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  1. The best you can probably hope for is a tonic that changes your character model into a Tengu but allows you to maintain your attacks, much like the kodan tonic.
  2. How about some minis of the supporting characters from the core game story? We have tons of minis of characters from Path of Fire that I have no clue who those people are, but no minis of: Amaranda the Lonesome, Malyck, Tegwen, Carys, Agent Zrii, Galina Edgecrusher, Snarl Backdraft, Teyo, Kudu, Professor Gorr, Smodor the Unflinching, Alastia Crow, Knut Whitebear, Beigarth, Occam, Laranthir, Ogden, Renvari, Tiachren, Yvelta, Elli. Steward Gixx, Riel Darkwater, Warmaster Efut, Eye of Zhaitan, Mouth of Zhaitan, The Shatterer. The Claw of Jormag, (Im sure there are others that I missed) And onthe chair front, how about just a regular ol Lazy Boy leather recliner and some beach chairs?
  3. I'm ok with the DRMs except the boss in Thunderhead Keep. Everytime I've fought him, it just took way too much time. IMO, his HP needs to be toned down a bit.
  4. My opinion is we didn't reach tier 5 because: 1) Running the same three missions over...and over...and over...gets bland 2) The rewards for completing tiers are lackluster. There isn't even a mini or tonic in the final reward chest. You supplies you contribute is worth more than the items in the reward chests so why bother?
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