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Posts posted by LadyRhonwyn.2501

  1. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > @"arthana the dark.8690" said:

    > > > > thx 4 answer

    > > > > wow and again anet do bad politics how to do an event worse then before

    > > >

    > > > There is an annual one that gives 50 AP.

    > >

    > > Which is next to impossible to get unless you can do either the JP or that timed lap with the beetle (which I think is the worst mount in the game).


    > You have a couple of weeks to get better :)



    Somethings I just will never "get better" at. Maybe in a few years or so. But I doubt it, as I really don't like the beetle, and never use it unless I must open some walls .

  2. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"arthana the dark.8690" said:

    > > thx 4 answer

    > > wow and again anet do bad politics how to do an event worse then before


    > There is an annual one that gives 50 AP.


    Which is next to impossible to get unless you can do either the JP or that timed lap with the beetle (which I think is the worst mount in the game).

  3. > @"Jwake.7013" said:

    > I love the track and dysn of it, if your really not into the race, don't do it. plenty of other stuff to do. If your really that upset about completing something your not into maybe take a look at why that is instead of blaming the game.


    Actually, no, not plenty of other stuff to do. If you want to do the meta, you can do 10 different achievements. This is one of them, and you have to do 9. That beetle is something I've tried, but I only get stuck behind every single small bump, no idea how to drift (I did read up on it, still didn't work). So, I must do that Ascent to Madness thing, which I also never liked doing, but might be able to finish (if I manage to find people that want to do it too).


    Also, people that can not do the JP, probably also won't be able to do that lap within 1 minute and thus will never even have a chance of getting the meta.

  4. > @"Sparc.2103" said:

    > Happened to me as well I didn't realise & equip 3 mining tools & realised that they only had one charge. Will you give us back the tools we used by mistake?


    Not only used... I now have 75 uses instead of 7500 uses left on my tools (30 characters, with each 3 100-charge tools) plus 10 I had already gotten from my toolbox and were waiting in my bank...


    Edit: recalled that the harvesting tool only has 50 charges...

  5. > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.

    > I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.


    Please tell me what is required from sPvP for a legendary?


    I'm not looking forward to the time when I must get another GoB. I just loathe any form of PvP, as soon as I see another person opposite to me, I'm dead. Yeay, fun...


    > @"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:

    > I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

    A person telling me that gets a one-way ticket to my blocklist. Thankfully, you never run out of spaces on that.


  6. > @"pingu.5846" said:

    > It's obvious that A-net doesn't care about bug reports, or people being stuck. The Bria event has, from what I gather, been bugged for weeks, maybe even months, stopping people from progressing in LS S2.

    Hmm, weird then that I passed that event two weeks ago... The event needs to be fixed, I agree, it can apparently bug out. But it's not bugged always or everywhere. If you're in instance where it's bugged, try to get into another one. During a ley-line event would be the easiest, or just use the LFG tool.


    I do agree with one thing: if you make an event required for progress in a personal story, be sure to create it such that it simply cannot get stuck. At least they changed one thing: you don't need to do the event, the only thing that is required is that the event is not active...

  7. > @"Zionka.6897" said:

    > it also has hooves on it's feet :) I'd actually consider buying it if I only used springer more. It's a great skin, and I like that it's not "cutesy".. But I only bring out the springer for when it's needed for a jump, then get right back on my griff.. so other than sitting around town to look cool, I can't justify 2k gems


    Actually, the springer is the one I mostly use, but I still won't be paying 2000 gems for it. 500-600 is my absolute maximum per skin.

  8. Not removed, but changed.


    > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > Don't think so. They need such ridiculous gates for people to play. Without APs people wouldn't bother with achievements.


    Even with AP's, these days I don't bother with achievements. Why take a few hours doing something I only marginally like for a few measly AP's? Normal PvE play barely gives AP's at this point, for that, you need to Raid and that's something I simply don't enjoy.



  9. > @"Chorne.8195" said:

    > When you see a female human elementalist in-game wearing a bra, you immediately know it's a guy. If you see a guy in in-game, you know it's a guy.


    According to this, I'm a guy. I have a female human elementalist with a very sexy outfit and I have multiple male characters.

    I doubt my husband would agree with you, though. Yes, it is completely in your mind


    You play video games, so people will automatically assume you're male. As everybody knows, there are no female gamers! (naturally, we female gamers know better :p) Whenever somebody assumes I'm male again, I just correct them (sometimes) and continue with what I was doing. I couldn't give a cat (too many kittens around here, they need to grow up!) what they think.


    > @"Bladezephyr.5714" said:

    > My initial reaction to this post was, "Why would anyone care what gender character you play?" The overwhelming majority of players won't care in the slightest. But then I remembered that I've come across a number of cases where female gamers were harassed for a pile of no good reason... A small percentage of gamers (mostly male, but not always) will harass female players for any reason they can think of, which is pretty sad. Still, there's nothing weird about it--that's what Role Playing Games are all about: pretending to be something you're not! If you should encounter one of those unpleasant people, try not to let it get you down. They are the ones with the problem, not you.


    And that's where the blocklist comes in handy. I personally wouldn't stand for it, I'd block and report. (thankfully, I've not come across anybody like that)


  10. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Vanity Flare.8539" said:

    > > The winter's presence was NOT 1000g in 2015.


    > The 10k drinks achievement was around 800g, up to around 1400g. For the initial rush however, drinks were less than 1s each.


    I most definitely didn't spend that much. I just got as many presents as I could. I didn't have to buy 10K worth of booze, as I got a lot of them from the gifts I worked for (my personal bank is still overflowing with the rest of the junk you get from those gifts... Anet really should do (more)* something about that!



    * we can now use the food items at least for the orphans, but there are also the tonics, bells and potions...

  11. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > What's important is to have a strong, loyal core player base that remains more or less stable. That's how games get to five, ten years old.


    > I have a suspicion that a lot of players bought PoF expecting it to have the replayability of HoT. If it doesn't, what do they do now? Raids? I'll just point out that my guildmates also said they were satisfied with their purchase and feel they got their money's worth. But I don't see them online very much anymore.


    Actually, I find the replayability of HoT zero, nope, null. I hate the HoT maps, except the first one. I do like going back to PoF though. Raids? I've done one once, just to unlock the last mastery track. Hated it, even though we played with a nice fun group.


    Why I do keep playing? I find playing the game fun. Sometimes, I just like going on a random blind rampage, killing just for the killing. Other times I'll chop down every single tree, mine every single node and pull every single plant from the roots. And sometimes I just do nothing, but chat with my guild mates. Or enjoy the view. Or do some story parts. Or finish of a map or two. And if I don't find it fun, I'll close it down and do something else. That's the beauty of this game, that you can simply close and come back tomorrow.


  12. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

    > > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > > (Laughing at Larry Niven's Ringworld, where in the year 2850, the main character is looking for CARBON PAPER for his TYPEWRITER. Or the movie Soylent Green where the rich tycoon gives his mistress an expensive state of the art video game, and it's an old arcade game of Asteroids on a silver-coated pedestal.)

    > > Hmm, I really must be getting old, I read that book a dozen time, but can't remember that!

    > >

    > > I'm from the 20th century, so somewhere between 17 and 117 years old. I forget at times...

    > >


    > As far as I recall, it was in the first chapter...there is always the possibility I am confusing it with another book, but I was pretty sure it was that one.


    The only typewriter reference I can find (yeay, for the modern day and age and ebooks :p)


    "mixed with these were the taste of Louies first tobacco cigarette, the feel of typewriter keys under clumsy, untrained fingers, lists of Interworld vocabulary to be memorized, the sound and taste of English, the uncertainties and embarrassments of extreme youth."


    But then Louis Wu was old!

  13. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > (Laughing at Larry Niven's Ringworld, where in the year 2850, the main character is looking for CARBON PAPER for his TYPEWRITER. Or the movie Soylent Green where the rich tycoon gives his mistress an expensive state of the art video game, and it's an old arcade game of Asteroids on a silver-coated pedestal.)

    Hmm, I really must be getting old, I read that book a dozen time, but can't remember that!


    I'm from the 20th century, so somewhere between 17 and 117 years old. I forget at times...


    (oh, that snowflake floating? don't know when I first saw it, but it was some time ago...)

  14. > @TheUndefined.1720 said:

    > With the Warden, I didn't even know she was taking on the forms of the 6 deities until like 3/4ths into her health bar b/c she wouldn't stop running around. I saw Lyssa, but I had assumed that was just her mesmer thing. Seriously, just slow down their skills and let me enjoy it. If I wanted a challenge, I'd go into a raid or fractal.

    She takes the form of the 6 deities? I never noticed...


    The same with the first fight of the LS, where either Canach or Rytlock keeps commenting on Aurene. I never even saw Aurene... And that last fight I was like: let her suffocate, I'm out of here...


  15. > @fizzypetal.7936 said:

    > When I do my family grocery shop, when there is an offer for buying 2 or more of an item - I will generally buy the 2 or more to get the discount. At the time I'm spending a little more than intended, but over time this pays off for me because these are items we consume/use on a regular or daily basis. The win for me is that I feel like I've got value for money when I acquire items at some sort of discount. The win for the retailer is they shift more stock quicker.


    Your analogy is flawed. You don't buy things in the gemshop with real money. You buy it with gems. Which is a currency in the game.


    The correct analogy would be: you go abroad and want to buy something in the shop in that country. So, you go to a money exchanger. Will he give you more foreign currency depending on the amount you want to exchange? Some might, but never the official ones.


    But my answer: maybe, other reasons. I might, if I need more than 800 at that time or I foresee I'll need those extra gems in the near future. But I do that now too.

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