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Posts posted by DutchRiders.2871

  1. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as exciting content (it might be new and exciting for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.


    > The thing tho is this quote



    In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.


    > It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).


    > This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.


    > For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.


    > I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.


    > Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.


    Gw2 is aimed at open world content, if you want raids or fractals this game is not for you.

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > I can't say that exp3 not will come .. The some side of exp3 currenty exist. It is already - Grot, Bjora, .. wiht new mastery and some new things.


    > That's not exp3 currency, that's Season 5 currency. Same with the new mastery. It's highly unlikely to use these in the next expansion


    > > exp3 as big monetized pack not have chance do any good things.


    > So far expansions have been bumping the game's revenue and activity high up. It's the Living World that hasn't done any good things so far for the game. The Living World is to keep some of the current players busy, in a steady decline, but it's expansions that push it all up. Also, many games out there shine with expansions, ESO, FF14 to name a few mmorpgs that were revitalized with their expansions. Yes expansions are risky, but they are the only thing that can bring good things to a game, the Living World so far has done nothing good to increase the popularity, activity or revenue of the game.


    > Yes let's compare how monetized an expansion is compared to what we get in this "Free" version of the game, like what I mentioned earlier Build Templates costing more than a complete expansion or 2 mount skins costing more than an expansion. Fully monetized pieces of nothing, while with an expansion you know what you get, substantial amounts of content, new mechanics, new everything. Let's not compare the costs of an expansion with the scraps we get in the Living World.


    > What is a big monetized pack is the Living World and all the overpriced expensive "expansion level content" they give us. Content and features we should've had for the price of an expansion, combined with all the other things we get in expansions. But hey I guess many people love free things and let the losers pay for the continued development of the game.


    > > They have choose wait and make it as ony big exp patch after 2 years, or spit and feed players each 2-3 month.


    > That's not what's happening though. What we are getting in the Living World is NOT expansion content spread over multiple months. It's filler.


    > You can check what happened with the revenue of the game in early 2015 when they announced Heart of Thorns: it was going UP. You don't even have to release an expansion to make money, just announce that you are making one.


    The gw2 hype is dead. I dont think an expansion will change that. Unless it is a real expansion with new systems, races, dungeons and raids.


    Think people just realise that anet cannot keep this product going.

  3. OP is specifically asking about the future of this game. And the future is bad, it's the main reason alot of my guildies left. Anet was working with a skeleton crew for a while and they are losing key members. They had to cut expenses this year and restructure. Earnings are dropping and there is no new expansion on the horizon.


    We are getting 2 hours of new content every 2 /3 months, boring content that requires no gameplay.


    If you wanna experience the old stuff go for it. Dont get to invested though.

  4. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > > Denial in its finest. Thank you for highlighting that pvp/wvw suffer massive balance issues to this date. About the raid thingie, these are the release dates after w3:

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > My initial post did say pvp and wvw had not changed much but you missed this by trying to discredit my opinions in a fruitless argument.

    > > >

    > > > Im also not going to sit here and argue with you my post was for the OP. There is no reason and no sense in trying to argue, i gave my honest opinion about how i see things and thats fine if you don't agree then thats on you but don sit here and argue with me you all ready gave him your thoughts and input you wont change my mind as I will continue to play daily. Dont try to discredit my opinions on how i see the game just because you see it differently.

    > > >

    > > > If you want to give him more of your own personal opinions then do that in your own post.

    > > > Have a good day.

    > > >

    > >

    > > If you do not like to debate, maybe forums are not the right place? Similar to the advice you gave me about gw and challenge. Anyways I think we both agree to some extent, if you enjoy story/ LS maps, the new updates and old content will definitely be value. However for a complete picture I think it is in the OPs best interest if I highlight the situation outside of story/maps and hence I mention the gemstore/pvp/wvw/instanced content. These aspects of the game typically do not get mentioned by alot of players.


    > This is not a topic for debating.

    > Other subject matters sure but when its a OP asking for an opinion like this not so much you leave your opinion and thats it.

    > ITs up to the OP to read all of the individual post and then choose he will read both the good and the bad there is no reason for you to go over the top to discredit another persons opinions.


    There is a reason, you were incorrect in trying to correct me.

  5. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > Denial in its finest. Thank you for highlighting that pvp/wvw suffer massive balance issues to this date. About the raid thingie, these are the release dates after w3:

    > >


    > My initial post did say pvp and wvw had not changed much but you missed this by trying to discredit my opinions in a fruitless argument.


    > Im also not going to sit here and argue with you my post was for the OP. There is no reason and no sense in trying to argue, i gave my honest opinion about how i see things and thats fine if you don't agree then thats on you but don sit here and argue with me you all ready gave him your thoughts and input you wont change my mind as I will continue to play daily. Dont try to discredit my opinions on how i see the game just because you see it differently.


    > If you want to give him more of your own personal opinions then do that in your own post.

    > Have a good day.



    If you do not like to debate, maybe forums are not the right place? Similar to the advice you gave me about gw and challenge. Anyways I think we both agree to some extent, if you enjoy story/ LS maps, the new updates and old content will definitely be value. However for a complete picture I think it is in the OPs best interest if I highlight the situation outside of story/maps and hence I mention the gemstore/pvp/wvw/instanced content. These aspects of the game typically do not get mentioned by alot of players.

  6. Denial in its finest. Thank you for highlighting that pvp/wvw suffer massive balance issues to this date. About the raid thingie, these are the release dates after w3:


    W3= June 14, 2016

    W4= February 8, 2017 (9 months)

    w5= November 28, 2017 (10 Months)

    w6= September 18, 2018 (10 Months)

    w7= June 11, 2019 ( 9 Months)


    Fractals are not a good replacement for dungeons, they are a lazy way of implementing new content and they fail to do that now for 300 days. Also the raids typically get cleared by casual groups on day 1, with w5 being the exception. I dont have to consider a different game I left this game for reasons listed. Which is why I would never recommend this game to anyone that does not like the story.




  7. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > IF you have missed alot of content then short answer is yes. Any content thats been updated or that you have not done you will likely find super enjoyable


    > Only people who play daily and have exhausted all the content will tell you that this game is overall not good by being super picky about niche things that frustrate them.


    > It really depends on the content you like or liked doing. If you are in it for the story and end game pve you will have plenty to do.

    > Pvp has not changed much which is the sad part and wvw is more or less the same + a mount now.


    > I think if you have had a few years away from the game you could find the pve stuff enjoyable.


    If you like to do the story and new maps ( auto attack maps and press F) it's fine. For anyone else it's terrible and that's not a niche thing.


    -Swiss in pvp taking years

    - alliances wvw years

    - easy raid once every 9 months

    - fractal is taking more then 300 days now

    - no new dungeons whatsoever

  8. > @"Abhi.9051" said:

    > Thanks, everyone, for sharing your thoughts. It definitely sounds interesting. I have been looking at the mounts and gliders and those look nice. The mounts are a faster way to travel too, I guess. I will get myself a little familiarized with the game and then proceed to buy the expansion packs; they are not that expensive.


    > However, could anyone please expand on the topic of "aggressive monetization", something DutchRiders.2871 mentioned? Back then you did not need to buy anything if you did not want to. Of course, you could buy fancy stuff and black lion chest keys (wish I had some of those left) with money, but you could also get along pretty well without buying stuff. And I think there is the option to transfer gold to gems now. So, that must be helpful.


    > I also used to research stuff like crazy on the net. There are so many ways to build a character and so many things to do. It was quite immersive.


    1 garden plots

    2 build templates

    3 RNG skins that can cost you alot. Praying on people that are weak to the gamble.


    4 The end game in gw2 is skins and they all in the gemstore. They hardly release any flashy skins in game.


    This game is at the end of its life cycle. I would not want to get invested into it. But if you wanna play a single player game and enjoy the story yeah you should go for it.

  9. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > Bla bla bla, you learn the highest tier difficulty by playing that difficulty.

    > >

    > > I am doing alot of raids in final fantasy. Very often when I ask tanks at the easy raids yo what skills are the tankbusters and for which ones do you need to swap agro they dont know. Then you go into savage and everyone knows. Because in savage you get killed and in normal raids you can ignore mechanics.

    > Not entirely. The earlier-expac normal modes, sure (but see below). You outgear them heavily, and you can get away with ignoring a lot of stuff. Eden normal however? Try to do one of them with tanks that have no idea what's going on and it's a real kittenshow. And even in alexander and omega there are some fights where, heavily outgeared as you are, not knowing mechanics _will_ kill you.





    I can queue on my 435 gunbreaker and not have a single tank swap and complete it. Look at gw2, I find regular 100 more difficult than the cms.


    Let's say I do 100cm, would I rather have someone that has 20 hours on regular 100 or someone that did nothing in regular but practiced 1 hour in cm ?


    I rather have someone skip 1-75 in fractals and start with a regular t4 group.


    Look tiers are great for offering different intensities for similar content. It's great to know that there are more challenges ahead. But I dont believe low lv tiers really prepare you for the higher difficulties.

  10. Bla bla bla, you learn the highest tier difficulty by playing that difficulty.


    I am doing alot of raids in final fantasy. Very often when I ask tanks at the easy raids yo what skills are the tankbusters and for which ones do you need to swap agro they dont know. Then you go into savage and everyone knows. Because in savage you get killed and in normal raids you can ignore mechanics.


    If I can clear savage raids in FF by joining horrible practice groups and me getting flamed and kicked quite often, but also making friends in the end and progressing, I am sure almost anyone can do it in the friendly gw2 community.




  11. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > How can it be balanced around ascended when I can go Matthias in a full exotic low man and still beat him with minutes left ? When all you need is 60k squad dps and an an average squad can be around 110k ? Not mentioning the top 1% that can be above 200k. In other mmos this only happens when you hard out lv the content. Quite simply put even the low end in gw2 raids beat enrage easily.

    > >

    > > Gw2 is not way more difficult than other mmos. The players in this game are simply worse cause good plays and progressing as a group are not rewarded. Its not the gear, it's not the difficulty of the game nor is it the casual nature. It is quite simply a lack of understanding within most of the player base.

    > >

    > > But we are never gonna agree on the skill vs the gear debate, and quite simply put it does not matter. We all agree that you dont need to be anywhere close to the top 1% to clear raids.

    > >


    > You need to remember the squad composition that was meta when matthias came out. Things were a bit different back then.


    You mean when we did not realise how strong double chrono was and unnerfed alacrity ? My whole point is that at the start of raids we did not realise how much we can pull off in a 10 man squad. But when you look back raids are really undertuned. And my first kills still were a long shot from enrage.

  12. How can it be balanced around ascended when I can go Matthias in a full exotic low man and still beat him with minutes left ? When all you need is 60k squad dps and an an average squad can be around 110k ? Not mentioning the top 1% that can be above 200k. In other mmos this only happens when you hard out lv the content. Quite simply put even the low end in gw2 raids beat enrage easily.


    Gw2 is not way more difficult than other mmos. The players in this game are simply worse cause good plays and progressing as a group are not rewarded. Its not the gear, it's not the difficulty of the game nor is it the casual nature. It is quite simply a lack of understanding within most of the player base.


    But we are never gonna agree on the skill vs the gear debate, and quite simply put it does not matter. We all agree that you dont need to be anywhere close to the top 1% to clear raids.


  13. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > > > Gw2 was intended as a PVP / WvW game with a great combat system. After all casuals can still be skilled. However it has gotten to the point where most mobile gaming players have more skill than the average gw2 player.

    > > > > I think you might remember it wrong. It was **GW1** that was supposed to be a pvp game with pve lobby/introductory course. By the time the idea of GW2 came along, devs knew for a long time already that the PvE side was way, way more popular.

    > > > >

    > > > > As for the meme of gw2 players being less skilled than in other games... well. This game does attract more casual players than some others (or, rather, it is less attractive for hardcore players), but the main reason for why the skill gap between average and top players seems to be so great is due to mechanics, not actual skill difference. Get the average player from any other MMO in the GW2 game engine, and he'd be as bad (or good) as an average gw2 player. It's just that in GW2 that player's real skill level would be more visible due to this game being way more skill-dependant than others, while in other MMORPGs it could be somewhat hidden with high enough gear level.

    > > >

    > > > I agree,

    > > >

    > > > It's quite interesting that what gets proclaimed as on the most casual mmo, also is one of the most complicated. :p.

    > > >

    > > > And even the fact that some of the pro casual additions make the game also less casual in a sense.

    > > > The easiest example is the lack of gear grind also means things can't get out geared.

    > >

    > > You literally outgear raids on release with ascended gear.

    > Seeing how (as we've been told at some point) they were balanced around assumption you are already running full ascended, that's literally untrue.

    > Hint: yes, some very skilled people can do them in budget greens. That doesn't mean the content is designed for people in budget greens. It just means that those players are doing it at a difficulty level tuned up way higher than it was designed.

    > And why is that even possible is a result of what i mentioned above - in this game, unlike in other MMOS, the difficulty tiers are primarily based on actual skill, not gear tiers and levels


    The potentional dps output of a squad in ascended gear was severely underestimated, by the community and devs. The raids are essentially designed to easy.


    The initial statement that you need ascended gear is simply wrong. Regardless of skill lv.


    From my perspective you see all these insane low man's or regular kills with 6 min on the clock left because raids are to easy for the gear we have.


    I disagree I left gw2 raiding cause it's to easy and other games are simply more challenging. Yes the combat system is more in depth and more difficult in gw, however the content is extremely undertuned.

  14. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > > Gw2 was intended as a PVP / WvW game with a great combat system. After all casuals can still be skilled. However it has gotten to the point where most mobile gaming players have more skill than the average gw2 player.

    > > I think you might remember it wrong. It was **GW1** that was supposed to be a pvp game with pve lobby/introductory course. By the time the idea of GW2 came along, devs knew for a long time already that the PvE side was way, way more popular.

    > >

    > > As for the meme of gw2 players being less skilled than in other games... well. This game does attract more casual players than some others (or, rather, it is less attractive for hardcore players), but the main reason for why the skill gap between average and top players seems to be so great is due to mechanics, not actual skill difference. Get the average player from any other MMO in the GW2 game engine, and he'd be as bad (or good) as an average gw2 player. It's just that in GW2 that player's real skill level would be more visible due to this game being way more skill-dependant than others, while in other MMORPGs it could be somewhat hidden with high enough gear level.


    > I agree,


    > It's quite interesting that what gets proclaimed as on the most casual mmo, also is one of the most complicated. :p.


    > And even the fact that some of the pro casual additions make the game also less casual in a sense.

    > The easiest example is the lack of gear grind also means things can't get out geared.


    You literally outgear raids on release with ascended gear.

  15. The average gw2 player is quite simply not capable of doing raids. Yet they feel entitled. If you have some lv of skill I advice you to not display it. Cause you will actually get bullied for it.


    Gw2 was intended as a PVP / WvW game with a great combat system. After all casuals can still be skilled. However it has gotten to the point where most mobile gaming players have more skill than the average gw2 player.

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