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Laila Lightness.8742

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Posts posted by Laila Lightness.8742

  1. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

    > > > The thing is, I'd expect the player base to have grown over the years and story missions we've had before this. So while the boss times should remain steady, they should definitely get harder as we go. Avoid increasing their health, but definitely add more mechanics and tricks.

    > > >

    > > > I mean, you wouldn't expect a Mario game to have the same difficulty in 8-1 as it did in 1-1. You've been playing for a while, you should have grown as a player, and if not, well, RIP.

    > > >

    > > Good point; however, I imagine many players who have grown frustrated at the instanced content haven't continued with it, so when new chapters come out with higher "learning curves" it just increases the frustration. Personally, almost all of my characters are stopped at Claw Island because I hate that instance and would rather spend my gaming time doing other things. I have grown as a player by managing my way through open-world content in Core, HoT and PoF, but the solo instances still frustrate me.

    > >

    > >

    > This is true.

    > There has to be a cut off point on the increasing difficulty. .or an easy mode.

    > Or less able players just quit.


    > I find the bosses as it is, have too much going. And i often don't enjoy them. I don't think Id even try them if they get any harder, as it's not what's fun for me.


    > And you can't compare an RPG to mario. Mario's skill cap is much lower. Has check points and items to help. Like the P suit in Mario bros 3 or invincibility in New Mario Bros 2. Which effectively skip half the difficulty.




    Lower skill cap make it so level wont matter

  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > > > > @pah.4931 said:

    > > > > Length (mostly) doesn't matter. Interesting and fun is all that matters. If it's just lame mechanics, there's no reason for the fight to last more than 3 - 4 minutes. If it's awesome mechanics, 10 minutes or more can be fine.

    > > >

    > > > That's actually a very good point. I would suggest that, if the encounter is designed well, DPS *shouldn't matter* all that much. It would mean that high DPS is extra insurance against the boss mechanics, but the most interesting part should be what's going on outside of some rotation. But once those mechanics are proven to be mastered by surviving them, there's no need to continuing to cycle them.

    > >

    > > Agreed. While I generally dislike HoT maps, Dragon's stand's meta battle at the end is an example of long, but interesting. It changes up every minute or two, and you really feel like the dragon is having to huff and puff to survive. He changes tactics and targets several times, and players have to be on their toes to keep up.

    > >

    > > So, even though quite long, it's interesting anyhow.

    > >

    > > Now, Auric Basin's final meta boss fight is the opposite. It basically doesn't change at all, the mechanics are very simple, and you just have to keep pounding it until it dies. (Rather, all four die within a minute of each other.) That's just boring, but the loot is good enough that it's worth doing anyhow. But, I despise the actual battle.


    > Dragon's Stand's last fight is a tedious bore. Most portions are there to literally waste time since neither you nor the boss can do much to each other.


    > > @"juhani.5361" said:

    > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > As short as possible (a whole story step should be around 5 minutes for a solo average player unless they are doing optional achieves). I actually prefer non-instanced story steps, which seems much more open to me.

    > > >

    > > > You should not come out of the first instance in the story with all your armor broken and feeling like you have had more than enough GW2 for the day.

    > >

    > > I just finished The Departing, and I can't thumbs-up your post enough. I feel like I've been put through the wringer a thousand times. My head hurts. My soul hurts. None of my armor broke, but after ducking and dodging and falling and downed skill-ing for 20 minutes with Balthazar, then wandering around for 40+ minutes, then dodging and ducking another several minutes, I don't want to log in for at least a week :'(

    > >

    > > And I didn't even "die" once. The instance length was ridiculous. There was too much noise and visual clutter. Too much everything. If Daybreak is anything like PoF so far, I might never touch it.


    > If it took 20minutes for the Balthazar fight in The Departing you will probably hate the last two bosses in Daybreak. Maybe last three. Also how does "CC that renders stability useless" sound to you? Apparently ANet loves it.


    Cc was a fail from day one for most players cant be bothered with it ore dont know how

  3. > @"Davin.5784" said:

    > First of all, OP, good on you for recognizing your addiction and doing something about it. That takes a great deal of strength and courage. Second, you're not alone! Third, everyone here giving their "professional" opinion and insulting the OP, you should be ashamed of yourself. Gambling can be a serious problem. If it were as easy to NOT do as some of you claim, there wouldn't be helplines, charities or entire psych books written on it.


    > I've spent close to £250 on keys and over 1k in game since PoF came out on RNG boxes (Mad King, Wintersday, BLC). They don't call it "Fashion Wars" for nothing :(


    I blame anet the op is the victim here and people talk of him not taking responsibility addiction is a sickness he cant help its anets fault for using his sickness too make money its not his fault

  4. > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > @"Altosk.8492" said:


    > > There should be a 10-15$ option to remove the f2p restrictions.


    > -Buying HOT removes restrictions.

    > -HOT is under $15


    > Nobody forces you to touch HOT content just because it is unlocked.


    Read this is about those who dont want mastery pop ups and expansion content just pure core game content only

  5. > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

    > If player mentality changed Anet has to adapt to that, don't they? We can say all day how better it was when people were doing dungeons as the one endgame content and most players actually cared about challenge but doesn't matter if most players that are _here now_ disagree with it.


    People dont want too play for challenge anymore they want free easy stuff with no challenge (sadly how will anyone ever improve ore learn if you dont have too)

  6. > @"Krumnoltzwitsky.8971" said:

    > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > > @"Krumnoltzwitsky.8971" said:

    > > > To everyone dissing me saying that I'm not taking personal responsibility for my actions, you're wrong. I chose to start down the path of buying the BL chest keys, and for a while I kept choosing to do that again and again even though by then I knew that it was gambling, because I had a problem with it that at the time I didn't have the self-control to stop. It's personally taken me uninstalling the game to stop myself from doing that, and as far as I'm aware, stopping myself doing that is supposed to be a good thing, even if it takes such a drastic action as uninstalling the game. The main reason that I posted this thread is because as I commented above, this is the first MMO I've ever played, so I literally had no idea what to expect in terms of gameplay and content etc. I didn't expect there would be certain things in the game like the loot boxes, and I wanted to know if others had had similar issues with this or if this was just an isolated case.

    > > >

    > > > To those saying that Anet has to get revenue somehow, you're right. Every company that develops games has to make revenue somehow. I agree. Whether or not their choices for how to get said revenue are ethical or not is another question.

    > >

    > > Its not your fault you are the victim here its all anets fault for using your addiction


    > Do you mean that Anet is engaging in predatory behaviour by introducing loot boxes?


    Yes for this issue shouldnt been allowed to exist in first place they can talk about choice but its still an use of customers by using it so

  7. > @"Krumnoltzwitsky.8971" said:

    > To everyone dissing me saying that I'm not taking personal responsibility for my actions, you're wrong. I chose to start down the path of buying the BL chest keys, and for a while I kept choosing to do that again and again even though by then I knew that it was gambling, because I had a problem with it that at the time I didn't have the self-control to stop. It's personally taken me uninstalling the game to stop myself from doing that, and as far as I'm aware, stopping myself doing that is supposed to be a good thing, even if it takes such a drastic action as uninstalling the game. The main reason that I posted this thread is because as I commented above, this is the first MMO I've ever played, so I literally had no idea what to expect in terms of gameplay and content etc. I didn't expect there would be certain things in the game like the loot boxes, and I wanted to know if others had had similar issues with this or if this was just an isolated case.


    > To those saying that Anet has to get revenue somehow, you're right. Every company that develops games has to make revenue somehow. I agree. Whether or not their choices for how to get said revenue are ethical or not is another question.


    Its not your fault you are the victim here its all anets fault for using your addiction

  8. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > Yes, it is part self-control (which OP has admitted to and accepted the responsibility). BUT if the items weren't there in the first place there wouldn't have been an issue. It's not "all the blame resides with this party", it's actually "well yeah, both sides are to blame". The game industry has been preying on it's customers for a long time, and while there is personal responsibility to not gamble, there has been next to no backlash from communities for the gambling boxes - until BF2 and the mount skin controversy.


    > For the record I have bought maybe a handful of keys max from the gemstore with actual cash - I did not get addicted, and I stopped. I have not bought a single mount box and I 1,000% absolutely **REFUSE** to give Anet any more money. Any company that preys on their own customers deserves to bankrupt. Especially EA.


    > I've been playing since release and haven't ever been addicted to the BLCs, but I can completely see how it would be addicting. My views were that if something was locked in the BLC then I wouldn't get it, and I've been fine with that. But to those who think that "it's only cosmetic" seriously, get your head out of your kitten. If it was "only cosmetic" then why do we have the need for character customisation? Why do NPCs look different? Why does the game even have textures or colours? "It's only cosmetic" is the lamest kitten excuse I have ever seen. Try running around with ONLY the starter skins. No effects, no auras, no backpack, no weapon transmutes. You may not realise it, but by saying "it's only cosmetic" you are devaluing the artists of the game you vehemently defend, and you are 100% supporting gambling being advertised in a game rated for kids. Endgame in this game IS cosmetics. If you seriously think that it's "only cosmetic" then you should play nothing but pong.


    > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > My Friend made a Youtube Video about the loot boxes in Guild Wars 2 and I did not know he was at the point of it being financially hurting him. He won't admit it, but he is a Gambling addict and his video actually put a different perspective on it for me.

    > > He always said, " he felt it was his duty to pay for the free content that they give us". He finally came to the realization that Anet genuinely does not care, and they will continue to play into peoples demons. He now is fighting with either uninstalling the game, because he knows he will drop too much money. But he also does not want to uninstall because he has been playing Guild Wars for so long. This came about when he bought two Mount Licenses and got the skins that are LITERALLY the same as Vanilla but has more dye channels. The Gems store should not be endgame.

    > > The sad thing is, no one will care because it is not you. Unless it is people you care about or yourself, nothing will change. It is a kitten very kitten tactic companies use, and I hope for the day it becomes illegal.


    > There is no reason to keep playing something you know will cause you to lapse into an addiction purely because you've already played it a lot. If he can't control himself I would encourage him - as his friend - to uninstall. There is absolutely no pressure on any customer to keep paying for content for other customers. There is 100% pressure on the devs to make items worth buying to support the game. If the devs don't come out with things that are worth sinking money into then they won't make a profit. That's on them.


    > Belgium, USA and Australia are all looking into it being gambling. I know Hawaii issued a statement saying they were going to look into creating laws and regulations for it, so there is hope.


    Its not addicts fault its companies fault for putting content wich can be abused this way

  9. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > I hope Anet stops listening to loud minority and start thinking about playerbase as a whole. We are the core of the game, not raiders. They were complaining for 3 years, ot raids, good enough. Now they are trying to take over fractals because raids are not enough - as was to be expected. Fractals are not supposed to be 5-man raids and I hope fractal team stops competing with raid team and focuses on providing fun yet not annoying fractals and never repeats the mistake of shattered observatory :)


    > Anet, you will never satisfy raiders. This week they are praising new fractal and new raid. In a month they will go back to daily complaints of "not hard enough" content, develop cheezy tactics and continue with selling progression through your content. Please don't break fractals anymore, people who you try to please will never be grateful :)


    I guess you want it easier t4 shouldnt be harder than t1 that would make majority still say too hard

  10. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:





    > > @Alehin.3746 said:


    > > Every game mode have some legendary stuff, and raids have nothing but legendary armor +ring now, while OWPvE have weapons + aurora, sPvP have armor+wing, WvW have armor + wing. Idk, raids getting the ring seems pretty acceptable to me.


    > Note: Nobody cares about the skins. Stat swap is whats important.


    > Options.

    > Backpack : PvE / WvW / PvP

    > Armor : PvE(Raid) / WvW / PvP

    > Weapons : Open for everyone (Just Money)

    > Trinket: Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do)

    > Ring : Raid


    > How it should be:

    > Backpack : PvE / WvW / PvP

    > Armor : PvE(Raid) / WvW / PvP

    > Weapons : Open for everyone (Just Money)

    > Trinket (a): Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do) Lw3

    > Trinket (b):Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do) Lw4

    > Ring (a) : Raid locked only Raider can get it

    > Ring (b) : WvW Locked only WvW Player can get it

    > Amulett: PvP Locked only Pvp Player can get it


    > Only Fair this way. If you want the FULL set you have to player ALL gamemodes.






    I think majority want raid part away add new stuff as loot ore something

    I like raids but if rewards was in open world so woulds be rather pointless

  11. My real issue with rev isnt lack of skills its the traits i find kinda wierd half of them can be used very rarely and low damage it does and the fact its lack of sustain ( i mean proper sustains centuar stance isnt that strong to be really sustainable)

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