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Posts posted by Kichwas.7152

  1. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > You don't need access to Commander or other HoT recipes. As long as you have HoT, you can stat select it off of ascended boxes/gear pieces.


    > Also there's a budget chrono build (prices and items may vary due to time and changes): [that you can run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOeRhzoSKsk).


    Waiting on drops seems like I might manage to get the gear just in time for the next expansion though. Outside of crafting getting lucky to actually see exotic gear drop could be a matter of years.


    I've never seen an ascended box. Will have to look into where those come from.


    I'm looking at maybe grinding WvW to get the ability to craft commander.


    Checking your build out as well.


  2. With my limited budget, and that I have no access to Commander, Sinister, or any other recipes that require completing HoT... I've put this together as a starter build:


    Chronomancer: (boosted toon, thus one piece of soldier's gear in there) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhUQRAse8dncfClfi9fCGoBUrhFcj6cGehbruVv1ctMASgfB-jhDBABusBQK6HUwMQSK9OSZQAPtABXfQClgAcCF2RdlHMBxjKFqohhBTPAA-e

    - My aim here is decent damage and some built in mitigation because I can't "dodge the entire universe" like some folks seem to think they can. So far I've only tested this build in 'Tangled Depths', "Auric Basin", "Edge of the Mists", and 3 dungeons (Ascalaon P1, and CoF p1/2).


    Mirage: I'm still working on this one even though it's my original Mesmer. I've only unlocked the first 3 things. All her gear is berserker with mesmer rune armor (but knights chest and legs), the axe you get for free, and rampager accessories. This is a character I made on early access day in 2013, played for a while here and there, but never focused on...



  3. _I just used one of the 80-boosts they gave us to make a second Mesmer..._


    _It's been a few years since I was really active in this game (I last played right before raids came out, and I came back about 1 hour before PoF launched)._


    _So... I'm a tad lost... and I noticed the new mesmer got a full set of... yeah... soldier's gear. Pow, Vit, Tough... because reasons I guess._


    **So I need BOTH advice on builds and gear.**


    _I'm reading condition damage is THE THING now (back when I last played, if you weren't wearing 20 pieces of Berserker gear across all 19 slots... you'd get kicked out of everything... so I mostly solo'd because I never liked that meta... :) )... but that this is mostly the thing in fractals and raids._


    **For Chrono and Mirage what's the "ok enough to be decent even if it's not meta" for doing open world, some dungeons, and some low end fractals?**



  4. I'm now thinking mesmer and ranger for the two boosts.


    The Chronomancer AND the Mirage both sound fun - so I can split two mesmers that way.


    My ranger was all kitted out for Druid, in Ascended gear - so that's account bound. So either ranger can keep that, and the other can go DPS maybe with the new spec there which I've been enjoying soloing on a full set of 'healing bonus' gear (ie: on the wrong gear...). Looks like my old gear before HoT is still sitting on my inventory, but is not so ideal either. So I have excuses to re-tool the rangers.


    I used one bonus last night for a mesmer... I'm going to make the ranger a Charr, and the only meidum armor for a charr with no butt flap is either the cultural gear or from doing a reward line in WvWvW... so I'm going to make that character AFTER I do the trait line so I don't have to stare at any butt-flaps...


    (This now means I oddly have 1 of my favorite race, charr, out of 10 toons... and just made a second of the race I claim to dislike... sylvarri... but at least I got a sylvarri that I like the look of).


    Got to save up 800 gems to get another character slot first too... that or buy the 'upgrade kit' that includes it for even more gems...


  5. > @hourglass.2486 said:

    > The devs were original going to have orcs in the game but decided that orcs were already over done in other games. So then they start come up with other options for that race and end up with a cute cat race but wanted something way more scary so that went back to the drawing board and came up with the Charr.


    I doubt that is true.


    This game started with Guild Wars 1, not Guild Wars 2. If you look at how the Charr were depicted back then - it does not look like their inspiration had much to do with D&D or Lord of the Rings.


  6. > @Khisanth.2948 said:

    > Still here but now that the rice is cooked and the poor horse has been beaten into a paste what is the point of saying repeating? The controls are still sluggish and clumsy. They went ahead and made large empty maps while reducing the number of waypoints. ANet didn't care before why would they start caring about that now?


    Basically this.


    Mounts do have the advantage of totally breaking the HoT maps. The HoT maps actually prove the point that mounts break the way a game is supposed to work...


    Only in this case... is there anyone who actually thought the overcrowded HoT maps were done right? It's almost a blessing that they're broken now.


    But then we hit PoF and these wide open spaced out maps full of dead zones - show us what you have to do in the opposite extreme to make mounts fit in.


    That reminds me of WoW's Cataclysm expansion - largely seen as the worst expansion they ever did - they decided that since they'd broken their game with flying mounts, they'd design maps for it... but the result was... clunky...


  7. > @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    > It does need to happen, and it needs to be on par with normal builds. Its not racism, its allowing these fantasy races to live up to their lore and having more than one of each class worth it. Because at this point it really is not.


    The biggest problem with modern fantasy is that it is so shaped by Gary Gaygax's legacy of making everything into a race-war. He made a game where almost all the dark skinned races were evil, un-intelligent, and strong, and almost all the light skinned ones were good, smart, and magical... and then even added a race of elves (an exception to the 'brain power is in the skin tone rule of D&D') that were black because they sinned against their god - a story that actually comes from the rejected 'curse of Ham' tale used to justify slavery in the USA (it was created by a medieval monk to promote the slave trade centuries ago)...


    And Guild Wars is the fantasy game the rejects ALL of that... has none of that racialized thinking.


    And frankly that's a big part of why I love this game.


    Before D&D... fantasy was NOT about race wars... it was about imagining magical worlds. We've now had decades of this poison of turning fantasy into a mirror of the worst aspect of modern culture... and it's about time we had a big brand name game out there turning back to fantasy's roots in imaging magical worlds.


    **So I don't ever want to see them promote statistical differences in characters based on 'immutable factors' like race.** Promoting that idea that some races can do some things and others can't - that is the core of racialized thinking, which is the first building block of training people to be racist.

  8. I forced myself to make one of every race. Even a Sylvarri - which I don't like - just to be sure I got the full 'experience' out of the game.


    I don't know where the poster above me gets this notion of orcs...

    They almost added elves though... the original concept art for the Sylvarri was an elf in a flower dressed posed in a hentai pose... (this is why I don't like Sylvarri... I have never gotten past that they were meant to be elves... and I hate elves in fantasy).


    As for Charr... they were the heroes of Guild Wars 1. We played the villains back then. But most people didn't know this - it was an obscure footnote in the lore written in the booklet that came with the CD. Guild Wars 2 finished telling us why they were the heroes.


    I love the Charr. But I've only got one of them - haven't liked how the outfits look on them so much. But my Charr Warrior looks perfect.


  9. > @Hitman.5829 said:

    > There is no reason to introduce orchalcum nodes in the new maps, the market was fine at $2 silver per ore. The price was fair and it was an indication that supply and demand were balanced, but now there is more supply than demand and the price sinked too low.


    They want people playing on the new maps. There is no justification for feeling entitled to keep exclusivity over your crafting mats.


    The problem isn't with the orchalcumand other level 80 mats... the problem is that the game still has too many of the lower level mats. Been plying ESO lately and I liked how ever there, the nodes I tap drop mats of my level, not some zone level... so as the entire playerbase levels up, the lowbie mats start to clear out.

    - that's better design. Cater to what people need to use... not self-entitled speculators.


  10. I've been here since beta, so I've had way more than enough time to level and get a good deal of play out of every class...


    And now I'm sitting on 2 level 80 boosts from path of fire and... not sure where the other one came from, but I think a lot of people have 2 of them like me...


    I've already leveled everything, and I've got at least 1 of ever race...

    Charr warrior

    Sylvarri Engineer

    Asura Necromancer

    Asura Revenant

    Norn Thief

    Norn Mesmer

    Human Guardian

    Human Ranger

    Human Elementalist


    So I guess... what two classes have specs / weapon swaps that are so radically different from other choices yet also still pretty strong in play?


    Or... what 'wardrobe' looks really good that I can't yet put together (like... I have no Char in medium or light for example)?


    Either way... I want to get rid of these boosts... I wish they weren't account bound. I want to find some combo that is interesting and not yet 'done' for me... So I'll be repeating some classes... and then changing both characters on that class to be as different from each other as possible...


    Any suggestions?


    What have other people with a full cast of characters done with their boosts?




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