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Posts posted by sitarskee.5738

  1. I am torn between whether you're right or I just got worse. I started playing PvP about 2 years ago and got my gold2 after first 10 matches. After around 10 games I was 7 points from plat1 and then the season ended - I still didn't know how seasons worked, I was just learning. The next season I played I also ended up in gold 3 the whole season, reaching plat1 two or three times for a shorter period. The next two seasons was same story, I would always end up in high gold3 and games felt really nice, it was almost never completely one-sided match and I had loads of fun. Then I took a break from PvP and partly from GW2 for few months. I later came back, played around 50 unranked games to get my groove back, I watched some pvp streamers to get a better hang of what changed etc. I decided to play out the first 10 games to see where it lands me and I expected low gold1 or high silver3 atleast. I got placed in high silver1 after winning 6 out of 10 games. It then took me around 80 games to reach 1200 rating and it was a horrible experience, my teams would either win hard or lose hard. It felt like I was getting people who just play pvp for dailies in my team and actual pvpers in enemy team. There were too many games where I won games 4v5 and then have no chance of reaching even 100 points in a game playing 5v5. So I reached low gold1 and then I stayed there balancing between s3 and g1. Games don't feel fun anymore like they used to when I first started playing pvp. And it's hard for me to tell if it's my fault - I got worse - or something is actually going on there. It's probably a l2p issue but since you bring this topic up, I thought I would share my story.

  2. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > Reapers are hella annoying when you're not careful and get chilled. Not overpowered though, at least in my opinion. They are rather easy to kill because most people don't master it, they just play it because it's kinda easy.


    > so your argument for reaper not being OP is that its so easy to play that nobody learns to play it properly and thus make mistakes that can be punishes ?


    No, my argument for reaper not being OP is that it's just not OP because it's not hard to kill and read his actions.

  3. Reapers are hella annoying when you're not careful and get chilled. Not overpowered though, at least in my opinion. They are rather easy to kill because most people don't master it, they just play it because it's kinda easy.

  4. > @"Koensol.5860" said:

    > Tbh, it's better to have a reaper with high dmg against you, than having a tempest every kitten game, carrying the opposing team. That class is so frustrating to play against.


    I agree with this dude. Reapers you can easily kill. Good tempest is too hard to kill.

  5. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > If I were a commander, I'd rather lead an organized group with useful classes than a bunch of people who have no idea what they're doing.


    > I just bought a tag. I'd be happy to lead the lemmings since I myself haven't got a clue what to do.


    I mean, yeah because you want to do it for fun. Commanders take this stuff seriously though and mainly play with a goal of actually having proper fights etc. Atleast in my opinion. I saw new commanders quite a few times and more experienced players didn't have mercy on them.

  6. > @"Mack.3045" said:

    > > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > Unfortunately, there was no game-changing shift in performance for me. Only got lots of bugged textures that would load 10x slower than normally.


    > Please read the guide on how to use pso cache..............


    Ok, man........................ Last time I tried in about a year ago on a worse setup. I will give it another shot this week.

  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > Just salvage it if you don't need it?


    > I wouldn't salvage it, because I don't think it's possible to get another one. If I didn't want whatever stat combination I selected (Viper's I think) it would go into my bank, either with the spare ascended items or with the stuff I'm keeping for literally no reason but nostalgia. Or maybe one of my characters would carry it around, along with the Heroes Band which they all still have in their inventories.


    > I don't have a problem with this item not allowing you to change the stats once you've selected them because I know I can just use another ascended amulet instead, but situations like this do remind me that I'd really like a wardrobe for trinkets to save the icons for ones we've unlocked and let us swap them around. I know it would be trivial since it is only the icon (and description) which would change but I'd still like to do it.


    Well, yeah. If you like collecting such stuff then I understand. But I strongly disagree with this amulet having swapable stats.



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