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Posts posted by TriEdge.5149

  1. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"TriEdge.5149" said:

    > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > I support this. I support pretty much anything that increases cosmetic variety!

    > > > Although I don't know about an office, despite smaller size it should be just about the same difficulty to obtain as the larger guild halls. And I can't think of how you would have to fight to claim an office in LA. So perhaps a small bandit hideout that you clear the bandits out of and take over?

    > >

    > > > @"Ronin.9376" said:

    > > > I say they shoud add housing be surpized how many ppl want there own house in there guilds hall xD ff14 did it and it created a great community and neaberhood aparments

    > >

    > > housing yes, as for the office put them in various cities fight throught the city and kill the last boss in the office to claim it its simple :)


    > Oh like some kind of city invasion (joko attacking maybe?) and you are given the office as a thank you for saving the day. That would work :)



  2. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > I support this. I support pretty much anything that increases cosmetic variety!

    > Although I don't know about an office, despite smaller size it should be just about the same difficulty to obtain as the larger guild halls. And I can't think of how you would have to fight to claim an office in LA. So perhaps a small bandit hideout that you clear the bandits out of and take over?


    > @"Ronin.9376" said:

    > I say they shoud add housing be surpized how many ppl want there own house in there guilds hall xD ff14 did it and it created a great community and neaberhood aparments


    housing yes, as for the office put them in various cities fight throught the city and kill the last boss in the office to claim it its simple :)

  3. > @Vesuvius.9874 said:

    > In the beginning (GW1 Prophecies), we had 5 gods, 3 of whom were female. A slight imbalance but I guess that's how it had to be given the odd number of them. Could've gone either way but that's how it ended up. Fair enough. No biggie. Then came Nightfall and the introduction of a new male god, Abaddon. I look at it and say great! An even number now. 3 on each side, but not for long. By the end of Nightfall, we take down Abaddon and replace him with a new goddess. 6 gods but the balance is made worse. We now have only 2 male gods (Grenth and Balthazar). You can see where I'm going with this...


    > GW2 is launched and we get to play ~~Nightfall again~~ Path of Fire where we take out another male god, Balthazar. What does our pantheon look like now? Well it's just Grenth hanging out with the ladies. 5 gods - 1 god and 4 goddesses. 80% of the human pantheon is female. Am I the only one who has an issue with this?


    > My other issue is with the other existing gods (demigods?). Why are all the other male gods evil?


    > Menzies - male - evil

    > Dhuum - male - evil

    > Abaddon - male - evil

    > Balthazar - male - evil

    > vs

    > Dwayna - female - good

    > Melandru - female - good

    > Lyssa - female - good

    > Kormir - female - good


    > The only god left at this point is Grenth. Is it safe to assume that he's going to be turned into an evil god of death at some point by ANET because he's male? Possibly the villian of the next expansion? Does this sort of imbalance speak to certain biases and/or views the writers hold? This seems like such a glaring issue to me and I wanted to get a feel of what the community thinks.


    wow.. and ur bothered by it why?

  4. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > Within just a week it increased from ~1,200 to 1,600 (and still rising) for 250g. Do you think it will eventually normalize again?


    > With the current rate, no one will want to invest real money anymore to buy gold if absolutely necessary. I know I won't.


    I agree the prices of gems are going so high its not worth it anymore. why implement that option if u gonna pull this shit? either lower the prices or remove the option

  5. > @Hitman.5829 said:

    > The griffon needs to be a full fly mount, not just a glider. You have created maps which are works of art and yet there is no way to see the landscape from the air.

    > Or if you feel like adding more mounts, please add dragons that can remain in mid air flying with their wings. OR a hummingbird type of mount.


    > EDIT: Those who don't want full fly mounts are most likely new players to the game, but a veteran like me who has played this game for 5 years, I just feel that adding a full fly mount will make me go back to the old maps. Currently there is no reason for me to go back and explore the old maps! Zero reason!

    > Maybe a full fly mount should be unlocked at 20000+ achievement points.


    no, flying mounts ruin all mmo, u just skip everything and unlock maps in minutes, plus jumping puzzles become absolete so no, its gliding, and should stay that way

  6. > @Quiv.9830 said:

    > First off. Great expansion, ANet. Really. Loving everything I've done so far... especially the story.


    > I noticed griffin gliding is much like the glider gliding in controls and general "feel" once I got mine... Would it be possible to allow Griffins to use Updrafts in HoT maps? And if so-- maybe it would be a reason to put updrafts in the PoF maps. Some of the very few complaints I've heard is there is nothing for those that own both expansions to use old masteries for on the new maps. And I get it. But I also see ANet's reasons on not doing so.


    > That said, this could give those that feel like HoT owners should have SOMETHING that helps in PoF-- allows for some creativity for the devs in PoF maps... and it could sell some copies of HoT to the holdouts since their griffins could be all the more useful in HoT maps.


    > Just a thought. Might not even be possible. But I hope this reaches a dev on some level, if for no other reason than a discussion.


    flying mounts ruin any mmo, just look at wow griffon isbetter this way in my opinion

  7. > @Orimidu.9604 said:

    > What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.


    there is a way to cheese it by getting him stuck in the cage and killing him slowly with aoe

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