define your niche and OWN it - a category that is all your own and that you can take a leadership role in. For GW2, that is large scale open world content (both PVE with living world and pvp with WVW) and story. While dungeons and sPvP were a thing at launch, it was obvious that the core of the game was about large scale populations (100+) coming together to enjoy a fantasy world. Across the years, they have watered that approach down to the point where nothing they do really stands out from the competition.


    > * Lost connection with players. Around the time HOT came out, we saw a shift away from current players and toward prospective players. The expansion itself, raids, the inclusion of more focused trinity (tank, heal, dps) roles - these took center stage, while - at the same time - more community focused content (such as guild missions) were left to the wayside. It didn't matter that they didn't have the resources to keep the new audiences happy (the case with raids) - all that mattered was that they get them into the game. The result today is a population with needs/expectations all over the spectrum - and a company that will never be able to appeal to them all.


    > * Lack of follow through. Historically, Anet has been an ideas company. The problem has always been they never seem to want to follow up on those innovations. Guild missions is the single biggest example of this - a great idea that they just let die on the side of the road as they reached for the next "innovation" - only to likely abandon it months later as well. World changing dynamic events, guild missions, mini-games (that one barely made it out the beta weekends), even the story about the asura and pet moa on the website - all of these things (which fit well with their original model) died somewhere after inception.


    > The earning numbers are discouraging - and I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see another - smaller - round of layoffs as a result.


    > That said, I think they can still right the ship and put it back on the right course, but it's going to require some pretty painful amputations.


    > They need to focus on their core differentiators - open world, story and WvW. Anything that doesn't feed into those game modes needs to be put on hold indefinitely - including sPvP, raids, strike missions, etc. Focus all of those resources in the same area and make it as good as it can possibly be. Stop trying to compete for raiders from WoW or pvpers from LoL and make the parts of the game that offer something unique better and more fun.


    > Keep in mind that I am not talking about those areas as they are now - but more in line with the vision they had when they launched. That means better integration of difficulty content into those areas.


    > * Use guild event triggers/missions to inject eye-bleeding (optional) difficulty into open world. Imagine a Shadow Behemoth with actual difficult mechanics led by guilds offering at least a baseline of coordination (encouraged by guild mission rewards).

    > * Replace raids and strike missions with hard (very hard single, 5 man and 10 man) mode versions of the story chapters from living world (and make these more difficult versions repeatable).

    > * Add new obstacles and even maps (there is no reason we have to be limited to 3 BLs+EBG) to WvW based on actual strategic examples from history. Maybe a map dedicated to naval combat - or a map where all mounts and gliding everywhere is enabled (with map features designed around them) - or, maybe, airship combat. Map scenarios that involve escorting strategic resources, etc. With more dedicated resources, the sky would be the limit (possibly literally) - and more map variety would make the game mode much more fun for everyone.


    > The game isn't dead, but it is definitely struggling. It is time to get back to the basics - focus on what makes the game unique in the market.


    They have been hard focussing on open world for a long time. Have you ever considered that open world and story content are free and bad ?


    We get lane events cause maps cannot handle alot of players together, complicated maps are already a huge struggle on mid budget devices.


    Gw2 is done for. Check the ffxiv update notes, now realise they get it multiple times a year. Mmo players are waiting for new world and currently playing FF14. Gw2 marketed itself against wow without ever realizing their own strengths. Here we are in 2020 where they still have not figured it out but in the mean time they killed fractals, dungeons, raid communities, server identities with the merges, wvw, boss and meta event communities, guild missions and pvp.


    Guess what those people are disappointed and wont come back. Wanna attract new customers ? Gl with that since any content creator and community will tell you gw2 is a casual fiesta without any progression or competition.


    Even worse no modern gamer will accept the horrible and predatory gemstore.

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