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  1. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > lock classes with a minute left on timer in map but allow build changes is the best compromise i can think of. this is actually a good idea. i think the timer allowed is fair enough to get everyone situated and wanted to change or not.
  2. > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > @"Hex.2579" said: > >(...) > > In rank, it depends. There's an internal timer. **It depends on how long you DCed, you can either re-enter the same match, or you get locked out completely.** > > (...) > > Do you have a source for this? I have had people join in the last two minutes of a game, I have myself been able to relog after some serious DC issues... and sometimes I couldn't rejoin after a drop to the char selection screen. > > There is an internal timer for the "other players don't loose rating"-thing. it is 90 seconds. > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Disconnect-Timer-and-Rating-Loss No source. But that's what I've been noticing in all my games xd
  3. > @"Filip.7463" said: > What has ur ''rank right after that for my daily before bed'' to do with swapping class during at match? > > + if they block swap class in at match, it means if u get dced before match starts, u cant enter it back (like in ranked) - in ranked teammates dont loose points but in at you throw match for whole team You're allowed to swap mid-match during ATs, but you still suffer the dishonor timer when you do so. And it's 6 times more than the dishonor timer you usually get if you forget to click Accept queue in rank. It has the waiting timer that I didn't want to wait, so neither of us swapped for that reason. Also the waiting time before a match is longer in ATs, there should be a restriction to switch mid match. That's all. In rank, it depends. There's an internal timer. It depends on how long you DCed, you can either re-enter the same match, or you get locked out completely. If you can re-enter the match, your team will all suffer because your DC time is so short, the system won't count it as a DC. But if you get lock out (sometimes can still enter the match especially with the same character you click Accept queue) due to extensive amount of DC time, only you eat the minus points, not any of your teammates. Whether block class swapping before/during matches has nothing to do with DC to be honest.
  4. > @"Shao.7236" said: > When you accept the queue, the profession should be locked. > > If having to switch to your PvP character is something you need, they can increase ready time by a minute before you can press it, the current system allows it. > > Being able to fall back on whatever people want based on what they've been paired against is one of the biggest reason why the meta is so stale and barely with any innovation. > > Forcing people to stick to their guns will emerge new builds of greater or lesser tiers to fullfill needed roles in their team. Having them to work at any degree is the only part that matters. > > This would EASILY force players to improve and know their profession better as well, including AT's. Allowing strategies to shift at a limited extend is what conquest really needs. > > If everyone wants to play meta, then should their team be stacked with it and end up with the weakness multiplied, knowing what the other team will play is already a big thing, adjusting the locked profession builds to meet the demand is how you'll see different things show up. > @"ZDragon.3046" said: > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > When you accept the queue, the profession should be locked. > > > > If having to switch to your PvP character is something you need, they can increase ready time by a minute before you can press it, the current system allows it. > > > > Being able to fall back on whatever people want based on what they've been paired against is one of the biggest reason why the meta is so stale and barely with any innovation. > > > > Forcing people to stick to their guns will emerge new builds of greater or lesser tiers to fullfill needed roles in their team. Having them to work at any degree is the only part that matters. > > > > This would EASILY force players to improve and know their profession better as well, including AT's. Allowing strategies to shift at a limited extend is what conquest really needs. > > > > If everyone wants to play meta, then should their team be stacked with it and end up with the weakness multiplied, knowing what the other team will play is already a big thing, adjusting the locked profession builds to meet the demand is how you'll see different things show up. > > Something ive been hoping they would change for a long time now. Its kinda gross to see people swap right before match starts because they peeked at the enemy team comp. > Another simple solution is to hide the professions and names on the score board till the match starts. I wholeheartedly agree with these points. I think Anet should allow scoreboard to be opened only when the match is over. So unless someone walks out of base during waiting time, nobody knows what the enemy team is running. And it'll allow more communication between pug teams, or what build they should do to cover the basic for the team, etc. Switching is easy, not switching and still play around unfavorable matchups is much harder. It's something I believe Anet should implement to get PvP scene less stale.
  5. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said: > > @"Hex.2579" said: > > What do you think? Should class locking in PvP be a thing? > > No. Some people like to do stuff in open world and such while they are waiting in queue and do this on another char than what they want to pvp with. They shouldn't be forced to play what they are currently at imho nor should they be forced to stay on the char they want to pvp with (I think Anet also brought up this argument years ago - the discussion isn't particularly new...).. Let's say they are on a new twink or do some crafting or whatever, then this would be char bound. Forcing players to idle while waiting is not that great. > > > @"Hex.2579" said: > > But it's unfair when people queue on specific classes so they could get the spawn on that class on the enemy team, then switch to the class they know it'll counter. > And I think being able to do this is actually extremely important.. Or if you have 2 classes on your team where having only 1 would be prefered. I think it would be very bad to force good players into unfavorable matchups if they can spot their disadvantage in the prep phase and know how to counter. > > > I think Anet should let the team have 1 switch before the match starts, so it forces people to communicate, plan strategies or something in order to figure out who would make the call. Or just put a lock on class switching at the beginning of a fight. So people starts to play around classes and their teammates. > Reality would be: Some kitten just switching, wasting the switch and everyone's mad.. This works with a full team queue but as long as Anet doesn't provide a full team queue in ranked I think everyone should be equal since communication is kitten and everyone's potentially a kitten. > > > As for ATs, it's not that fun when you're having good matches and your team is winning just for enemies to tryhard and swap stacking 3 of the same professions to zerg. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it still takes away the fun for folks who aren't try hard enough. > I honestly have no idea what you point is. "Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't"... Okay, so where's the problem? Or asked differently: Why does it take the fun away? Isn't winning against a team that got so desperate they even waste time swapping chars to counter you even more pleasing? > > Mid-match swapping feature shouldn't be in ATs. > I agree but it doesn't have anything to do with class locking. Also "class locking" doesn't even exist in ATs, it's a bandaid for the matchmaking system. If you queue as full team you are in full charge and I think that's a good thing. We need more freedom in sPvP, not more restrictions. Exploitable flaws with the game should be directly fixed instead of making them unaccessible/harder to exploit by restricting players even more. This is a very detailed answer. Thank you. I don't think preventing mid-match swapping is a restriction, or make it harder for players to play the game. Because some players that are new to the game, they may not have a lot of classes they can play in order to switch around. You still win with unfavorable matchups, and that what makes it great. Instead of people learning to play around teammates and unfavorable matchups, they just keep switching classes around. I have a few times in my games played, people be switching 3-4 times on each team before the match started. As soon as you load and you see different classes, you switch to get a better matchup, then everybody else be doing the same thing. Lol. > @"Virdo.1540" said: > im up for the idea of locking players into the classes that were chosen before "Looking for Match". I agree. If they tend to queue for it, then they should be in the class that they want to play. It only takes up to 20s to switch characters and another few mins to wait for queue. It's not that bad.
  6. > @"Filip.7463" said: > Strong disagree with u. Learn to play more classes so u can also swap. Strong assumption there, bud. I can play all in PvP. But I was in the middle of an AT match, and I don't wanna swap because I have to queue rank right after that for my daily before bed. Sure you don't want to be winning ATs for 84% of the match, to have enemies swap mid-match to roll over 2 of your teammates. And we're just memeing so neither of us wanting to switch to re-counter them. That's just tryharding. > @"Khalisto.5780" said: > Not sure what you mean with swap middle match, but after 15 min timer starts running you cant swap anymore > > Only 1 swap for team can also be hard to do, cuz you can swap before getting into the match. > > Tbh pvp has more urgent issues to be adressed and also easier like banning accounts that are clearly botting, but they are not doing it, so i really doubt they will take a look at your request any time soon You can swap in the middle of matches in ATs, not for normal matches. You know Anet won't ban accounts unless for serious issue because they want to keep their revenues coming, they want these folks to spend money on them. Even if you show Twitch vids of said person saying not so nice things, or have screenshots and everything. The GMs, I don't think they have the permissions to ban. I'm going this back and forth with a few GMs already. They' look like they're just there to answer your questions and help you around with some you need. According to the way their updates, which balanced out a lot of different classes, I was actually hoping this would be implemented at some point. We'll see.
  7. > @"weaponwh.9810" said: > just curious between power soulbeast, dh, holo and other class which one have easier dps rotation, but also get good dps scores?. I'd vote for DH. DH has very simple rotation, good dps in general, and the sweet aegis, as well as your healing based on percentage of your damage. You can technically tank a lot of raid specific mechanics with your DH healing skill while still dealing out significant damage. If you mess up the rotation, you can get back easily. Holo also has an easy rotation, but it's harder to manage because you can sometimes overheat yourself if not careful enough. And it'll take a huge chunk out of your dps when you can't get back into the forge quickly. Power SB is another lemon squeesy rotation class. But if you tap some skills too quickly, it'll cancel the last one. So it's just about remembering which one cancels which so you don't make that mistake. Power SB also gives you more juicy stuff based on your positioning. So you'd have to look out for where you stand vs the boss. Just like Holo, it's easy but it's harder to master, you have to think more, work more. Whereas DH is just overall so easy to jam, it'll get my vote every time, even if you still mess up the rotation, your numbers would be still high. The thing about rotation is that, there are only 2-3 skills on your current weapon set that deal the most damage, usually 2, 5, and sometimes 3/4. So you'd prioritize those first, along with playing around your utilities and get the timings together. So when everything is off cd, you can reuse them in the most efficient way. You can pretty much build your own rotation on your own builds. I wouldn't recommend unless you love build crafting and have time/golds to spend on benching the golems with expensive sigils/runes. I run off meta builds a lot and as long as they perform close to the meta builds, nobody would know because bgdm meter didn't exist anymore. Nobody could see what you're wearing/running unless they ask to ping armor. You know why sync sick em with your high damage skills and what not? Just read the tool tips of each skill, you'll figure. The idea is that you have some basic understanding of the class, know what each skill does, it'll make understand rotations better. And once you grab that idea, you can go off to make your own. You can make a new character, try it out in PvP lobby because it'll level you up to 80 and grant all elite specs, so you can try out with the PvP golems and see if you like what you see. If not, delete that character, make a new one, rinse and repeat until you find something you like.
  8. What Armen said. Usually, you should be top 1 or top 2 dps in your party, both with buff and non buff. Since a warrior rotation is very simple, I'm assuming we talk about bannerslave here. And the cleave from axe is insane. Plus, you can move around with the axe spin so you could just cleave all the mobs and grab top dps easily unless against tryhard dps players. I'd say looking at something consistent around 17k-32k. The shorter the fight, the bigger the burst, and you can go up higher. But it should be decent in between 15k-19k for starters. Some fights, you'll have more roles than the others and it's your job to cc, to do thing A, thing B, that may reduce your potential damage a lot. But still. A good warrior friend of mine told me that the difference between a normal and a great warrior is that one does their cc, they cancel cast their last auto attack, and they still manage to grab top dps. I'm nowhere near that good but in my own experience, I'd say timing your burst is also important. Because I know when I started playing banner, I'd just spam the same rotation right? But then mobs/mini boss spawned, and all my stuff are on cd, so that reduced my potential dps a lot. But it's just me.
  9. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said: > All of the new fractals are great. The only thing that was bad was abandoning CMs on Twilight Oasis, Deepstone, and Siren’s Reef and then abandoning fractals completely for over a year. It would be nice to have a rotational tier of CMs (3 a day) to do just like regular T4 dailies (daily CM players already do 5 to 6 fracs a day anyway) but we need more CMs to make that work well. This could have been fairly easily achieved if they just continued to add them with the newer fractals as they released I do like all of the new fractals, except Sunqua Peak, not because it's hard or anything. I just think devs spent so much time on polishing the arena, the boss attacks, and all that, but the the actual fight is not fun at all. It feels slow and spread out, it doesn't feel like it's a CM, it's not like Nightmare, or Shattered Observatory, you know, whereas the music, the intensity, the various mechanics that people in the party have to work together to pull through. I wish there were Twilight Oasis, Deepstone and even Siren's Reef CMs. Those would be quite awesome. I like your ideas and I think it'll make the vets stick around when there are CMs, but it's also not a daily daily so nobody has to do trillion fractals to finish their dailies. But that also means Anet needs to step up their fractal game and starts to make new CMs from the current ones we have. On another note, I feel like they'll focus on releasing new fractals now, especially the ones with new expac theme, so old fractals may get ignored again.
  10. OP tries to come off being disappointed but you sound super salty about the new specs, or get around new builds. Any class could beat any class now. Easy? No. Take skills? Yes. There isn't any snowballing unless I assume it's some low division in ranked. May just take time to learn the new specs because it's been 6 years since last time you've played. It doesn't matter if you play MMO for a millennia, we have balance patches come up often and consistent now, so things have changed. I mostly play necro in rank thanks to this condi meta, so I can eat the condis and my teammates don't have to. Though, I still refuse to play minionmancer because it's so stupid and it really leaves a stain on one of my favorite classes in the game.
  11. This must be a troll post. But anyways, for starters, don't afk. Just because you're matched with top players, it doesn't mean anything. They still lose. Period. There were matches I thought it'd be a waste of time, but we steadily turned things around half/end of the match. The monthly AT is a different level of stacking the most OP classes on a team. They have been running double/triple revs for so long now. There's nothing new here. Imagine the other team runs triple rev, the score would be different. If you feel the need to afk instead of trying to finish the end of matches, I agree with DoomNexus, at least leave the match.
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