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Posts posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Because when the game launched, there were 150-300 man ques on ALL maps, with EBG having the highest que. Even then it took anywhere between 2 to 5 hours BEFORE you got into a map sometimes. Wait times were ATROCIOUS. Now, some servers on reset night have little to absolutely NO ques, and in some cases on reset night are Outmanned for the rest of the night. We don't have the manpower we used to have. Think most of that was due to boredom of the breed. Same maps. Same tactics. Mustard or mayo, mustard or mayo, mustard or mayo. The only reason for the 4 maps now is tactical. You have your home map, and it's a matter of pride that you at least attempt defensive or offensive operations on your home map. The minute you IGNORE an enemy map completely, is when you basically hand over the keys to the enemy, and allow him to lock you in the trunk of the car as they go wherever they want, whenever they want. Reason BG had uninterrupted attacks for SO long, because everyone STOPPED attacking them on their Borderland. And because of that...they had complete control to go on the offensive on any map they wished.


    Who knows. If and when we do get Alliances, maybe WvW will have a renaissance . Hell, when they announced alliances couple years ago, the Guilds started doing GvG in Obsidian Sanctum....to find out which guilds they wanted to hook up with. Those guilds in the last couple years have had breakups, civil wars, and literally have been destroyed by complete boredom. Variety is the spice of life. I always said they needed more maps, and have those maps randomize during reset night. Would have added a more randomness. Deal with maps you love or detest....

  2. Basically you were nothing more than a condi/tank. I seen 1 scourge necro take out 8 players of all classes and experiences under a single well field. The minute I see this garbage, I have to say that anet didn't pay very good attention to singles taking out whole groups. I've seen 15 guardians take out 60 players in EOTM, not once, but multiple times. Now the question comes to mind is....did anet create a balance, or did they screw up so badly in mechanics that created this off balance play fighting?

  3. Did a Torment Ranger one time and found out it was completely useless vs. any classes that had multiple types of condi clear. Stopped using it. But it was a Base Ranger build mostly for keeping Torment on a player continuously. But in the current format doesn't really help much.

  4. And some players purposely purchased multiple accounts, because they were using those accounts as Spy's specifically for WvW. And that too also created a false body count on the other servers, since all they did was stand there, and watch the Leaders tag go from one location to another, basically give out our location.

  5. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"law.9410" said:

    > > -Promote a SINGLE style of gameplay for the entire population, don't like zergin? gtfo.

    > I would actually take offense with that. Anet has over the years listened to complaints about the zerg - in particular with nerfing siege costs and boosting damage when it basicly became unviable for smallscale to siege due to objective creep - and not understanding the effects of their kitten PvE balancing when WvW players start stacking is ignorance, not promotion.


    > Its the **players** that has taken this to heart - especially commanders that only want to win - and not Anet.


    How many commanders do you even know who want to "win" anymore? From what I hear in discord most of the time now and for the last three years is "I just want bags." Or worse yet, "I just want fights. I don't give a damn about capping...." Your commanders are few and far between that care about "winning". Now all they care about is "having fun". Winning for them is just ...not part of their equation any more.

  6. Actually I wouldn't mind if they created "Seasonal Maps". Wintersday map. Halloween map. New Years Map. Chinese New Years map....they could replace SMC with a Canthan like castle with a moat. A Valentines map where there's lots of fluffy heart shaped clouds that you have to jump across to get to the location your going to assault. Launch candy boxes from Catapults of love....just a thought.

  7. Then why the HELL does it matter the size of a server population? It...does...not...matter between a medium server that sticks in a full 4 map que vs a high server population that can't even put a que on any single map during reset. It doesn't matter what size the server is. It doesn't matter how many players are on a Full Server. It doesn't matter. Algorithms be damned. Calculations be damned. Seriously. IF a player refuses to play WvW…..does it matter server size? NO, it doesn't. And that's what frustrates me with you players that believe there's a Calculation for a Player's want...or need...to play WvW. There isn't one. There never will be. I've been telling you all for seven LONG years this. I dont' give a damn what Calculation, or program, or math, Anet uses. I really could care less. If X number of players on a HIGH population server doesn't play WvW….??? What does it matter in calculations or math of any substance? The only calculation you need to figure out is "Player X, wanting Y amount of enjoyment being pulled from Z amount of Energy." If that player has no energy to play a certain aspect of Guildwars, the math falls apart. Then again...if your basing server size to player population in WvW…. High population server in year 1, Jade Quarry, had ques daily on all 4 maps, with population of players in que equaling between 150 to 250 players per que, with some of the ques lasting over 2 to 4 hours. And that was daily, on a weekly basis, for nearly a full year. Going on seven years, all the servers are now LINKED for North America, except maybe Blackgate…(which isn't going to last too much longer). Now after seven years, Jade Quarry is somewhere between medium and high population with a que that changes from either 0 ques at on reset, up to 3 possible ques that may pop in the first 30 minutes of said time. After that we just struggle to raise one que on any one map. Whatever math you want to use, whatever algorithm anet THINKS is going to show them what's actually going on...it's built on false premises. A WvW server does not exist as it used to. We're on a shared server system now. In fact the names of these "independent" servers no longer serve any real function...except for WvW. When a player joins Guildwars 2 for the first time and have to "choose" a server...unless they did their homework, don't know any more about that server beyond what other games use those servers for. Which is to keep a viable population playing without the system slowing down or coming to a crashing halt. You want to fill your "server" with a player that will play WvW….your going to have to recruit them from OUTSIDE WvW. If your recruiting WvW players inside WvW...well that's just useless, your not adding players to your server, they were ALREADY THERE. You want to add "population" to your "server"...you need to recruit from PvE or PvP. Your not increasing population from recruitment in WvW maps. Your just pushing your broccoli around the dinner plate, even though it's the same piece of broccoli. You want to add to your plate...your going to have to pull it off from another plate on the dinner table. <--- This is the easiest metaphor I have for you on "Building population in WvW".

  8. It's a tank build, nothing more, nothing less. The big builds now is Tank/Condi. They'll be so tanked up, that the only damage they'll do to you is condition damage. But that damage builds up on you fast. Reason why most Tank/Condi's will win out in most battles.

  9. I missed the old No White Swords Wintersday, several years back. It forced guilds and/or commanders to place scouts in locations in order to know when a location was under attack. The commanders couldn't ignore that strategic resource of "scouts" during that time. Some of these commanders wholly rely on white swords or OJ's to know when something comes under attack, and tell the truth, that's just wrong. Live eyes is where it should be at. You want to defend something or know when something is in trouble, only live player eyes would be able to tell you. You'd have to use Scouts as resources instead of considered a "waste" of player space on a map.

  10. After the legendary backpiece was launched, Edge of the Mist emptied of players wishing for said item. However once they gained the item and returned to Edge of the Mist...well we did notice that the full player base never returned as many player's ...at that time returned to playing full on EBG and the Borderlands. The idea was to pull in players from PvE into Wvw and for a short time it did work. We had que's on all maps again. However once again population started to dwindle down. Most came to get the backpiece, mount, or even the WvW legendary armor. But the current maps is like you eating the same food day after day after day after day after day after day....pretty soon you get tired of eating the same thing and pretty much go for a different food for a bit of time. Without a constant change in new "Exclusive only skins from WvW" or new maps, your not going to see a large infusion of new players. And the old players...well we either to stubborn to quit, or some got so tired of the same old muss and fuss they up and quit.

  11. BG still has quite a bit of EU players and guilds, with a high amount of coverage in ALL time zones. NO. Hell I don't even consider Blackgate as a North America server anymore. You heavily recruited EU players, your server should be relegated to EU as far as i'm concerned.

  12. I usually dislike fighting Mesmer's. You attack a Mesmer it's just one big pain in the ass. Mostly because you get hit with Torment, your movement kills you. You get hit with confusion, your skill use kills you. The only time I've lasted any length of time against a Mesmer is standing still. Of course that means the Mesmer is able to run circles around me...again killing me. Basically I move I die, if I use a skill I die, and if I don't maneuver I die. Mesmer's don't give you any options for attack OR defense of any sort. The only time had any ability to survive a Mesmer is running Druid full heal/regen. They weren't able to kill me, but I wasn't able to do any damage in any sort of way. It was ...garbage.

  13. I treat WvW in one way only. WvW is large scale teamplay. It's not pvp. It's not pve. It's scores of players working together to commit to a unified objective. Which is supposed to be winning. Over the course of the last 4 years, lot of players switched to the mind set of boxing and bags. Slugfests. And they no longer cared about capturing the flag. Even though that is part and parcel of WvW. Whatever you go to capture will always have players come into conflict at said location. Fights. So capturing or defending will lead to fights. Because sooner or later two opposing forces are going to meet up at that location. The name of the game is to win, and a lot of players say "nah, I just want to have fun..." But then they count their bags....so I know they're not there for "fun". They're there just for a fight and that's it. They give a damn about winning, just destroying. I don't see that as wholly fun.

  14. :) A combat bot from GW1 JQ and FA arena's will work on the same premises in GW2. Run to location. Attack NPC. How do think those bots in GW1...always reacted to finding a target and attacking it until death? Those bots were being run by Faction Farmers for the major guilds that held outpost's. Those bots were also being ran by Title Hunters. And those bots truly did exist. I have no doubt there is such a function of bots in GW2. What works for the goose, will work for the gander. What worked in GW1 will work in GW2...which means your going to have to finding a driving product of what sticks out for you know conclusively what your fighting is a bot. Did you know that you could fool a bot into continuous attacks at one location. The bots in Jade Quarry arena in Factions gw1...when they ported into the map near stair location...basically got STUCK on the stair location if you just stood there to meet them. They never attempted to bypass you, get behind you, maneuver, or go down the stairs. They literally stayed on the top of the stairs attacking the nearest target. Which happened to be you. And that's how we started to finally beat the bots. We just sent players at the stairs and held the stairs, and the bots would just get wiped each and every time while we ticked off the score. Of course Anet finally wised up and booted them. Took them three damn years....however there are bots that farm the jade sea still in one location, and Anet hasn't done anything to Dhuum those accounts yet. Mostly because nobody complains about the bots there no more. Now as for GW2....I havn't seen anything conclusively unless you count an entire guild that T to Targets you...and literally chases you from one side of the damn map....for a full three minutes to the OTHER side of the map. Without breaking off. Now that....I would call botting. 20-25 guild members chasing 1 player....from point A to point B over a period between 3 to 15 minutes....yah...i'm going to say something very very wrong is happening.

  15. Actually if anet wasn't so "farbot" sometimes they could easily find a bot all the way from Spawn of any map. If the character in question is a bot. A Combat bot will always be searching for a Target. Which means T to Target will always be the first choice and repeatedly spammed by the bot in order to find any viable enemy in it's field of vision. Once Targeted, close distance, it would change from T to Target to maybe a certain series of combat maneuvers. Since these maneuvers would allow the computer program to react faster than human reactions.....it would almost seem like series pattern would always occur and in sequence over and over and over again. Anet just has to pick up the series....or check the logs of characters that spammed certain actions. Like T to Target all the way from spawn to whatever location the bot was programmed to run to...most likely...camps and sentries.

  16. You have to understand, a server can be full, but that doesn't mean those players on that server have any slightest of interests in playing World vs. World vs. World. You could have thirty-thousand players on a server...and only 10 might play WvW. And I've been trying to teach that to all of you for the past 7 years....and you all still don't get it. There's server population. There is WvW population. The two don't even equate. Get it? If you don't....that's your problem.

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