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Posts posted by aikatara.3462

  1. There are two objects needed for the collection that you get via the thorn wall events. One is the "Defender's Mark", the other one the "Naturalist’s Crest". From how I understand it there are two events involved and both are defend events.

    The first is when the Awakened attack the thorn wall. When they do not manage to break through the wall before the timer is finished the thorn wall is successfully defended and this grants the "Defender's Mark".

    When the Awakened break through the wall before the timer is finished then the event is failed, since you were not able to successfully defend the thorn wall against their attack. This will trigger the second event in which the wall shapers regrow the now broken thorn wall, which is called "Defend the thorn wall shapers while they repair the wall". The wall shapers are attacked again by Awakened while they repair the wall. If you succesfully defend them against the attackers and they are successfull in regrowing the wall you get the "Naturalist's crest".

    This second event, "Defend the thorn wall shapers while they repair the wall", only triggers if the Awakened break through the thorn wall during the first event. At least as far as I understand it.



  2. I have to turn down my graphic settings to the lowest possible options during the Palawadan-event, otherwise the game lags too strongly. Also I do it to be able to see what is actually going on during a fight, at least to some extent. Because of the lightshow the OP mentioned if I don't change the graphic settings it feels as if I fight the bosses in Palawadan more or less blind, since I cannot see very much besides bright lights and colours with the boss located somewhere in the center of all. Palawadan with lowered graphic settings is much less exhausting as it is with the lightshow in full power. I think the lightshow in Palawadan is a little bit too much.

  3. I would love to buy the Ringmaster's Hat. That would be awesome. It is not obtainable even through the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock, according to the wiki. Maybe it is possible to return it to the Gemshop? Also nice would be a version of the Top Hat, but with hairs like the Swaggering Hat has. While I am at it, the Swaggering Hat could return to the shop as well, I haven't bought it yet :-).


    Oh, I forgot: Since I made Nevermore recently I discovered that there is currently no way to obtain a raven minipet. What a shame, I would love to buy one for my Nevermore carrying character.

  4. I had a problem with Mechanist Ninn too. In my case he would only respond to the toon who originally started the conversation. I talked to Ninn with one toon, gathered the ingredients, came back with a different toon to turn them in (in the same home instance), and Ninn wasn't responding. Then I remembered that the character which I talked to him too the first time was another, so I switched charas and it worked.

  5. > @"The Last Hobbit.6492" said:

    > MMOs are about communities. If you want to show how players enjoy the game, you need to include gameplay and players discussing the game.


    > Nothing made me more excited about an MMO than this video for EVE:


    > There's videos of streamers and content creators talking about the game and it gets people excited.


    > I mean, hell, what did Leeroy Jenkins do for WoW. xD


    > Examples: Organized World Bosses (TT usually), WvW raids, Raids like the Musician Guild that shows how fun it is to fail.


    > If you want to show how, we the players, enjoy the game then just SHOW us enjoying the game. (And yeah, edit out all the swearing xD)


    Many important things have been already said in this thread, so I will not repeat that. But I watched the other posted examples of game promo videos and I found it interesting what I liked about them. So I will post that, maybe it is of interest to somebody.


    The EVE online trailer is great, even if it is not my type of game. It transports why it is exiting for players to play this game in a far stronger way than the GW2 promotional video does it with the quotes. What I also really liked is that it showed the user interface, maps etc (at the end of the video). For me as a potential buyer of a new video game this is really really useful and important information and video promotional materials in general don't show ui-related things and actual gameplay often enough, IMO. Usually you have to go to youtube to get these information.


    The WoW promo video (I don't play WoW) is actually not bad either. Due to the voice over narrator it reminds me - as a fantasy lover - of great, epic fantasy stories and it feels like this game (or this dlc) will provide that.


    The "Welcome to Tyria" Fan Trailer uses footage of actual players too, which is great and shows things like the character customization.


    That aside the posted old GW2 promo video had a great, emotional start by using the piano version of "Fear not this night" :-).


    It feels to me that there are two types of promotional videos for games: The ones that deliver actual information about the game play (like the EVE-vid seems to do) and those who speak solely to the watcher's emotions. The discussed new GW2 video seems to fall into the latter category. Ideal of course would be to trigger emotions while using - among other things - actual gameplay footage - or at least scenes that show player characters ^^.


    (edit: I would love to hide the quoted post behind "show previous posts" as others have done it with quoted posts but I don't know how :-( )

  6. True story: I was listening to a podcast talking about lootboxes in videogames and gambling while opening GW. There is a new item in the gemshop: The "mount adoption license"


    Me: What the kitten?


    What I liked about GW was that aside from the black lion chest, whose key you could get actually by playing the game (personal story) there was no such kitten in the game. So I am happy to spend a specific amount of real world money in the gemstore to get a specific skin I want (although 2000 gems on a mount skin is a little bit too much for my liking (jackal skin)). But I am not into this gambling thing (and for me this rng/lottery thing is gambling), I will not spend any money on this and I will not support it. So if this trend continues the gemstore will not see much of my money in the future.


    I am not in the mood for GW at the moment anymore. I am going to play something else.


    (edit for spelling)

  7. > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

    > I don't understand why Eir got a memorial after her death and after Trahearne got killed...nothing! Absolutely nothing! They don't even mention him anymore. It's like he never existed. That's so unfair.

    So true! I didn't understand that as well. Only Taimi mentioned his death. I love Taimi ^^


  8. I was very tired the night I took this mastery point and it took my soomething like 10 to 20 tries. But I still had a lot of fun. It would be awesome to have this challenge repeatable, maybe even with a feature that would allow me to track my times ;-). I like those kind of challenges where you have to remember stuff. It don't need him to be nerfed.

  9. EU-Server: Cannot enter game. AGAIN. This happened serveral times today. And yesterday. And on friday evening. But today no reaction froom GW2 on twitter. I am getting frustrated here. This weekend was reserved for playing the expansion. Looks like I should have planed something else.

  10. Same here (EU). Again. And there goes another Teleport to Friend. It would be really good the WP at Amnoon would be available the moment you enter the map, like it is with so many other maps where one WP is available from the beginning. Because if this problem continues I am running out of teleport to friends. Maybe Anet could provide all with free teleports to friends via Black Lion Trading Company *sigh*. And redo the mission does not work, not for me. If I quit and restart it is still at the point where it continues at Amnoon, which was to expected.

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