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Posts posted by LightningWolfTigerBear.672

  1. If you could walk out into Tyria and find a juvenile version of any creature, which would you go hunting for? For me it would be Sand Eels. Fell in love with them from the moment I encountered them in that first PoF beta weekend. For a long time I had felt that it was strange that snakes were often referenced in lore, ability names and such yet, like horses, never actually seen in Tyria, so it was great to see two at least snake-like critters added with PoF. Their color palette, their idle animations, their sound effects, I just adore them. Was disappointed to see that they weren't made available to tame, doubly so when I saw Ogres happily taming them, but that's life.


    What about you guys? Any creatures in Tyria you'd like to see made tameable?

  2. > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

    > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > > > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

    > > > > I like my build just fine, thanks. To make IH baseline they'd have to lower the damage of the clone's ambushes, and if they did that then why even bother giving the clones ambushes to begin with?

    > > >

    > > >3 clone greatsword ambush

    > > Well there's your problem, I was referring to my axe clones. Greatsword clones though, bleh. They really need to go back to the drawing board with that ambush.

    > >

    > > > @Hackuuna.4085 said:

    > > > At this point I'd welcome IH being made baseline even if adjustments have to occur to the damage output. From a WvW perspective Elusive Mind is pretty hard not to take and I can see where the argument comes that IH would add to the Mirage concept.

    > >

    > > Again I ask: Why would you want IH made baseline when they'd have to reduce the damage to make that happen? Making your clones hit a little harder is all IH does.


    > AS FAR AS I KNOW, all clones have the same damage reduction, meaning axe ambush for clones isn't hitting hard either. Proof me wrong, but i recall my axe clones doin 50-100 damage each. Only thing which hits hard are Conditions. We allready got scepter mentioning that clones do half of condi duration, even if IH isn't baseline. Scepter ambush for example is allready designed arround IH.


    > Making IH Baseline without reducing dmg Numbers of clones would be ok.


    > I go a step further and say, increase damage numbers on Ambush attacks for clones. Make em scale equal to Shatter. Example sword ambush


    > [0 clones; 100% power]

    > [1 clones; 140% Power]

    > [2 clones; 170% Power]

    > [3 clones; 190% Power]


    > Last time (chrono), we got a sustain/utility Tool BASELINE (F5). This time i want a damage multiplicator BASELINE.


    > We deserve this.




    Hey, if they look at Mirage and decide they can add power to our spec without breaking it by making IH as it is or even better baseline then I'm all for it, but I'm wholly against nerfing it just to cram it into a minor trait because then IH would become almost purely cosmetic.


    And to answer your question, yes axe clones do have the same power as the rest, but clone condi does scale with your own and the axe clones stack bleed, confusion and torment like champs.

  3. > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

    > > I like my build just fine, thanks. To make IH baseline they'd have to lower the damage of the clone's ambushes, and if they did that then why even bother giving the clones ambushes to begin with?


    >3 clone greatsword ambush

    Well there's your problem, I was referring to my axe clones. Greatsword clones though, bleh. They really need to go back to the drawing board with that ambush.


    > @Hackuuna.4085 said:

    > At this point I'd welcome IH being made baseline even if adjustments have to occur to the damage output. From a WvW perspective Elusive Mind is pretty hard not to take and I can see where the argument comes that IH would add to the Mirage concept.


    Again I ask: Why would you want IH made baseline when they'd have to reduce the damage to make that happen? Making your clones hit a little harder is all IH does.

  4. > @Suinz.5968 said:

    > Event rewards only give trade contracts that you can mostly just spend on MINIS. Honestly, who cares about those? They're boring.

    Well since you asked: I do. Love my new sand eel, looking forward to getting a scarab and I'm dieing to find out where the hell I get my damn Junundu Wurm.




  5. There doesn't seem to be any passion for the Ranger in the ANet offices, feels like the redheaded stepchild of the 9 professions. I remember watching the stream where they were previewing the new PoF elites and when the two devs got to Soulbeast their smiles melted. They immediately went from being excited talking about the other specs to unenthusiastic, seemingly struggling to find anything nice to say about Soulbeast. Ranger's pet issues are the elephant in the room and no one in the ANet offices wants to acknowledge it.

  6. I like my build just fine, thanks. To make IH baseline they'd have to lower the damage of the clone's ambushes, and if they did that then why even bother giving the clones ambushes to begin with?

  7. > @Ider.1276 said:

    >But now you are obliged to do one more action, the gear identification. And your bags are still cluttered with trashy runes. So, what was the point of that unid gear? For me it is more of a headache than a convinience.


    The difference is you're not required to identify that gear, you can instead just salvage the lot. You can choose to skip the headache, which I greatly appreciate. Also, you don't run into issues with bag space now until after you're done doing whatever you were doing, as opposed to running out of room while you're out and about and having to stop what you're doing to clear some space. On top of all that you can even improve your chances at rares/exotics by stacking as much Magic Find as you're able. It's a huge improvement over what we dealt with in HoT.

  8. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > Skimmer should get a base speed boost to be on par with raptor/jackal, and then it will be far less situational.


    It already handles uneven terrain better than either, clears gaps just as well, can hover over water and can even glide if you tap your movement key. Skimmer is fine.


    I haven't been able to test it because I haven't unlocked the mastery just yet, but if the jackal's evade ability works like I expect it to while on your skimmer then it can also evade the vast majority of attacks aimed it's way.

  9. Mirage, hands down. Not only is it a blast to play, it's also a visual spectacle which is great because I'm a total sucker for aesthetics. I've been having so much fun bouncing around with the axe skills and Deceptions while watching phantasmal axes whirl in every direction.


    > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > Strangely it is the Deadeye.

    You voted Holo tho.


    > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

    > Hey all just as an update Holosmith is still in the lead at the moment with 112. It is the only elite to get above 100 votes. I wonder why people like it so much? Any ideas, is it the flashiness or fun factor. Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

    I imagine the visual effects are a big selling point for a lot of folks. Holo really does look awesome.

  10. Well I just made a rifle engi with my lvl 80 booster because I already had a character for each profession but none of them used rifles, maybe you could try approaching this the same way. Any weapons you haven't tried? Any specs catch your eye but you passed on because the character you have for that profession is already using a different spec? Maybe you could try a condi build if you mostly run power?

  11. > @Alchofas.8243 said:

    > Adding new playable race is also not possible because the lore of guild wars is already solid and great, adding a new race is like having a 3rd gender.


    lolwat. How exactly does the lore being good make it impossible for a new race to be added? There are a number of races that are already established that could be made playable without conflicting with existing lore.


  12. Yah, surprised I haven't seen more gushing over this. We really need to send ANet some flowers and all sign a thank you card.


    Applies to salvaging too by the way. Just rclick the salvage kit and you can select what level of rarity items you want salvaged. It even gives you a little preview window to help save you from accidentally salvaging items you may have wanted to keep and ignores any items in your invisable bags. Really terrific feature.

  13. > @Panda.1967 said:

    > > @Jovel.5706 said:

    > > > @Panda.1967 said:

    > > > Not to mention, their are quite a few armors that are quite inappropriate on a female.

    > > >

    > > > changed on females Asura (and Charr)

    > > > changed

    > >

    > > I remember when Mr. Mike O'Brien posted on the old forums about the legendary light precursor armor being changed in response to some hurt feelings.

    > > He included in his post that, since the armor skins were new, nobody had the chance to "bond" with those skins and grow to love them-- they were fairly new (or unreleased and just previewable, not sure) and there was no real harm in tweaking them so early after people got peeks. But I have a friend who was really looking forward to the old legendary light precursor chest skin, that was later just changed to the male version.

    > >

    > > You see, I'm also disappointed by the asura armor skins from PoF for heavy soldier professions. I don't like 'em.

    > > But you won't see me asking them to be changed. Why? The expansion has been out for enough time for people to be using the skins, loving the skins, working hard to acquire the skins. You can't pull a switcheroo this late into the expansion and take away the sets that people love, even if you don't. The OP didn't ask for a change but instead asked for more sets of armor that show a distinction between male and female.

    > >

    > > Also, "inappropriate on a female" is just your opinion.

    > > Norn have tattoos.

    > > Charr have fur patterns.

    > > Sylvari have skin textures and bioluminescent glows.

    > > Asura have skin patterns (from subtle to very prominent options).

    > >

    > > People want to show off those racial features they've chosen at the start of their character customization. That means revealing armor of varying degrees. What's the point of picking a certain racial feature if it's going to be completely hidden by unisex armor? I personally LOVE the Pit Fighter's set on my female asura guardian and the Tribal set for my female asura necromancer. It's been five years, why should people be forced to give up their favorite armor sets now? A waste of work that could've been better spent on more armor.


    > And quite frankly, there are far more people who are offended by these armors on females than who enjoy them. Heck, most of the people who enjoy them won't even miss them since they use different armors anyways


    You have some actual data to back up those assertions, bud?



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