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stone cold.8609

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Posts posted by stone cold.8609

  1. > @Anapxist.5314 said:

    > Guys, i know how to fix it :) its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.

    > BTW, devs please make Launcher small again, or make it optional, i had 125% window settings but new launcher toke 70% of my screen.


    I just tried this and it solved my resetting DPI issue. Many thanks Anapxist!



  2. > @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

    > When the app is DPI unaware, such as the 32-bit app, Windows 8+ attempts to be clever by scaling the window, blurring it. You can tell Windows to stop that behavior in the properties of the app. (i.e. right-clicking the exe, Properties)

    > Some more details can be found [here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2900023/some-desktop-applications-may-appear-blurred-on-high-dpi-displays).


    I tried this and it didn't work.

  3. > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

    > > @Faction.4013 said:

    > > I'm DEFINITELY in the minority here, but I don't really see an issue with Spellbreaker in PvE. I regularly crit for over 2200 on my first 2 Dagger AAs, over 3200 on the last, and have hit as high as 13k on Wastrels Ruin. Once I get Magebane Tether running my sustain goes through the roof (Might makes Right + Healing Signet), and the might just stacks up, I'm usually at 25 stacks within 5 - 7 seconds. I've even ran T4 Fractals and was hilariously "tanky" and supportive with EA, PS, and whatnot, coming nowhere close to dying unless there was a wipe - which I was ALWAYS the last to croak. I can imagine there's an issue working a proper benchmark for "meta" purposes because you're dependent on Full Counter, and you can't proc it on Golems. But I seriously have no major problem with it. The AA damage is SLIGHTLY small, but they're daggers...so I can live with it.

    > >

    > > I don't know what to tell y'all, as I'm probably enjoying the Spellbreaker more than any class I've played in PvE since launch. And I actually bought this expansion with the full-blown intention of going for the Firebrand (Guardian main for 4 years - Thief & Warrior alts), but I was definitely not about to farm out more ascended condition gear, so I had to figure out which class I could rock my ascended Berzerkers gear in. I chose the Spellbreaker on a whim and haven't even logged into any other class since.


    > I agree with most of what you said, except for daggers doing the least damage for being daggers... Had this been reality, sure it checks out, but it makes no sense from a gameplay perspective.


    > Daggers can only tag 2 targets at a time, and as such lack cleave for group encounters, that's already a big limitation. Thief Daggers are under the same limitation, but unlike Warriors, their Dagger is amongst the higher sources of DPS available, precisely because it's lacking cleave.


    > Although, I guess you could argue that because of Warriors ludicrous sustain this is fine, they will be alive forever to finish the fight while thieves won't...


    Agreed! Just up the dagger damage a bit and it would be perfect for PvE IMO. By the way, just finished the Departed story step on the Spellbreaker and Full Counter worked very well on the Eater of Souls.


  4. As a PvE only player I can't comment on whether or not full counter is OP in WvW or PvP. It is ok in PvE and is not too strong there at all.


    For what it's worth, I remember when the forum considered stun +100 blades OP when the game first came out and it didn't take long for players to figure out how to cope with it. This will be the same. Hopefully, every spec has something that they are strong at. Otherwise, what's the point of having them in the game?

  5. The underlying problem with Spellbreaker is that the separate game modes are not balanced separately. Until that is changed, I'm not certain that the PvE Spellbreaker will ever get proper balance since it is so strong in the other game modes right now. With that being said, the main problem I find with Spellbreaker in PvE is that the dagger damage is subpar and is majorly holding the spec back. Substantially upping the dagger damage for PvE by at least 30% (or maybe more) would be all that is needed to make the spec shine. It needs have as much damage as the most powerful warrior power weapon. There is great synergy with power DD/GS, if the damage output didn't go way down when switching to the daggers. I like the rest of the traits as they are and gives the spec a nice flavor and style.


  6. I don't see a problem with how things are now. When buying or selling, you set your own price. There is nothing wrong IMO of someone deciding to undercut or overbid your price by 1 copper, just like there is nothing wrong with you doing that to someone as well. If you want something in a hurry, pay the buy it now price. If you want to sell in a hurry, take the current highest offer. If you want to try to get the best price, then you are going to have to wait and monitor your bids with the understanding that for popular items there are likely many people doing the same thing. Which means, there will be a lot of 1 copper bidding back and forth until the price settles out. In this situation, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but it is entirely your choice to go this route. I honestly don't see any trolling here, just people using the market as intended. Instituting a mandatory bid amount wouldn't change this behavior at all and I am not in favor of it.

  7. To put this discussion in perspective, I'm a PvE only player and from experience I can tell you that the Spellbreaker is not OP there. It's actually weak compared to other available warrior and non-warrior builds and dagger damage needs a buff to be competitive. I fear that this will be a situation where once again a weakish PvE spec will be severely nerfed in the name of WvW/PvP balance.

  8. (PvE comments only). I started POF using the meta condi Firebrand (very similar to the one on the Quantify website) build with good results. However, the axe seemed a bit clunky for some reason, the condi ramp up time seemed slower than my condi warrior which can be problematic with a low HP build, and it wasn't very mobile. Because of this , I am currently trying a power Firebrand with GS using zeal, radiance, and FB with high retaliation and quickness uptime. It looks promising so far. I will post details after I get more game time with it.

  9. Yes, how again does this make the Spellbreaker OP in PvE when a number of classes/builds can do this and this video was made by a very highly skilled player (check out their the solo high level fractal videos on a number of different classes)? A valid comparison would be to have the same player solo the event on a number of builds to see how long it would take for each one, so then we could truly see which one is "OP." Also none of this changes my experience that in PvE, the Spellbreaker daggers are underpowered and need a damage buff.

  10. Thanks again Cave Rock! I appreciate you starting this thread and continuing to advance the discussion. I totally agree with you about the Spellbreaker being undertuned in PvE because of how powerful it is in PvP/WvW. Unless ANet splits PvE balance from PvP, I'm not sure I foresee Spellbreaker ever receiving PvE focused buffs. I want to say again that I really do like the Spellbreaker concept and hope it evolves into a spec that shines in PvE compared to the other strong Warrior builds available. It's already got almost all of the tools - great survivability (sun and moon style, might makes right, healing sig, and if that isn't enough adrenal health) , great support (banners, boon destruction, might stacking with dagger and greatsword), very good mobility (with DD/GS), an interesting and engaging playstyle, and good looking graphics/animations. It's really just the dagger damage that is holding it back, IMO. I actually do think it is our strongest power build at the moment, but condi builds are just so powerful in the game right now it's hard for power builds to compete.

  11. (PvE comments only) I just wanted to follow up on some of my previous build posts. I played power Spellbreaker for the 2 weeks since the patch dropped and found a couple of builds that worked very well for me (see previous posts above) and was a lot of fun. I was curious, so I just pulled out my old condi Beserker spec and ran it around the new maps to see how it would do. It just flat outperformed anything I could do with the power Spellbreaker. It was so noticeable that I've gone back to the condi Zerker spec. The real issue with Spellbreaker in PvE is that the daggers just don't bring enough damage. I think they would have to be buffed by at least 25% to get them in the ballpark with the condi spec. It is too bad, because I really think the Spellbreaker has a lot of potential. I will be watching the balance patches to see how things shake out.

  12. I disagree with the OP as well. I want to experience the new content using the full new elites and learn how to play the new spec as I am going through the new content. I had more than enough HPs saved up to fully unlock the entire spec which is what I did as soon as POF launched. I spent some time on the golem getting a feel for them and went right into the expansion to see what they could do. I think ANet got it very right this time. I very much did not like how it was done with HOT where I had to spend time on the new maps grinding to unlock traits before I could even see how the spec would perform. Getting your new expansion spec unlocked should not be a grind or long term goal.

  13. Thanks for putting the build into the editor. You captured the spirit of the LB build. It's funny you added the second build with the GS. I was also thinking of mentioning it with my previous post. I tried this as well and it also worked well. You gain mobility and burst, but give up the AOE damage and fire fields compared to the LB build. One change - in strength, I would take forceful greatsword over great fortitude here.

  14. Unfortunately, count me as one that is disappointed as well (comments for PvE only). I really liked it when I first started playing it, and found the visuals and the theme were outstanding. I leveled up an Engi just to play it. But now that I've got more time on I'm finding some things that it is lacking. Not nearly enough damage in the photon forge skills to justify the self damaging mechanic tied to it. Not nearly enough damage with the sword AA and many of the holo utility skills. Not nearly enough sustain. No synergy with forge and any other weapon than sword. No synergy with forge and the other non-holo utilities/elite skills.

  15. Initially, I didn't like spellbreaker at all for PvE only. I finally found a build that I really like and is working well for me: the power daggerbow. All zerk stats. DD/Longbow. Strength 1-3-2, Discipline 2-3-3, Spellbreaker 1-3-3. Healing signet, Signet of Rage, other utilities to taste. This build gets fast hands, great might stacking, some AOE damage, a fire field combo with LB burst, great sustain, and a ranged option all in one. I still think daggers are still a bit underpowered and could use a damage buff, but otherwise I like this build better than any warrior build I've use previously. It is rapidly becoming my favorite POF build.






  16. I can't help you with Ranger or Necro since I don't play them. I would suggest that if you haven't tried the new Guardian elite Firebrand, to give it a try. It adds some complexity and a new twist on the Guardian play style, has pretty good survivability and currently does great DPS.


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