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Posts posted by Quarktastic.1027

  1. > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > @"Krypto.2069" said:

    > > Zionophir, never fear!

    > >

    > > It'll still ping as "purple" and say it's legendary grade when someone hovers over it. It'll just say it was "transmuted." NO BIGGIE, in my book. Many folks transmute their legendary gear, me included (some of mine anyways). :smile:


    > but i want my transmuted legendaries to be reverted to their vanilla state/just out of the mystic forge by applying the original skins on them.


    And I wanted my warrior to have no crafting disciplines, but I accidentally clicked "make me an armorsmith" while trying to buy stuff from the armorsmith NPC (I often use crafting stations as banks). So now she's an armorsmith.

    Also, my Eternity is transmuted.

  2. > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > Haha I hadnt noticed that I was the scrapper in the same 3 kill fight from another point of view, already posted the clip in the thread with complaints about damage, lol. Funny coincidence.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > I tried to tell my squaddies not to stack but well...


    > I appreciate seeing the full fight. Heavily edited roaming vids tend to get a bit stale (for me) because you never know how fights truly go thanks to the edits.


    Whenever I see someone post a roaming montage I just kind of roll my eyes and ignore it, because once you've seen one, you've seen them all. They edit out any fights they don't win easily, and they dub over the whole video with a cringey and/or meme soundtrack.

  3. > @"Klipso.8653" said:

    > Once you have the legendary armor and after you pass rank 2k, you kind of stop paying attention to pips and wxp.


    > It doesn't really bother me if people want an extra pip for fighting in team play, but the incentive may be a good idea. The more organized a squad is -the better the fights are.


    As someone who doesn't have these things, but would like to have these things, I'm all for reducing the ridiculous grind a little. I don't have the kind of free time it takes to finish diamond every week at 4 pips per tick. And considering I only gain 10-20 ranks a week (depending on what servers we're up against -this past week was pretty bad for WXP) getting to 2k from my meager 92, will take literal years.

  4. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > I love how majority of players liking no downstate week are solo roamers and most popular roaming builds are the ones with 1200+ range oneshots or 15 seconds of damage immunity, both with 3+ mobility skills and usually with stealth. Who cares how many enemies are there when you can always pick one and kill it with no issues.. "Skilled 1vx" more like no risk 1vx.


    > haven't you heard? daredevil steal range nerf means teef is so very underpowered atm you couldn't even kill an ambient with it.

    > someone didn't get the memo.



    I dunno. I lost to a daredevil earlier today. But he +1'd me while I was fighting a herald.

  5. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > trailblazer scourge, hands down. This guy is in viper but that was long ago.



    I'm pretty sure Hizen can make soloing bounties and meta events look easy with any profession. Take a look at his most recent weaver video...and the spellbreaker video before that...and the firebrand video before that.

  6. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > The Warclaw is already one of the fastest mounts, topped only by the RollerBeetle in pure run speed.

    This is not true at all, both the jackal and raptor run faster than the warclaw, before you factor in their respective movement abilities.

    Also, the beetles base movement speed is affected by the pitch of the terrain you're rolling on. On level ground the beetle is only about as fast as the skimmer on land.

  7. > @"GeneralBM.5781" said:

    > As @"DonArkanio.6419" mentioned, this change wasn't meant to increase the dps of searing fissure, but to more front-load the burning of the skill since no one stands in it for the full duration.



    As a PvE player, my issue is that the new searing fissure deals less damage in total than the old searing fissure. More front loaded damage is nice for pvp, but they didn't also need to reduce the total output of the skill.

  8. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > Because warrior is the least played class, that is why Anet does not even bother to give warriors a quality of life update.

    > > > Why would they spend countless hours of coding and effort to a class that people will not play?

    > > > The money making machines are mesmers, thieves, necros and guardians!

    > > >

    > > > If people started playing warriors and complain about the state of warriors skills, then Anet will for sure do something about it, but I doubt people will start to play warriors because people want to press buttons and deal damage. Almost nobody wants to melee combat because it requires great skill to set up combos within 130 range against classes that can teleport, evade, stunbreak, invulnerability, etc...

    > > >

    > >

    > > Warrior is actually not the least played class... Its actually still one of the most played classes...

    > > https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics


    > cough cough, black lion key farm.

    > cough cough, human story the shortest one to complete,

    > cough cough, warrior class the easiers to complete due to leaps, close gaps and DPS.

    > cough cough, black lion key reward in under 20 min.


    > Unfortunately those numbers do not portrait the reality of warriors in WvW and PvP.

    > And for a good measure, just look at the forum. Go to profession tab and see how many discussions are there in the warrior forum.


    > Guardian and warrior are the least discussed, and just look at the discussions on the warrior forum, its to nerf this or that...

    > The truth is warrior is one of the least played classes and the forum discussion corroborates that.


    Guardians are better key farmers despite the lack of swiftness/movement skills. Mounts make getting around between story instances irrelevant, and you're not forced to do much running during the actual story instances, aside from collecting the medicine from the bandit hideout. When it comes to killing stuff in those early story instances though, guardian with GS and sword/focus blows warriors out of the water.

  9. > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > Simple question. Why?


    > And don't even try to deny it. I've been doing HPs since HoT launch, both solo and in HP trains on all nine professions, so I know every single one of the encounters by heart. There were obvious "adjustments" to their difficulty without disclosing them in any of the release notes, at least in the last year or so.


    > Before it was possible to solo at least four HPs in Tangled depths: troll, inquisitor, guano vampire and the bloom. Now I can't out-DPS or even outlive any of them on any of the professions!? How is that?


    > The combat log numbers also simply do not add up. At least the troll and the inquisitor have received a significant buff in toughness and probably vitality which makes the encounter now impossible to solo, given the amount of adds around every boss which were obviously buffed too. Condition builds can't bring down the vitality of the bosses quick enough to avoid getting killed by them or the adds and power builds do way less damage due to toughness increase.


    > So I am curious... Why?


    I soloed these 4 HP as a condi renegade just a few days ago. You're just not trying hard enough.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > I pretty much stated this. The fact that humans are non-native is Anet's reasoning for why humans don't have immunity. If anything, it would be humans that *do* have that immunity due to biological differences in species. Of course, with parasites rather than germs, there should be no immunity anywhere.


    In the real world, it is very much possible to develop immunity to parasitic infection. In many malaria stricken regions of the world, large numbers of people are "immune" to the condition. They still get the parasites, but never develop any outward symptoms. This is also true for most regions where house cats are common. If you own a cat, you are probably host to the Toxoplasma parasite, and don't even know it.

    In this context, I'm not sure someone could become "immune" seeing as the scarab larvae physically consume their hosts from the inside, but it makes sense that a species foreign to Tyria (humans) would be more vulnerable to local Tyrian diseases and parasites, as they wouldn't have developed an immune response like a species that evolved alongside the pathogen.

    Most parasites aren't very picky, and can infect a multitude of hosts, across many species.

  11. > @"NeoHirotatsu.9057" said:

    > > @"Deadvillager.1956" said:

    > > > @"Greenlink.4538" said:

    > > > Hello everyone,

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Thanks in advance!

    > >

    > > Dont get the wrong idea about the renegade. It is currently the strongest condi build in PvE on a stationary target. JayAction refers to PvP content where renegade is sadly a pushover with its huge tells that lets everyone and their mother evade whatever spell you tried to pull off. If all you want to play is open world, fractals, dungeons and raids, feel free to play your renegade.


    > As you mentioned, renegade is the strongest condi DPS in PvE on STATIONARY targets, especially on HUGE hitbox, but in open world, fotm not so many foes are totally stationary, even bosses will jump around, and most of them are small hitbox, which also is renegade's weak side, from what I read, renegade only shine in raid environment. And it seems that not so many players like group a condi renegade in fotm? I'm not sure though.


    > But because those points I mentioned, I have to force myself give up my revenent, which made me really sad...

    > Even the publish diviner stat for PvE couldn't change this situation. Unless you don't use LFG finding groups.


    Why give it up? My renegade tears through open world mobs/group events/champions faster than my power reaper or my DH, due to more AoE, and more consistent DPS (DH has excellent burst, but its personal dps falls off significantly without access to alacrity) The only time a condi renegade feels subpar is when facing things that are immune to conditions (destructible structures in core tyria) or bosses with a lot of phase transitions which prevent the renegade from getting its dps rolling.

    I played condi renegade in T4s for a long time, and no one ever complained. Though due to fractal bosses being small hitboxes (generally) and having lots of phases, it certainly wasn't optimal.

  12. > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

    > > Agreed it looks like the Kalla summons just don't work as expected with those targeting options like other skills do. Very strange and frustrating.


    > maybe is some sort of spacing issue, I mean, lets just imagine we are in the first part of the battleground fractal, and you want to destroy the burning oil cauldrons that are over the first boss, where do you put Visk icerazor to damage them?


    You don't. You cast citadel bombardment instead and instakill the cauldron because of the wonky way the projectiles interact with things on walls. (Unless this was fixed)

  13. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > Keep in mind that Harrier's is basically Clerics minus Toughness plus Boon Duration, its glass and the DPS isn't that far above Ministrels and you lose alot of staying power, I mean its okay in something like a raid where people can help keep you alive while you heal, but if you're trying to pug fractals, you're better of either just going full DPS or full support, depending on how you want to play.

    > >

    > > The key to playing this game is to know when to make your tradeoffs, and going glass support in pugs isn't it.


    > With a full harrier set I solo'd the 2nd third of the fight with Ensolyss of the Endless Torment in CM99 with Renegade. I got so fed up with my team being bad and having to off myself after they died, I decided that I wasn't going to stop even after they all ate the dirt.


    > Power/Healing/Concentration is fine. Renegade is by no means frail, even in full glass gear.


    What's the point of running a full harrier renegade if you couldn't keep the rest of your team up?

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