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Posts posted by Quarktastic.1027

  1. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > Got another change coming to help groups that are struggling with the Twilight Oasis boss. We plan to add a checkpoint at the start of Dwayna, so if you are wiping over and over you don't have to keep slogging through the first two phases, which are easy compared to the rest.


    I dunno. I think Lyssa is the hardest phase. Stupid portals.

  2. > @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

    > A Revenant being played at a top level is so fast paced and has so much decision making, it is arguably the one with the most decision making of all classes. Lol Revenant isn't a bad class at all. Other specs and classes are the ones over-performing.


    > A really unique class that can't just spam everything on cooldown like almost every other class.




    I would argue that revenant's fast paced decision making has to do with being locked into a specific set of utility skills per legend. Since you can't set your bar the way you can on other professions, you need to make that many more split second decisions depending on which skill you think you'll need next. The energy mechanic is a factor as well, but revenants still don't have any real way of managing their energy outside of swapping legends. In GW1, where every profession relied on energy, there were tons of energy management resources available to each profession. With revenant, you will never be above 50% energy in combat unless you're not attacking/using skills, or you bring charged mists.

  3. I've had GW2 randomly lock up while doing various things lately. I got hit by a bloodstone elemental sprite just as I touched a ley line while gliding in bloodstone fen. Game locked up. Had to use task manager to kill it. I mounted up just after waypointing and tried to pan my camera to the left, game locked up.


    I'm starting to wonder if the issue is on my end. Maybe one of my ram sticks is dying.

  4. > @"Tora.7214" said:

    > The thing is that you arent thinking outside of beast mode. Some times you will have to face a champion or extremely dangerous enemy that can one shot you. The taunt is good for those moments to unmerge and have your pet tank while you poke the enemy from behind


    Except taunt doesn't work on champions. It only deals damage to their defiance bar. Taunt also doesn't immediately make enemies in pve switch targets like it does players. The monster will often just finish whatever attack it was doing when your pet taunted it, even if "interrupted" pops up over the enemy's head.

  5. This is one of those "always write down your password" lessons. It's not arenanet's fault if you forget all of your login details. Granted, I don't have two factor authentication (or whatever it's called) enabled. But there was probably a more tactful approach you your situation than buying a new account and thinking arenanet could merge them together. (Is this even a thing? I've been gaming for a looooong time and have never heard of any company doing this). I never read the ToS either, but I would have taken a different approach should my login info mysteriously disappear from my brain and password archive (AKA notebook {the paper kind}).

  6. > @"Amiron.1067" said:

    > @"Quarktastic.1027" I think you touch on an even larger issue with legendary weapons in general. I believe if ANet made cosmetic changes like you've suggested, it would make legendary weapons all the more enticing to chase after for players who do not currently have any. In a game all about cosmetics at end-game, I would think that would be time well-invested, but what do you think?


    I like the idea of expanding legendary weapon animations, but I can see it being an issue for pvp/wvw, unless anet can also implement a "show default animations" option that includes more than just projectiles. I was kind of disappointed when I made kudzu for my ranger and it didn't change the animation for barrage. Anet has proven that they can do it (candy cane arrow carts), they just haven't taken the initiative.

  7. > @"Amiron.1067" said:

    > Hi! I had a quick couple of small, nit-picky cosmetic suggestions for Revenant that I thought I would share. First one is one I'm sure many Fashion Wars 2 players are familiar with as a Revenant; the annoying [hand glow](https://i.imgur.com/onS3vtH.jpg "hand glow"). I'm not suggesting they remove the hand glow altogether, but I think it would make more sense for it to act like the [Elementalist elemental bracelets](https://i.imgur.com/ada2qTr.jpg "Elementalist elemental bracelets") that appear when they are in combat. I know, silly small pet peeve of mine, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.


    > And here's an even _smaller_ nit-picky thing to point out, but just recently I finished crafting [Astralaria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a9/Astralaria.jpg "Astralaria"). I love the axe and its space-effect, but I was disappointed to find out that axe skill #5, Temporal Rift, didn't apply the Astralaria space-effect onto the default [red rift.](https://i.imgur.com/0O6Fh73.jpg "red rift.")


    > I know, I know. These are all silly little things, but the cosmetic angle is one of the main reason's I play this game. I'm curious to know what other Revenants think about this cosmetic topic.


    The hand glow is so subtle, I often don't notice it. As for legendary effects on skills, legendary weapons only augment skills that throw projectiles, and not in all cases (guardian underwater skill "spear of light" uses the default animation despite equipping Kamohoali'i Kotaki for instance). Equipping Kudzu doesn't alter a ranger's barrage skill, despite barrage being a rain of arrows. Guardians' whirling wrath has its projectiles changed, but not the blue swirl animation that emanates from the character.

  8. Religious discussions really shouldn't be part of gaming forums. Symbolism from one culture can be twisted by another to be "evil." Symbols aren't inherently evil. Take a look at a certain symbol used extensively throughout Germany during WWII. One which had (for thousands of years) previously been used to represent peace and prosperity in countless cultures. Now I can't even post a picture of it on these forums because my post will get removed.


    The fact that your satanic symbol looks like a goat with a pentagram stuck to its head has to do with christianity's early interactions with pagan cultures.

  9. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > I call it the **necromancer syndrome**. Running off somewhere because you think you are the tankiest person in the room just to die in the worst possible position.

    > Always made me wonder why people ask for four necromancers and a druid back then during the high toughness days since the majority of the necromancers so effectively avoided the boons and all of your healing.

    > All though, the benchmark I set for myself is to never let anyone got down, yes, even people like that. Carry hard or go home. You can talk to them after the fight. Some are more likely to listen if notice how much of a difference a druid can make.


    The druid wasn't there to heal the necromancers. The druid was there to heal the minions. Because it was the minions that dealt the majority of the damage (bleed stacks)

  10. A healer and a chrono makes T4 fractals easier. That's all there is to it. I've done T4s with 5 DPS specs that have gone fairly smooth, but more often than not, that isn't the case. I'm not a raider, but I always try to land a group that has at least a healer (druid/tempest/renegade {though I've never encountered a healing renegade}) A good healer can carry some pretty bad groups.

  11. > @"Kong.3280" said:

    > > @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

    > > If you already have one of the Gen 1 legendary weapons, the cheapest option would be to make a second one of those...wouldn't it? (except in the case of eternity)


    > Not necessarily. In most cases the most expensive part would be the precursor. The overall cost to forge it into the Legendary weapon, regardless of which one it is, would be about the same.


    Well, according to the API, it costs roughly 900 gold to forge the Moot with the crafted precursor. I don't know how buying the precursor factors into that cost (since you can only craft one precursor) but almost 2000 gold to craft two of the Moot sounds a lot more costly than crafting a second legendary that you already own.

  12. > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > I use Renegade shortbow & dual sword - Renagade elite skills and sometimes switch to Ventari (for healing) cleanse.. myself & others.

    > Yes there are movement increase skills in other legends Shiro - Revenant, but i don't use THAT build .. so saying *hey use this and this skill or use a staff for a quick dash forward*, no just no.


    > Renegade Skill 5 sword has a dash attack, Just like skill 2 sword from Guardian.. but my guardian does not use Traveller rune and has a better basic running speed, if its from trait i can't remember.


    > Shortbow and Dual sword.. that's what i use.. why am i so slow? why isn't there a bit more basic (10-20% more running speed) in this build, without Traveller runes .. thats all.


    > Revenant feels like a half baked Komali.. even underwater skills are very limited compared to some cool stuff other classes have..time to get to work on Revenant anet.


    Guardians, like revenants, have no passive monement speed buffs. All professions have the same basic movement speed regardless of race. Renegades have movement tools available, you just need to accept the fact that you'll need to alter your preferred playstyle to use them.

  13. Renegade is slow. Yet I still manage to do things like solo the heat room on thaumanova, light the 4th fire in chaos, etc. Having a (nearly) spammable 600 range leap is pretty handy sometimes.

  14. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > **Why was this moved?** And without any moderator notifying me?


    > I wrote in the OP "This poll is in the general forum because feedback from just the Revenant community is clearly not valuable enough." This poll is meant to include people who do not play Revenant but have an interest in how it's balanced.


    > It makes no sense from a statistical standpoint to have it here. Polls on this forum are already problematic because of self-selection. Asking in a profession subforum is just too biased.


    > **Please move this thread back, or delete it.**


    I'm pretty sure the mods don't actually read more than the thread title when it's time to clean house. They see "renegade" in the title, they put it in the revenant sub.

  15. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > yes. necros' indestructible shades are already annoying as it is... in pvp u can't stand on a point cuz their shades will insta kill u... and u can't kil them.

    > > don't want the same dilemma with renegades


    > I think you might be mistaken. None of the renegade summons, including the damage oriented one, do anything close to the damage of shades. And three don't do any damage at all.


    > Here they are https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Renegade_Stance


    > I am logging into PVP now and will get back to you on the power of stacking them.



    Kalla's warband is extraordinarily underwhelming. I don't hate the idea of the skills, they just need to have stronger effects. As it stands, the only one a pvp player needs to be somewhat wary of is darkrazor, and they can simply CC it off the point if they want. The rest of them can easily be ignored. Leave them able to be killed, but make them immune to CC, and give them effects that are actually threatening. Players should be forced to choose whether to kill them, or get out of the circle.

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